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The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were monitored in shallow coastal waters located inside and outside giant kelp beds (Macrocystis pyrifera) located in the Kerguelen Archipelago (Southern Ocean). Photosynthesis and respiration by microplankton and kelp lead to marked pCO2 and DIC diel cycles. Daily variations of pCO2 and DIC are significant in the spring and summer, but absent in the winter, reflecting the seasonal cycle of biological activity in the kelp beds. If the kelp beds seem to favour the onset of phytoplankton blooms, most of the primary production inside the kelp beds is due to the kelp itself. The primary production of Macrocystis kelp beds in the Sub-Antarctic high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) waters off the Kerguelen Archipelago is elevated and closely linked to light availability. This production is significant from October to March and reaches its climax in December at the solar radiation maximum.  相似文献   
本文汇集了我国南极科学考察前十年(1984-1993年)的南极考察航线,根据航区和任务,对南极航线进行了分类:对各航区中影响航行的海洋环境状况-诸如低纬地区的热带气旋,中纬地区的温带气旋和高纬地区的绕极气旋等主要灾害性天气系统的生成源地,移动路么荼了介绍;文中还着得活冰的增,减期和浮冰边缘线进行了描述。以求达到对过去十年南极考察航线作出比较客观的评价。  相似文献   
2008年广东“史上最强龙舟水”的气候成因   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
分析了2008年广东“史上最强龙舟水”的气候成因。结果表明:(1)从2007年8月持续到2008年5月的拉尼娜事件,是强降水的主要气候诱因,在其影响下,西太平洋暖池一带热带对流活跃,有利于不稳定能量向北输送;西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏东,雨带滞留华南;南海季风爆发偏早、偏强,为强降水提供了丰沛的水汽条件。(2)去冬今春南极海冰面积偏大和青藏高原南部积雪偏少,有利于增强夏季风环流。  相似文献   
南极洲万达盐湖为饱和方解石湖水。计算出的方解石饱和指数随水深增加而变化。在Ca2+及HCO3-活度值均一的上部氧化环境湖水中,pH及溶解氧(DO)是控制该变化的主要因素,在下部还原环境湖水中,Ca2+及HCO3-的活度对方解石的饱和指数SI的变化起主要作用。这充分揭示了湖底部近代沉积物中分布较多方解石矿物的原因。  相似文献   
测区沉积物和间隙水小的氟含量(分别为200~395μg/g和1.18~1.92μg/ml)均远低于所报道的大洋区域平均值(分别约为540μg/g和2.7μg/ml)。研究结果表明,测区沉积物中氟含量分布主要受周围岛屿风化基岩的化学成分制约;沉积物中主要含氟矿物:萤石/磷灰石、黄玉、黑云母等含量极低,氟在沉积物中赋存的矿物相主要与角闪石[AX_2Y_5Z_8O_(22)(OH·F)_2]有关。氟含量与碎屑矿物中角闪石的体积比间的关系式可大致表示为:氟含量=217+361nV_H;间隙水中的低氟主要由测区化学风化不发育及氟的钙盐沉积所致。此外,沉积物中强阴离子(HCO_3~-)可交换态含量仅约为太平洋(亦道附近)的1/10、中国南海的1/4和浙江东部沿海的1/2,也反映了测区沉积物中易参与固-液相交换的氟离子含量较低,由此也必将导致间隙水中的低氟。沉积有机质的分解对间隙水的氟含量有一定的贡献,但这种氟易于为沉积物固相所捕获。测区沉积体系中氟的固-液相转换与分配机制可初步描述为: 有机质(氟)垆苎些苎苎苎蟹间隙,k苎苎苎些苎竺些鱼坚固相 (氧化物) 还原 一”—— ,一”  相似文献   
