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为了维持海岸沙丘和海滩的稳定,抵御日益加重的海岸侵蚀,荷兰泰斯灵岛于1993年5-11月对该岛中段长4.6 km(13.6~18.2 km段)的海滩实施大规模的滨面抛沙养滩工程。以驳船吹填式向两水下沙坝(最外沙坝和中沙坝)之间的凹槽区抛沙约210万m3,单宽沙量约450 m3/m。工程后监测发现已填平的凹槽区6个月后即发育出新凹槽,但是此工程后得到了8~10 a的海岸稳定,纵向运移的泥沙明显降低。事实证明,凹槽抛沙养滩通过凹槽沙的补给效应及消浪效应靠自然力缓慢向海滩滩面输沙稳定了海岸,自然扩宽了滩肩,且不破坏海陆结构,值得在日后的海滩养护工程中研究和推广。  相似文献   
刘振坤  吴胜和  王晖 《地质与资源》2012,21(3):337-340,325
利用卫星照片测量了全球27个典型现代曲流河点坝的规模参数,对曲流河点坝的沉积特征参数进行了半定量到定量的研究,建立了曲流河点坝的长度、宽度与河流满岸宽度之间的定量关系式,并探讨了应用于曲流河相储层研究的思路.  相似文献   
Counter point bar deposits in the meandering Peace River, North‐central Alberta, Wood Buffalo National Park, are distinct from point bar deposits in terms of morphology, lithofacies and reservoir potential for fluids. Previously referred to as the distal‐most parts of point bars, point bar tails and concave bank‐bench deposits, counter point bar deposits have concave morphological scroll patterns rather than convex as with point bars. The Peace is a large river (bankfull discharge 11 700 m3 sec?1, width 375 to 700 m, depth 15 m, gradient 0·00004 or 4 cm km?1) in which counter point bar deposits are dominated by silt (80% to 90%), which contrasts with sand‐dominant (90% to 100%) point bar deposits. Beginning at the meander inflection (transition from convex to concave), counter point bar deposit stratigraphy thickens as a wedge‐like architecture in the distal direction until the deposit is nearly as thick as the point bar deposits. The low permeability silt‐dominant lithofacies in counter point bar deposits will limit reservoir extent and movement of fluids in both modern and ancient subsurface fluvial deposits. In the exploration and extraction of bitumen and heavy oil in subsurface fluvial rocks, identification and mapping of reservoir potential of point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits is now possible in the fluvial‐dominated tidal estuarine Lower Cretaceous Middle McMurray Formation, North‐east Alberta. Recent geophysical advances have facilitated imaging of some ancient buried point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits which, on the basis of morphological shape of sedimentary bodies observed from seismic amplitude, can be interpreted and mapped as depositional elements or blocks that contain associated sandstone or siltstone dominant lithofacies, respectively. As counter point bar deposits exhibit poor permeability and thus limit reservoir potential for water, natural gas, light crude, heavy oil and bitumen, counter point bar deposits should be avoided in resource developments. Geophysical imaging, interpretation and mapping of point bar deposit and counter point bar deposit elements provide new opportunities to improve recovery of bitumen and heavy oil and reduce development costs in subsurface cyclic steam stimulation and steam‐assisted gravity drainage projects by not drilling into counter point bar deposits.  相似文献   
构造活动是源-汇系统中形成古地貌和砂分散体系的重要影响因素。塔木察格盆地塔南凹陷在早白垩世是一个典型的断陷湖盆,经历了多期幕式断陷活动,但同沉积构造活动及其配置所产生的古地貌对层序结构特征、沉积体系及砂体分布的控制作用仍不明确。文中以地震、测井、岩心资料为基础,以层序地层学理论和古地貌控砂理论为指导,建立了塔南凹陷下白垩统层序地层格架;结合断层活动性分析,阐明了不同类型古地貌对沉积体系和砂体分布的控制作用和规律。构造演化和沉积充填的综合研究表明: 受控盆主断裂的幕式断陷活动及同沉积断裂的差异断陷活动影响,塔南凹陷发育横向凸起和走向斜坡2种类型的构造调节带,这些构造调节带是水系入盆的通道,控制着盆地的主体物源方向、沉积体系类型与分布特征;根据断层的几何形态及发育部位,共识别出4种类型构造坡折带,分别是陡坡断崖型坡折带、陡坡断阶型坡折带、缓坡反向断阶型坡折带和盆内坡折带,它们各自控制了不同类型沉积体系的形成与分布;沉积物入盆后,沉积物分散体系和砂体的分布特征受同沉积断裂的组合样式控制,研究区共发育梳状断裂系、叉状断裂系和平行断裂系3种同沉积断裂平面组合;与构造调节带相对应的断裂坡折带低部位是大型储层砂体,特别是低位扇三角洲或盆底扇砂体发育的有利部位,是寻找砂岩油气藏的有利区带。研究成果对于深化断陷湖盆源-汇系统理论、指导断陷湖盆砂体分布预测具有重要的理论意义和实际价值。  相似文献   
通过对大王北洼陷钻井岩心精细观察,及对洼陷资料重新分析,发现大王北洼陷沙二段为盆地断坳期,盆地呈"碟"状,地势平缓,广泛发育浅水漫湖砂质滩坝沉积.浅水环境下原有的正常砂质滩坝沉积极易受风暴流作用,接受风暴搬运的沉积物,并受风暴流后期改造,形成风暴沉积.大王北洼陷沙二段整体呈细质沉积的滩坝砂体中粗粒泥质沉积,是由风暴沉积作用形成的,这一认识为解释滩坝砂体沉积成因提供了新线索,对该区岩相古地理恢复和油气勘探具重要意义.  相似文献   
