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Combining a six-term heat balance equation and a seasonal thermocline model, a new equation to calculate non- radiative fluxes of Lake Banyoles has been determined. Mean daily measurements of global solar radiation, downward longwave radiation, wind speed, air temperature and water surface temperature were used as input data and lake temperature as the calculated output data of the model. To calibrate performance of the new equation, calculated lake temperature was compared with measured lake temperature during both the mixing and the stratified period of the lake. The new coefficients in the wind function to calculate the non-radiative fluxes at the water surface were assumed to depend on the variability of the wind speed, the air temperature of the study area and the surface temperature of the lake. In addition, the results were used to estimate the heat balance of the air–water interface of Lake Banyoles over a period of two years. The processes that have been taken into account are shortwave and longwave radiation, back-radiation emitted by the lake, sensible and latent heat and throughflow.  相似文献   
中国机场体系的空间格局及其服务水平   总被引:30,自引:6,他引:24  
利用定量模型和GIS方法,从空间布局、服务范围以及航空客流分布等方面来研究中国的机场体系及其服务水平。中国机场存在空间布局不均衡和等级结构不合理等问题,各机场的服务水平空间表现不一致,整体服务格局与全国社会经济发展的格局基本协调。航空客流趋向东部沿海地区集聚,空间联系和拓展具有明显的层级性,具有一定的轴-辐式网络特征。整个机场体系表现为以“京沪穗”为核心的“鼎形”空间系统,并将在未来一段时间内得以维持。研究表明,中国机场体系的结构与全国或区域城市体系结构有一定的相互联系,随着航空运输需求的快速发展,未来机场体系的建设既要注意平衡机场区域布局,又需重视优化网络与等级体系,从而合理引导航空网络结构的演变。  相似文献   
全球海平面变化研究新进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了近10年来海平面变化研究的主要成果,分析了影响海平面变化的主要因素,探讨了海平面变化研究中存在的一些问题。结果表明:①近10年全球平均海平面上升幅度大约为2.5~3.84 mm/a,热膨胀是引起海平面上升的主因;②海平面变化具有时空分布差异——西太平洋和东印度洋地区上升最快,其值高出全球平均值的10倍以上;大西洋与太平洋30~40°N地区季节变化最明显;③将海平面季节高值时段与北半球热带气旋出现时间进行对比,发现每年8~10月份,在20~50°N的西北太平洋与北大西洋沿岸地区出现海平面最高值与热带气旋相叠加的全球危险海岸带,该地带包括中国大陆东部、日本沿海地区、美国东部海岸带、墨西哥湾地区和加勒比海地区。  相似文献   
The giant Dahutang tungsten (W) deposit has a total reserve of more than 1.31 Mt WO3. Veinlet-disseminated scheelite and vein type wolframite mineralization are developed in this deposit, which are related to Late Mesozoic biotite granite. Four major types of alterations, which include albitization, potassic-alteration, and greisenization, and overprinted silicification developed in contact zone. The mass balance calculate of the four alteration types were used to further understanding of the mineralization process. The fresh porphyritic biotite granite has high Nb, Ta, and W, but low Ca and Sr while the Jiuling granodiorite has high Ca and Sr, but low Nb, Ta, and W concentrations. The altered porphyritic biotite granite indicated that the Nb, Ta, and W were leached out from the fresh porphyritic biotite granite, especially by sodic alteration. The low Ca and Sr contents of the altered Neoproterozoic Jiuling granodiorite indicate that Ca and Sr had been leached out from the fresh granodiorite by the fluid from Mesozoic porphyritic biotite granites. The metal W of the Dahutang deposit was mainly derived from the fluid exsolution from the melt and alteration of W-bearing granites. This study of alteration presents a new hydrothermal circulation model to understand tungsten mineralization in the Dahutang deposit.  相似文献   
为解决森林分布不连续流域森林水源涵养功能及其多时间尺度特征的定量评价问题,根据分布式水文模型(SWAT)的特点,提出了反映森林斑块空间分布的水文响应单元划分方法,以及基于水量平衡法的森林不连续分布流域森林水源涵养量计算公式。以东南沿海的晋江流域为例,构建了2006年土地利用条件下的日时间步长SWAT模型,统计分析了2002—2010年降水条件下森林水源涵养量的时空变化规律。结果表明:① 构建的晋江流域SWAT模型精度较高,面积阈值为零生成的水文响应单元比较准确地反映流域森林斑块分布,提出的森林水源涵养量计算公式适用于森林空间分布不连续流域森林水源涵养量的多时间尺度分析,为流域森林水源涵养功能评价提供了一个新的方法。② 晋江流域森林水源年涵养量271.41~565.25 mm;月涵养量-29.15~154.59 mm;日尺度的极端降水期皆为正值,极端枯水期都为负值。表明年际之间不存在森林水源涵养的蓄丰补枯调节作用,但在年内的部分月份得到体现,而日尺度的森林蓄丰补枯功能充分发挥。从而揭示了不同时间尺度森林水源涵养量及其蓄丰补枯功能的差异。  相似文献   
