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Mapping Everest     

From its inception in the middle of the 19th century, the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) took a keen interest in the exploration and mapping of the Everest region. This formed an integral part of the many Everest expeditions, some of which had individual surveyors or survey parties attached to them. Many mountaineers took part in this work, particularly those with a scientific background. But it was not until 1961 that a comprehensive map was produced of the Everest region.  相似文献   
On the spatial distribution of buildings for map generalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information on spatial distribution of buildings must be explored as part of the process of map generalization. A new approach is proposed in this article, which combines building classification and clustering to enable the detection of class differences within a pattern, as well as patterns within a class. To do this, an analysis of existing parameters describing building characteristics is performed via principal component analysis (PCA), and four major parameters (i.e. convex hull area, IPQ compactness, number of edges, and smallest minimum bounding rectangle orientation) are selected for further classification based on similarities between building characteristics. A building clustering method based on minimum spanning tree (MST) considering rivers and roads is then applied. Theory and experiments show that use of a relative neighbor graph (RNG) is more effective in detecting linear building patterns than either a nearest neighbor graph (NNG), an MST, or a Gabriel graph (GssG). Building classification and clustering are therefore conducted separately using experimental data extracted from OpenStreetMap (OSM), and linear patterns are then recognized within resultant clusters. Experimental results show that the approach proposed in this article is both reasonable and efficient for mining information on the spatial distribution of buildings for map generalization.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionTheincreaseinresearchintheChileanAntarcticTerritoryhasbecomemanifestoverthelasttenyearsinthesubstantialincreaseinthenumberofscientificstationsestablishedandmaintainedonReyJorgeIsland ,makingitneccesarytoregulatetheuseofthoseareasofintere…  相似文献   
李宏  金玉平  甄旭朝 《地理空间信息》2010,8(6):121-122,125
就海洋岛屿在地图上如何进行综合,尤其是岛屿岸线的概括和一直没有在地图上得到表示的潮差部分的地貌应如何表示,结合生产实践,给出了可以参考的方法。  相似文献   
Quantitative relations between spatial similarity degree and map scale change in multi-scale map spaces play important roles in map generalization and construction of spatial data infrastructure. Nevertheless, no achievements have been made regarding this issue. To fill the gap, this paper firstly proposes a model for calculating spatial similarity degrees between an individual linear object at one scale and its generalized counterpart at the other scale. Then psychological experiments are designed to validate the new model, taking four different individual linear objects at five different scales as test samples. The experiments have shown that spatial similarity degrees calculated by the new model can be accepted by a majority of the subjects. After this, it constructs a formula that can calculate spatial similarity degree using map scale change (and vice versa) for individual linear objects in multi-scale map spaces by the curve fitting method using the point data from the psychological experiments. Both the formula and the model can calculate quantitative relations between spatial similarity degree and map scale change of individual linear objects in multi-scale map spaces, which facilitates automation of map generalization algorithms for linear features.  相似文献   
地图是城市面貌最直观的反映,通过它不仅能够微观表示城市规划、建设、发展、变化,而且能够反映历史、人文、风土、人情。本文以"美丽江城幸福武汉"为主题,充分挖掘地理信息资源,按照系列化的设计思路,从不同的角度设计专题,将武汉全方位呈现在读者面前。  相似文献   
现行火山岩区填图是以岩石地层单位划分的群 -组 -段为基础 ,其中组是最基本的填图单位。由于火山作用的特殊性和火山活动的同期异相性等 ,这一划分还不能全面合理地反映火山岩区的基本面貌和火山作用过程 ,特别是调研主体——火山构造。以福建省东部中生代火山岩为例 ,提出以火山旋回 -火山构造单元 -岩相 (组合 )作为火山岩区的三级填图单位 ,其中火山构造单元为基本的填图单位。  相似文献   
在CorelDraw中绘制有些线状地图符号需要使用程序控制,无法直接调用CorelDraw的线状符号绘制功能。文中基于图元组合的思想,依据CorelDraw软件的特点,对常用地图中的线状符号进行分类、组织和存储,建立相应的线状地图符号库,设计专门的线状地图符号编辑器,实现对线状地图符号的统一编辑与管理,并且为不同类型的线状地图符号绘制设计相应的算法,最后利用CorelDraw提供的VBA二次开发环境实现文中所提出的方法,实验效果很好,可满足地图生产的需要。  相似文献   
This paper introduces the concept of the smooth topological Generalized Area Partitioning (tGAP) structure represented by a space-scale partition, which we term the space-scale cube. We take the view of ‘map generalization as extrusion of data into an additional dimension’. For 2D objects the resulting vario-scale representation is a 3D structure, while for 3D objects the result is a 4D structure.

This paper provides insights in: (1) creating valid data for the cube and proof that this is always possible for the implemented 2D tGAP generalization operators (line simplification, merge and split/collapse), (2) obtaining a valid 2D polygonal map representation at arbitrary scale from the cube, (3) using the vario-scale structure to provide smooth zoom and progressive transfer between server and client, (4) exploring which other possibilities the cube brings for obtaining maps having non-homogenous scales over their domain (which we term mixed-scale maps), and (5) using the same principles also for higher dimensional data; illustrated with 3D input data represented in a 4D hypercube.

The proposed new structure has very significant advantages over existing multi-scale/multi-representation solutions (in addition to being truly vario-scale): (1) due to tight integration of space and scale, there is guaranteed consistency between scales, (2) it is relatively easy to implement smooth zoom, and (3) compact, object-oriented encoding is provided for a complete scale range.  相似文献   

The generalization of the parameters of rainfall–runoff models, to enable application at ungauged sites, is an important and ongoing area of research. This paper compares the performance of three alternative methods of generalization, for two parameter‐sparse conceptual models (PDM and TATE), specifically for use in flood frequency estimation using continuous simulation. Two of the methods are based on fitting regression relationships between catchment properties and calibrated parameter values, using weighted or sequential regression (with weights based on estimates of calibration uncertainty), and the third is based on the use of pooling groups, defined through measures of site‐similarity based on catchment properties. The study uses a relatively large sample of catchments in Britain. For the PDM, the site‐similarity method performs best, but not greatly better than either regression method, so there may be cases where the use of regression would be preferable. For the TATE model, weighted regression performs best (with a very similar level of performance to that of the PDM with site‐similarity), whereas site‐similarity performs worst (due to poor performance for catchments with higher baseflow), indicating that the choice of model and generalization method should not be separated. The use of sequential regression, which was developed to try to allow for parameter interdependence, shows no clear advantage for either model. Other than the poor performance of the TATE model with site‐similarity for catchments with a higher baseflow index, there are no clear relationships between performance of any model/method and catchment type. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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