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利用自动气象观测站降水资料、常规地面与高空观测资料及卫星云图资料,对2012—2017年6—10月金沙江乌东德水电站坝区18次暴雨个例的大尺度环流背景及卫星云图演变特征进行统计分析,结果表明,切变冷锋型、两高辐合型、西南涡型、孟加拉湾风暴型、切变线型和高空槽型是金沙江乌东德水电站坝区的六类暴雨概念模型。总结归纳出对应的六类典型云型:切变线云带前界处的对流云团8次(占44.4%)、两高辐合云区内部的对流云团4次(占22.2%)、西南涡西南或东南象限的对流云团2次(占11.1%)、孟加拉湾风暴涡旋云系中分离出来的对流云团或对流云系2次(占11.1%)、切变线云带内部的对流云团1次(占5.6%)、高空槽前盾状卷云区南端的对流云系1次(占5.6%)。  相似文献   
6月广东持续性暴雨过程概念模型的建立   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用1979—2011年广东省86个测站地面观测逐日降水资料及NCEP-DOE 第二套分析资料,通过合成分析和过程回报检验等步骤,从中高纬度环流型、区域动力上升条件和水汽输送条件三方面,确定广东6月持续性暴雨信号并进行量化表征,建立了广东持续性暴雨发生的概念模型。从30次历史持续性暴雨过程检验表明,有28次过程符合概念模型。通过2012年6月21—24日持续性暴雨过程检验表明,概念模型有一定实际应用价值。根据概念模型结合模式预报产品,将可进行中期和延伸期预报。另外,中高纬度环流型有一定持续性,通常提前1~4天出现异常信号,这对短期天气预报也有参考价值。   相似文献   
陶玉飞  束龙仓 《水文》2006,26(4):51-54
本文结合宿市区域水文地质条件的实际状况,利用GMS对宿迁市区域含水层系统结构进行了体视化表达,使建立的区域水文地质概念模型更加直观,在概念模型的基础上建立了相应的数学模型,并利用Visual MODFLOW对宿迁市不同开采条件下的地下水位变化进行了预测。结果表明:2009年末将出现两个较大的水位降落漏斗区。根据模型预测结果,提出了该区地下水合理开采的建议。  相似文献   
 This paper presents a site-specific conceptual model of groundwater flow in fractured damage zones associated with faulting in a package of sedimentary rocks. The model is based on the results of field and laboratory investigations. Groundwater and methane gas inflows from fault-fracture systems in the West Elk coal mine, Colorado, USA, have occurred with increasing severity. Inflows of 6, 160 and 500 L s−1 discharged almost instantaneously from three separate faults encountered in mine workings about 460 m below ground level. The faults are about 600 m apart. The δ 2H and δ 18O compositions of the fault-related inflow waters and the hydrodynamic responses of each fault inflow indicate that the groundwaters discharge from hydraulically isolated systems. 14C data indicate that the groundwaters are as much as 10,500 years old. Discharge temperatures are geothermal (≈30°C), which could indicate upwelling from depth. However, calculations of geothermal gradients, analysis of solute compositions of groundwater in potential host reservoirs, geothermometer calculations, and results of packer testing indicate that the fractured groundwater reservoir is the Rollins Sandstone (120 m thick) directly beneath the coal seams. The packer test also demonstrates that the methane gas is contained in the coal seams. A geothermal gradient of 70–80°C km−1, related to an underlying intrusion, is probably responsible for the slightly elevated discharge temperatures. Large discharge volumes, as great as 8.2×105 m3 from the 14 South East Headgate fault (14 SEHG), rapid declines in discharge rates, and vertical and horizontal permeability (matrix permeability generally <0.006 Darcy) indicate fracture flow. An in-mine pumping test demonstrates that the 14 SEHG fault has excellent hydraulic communication with fractures 50 m from the fault. Aeromagnetic data indicate that the faults are tectonically related to an igneous body that is several thousand meters below the coal seams. Exploratory drilling has confirmed a fourth fault, and two additional faults are projected, based on the aeromagnetic data. The conceptual model describes a series of parallel, hydraulically separate groundwater systems associated with fault-specific damage zones. The faults are about 600 m apart. Groundwater stored in fractured sandstone is confined above and below by clayey layers. Received March 1999 / Revised, November 1999 / Accepted, December 1999  相似文献   
