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Abstract. In situ investigations of growth and production in a stand of Posidonia oceanica (L.) DELILE at a depth of 4 m at Ischia (Gulf of Naples) were carried out over two growing seasons. Posidonia starts to grow in August and an average bundle produces ten leaves in increasing time intervals until May. Growth curves for the leaves are given. Maximum leaf standing crop is in May with 1300 g dry weight per m-2, leaf area index at this time reaches 22 m2 m-2. Leaf net productivity is highest in March with 12 g dry weight per m2 per day. Annual leaf production is estimated as 3110 g dry weight per m2, “underground” production as 115 g dry weight per m2. About half the leaf production is exported from the system. Adaptive strategies of the growth and production pattern are discussed.  相似文献   
This article describes the qualitative effects of LGS spot elongation and Rayleigh scattering on ALFA wavefront sensor images.An analytical model of Rayleigh scattering and a numerical model of laser plume generation at the altitude of the Na-layer were developed. These models, integrated into ageneral AO simulation, provide the sensor sub-apertureimages. It is shown that the centroid measurement accuracyis affected by these phenomena. The simulation was made both for the ALFA system and for the VLT Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (NAOS).  相似文献   
In this paper, the present status of the development of the design of the European Solar Telescope is described. The telescope is devised to have the best possible angular resolution and polarimetric performance, maximizing the throughput of the whole system. To that aim, adaptive optics and multi‐conjugate adaptive optics are integrated in the optical path. The system will have the possibility to correct for the diurnal variation of the distance to the turbulence layers, by using several deformable mirrors, conjugated at different heights. The present optical design of the telescope distributes the optical elements along the optical path in such a way that the instrumental polarization induced by the telescope is minimized and independent of the solar elevation and azimuth. This property represents a large advantage for polarimetric measurements. The ensemble of instruments that are planned is also presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We consider the inverse problem of permeability estimation for two-phase porous-media flow. The novel approach is based on regularization by zonation, where the geometry and size of the regions are chosen adaptively during the optimization procedure. To achieve this, we have utilized level-set functions to represent the permeability. The available data are sparsely distributed in space; hence, it is reasonable to confine the estimation to coarse-scale structures. The level-set approach is able to alter the boundaries between regions of different permeability without strict restrictions on their shape; however, when the data are sparse, a reasonable initial guess for the permeability is required. For this task, we use adaptive multiscale permeability estimation, which has the potential of identifying main permeability variations. These are described by a piecewise constant function, where the constant values are attained on rectangular zones. In the current work, we develop a level-set corrector strategy, assuming adaptive multiscale permeability estimation as a predictor.  相似文献   
The Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) is based on an abstract model of an incoherent scatter radar. This model is implemented in a hierarchical software system, which serves to isolate hardware and low-level software implementation details from higher levels of the system. Inherent in this is the idea that implementation details can easily be changed in response to technological advances. MIDAS is an evolutionary system, and the MIDAS hardware has, in fact, evolved while the basic software model has remained unchanged. From the earliest days of MIDAS, it was realized that some functions implemented in specialized hardware might eventually be implemented by software in a general-purpose computer. MIDAS-W is the realization of this concept. The core component of MIDAS-W is a Sun Microsystems UltraSparc 10 workstation equipped with an Ultrarad 1280 PCI bus analog to digital (A/D) converter board. In the current implementation, a 2.25 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) is bandpass sampled at 1 s intervals and these samples are multicast over a high-speed Ethernet which serves as a raw data bus. A second workstation receives the samples, converts them to filtered, decimated, complex baseband samples and computes the lag-profile matrix of the decimated