尼泊尔在地理位置上处于中国和印度包围之中,由于历史原因,其经济、政治、军事等长期受到制约。随着中国“一带一路”倡议的推进和中印近年来领土和国际政治问题的冲突与分歧,尼泊尔正在成为中印新的角力场。本文首先通过构建地缘影响力模型进行演变格局分析与趋势预测,并加入世界环境和区域环境两方面影响因素,运用定性与定量分析结合的方法,预测中、尼、印三国未来战略行动方向。综合以上分析发现:1)2000年—2016年,中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力较于印度对于尼泊尔地缘影响力上升趋势明显,预计在2022年至2023年中、印对尼泊尔地缘影响力达到平衡。2)硬实力是中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力上升的关键因素;软实力和交流互动力是未来中国增强在尼泊尔地缘影响力的发展因素;地理环境是中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力发展的制约因素。3)未来中国将继续实施积极性合作战略,印度形成对中国遏制性防范战略,尼泊尔维持被动性中印平衡战略。  相似文献   
The grazing exclusion program used by the Tibetan government to protect the ecological environment has changed the vegetation and impacted the surface heat balance in North Tibet. However, little information is available to describe the in?uences of the current grazing exclusion program on local surface heat balance. This study uses the records of fenced grassland patch locations to identify the impact of grazing exclusion on surface heat balance in North Tibet. The records of fenced grassland patch locations, including the longitude, latitude, and elevation of the vertices of each fenced patch (polygon shapes), were provided by the agriculture and animal husbandry bureaus of the counties where the patches were located. ArcGIS 10.2 was used to create polygon shapes based on patch location records. Based on satellite data and the surface heat balance system determined by the model, values for changes in land surface temperature (LST), albedo and evapotranspiration (ET) induced by grazing exclusion were obtained. All of these can influence surface heat balance and alter the fluctuation of LST in the northern Tibetan Plateau. The LST trends for day and night showed an asymmetric diurnal variation, with a larger magnitude of warming in the day than cooling at night. The maximum decrease in absorbed shortwave of LST (-0.5 - -0.4 ℃ per decade) occurred in the central region, while the minimum decrease (-0.2 - -0.1 ℃ per decade) occurred in the eastern region. The decreased latent heat lead to the LST increased maximum (>1 ℃ per decade) occurred in the central region, The eastern region increased at a rate of 0.2-0.5 ℃ per decade, while the minimum increase (0-0.1 ℃ per decade) occurred in the northwestern region.  相似文献   
以广州市中心城区为例,借助百度热力图、百度实时路况和百度地图POI数据,从中观层面多角度综合分析广州市中心城区就业与居住的空间分布关系。结果显示:1)工作时间段人口聚集的高值区整体呈带状分布,斑块较为细碎,但绝大部分集中在核心地带;人口主要高度集中于各区的商业繁华地段与交通线路周围。而休息时间段的高值区则相对集中分布,用地效率较高,表现出多中心的圈层结构;人口主要高度集中分布在传统的老城居住区和新开发的商业住宅区,与核心商圈相对错开。2)不管是在上班时段还是休息时段,人口聚集程度越高的地区,POI设施密度表现越显著;这意味着人口的聚集具有一定的选择性,主要集中在城市基础设施发展较完备的区域。3)广州市中心城区各街道的职住比介于0.73~1.54,职住相对平衡,区域之间差异较小。其中,分值较高的街道多分布于核心地带(主要集中在越秀区、荔湾区北部和天河区南部),分值较低的街道多分布于核心地带的外围或边缘地区(主要在海珠区、荔湾区和白云区零散分布)。4)从城市交通响应上看,广州市中心城区工作日内早高峰的拥堵度大于晚高峰,但总体路况变化跨度不大,区内并没有出现特别严重的“潮汐通勤”现象。  相似文献   
青岛海陆风三维结构的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文采用 1个陡地形影响修正的三维中尺度流体静力的气象学模式 ,对青岛地区海陆风的日变化规律和三维结构进行了较细致的分析。结果显示 ,青岛有多支海陆风存在 ,且每支海陆风出现的时间、强度和向内陆伸展的距离有很大的不同。这其中沿岸山地的机械和热力作用扮演着重要的角色。在观测站 ,模拟结果和实测资料等方面有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
2012年洪季对珠江黄茅海河口湾侧向动力结构与泥沙输移过程进行了系统观测,采用动量平衡和泥沙通量机制分解等方法,分析了河口流、温盐和泥沙侧向分布特征以及泥沙输移过程,探讨了侧向动量平衡与泥沙输移机制。洪季黄茅海河口存在明显的侧向流,西滩和北槽均形成表层向东、底层向西的两层侧向流,拦门沙滩顶呈现表、底层向西、中层向东的三层侧向流,而拦门沙前缘侧向流整体向西。河口湾纵向净泥沙通量表现为北槽向海、西滩向陆,拦门沙滩顶及其前缘均向海;侧向净泥沙通量表现为滩顶及其前缘均向西,西滩向东、北槽向西。这种侧向泥沙辐聚过程是高浓度悬沙聚集于滩槽界面的重要原因,向陆净通量是西滩回淤的重要原因。滩槽间侧向余环流动量平衡主要是侧向斜压梯度力、科氏力和侧向平流作用。欧拉平流输运在侧向泥沙输运中起主要作用,潮泵效应也起重要作用。  相似文献   
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