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The results of a number of laboratory model tests for the short‐term ultimate uplift capacity of a circular plate anchor embedded in saturated soft kaolinite and montmorillonite are presented. The tests were conducted with and without venting the bottom of the plate anchor in order to determine the variation of the suction force with embedment ratio. The variation of the suction force is presented in terms of the undrained shear strength of the clay and also the net ultimate uplift capacity.  相似文献   
This article reports on a series of small-scale, plane strain, 1 g physical model tests designed to investigate the bearing capacity and failure mechanics of end-bearing soil-cement columns formed via Deep Mixing (DM). Pre-formed soil-cement columns, 24 mm in diameter and 200 mm in length, were installed in a soft clay bed using a replacement method; the columns represented improvement area ratios, ap, of 17%, 26%, and 35% beneath a rigid foundation of width 100 mm. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was implemented in conjunction with close-range photogrammetry in order to track soil displacement during loading, from which the failure mechanisms were derived. Bearing capacity performance was verified using Ultimate Limit State numerical analysis, with the results comparing favorably to the analytical static and kinematic solutions proposed by previous researchers. A new equation for bearing capacity was derived from this numerical analysis based on the improvement area ratio and cohesion ratio of the soil column and ground model.  相似文献   
复合加载模式作用下地基承载性能数值分析   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
确定竖向荷载(V)、水平荷载(H)和力矩(M)共同作用下建筑物地基的破坏模式及在荷载空间(H,V,M)中的破坏包络面是地基设计中的关键问题。为提高Swipe试验方法计算精度,提出了改进方案,进而利用有限元方法分析了复合加载模式作用下均质粘性土地基上条形基础的破坏包络面。计算表明,基于改进Swipe试验方法的数值模拟结果明显好于常规Swipe试验方法。针对海洋工程中实际复合加载模式的特点,探讨了竖向荷载分量V对地基破坏模式和H-M荷载平面上的破坏包络线的影响,结果表明竖向荷载分量显著地改变了地基的破坏模式及包络线的形状。  相似文献   
在模拟昆承湖水流流场的基础上,模拟化学需氧量(CODMn)在湖水中的扩散情况;同时,利用昆承湖实测资料和水质的浓度场计算结果,得到其枯季环境容量.可以看出,昆承湖的流速较小,且方向由西北流向东南,可能是受长江径流和湖底西北高东南低的地形特征影响;从昆承湖的CODMn浓度实测值和计算值中,可以看出小于其水环境质量标准限值.这将进一步为实现常熟市湖泊水环境质量的不断提高、生态状况的持续改善与科学管理提供依据.  相似文献   
The coastline near Chañaral in Northern Chile is one of the most highly Cu-contaminated zones in the world due to discharges from mining activities for more than 60 years. The speciation of Cu has been studied to determine the importance of organic complexation in highly contaminated areas, and to assess the likely physiological impacts of Cu on marine organisms. Dissolved Cu concentrations of up to 500 nM were measured, completely saturating organic ligands and leading to free Cu2+ concentrations in excess of 10− 8 M. These values are higher than those reported in any other marine environment, and because they occur over an extensive area, provide a unique opportunity to study the effects of Cu on marine ecosystems and to see how Cu behaves when its speciation is predominantly inorganic. We found strong gradients in free Cu2+ between Chañaral and adjacent areas with lower Cu, where speciation is dominated by organic complexation. There is also a significant increase in the partitioning of Cu onto suspended particles in the contaminated areas, consistent with previous studies that showed that organic ligands stabilize Cu in the dissolved phase, whilst “excess” Cu is rapidly scavenged. Those high dissolved Cu concentrations persist in spite of solid phase partitioning and advective processes along this open-ocean coastline, suggesting that Cu inputs into the system are still very large. Measurements were made using anodic stripping voltammetry with a thin mercury film coated with Nafion, which previous workers have shown can mitigate ambiguity in the data arising from inadvertent reduction of organic complexes. Our findings suggest that this is a useful methodology for contaminated systems.  相似文献   
通过对青岛奥运水域现场调查和资料分析,确定了奥运水域污染物的主要来源和主要污染物,然后在潮流模拟的基础上,利用物质输运方程数值模拟了2000~2003年污染物浓度的空间分布,其结果与现状调查基本吻合。最后再利用该输运方程,预测了奥运帆船水域的化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH4 -N)、总磷(TP)的环境容量(中潮时分别为:69.948 t/d,7.46 t/d,0.5455 t/d),为奥运水域的目标管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
闽江河口区湿地生态旅游环境容量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶萍  黄义雄 《台湾海峡》2006,25(1):77-82
本文讨论了生态旅游环境容量的定义及内涵,分析了生态旅游环境容量的特征及构成,在此基础上估算了闽江河口区湿地生态旅游环境容量.结果表明:闽江河口区湿地生态旅游环境容量的限制因子是鳝鱼滩自然保护区生态旅游环境空间容量.鳝鱼滩旅游步行道可分成南路和北路,北路为水路游线,南路为陆路游线.北路游线环境空间日容量为800人次/d,南路游线环境空间日容量为1144人次/d.鳝鱼滩湿地生态旅游环境空间年容量为451202人次/a.这一环境容量可作为闽江河口区湿地生态旅游活动环境容量的最高限制量.  相似文献   
根据2006—2007年期间在珠江口八大口门进行的丰水期大、中、小潮3个航次、平水期和枯水期各1个航次的全潮同步水文观测资料,分析了八大口门的潮流特性、涨落潮通量等特征,并建立了逐时潮差与流量的相关关系。在丰水期小潮期间,八大口门受强热带风暴\"碧利斯\"带来的强降雨的影响,潮流特性、断面流量等水文特征出现较大的变化,逐时潮差与流量的相关关系与其他航次相比表现出不同的规律。在无强径流影响下,逐时潮差与流量的相关关系用线性方程拟合,相关性较好;但在强径流影响下,则采用二次多项式拟合较为合适,且拟合曲线的左右侧表现出涨、落潮过程的区别。  相似文献   
水流挟沙力分析与探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水流挟沙力是悬沙输运计算中非常重要的问题之一,其计算形式常采用基于重力理论的经验和半经验公式.本文针对目前广泛采用的2种挟沙力关系式,选用4组实验水槽数据和2组天然河道实测资料分别讨论其关联性.结果表明,不论指数m在其取值范围内取何值,2个表达式皆存在一定的函数关联性.且当指数m取1和2/3时,直接表现出很强的线性关联.在挟沙力计算中采用流速的平方关系式,物理意义清晰,形式简单.在实际应用时,适当选取系数,挟沙力采用形式简单的平方关系式是完全可行的.  相似文献   
A novel method for prediction of the load carrying capacity of a corroded reinforced concrete beam (CRCB) is presented in the paper. Nine reinforced concrete beams, which had been working in an aggressive environment for more than 10 years, were tested in the laboratory. Comprehensive tests, including flexural test, strength test for corroded concrete and rusty rebar, and pullout test for bond strength between concrete and rebar, were condueted. The flexural test results of CRCBs reveal that the distribution of surface cracks on the beams shows a fractal behavior. The relationship between the fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of CRCBs is then studied. A prediction model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is established by the use of the fractal dimension as the corrosion index, together with the basic intbrmation of the beam. The validity of the prediction model is demonstrated through the experimental data, and satisfactory resuits are achieved.  相似文献   
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