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T. L. Lei 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(2):283-304
Seabed sediment textural parameters such as mud, sand and gravel content can be useful surrogates for predicting patterns of benthic biodiversity. Multibeam sonar mapping can provide near-complete spatial coverage of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data that are useful in predicting sediment parameters. Multibeam acoustic data collected across a ~1000 km2 area of the Carnarvon Shelf, Western Australia, were used in a predictive modelling approach to map eight seabed sediment parameters. Four machine learning models were used for the predictive modelling: boosted decision tree, random forest decision tree, support vector machine and generalised regression neural network. The results indicate overall satisfactory statistical performance, especially for %Mud, %Sand, Sorting, Skewness and Mean Grain Size. The study also demonstrates that predictive modelling using the combination of machine learning models has provided the ability to generate prediction uncertainty maps. However, the single models were shown to have overall better prediction performance than the combined models. Another important finding was that choosing an appropriate set of explanatory variables, through a manual feature selection process, was a critical step for optimising model performance. In addition, machine learning models were able to identify important explanatory variables, which are useful in identifying underlying environmental processes and checking predictions against the existing knowledge of the study area. The sediment prediction maps obtained in this study provide reliable coverage of key physical variables that will be incorporated into the analysis of covariance of physical and biological data for this area. 相似文献
《The Professional geographer》2013,65(3):483-493
The age patterns of U.S. internal migration, while examined extensively at the national level, have not been fully explored at the regional scale. This study examines, using 1985 - 1990 census data, the state-level variations in two aspects of lifecycle mobility: the mobility level, or the average number of moves made over the lifecycle, and the mobility timing, or the age at which half the lifetime moves are completed. It further delineates typologies of states based upon their age structure of mobility. The study found that regional patterns in the mobility level showed some evidence of the Snowbelt-Sunbelt patterns that characterized economic restructuring in the 1980s. Geographic patterns of mobility timing were less clear; however states in the West and the South showed somewhat more young distributions than the other regions. Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility levels and timing: states with higher mobility levels also exhibited older mobility profiles, as a consequence of disproportionately high elderly mobility rates. The study highlights the regional differences in mobility behavior, and the interplay between the “how much” and the “when” of mobility. 相似文献
乌鲁木齐国际机场时刻资源与航线布局的时空网络模式分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
航班时刻是一种无形的资源,其数量和价值与空域和机场设施资源紧密联系,是航空公司创造收益的前提和保障。深入分析航班时刻资源有助于揭示航空资源的时间空间配置模式与利用潜力。以乌鲁木齐机场为研究对象,收集航班信息数据,从定量分析的角度评价乌鲁木齐机场时刻资源与航线布局现状,以不同时段为时间单位,考察机场24 h内航班时刻资源配置结构,总结其时间结构分异特征与形成机制;从空间角度分析机场航线布局结构与时刻分异特征,重点分析机场未来面向中亚、西亚乃至欧洲境外航线布局与时刻资源分配的潜力。研究表明:航班时刻资源具有时间异质性,大致形成高峰航段、黄金航段或低谷航段等时刻类型,这与时刻分配规律、旅客出行行为习惯有关;航线布局具有空间分异特征,存在联系密集区和稀疏区,与地区间经济社会发展不平衡以及机场在省内、省外、国际市场空间中的不同作用有关,机场航线组织模式主要表现为省内以乌鲁木齐机场为中心的网状区域模式以及连接省外及国外通航城市"点对点"式航线模式。部分进出港航班时刻重叠主要集中在上午高峰航段、中午黄金航段、下午高峰航段、下午黄金航段以及晚小高峰航段,表现为这几个航段内进出港航班相对较为密集,航班进出港时刻的重叠在一定程度上受到航段划分的影响。 相似文献
传统震后建筑进度BIM估计模型,未考虑精益管理对建筑施工的影响,造成建筑成本浪费较多,影响后期建筑施工进度。本文构建基于BIM和精益管理的震后建筑进度评估模型,根据模型细分震后建筑进度评估过程,在此基础上根据BIM实施三维算量,采用进度计划编制子模型获取各分项工程量,确定建筑施工的主要进度计划,实现对建筑进度计划的编制;通过虚拟施工和现实施工两条主线,利用进度控制子模型实现对施工状态的模拟和精益管理。以此为基础,进行挣值分析比较计划施工成本、实际施工成本和挣值曲线,获取震后建筑的施工进度与成本情况。实验结果说明,本文构建的模型可对震后建筑进度和工程成本进行精准估计,能够减少成本浪费。 相似文献
介绍《黑龙江省地图集》的设计、编辑特色,图集的内容结构,并重点对市县图组的编排顺序、市县地理方位的表述进行研究. 相似文献
枢纽机场航班时刻资源配置的时空网络模式——以北京首都国际机场为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
航空网络是联系大中城市的快速交通方式,而航班时刻是机场和航空公司的关键资源,解析其时空网络有助于揭示航空资源的配置模式。基于航班时刻的概念界定,以北京首都国际机场为研究对象,采用定量方法,从时间和空间维度,刻画航班时刻的时空配置网络和分异结构,考察机场时刻资源配置的一般特征和规律。首先从时间维度,选择不同航段单位,分析航班时刻资源的时间配置特征与规律,重点揭示其时间结构分异与形成机制;然后从空间维度,分析航班资源牵系的航空联系网络,对其时间特征进行刻画,考察其时空分异的基本特征;最后从航空公司维度,对航班时刻资源的时间-空间配置进行深入考察,探讨各航空公司在不同航段和联系方向上的市场优势。研究表明,航班时刻资源具有时间异质性,形成黄金航段、高峰航段、低谷航段等时刻类型分异;航班联系存在明显的空间分异,具有集中分布的特征,与城市发展等因素的不平衡相关;不同航段的航班联系网络,在覆盖范围和集中度上存在明显差异;航空公司间存在分异的市场结构,大致形成四个层级。本研究丰富了交通地理的理论研究,可为机场航空资源的优化配置提供指导。 相似文献
深圳市征地拆迁信息系统的设计与实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了征地拆迁信息管理系统的总体目标和建设内容,陈述了系统的结构设计和数据库设计,分析了系统的主要技术特点。 相似文献
山东省第六地质矿产勘查院施工的招远水旺庄3000 m科钻项目是招平断裂带第一深孔,终孔孔深3000.58 m,历时232 d,创造了全国金矿小口径绳索取心钻探同类型钻孔效率之最。以该项目进度管理为研究课题,在前期设计中深入分析了项目施工过程中的各个环节,并用WBS对其进行分解,查找出影响工程进度的主要因素,设置汇入缓冲区,在施工过程中采用关键链法对施工进度优化并最终取得成果。关键链法使项目管理人员对整个工程有一个既动态又实时的掌控,对深孔钻探及规模性钻探工程的工期控制有重要的意义。 相似文献