The mode of channel‐bend transformation (i.e. expansion, translation, rotation or a combination thereof) has a direct bearing on the dimensions, shape, bedding architecture and connectivity of point‐bar sandstone bodies within a fluvial meander belt, but is generally difficult to recognize in vertical outcrops. This study demonstrates how the bend transformation mode and relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation can be deciphered from longitudinal outcrop sections aligned parallel to the meander‐belt axis, as a crucial methodological aid to the reconstruction of ancient fluvial systems and the development of outcrop analogue models for fluvial petroleum reservoirs. The study focuses on single‐storey and multi‐storey fluvial meander‐belt sandstone bodies in the Palaeogene piggyback Boyabat Basin of north‐central Turkey. The sandstone bodies are several hundred metres wide, 5 to 40 m thick and encased in muddy floodplain deposits. The individual channel‐belt storeys are 5 to 9 m thick and their transverse sections show lateral‐accretion bed packages representing point bars. Point bars in longitudinal sections are recognizable as broad mounds whose parts with downstream‐inclined, subhorizontal and upstream‐inclined bedding represent, respectively, the bar downstream, central and upstream parts. The inter‐bar channel thalweg is recognizable as the transition zone between adjacent point‐bar bedsets with opposing dip directions into or out of the outcrop section. The diverging or converging adjacent thalweg trajectories, or a trajectory migrating in up‐valley direction, indicate point‐bar broadening and hence channel‐bend expansion. A concurrent down‐valley migration of adjacent trajectories indicates channel‐bend translation. Bend rotation is recognizable from the replacement of a depositional riffle by an erosional pool zone or vice versa along the thalweg trajectory. The steepness of the thalweg trajectory reflects the relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation. This study discusses further how the late‐stage foreland tectonics, with its alternating pulses of uplift and subsidence and a progressive narrowing of the basin, has forced aggradation of fluvial channels and caused vertical stacking of meander belts.  相似文献   
Modern fluvial meander plains exhibit complex planform transformations in response to meander‐bend expansion, downstream migration and rotation. These transformations exert a fundamental control on lithology and reservoir properties, yet their stratigraphic record has been poorly evaluated in ancient examples due to the lack of extensive three‐dimensional exposures. Here, a unique exhumed meander plain exposed to the north of Scarborough (Yorkshire, UK) is analysed in terms of architecture and morphodynamics, with the aim of developing a comprehensive model of facies distribution. The studied outcrop comprises tidal platforms and adjacent cliffs, where the depositional architecture of un‐tilted deposits was assessed on planform and vertical sections, respectively. In its broader perspective, this study demonstrates the potential of architectural mapping of extensive planform exposures for the reconstruction of ancient fluvial morphodynamics. The studied exhumed meander plain is part of the Scalby Formation of the Ravenscar Group, and originally drained small coastal incised valleys within the Jurassic Cleveland Basin. The meander plain is subdivided into two storeys that contain in‐channel and overbank architectural elements. In‐channel elements comprise expansional and downstream‐migrating point bars, point‐bar tails and channel fills. Overbank elements comprise crevasse complexes, levées, floodplain fines and lake fills. The evolution of the point bars played a significant role in dictating preserved facies distributions, with high flood‐stage nucleation and accretion of meander scrolls later reworked during waning flood‐stages. At a larger scale, meander belt morphodynamics were also a function of valley confinement and contrasts in substrate erodibility. Progressive valley infilling decreased the valley confinement, promoting the upward transition from prevalently downstream migrating to expansional meander belts, a transition associated with enhanced preservation of overbank elements. Strikingly similar relations between valley confinement, meander‐bend transformations and overbank preservation are observed in small modern meandering streams such as the Beaver River of the Canadian prairies and the Powder River of Montana (USA).  相似文献   
喷,锚,网结构在基坑支护中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
傅治栋 《岩土力学》1996,17(3):65-69
高层建筑地下室基坑开挖时,边坡需要支护。本文就应用喷、锚、网结构进行边坡支护的作用机理、计算方法、施工中应注意的几个问题作了介绍和讨论。  相似文献   
对截齿截割煤体变形破坏过程的红外热像进行测量和分析,从而研究截齿截割作用下煤体变形破坏规律。改变截齿类型、截割速度、截深、测量方位等测量煤体红外热像,发现扁齿截割时在垂直截割方向与扁齿凸脊相应处出现条状高温区;锥齿截割时在齿尖附近出现点状高温区;截割速度越快,热效应越明显。截齿截割煤体过程中,温度场中最高温度值与截深及煤体力学性质有关。截深越深,温度场中最高温度越高;煤体的抗拉强度、抗压强度、黏结力、内摩擦角越大,高温区的最高温度越高。  相似文献   
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