南极上空臭氧层的破坏导致了紫外辐射日益增强,高强度的UV-B辐射会造成细胞中DNA的损伤,影响蛋白质、脂类和色素的代谢过程。生长在南极的绿藻具有一系列防御机制以应对增强的UV-B辐射,其中类菌胞素氨基酸(Mycosporine-like amino acids, MAAs)是一类重要的紫外防御物质。为探究类菌胞素氨基酸对UV-B辐射的响应,本文以南极冰藻(Chlamydomonassp.ICE-L)、针丝藻(Raphidonema nivale Lagerheim, NIES-2290)和胶球藻(Coccomyxa subellipsoidea E.Acton, NIES-2166)三种生活在南极的绿藻为材料,采用UV-B辐射胁迫(强度0.35 W/m~2,短时处理3 h),并通过液相色谱-质谱联用法检测类菌胞素氨基酸的种类和含量的变化。Mycosporine-glycine为三种南极绿藻中共有的MAAs,在UV-B辐射胁迫下三种南极绿藻中Mycosporine-glycine含量变化不尽相同,表明不同的南极绿藻中MAAs对UV-B辐射的响应各有其特性。首次在绿藻(南极冰藻和胶球藻)中检测到Gadusol。Gadusol作为MAAs的合成前体,它的合成积累使得生活在海冰环境的南极冰藻和胶球藻具有良好的抗UV-B辐射能力。其中南极冰藻抗紫外能力最强,这可能得益于不同MAAs间的动态转化,含量升高的Palythine及Usujirene/Palythene可能对南极冰藻的紫外屏蔽起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
1Introduction Antarctica is often viewed as one of earth s lastgreat frontiers. Low temperature, high gradients insalinity, and strong ultraviolet radiation combinedwith lowlight conditions provide inhospitable condi-tions for life. Surviving in these ext…  相似文献   
The low-frequency variance of the surface wave in the area of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and its correlation with the antarctic circumpolar wave (ACW) are focused on. The analysis of the series of 44 a significant wave height (SWH) interannual anomalies reveals that the SWH anomalies have a strong periodicity of about 4-5 a and this signal propagates eastward obviously from 1985 to 1995, which needs about 8 a to complete a mimacircle around the earth. The method of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) is used to analyze the filtered monthly SWH anomalies to study the spatio-temporal distributions and the propagation characteristics of the low-frequency signals in the wave field. Both the dominant wavenumber-2 pattern in space and the propagation feature in the south Pacific, the south Atlantic and the south Indian ocean show strong consistency with the ACW. So it is reasonable to conclude that the ACW signal also exists in the wave field. The ACW is important for the climate in the Southern Ocean, so it is worth to pay more attention to the large-scale effect of the surface wave, which may also be important for climate studies.  相似文献   
世界强国针对南极科技前沿、地缘政治、开发利用权益的争夺日趋激烈。中国建设和运营南极航空基础设施,有利于提升中国在南极的综合影响力、扩大南极科学考察规模、满足人员和物资快速投送需求,因此,南极机场建设的战略发展价值突出,而压实雪层跑道是中国在南极建设大型机场路面的首选形式。采用压实雪的方法制备人工冰样,结合冰雪跑道所承受的飞机载荷特征,在(-10.0±0.3) ℃温度条件下,以1.0 MPa为平均加载应力,以0.03 Hz为加载频率,应力幅值为0.2~1.0 MPa,循环次数100~900为循环条件,开展在1.0×10-3~1.0×10-1 s-1应变速率下循环载荷压实雪冰的抗压强度试验,以及5.0×10-4~1.0×10-1 s-1应变速率下单调载荷压实雪冰的抗压强度试验。结果表明:单调载荷下的压实雪冰抗压强度在韧性区内随着应变速率的增加而增加,在韧性-脆性过渡区达到最大值,然后在脆性区中显著减少;在高应变速率和一定循环次数范围内,循环载荷对压实雪冰的抗压强度具有强化作用;当超过一定循环次数时,循环载荷对压实雪冰的抗压强度会产生弱化作用。以上试验结果可为压实雪层跑道的设计和维护提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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