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再生混凝土框架抗震性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2榀再生骨料掺量分别为25%、50%的再生混凝土框架和1榀普通对比混凝土框架的低周反复加载试验,研究了再生混凝土框架的受力全过程、开裂荷载和极限承载力、破坏形态,分析了再生混凝土框架的滞回曲线、骨架曲线、变形性能、耗能能力等抗震性能,并和普通混凝土框架进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,随着再生骨料掺量的增加,再生混凝土框架的极限承载力、变形能力、耗能能力等抗震性能没有明显降低,再生混凝土框架具有较好的抗震性能,再生混凝土框架应用于实际工程是可行的。文中研究成果可为再生混凝土框架结构的工程应用提供依据。  相似文献   
A field test and analysis method has been developed to estimate the vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity in shallow unconsolidated aquifers. The field method uses fluid injection ports and pressure transducers in a hollow auger that measure the hydraulic head outside the auger at several distances from the injection point. A constant injection rate is maintained for a duration time sufficient for the system to become steady state. Exploiting the analogy between electrical resistivity in geophysics and hydraulic flow two methods are used to estimate conductivity with depth: a half-space model based on spherical flow from a point injection at each measurement site, and a one-dimensional inversion of an entire dataset.

The injection methodology, conducted in three separate drilling operations, was investigated for repeatability, reproducibility, linearity, and for different injection sources. Repeatability tests, conducted at 10 levels, demonstrated standard deviations of generally less than 10%. Reproducibility tests conducted in three, closely spaced drilling operations generally showed a standard deviation of less than 20%, which is probably due to lateral variations in hydraulic conductivity. Linearity tests, made to determine dependency on flow rates, showed no indication of a flow rate bias. In order to obtain estimates of the hydraulic conductivity by an independent means, a series of measurements were made by injecting water through screens installed at two separate depths in a monitoring pipe near the measurement site. These estimates differed from the corresponding estimates obtained by injection in the hollow auger by a factor of less than 3.5, which can be attributed to variations in geology and the inaccurate estimates of the distance between the measurement and the injection sites at depth.  相似文献   

在有限元分析中,由于求解区域或边界的不规则,有限单元的划分会产生畸变单元。本文通过数值试验分析了有限单元畸变对动力有限元计算精度的影响,结果表明:长宽比畸变对动力有限元计算精度没有影响;当斜交角不小于30°时,斜交角对动力有限元计算精度的影响可忽略;锥度对动力有限元计算精度有影响,锥度越大,锥度对动力有限元计算精度的影响越大。  相似文献   
给出了川- 20 地下水综合观测井井下仪器探头可能存在机械部分相互干扰的现场研究结果。所得结果对于正确区分各种手段今后的异常与干扰具有参考意义。  相似文献   
地电阻率各向异性参量计算方法是由钱复业,赵玉林等研究出来的方法。我们试用该方法编制相应的计算机程序,对蒙城地震台1978~2008年地电阻率的数据进行处理;并结合震例进行对比分析,发现对于震中距300km内的中强震,与地电阻率各向异性参数的趋势性变化存在密切的关系;地电阻率各向异性参量特征可以反映孕震区地下介质的孕震信息,对未来地震的预测将起到一定作用。  相似文献   
Earthquake-induced slope stability is evaluated by the force-equilibrium method in engineering practice. This method provides a safety factor against initiating failure or displacement according to the Newmark model along a fixed slip surface but it cannot evaluate failure deformations after failure occurs. An energy approach is proposed as an alternative means for evaluating slope failures and subsequent flow deformations. The driving energy for slope displacement is considered to be the earthquake energy and the gravitational potential energy. As a first step in the research, an energy balance is formulated for the model of a rigid block resting on an inclined plane. Then, an innovative model test is developed, in which the energy balance in a sliding slope is measured on a shake table. The earthquake energy used for the slope failure can be successfully quantified in the test and its contribution to displacement is discussed in the light of the energy balance established for the block model.  相似文献   
陈江  李朝政  李伟 《岩土工程技术》2011,25(3):109-112,132
基于三点击实法的基本原理,提出了压实度的评估方法。该方法考虑了击实试样初始含水率与碾压现场含水率的误差,得到不同误差组合下的真实压实度,并由此得到真实压实度的取值范围、真实压实度大于某个临界值或设计指标的概率及近似压实度相比于真实压实度偏大或偏小的概率。该方法可获得压实度更加详细的信息,有利于对施工质量作出准确判断。  相似文献   
延吉—珲春地区的圆砾层是该区域工程建设经常利用的土层.为了获取圆砾层可靠的地基承载力数据,探讨确定地基承载力适宜的测试手段和方法,以及检验以前地基承载力数据的可靠度,采用载荷试验和重型圆锥动力触探试验原位测试方法对圆砾层的地基承载力进行了测试研究,获取了十二组地基承载力特征值、变形模量和重型圆锥动力触探锤击数试验数据.通过对试验数据的统计分析,得到了圆砾层地基承载力特征值的范围,得出地基承载力特征值、变形模量与重型圆锥动力触探锤击数线性相关的结论.据此,提出了适合当地工程地质条件的根据重型圆锥动力触探锤击数计算圆砾层地基承载力特征值和变形模量的经验公式.为延吉—珲春地区岩土工程勘察工作能够准确可靠、便捷、经济地确定圆砾层地基承载力特征值和变形模量提供了依据和方法,并为吉林省其他地区圆砾层地基承载力的研究提供了参考.  相似文献   
张玉芳  袁坤 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):461-468
为探究高路堤、深路堑边坡锚固系统耐久性以及锚固效果,研制了一种内外双锚固段新型锚索,从其结构设计、结构特点及锚固机理入手,分析其受力模式与计算方法,并通过室内足尺模型试验分析双锚固段新型锚索锚固效果,试验结果表明,(1)外锚固段有效的起到了双重锚固作用;(2)双锚固段锚索系统能有效避免因锚索失效导致的预应力损失;(3)整个锚固系统能实现反向自锁功能,与传统的锚索比,安全可靠性更高,能有效避免因锚索破坏突发灾难性的安全事故,长期性价比高;(4)工程实例验证石炭系岩关组砂岩、泥岩及深灰色灰岩呈互层地层外固段长度不少于8 m,才能有效地避免外锚头失效自由段预应力不损失。试验结果对正确分析双锚固段新型锚索加固作用机制和工程设计应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
An iterative inverse method, the sequential self-calibration method, is developed for mapping spatial distribution of a hydraulic conductivity field by conditioning on nonreactive tracer breakthrough curves. A streamline-based, semi-analytical simulator is adopted to simulate solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer. The simulation is used as the forward modeling step. In this study, the hydraulic conductivity is assumed to be a deterministic or random variable. Within the framework of the streamline-based simulator, the efficient semi-analytical method is used to calculate sensitivity coefficients of the solute concentration with respect to the hydraulic conductivity variation. The calculated sensitivities account for spatial correlations between the solute concentration and parameters. The performance of the inverse method is assessed by two synthetic tracer tests conducted in an aquifer with a distinct spatial pattern of heterogeneity. The study results indicate that the developed iterative inverse method is able to identify and reproduce the large-scale heterogeneity pattern of the aquifer given appropriate observation wells in these synthetic cases.  相似文献   
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