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2001年冬季渤海的浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了2001年冬季覆盖渤海56个测站的浮游植物物种及其群落特征。共发现浮游植物3门37属72种(不包括未定名物种)。物种主要以温带近岸型硅藻为主,优势种主要尖刺伪菱形藻、浮动弯角藻、偏心圆筛藻、具槽帕拉藻(Parnlia sulcata)和环纹劳德藻。其中的尖刺伪菱形藻、偏心圆筛藻和具槽帕拉藻是冬季渤海浮游植物的关键种。分析认为:细胞丰度的平面分布由浮游硅藻的分布所决定。同1983年同期资料相比发现,优势种没有较大变化,但其优势程度顺序和细胞丰度发生了一定的改变,整个浮游植物群落的细胞丰度有大幅度增加。冬季渤海浮游植物群落的多样性程度是低的。  相似文献   
黄海中南部头足类的群落结构与生物多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为掌握黄海中南部头足类的群落结构及数量分布,作者根据2010~2011年间春、秋、冬3个季节的底拖网调查资料,对黄海中南部头足类的种类组成、生物量分布及生物多样性进行了研究。结果显示:3个季节共捕获头足类13种,隶属3目6科6属。各季节的优势种及其生物量比重分别为:春季——双喙耳乌贼(Sepiola birostrata)50.07%、秋季——针乌贼(Sepia esculenta)40.88%、冬季——枪乌贼(Loligo spp.)68.20%。各季节头足类平均资源密度分别为春季4.85 kg/km2、秋季2.52 kg/km2、冬季12.72 kg/km2,春秋两季间差异性不显著(P0.05),冬季与其他两季差异性显著(P0.05)。黄海中南部不同季节头足类的生物量分布变化较大,春季以西南及东北部密度最高,秋季以西南部密度最高,冬季以中部及东北部密度最高。头足类在各水深的垂直分布随季节变化。无论根据生物量还是丰度,种类丰富度指数、均匀度指数及Shannon-Wiener指数等多样性指数均以冬季最高,其次是春季,秋季最低。春季与冬季群落结构相似性较高,秋季与其他两个季节的群落结构相似性均较低。与1998~2000年同期相比,头足类种类数增加5种,相对资源密度增长了12%,枪乌贼类的生物量比重仍最高,耳乌贼类的比重提高,太平洋褶柔鱼的比重则大幅下降。  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋边缘海,有陆架、陆坡、岛礁、深海平原、海山、冷泉等多种生境,近10年来南海逐渐成为世界深海研究的热点。南海是中国海洋生物多样性最高的区域,与作为海洋生物多样性中心的印太珊瑚大三角区具有一定的环境与生物连通性,对南海的深海生物探测研究可丰富对西太平洋及印太交汇区生物多样性及地理分布格局的认知。目前有关南海的生物多样性研究主要集中在北部陆架浅海及岛礁,对于深海生物多样性认知明显不足。本研究梳理了全球深海生物多样性的主要国际战略布局,并对南海深海生物多样性SCIE论文发表情况进行了综合分析,探讨了南海深海生物多样性研究态势,对未来南海深海生物多样性调查与研究提出了研究展望和建议。  相似文献   
瓯江口海域是传统的浙江省渔业资源栖息地,现今受高强度人为扰动的影响。为了解瓯江口海域游泳动物群落组成和多样性特征,采用单拖网方法对瓯江口春季(3月)和秋季(11月)游泳动物进行调查,并对其群落组成、生物多样性、资源密度和时空分布格局及主要影响因子等进行了研究。调查结果显示,研究海域共采集到游泳动物78种,其中鱼类有36种、甲壳动物28种、头足类3种。游泳动物优势种春季有9种,秋季有6种;两个季节共同优势种有4种。春季的渔获物的丰度远低于秋季,而春季的生物量则与秋季相差不大。基于丰度和生物量的多样性指数(H’)、均匀度指数(J’)和丰富度指数(d)均为秋季高于春季。在瓯江口海域,水体悬浮物是影响游泳动物群落多样性和丰富度的最重要的环境因子。通过对浙江瓯江口海域游泳动物群落特征及其与环境因子的内在关联的研究,有望为瓯江口海域渔业资源变迁特征和资源养护管理决策提供基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   
Ecological quality is defined as the stability, adaptability and resilience of an ecosystem. Monitoring and assessing ecological quality are important bases for China's ecological civilization construction. The national key research and development program “Technologies and guidelines for monitoring ecological quality of terrestrial ecosystems in China”, launched in July 2017, includes plans to study the observation technologies and provide guidelines on the ecological in-situ observation, the regional biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring and its applications, all of which contribute to national ecological quality assessment. A year after its implementation, some important progress has been achieved, such as building the indicator system for comprehensive monitoring of ecological quality and improvement of the methods, mass data transmission, infrared camera-based monitoring of biodiversity, multi-angle automatic spectral observation systems, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based desert monitoring. We have organized this special issue and attempted to introduce the monitoring techniques and assessment methods on ecological quality from different perspectives in order to further promote the development of ecology and its observation methods.  相似文献   