张团峰 《地学前缘》2008,15(1):26-35
基于三维空间中稀疏的观测数据,地质学家和储层建模人员尝试预测井间的地质沉积相的空间非均质性时,地质概念模型和先验认识在其中扮演着重要的角色。这种整合先验模型或解释的过程有时是隐蔽或不易察觉的,正如在手工绘等值线图中的情形;它也能够被显式地运用到某种算法当中,比如数字绘图中的算法。新近兴起的多点地质统计学为地质学家和储层建模人员提供了一种有力工具,它强调使用训练图像把先验模型明确而定量地引入到储层建模当中。先验地质模型包含了被研究的真实储层中确信存在的样式,而训练图像则是该模型的定量化表达。通过再现高阶统计量,多点算法能够从训练图像中捕捉复杂的(非线性)特征样式并把它们锚定到观测的井位数据。文中描述了多点地质统计学原理,以突出训练图像概念重要性为主线,描述了多点地质统计学在建立三维储层模型中的应用。  相似文献   
裂隙岩体溶质运移模型综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了裂隙岩体系统中溶质运移的概念模型和数学模型。分析了目前各种裂隙岩体系统中溶质运移的数学模型的适用性和优缺点,为选取合理的数学模型求解具体的问题提供了参考依据。最后提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
Deccan basalts of west-central India are hydrogeologically inhomogeneous rocks. A proper understanding of the physical framework of the basalts within which groundwater resides and moves is a key to the hydrogeology of these rocks. Two types of basalt, the vesicular amygdaloidal basalt and the compact basalt, occur as alternate layers in the volcanic pile. Although the rocks are generally inhomogeneous, structures in the basalt, such as sheet joints and vertical joints, serve as zones of groundwater flow. In the shallow subsurface, two groundwater systems are operative. Groundwater system A consists of a vesicular amygdaloidal basalt underlain by a compact basalt, whereas groundwater system B consists of a vesicular amygdaloidal basalt overlain by a compact basalt. Groundwater system A has a better developed network of openings and, as a consequence, this system has a higher transmissivity and storage coefficient than groundwater system B. Wells tapping groundwater system A have higher yields on average and irrigate more hectares of cropland than do wells tapping groundwater system B. This simple systems concept offers a practical methodology for understanding the geometry of the physical framework that contains groundwater in the Deccan basalts. The efficacy of the concept is in its widespread utility for the region. The concept may also be extrapolated to help understand the hydrogeology of deeper Deccan basalt groundwater systems.  相似文献   
运用最优化理论,在认真分析研究南定矿区水文地质资料的基础上,建立了多层层系统水文地质概念模型和相应的\  相似文献   
腾冲热海地热田的概念模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南省腾冲县热海地热田是中国大陆上最大的一个地热田,根据1973年以来所获得的地质,地球化学和地球物理资料,有可能建立热海地热田的概念模型,热海地热田的盖岩层为厚约300m的中新统,热储层为前寒武系高黎贡山群内的低速层,埋深约1500m,热储流体为NaCl型饱和水,温度为230~275℃热田的热源为地下6~7km深的一个岩浆囊,它侵位于花岗岩之中,厚约20km,其顶部的温度约为667℃。  相似文献   
吉林一次降水层状云的结构和物理过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用机载粒子测量系统的探测结果,配合雷达及地面降水资料,结合一维层状云模式,通过对吉林2004年7月1日的一例降水性层状云系的宏微观物理结构和降水机制的定量化分析,对顾震潮三层模型有了进一步的认识.观测资料表明,该降水过程为典型的层状云降水,地面降水存在不均匀性,云系结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型,其中第1层为尺度很小的冰...  相似文献   
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