samples. Overall performance is approximately ten times better than the previous MIDAS system, which utilizes a custom digital filtering module and array processor based correlator. A major advantage of MIDAS-W is its flexibility. A portable, single-workstation data acquisition system can be implemented by moving the software receiver and correlator programs to the workstation with the A/D converter. When the data samples are multicast, additional data processing systems, for example for raw data recording, can be implemented simply by adding another workstation with suitable software to the high-speed network. Testing of new data processing software is also greatly simplified, because a workstation with the new software can be added to the network without impacting the production system. MIDAS-W has been operated in parallel with the existing MIDAS-1 system to verify that incoherent scatter measurements by the two systems agree. MIDAS-W has also been used in a high-bandwidth mode to collect data on the November, 1999, Leonid meteor shower.  相似文献   
单新建  冯德益 《内陆地震》1993,7(2):142-150
用网格频散反演技术计算了155条瑞利面波混合频散数据,将中国大陆分为目前最小分格2°×2°,得到了中国西部及邻区深至80km地壳和上地幔顶部的三维剪切波SV速度结构。结果表明:(1)天山褶皱系地壳平均厚度为54km,上地壳平均速度为3.3km/s,下壳平均速度3.93km/s,上地幔盖层平均速度为4.64km/s,都偏大。北天山壳厚比天山薄,壳和上地幔盖层下均有低速层。(2)塔里木盆地中部地壳厚46km,到其边缘的昆仑山、天山地带壳厚增加到52~55km。壳内无低速层,壳平均速度很低,为3.49km/s,地表有9km的沉积层。(3)青藏高原莫霍面呈凹形,平均壳厚为67km,平均壳速度为3.58km/s。东西端存在壳内低速层,埋深为15~35km。(4)南北带为构造复杂的区域,莫霍面深度具有东高西低,南北两端高、中间低的特点,带内普遍存在壳内低速层。南北带从群速度、速度、莫霍面等深线都可看到明显的横向差异。(5)准噶尔盆地地壳厚47km,无壳内低速层,中地壳不明显。该区呈稳定的大陆壳结构。(6)柴达木盆地在正常速度的中壳顶部有一高速夹层,速度为3.72km/s,厚10km,上顶部埋深14km。  相似文献   
A simple two-domain bucket model of fractured soil was coupled with a stochastic model of rainfall variability, in order to investigate the climate and soil controls upon the stochastic properties of the triggering of fracture flow and surface runoff, and the partitioning of rainfall between the matrix and fracture domains and surface runoff. Conventionally, soils are regarded as time domain filters between rainfall and hydrological response. This investigation highlights an additional type of threshold filtering especially important in understanding the infiltration behaviour of fractured soils, for which an event-based characterisation of rainfall in modelling is crucial. A priori-definable indices were derived which are capable of describing elements of this threshold filtering, by allowing the statistical properties of fracture flow- and surface runoff-triggering storms (i.e., mean and variance of storm duration, intensity and effective inter-storm period, as well as cumulative partitioning of rainfall), to be inferred directly from average storm and soil properties. Using these indices, the long-term response of fractured soils, including the long-term hydrological importance of fractures, can be estimated without simulation.  相似文献   
在常规地震资料处理中,多次反射波被视为噪声并从地震数据中去除,以免在之后的地震资料解释中造成误解.而事实上,多次波也是地震信号,是照明波场的一部分,能够对地下构造成像的精度做出贡献.本文分析了多次波在传统单程波叠前深度偏移中产生构造假象的机制和表现,为实现基于单程波偏移算子的多次波成像,修改了单程波叠前深度偏移的边界条件,即将输入的震源波场用包含多次波的记录来替代,输入的记录波场用预测出的表层相关多次波来替代,实现了基于单程波偏移算子的地表相关多次波成像,并从理论上给出了其成像依据.通过基于二范式最小能量差原则求取的匹配因子,将多次波成像结果与一次波成像结果进行匹配叠加,应用多次波成像来弥补一次波成像的不足.简单模型验证了基于单程波偏移算子的多次波成像方法的有效性,最后对Sigsbee2B模型进行了一次波与多次波联合成像试算,盐边界高陡构造成像质量得到了明显改善.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new method for seismic stratigraphic absorption compensation based on the adaptive molecular decomposition. Using this method, we can remove most of the effects resulting from wavelets truncation and interference which usually exist in the common time-frequency absorption compensation method. Based on the assumption that the amplitude spectrum of the source wavelet is smooth, we first construct a set of adaptive Gabor frames based on the time-variant properties of the seismic signal to transform the signal into the time-frequency domain and then extract the slowly varying component (the wavelet’s time-varying amplitude spectrum) in each window in the time-frequency domain. Then we invert the absorption compensation filter parameters with an objective function defined using the correlation coefficients in each window to get the corresponding compensation filters. Finally, we use these filters to compensate the time-frequency spectrum in each window and then transform the time-frequency spectrum to the time domain to obtain the absorption-compensated signal. By using adaptive molecular decomposition, this method can adapt to isolated and overlapped seismic signals from the complex layers in the inhomogeneous viscoelastic medium. The viability of the method is verified by synthetic and real data sets.  相似文献   
为了适应油田地下水动态观测资料的处理,有效地排除干扰,对Weiner滤波方法进行了改进,利用改进后的方法,处理了胜利油田东水-3井的观测资料,结果表明,利用该方法可以较好地消除各种干扰对地下水动态观测的影响。  相似文献   
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