黄海多毛环节动物多样性及区系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多毛环节动物是海洋底栖大型生物群落中最为习见且数量占优势的组成之一,有关其区系分类、生物多样性及地理分布特点一直是该类研究聚焦的领域.综合中国海域多毛环节动物的研究记录,基于对已往分类学报道的核实,系统分析了黄海的多毛类物种多样性特点,提订了黄海278种多毛环节动物的最新名录及地理分布状况,同时对黄海及其他中国海域的多毛环节动物的地理分布特点及区系概况进行了比较和初步探讨.  相似文献   
景观监测指标体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步研究国家尺度的常态化景观格局变化监测,该文围绕景观监测的内涵、景观建模、指标的逻辑架构和监测尺度等方面探讨构建景观监测系统中应重点关注的问题,并提出一种景观监测指标体系:以地理国情普查成果为主要数据源,基于科学性、易于理解性、数据可获性、应用性的原则甄选了26个指标,涵盖有关景观格局的组成要素和其空间配置的8个监测主题,采用PSR逻辑框架,通过分析各指标及其相互作用关系从生态压力、状况以及响应三个方面对景观格局进行评估、预测。研究结果可为相关领域提供参考。  相似文献   
In a world facing rapid environmental changes, anticipating their impacts on biodiversity is of utmost relevance. Remotely-sensed Ecosystem Functional Attributes (EFAs) are promising predictors for Species Distribution Models (SDMs) by offering an early and integrative response of vegetation performance to environmental drivers. Species of high conservation concern would benefit the most from a better ability to anticipate changes in habitat suitability. Here we illustrate how yearly projections from SDMs based on EFAs could reveal short-term changes in potential habitat suitability, anticipating mid-term shifts predicted by climate-change-scenario models. We fitted two sets of SDMs for 41 plant species of conservation concern in the Iberian Peninsula: one calibrated with climate variables for baseline conditions and projected under two climate-change-scenarios (future conditions); and the other calibrated with EFAs for 2001 and projected annually from 2001 to 2013. Range shifts predicted by climate-based models for future conditions were compared to the 2001–2013 trends from EFAs-based models. Projections of EFAs-based models estimated changes (mostly contractions) in habitat suitability that anticipated, for the majority (up to 64%) of species, the mid-term shifts projected by traditional climate-change-scenario forecasting, and showed greater agreement with the business-as-usual scenario than with the sustainable-development one. This study shows how satellite-derived EFAs can be used as meaningful essential biodiversity variables in SDMs to provide early-warnings of range shifts and predictions of short-term fluctuations in suitable conditions for multiple species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of Sentinel-2 imagery for the identification and determination of forest patches of particular interest, with respect to ecosystem integrity and biodiversity and to produce a relevant biodiversity map, based on Simpson’s diversity index in Taxiarchis university research forest, Chalkidiki, North Greece. The research is based on OBIA being developed on to bi-temporal summer and winter Sentinel-2 imagery. Fuzzy rules, which are based on topographic factors, such as terrain elevation and slope for the distribution of each tree species, derived from expert knowledge and field observations, were used to improve the accuracy of tree species classification. Finally, Simpson’s diversity index for forest tree species, was calculated and mapped, constituting a relative indicator for biodiversity for forest ecosystem organisms (fungi, insects, birds, reptiles, mammals) and carrying implications for the identification of patches prone to disturbance or that should be prioritized for conservation.  相似文献   
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