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This paper describes the datasets from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project(ScenarioMIP) simulation experiments run with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System Model,GridPoint version 3(CAS FGOALS-g3). FGOALS-g3 is driven by eight shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs) with different sets of future emission, concentration, and land-use scenarios. All Tier 1 and 2 experiments were carried out and were initialized using historical runs. A branch run method ...  相似文献   
天然气水合物动力学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据第六届天然气水合物国际会议(ICGH6)的资料,综述了天然气水合物动力学研究领域的最新进展。重点介绍了新技术的应用、动力学机理的实验研究、计算机分子动力学模拟以及动力学抑制与促进研究等几个方面取得的最新成果,并探讨了水合物动力学领域的主要问题及发展前景。  相似文献   
海北化工厂已停产15年之久,但Cr6+污染依旧十分严重.调查得知,海北化工厂原生产废液排放及堆存废渣经降水淋滤作用下渗,是造成该区包气带和地下水Cr6+污染的主要原因.采用地下水质量法和污染指数法评价分析该区地下水Cr6+污染范围和污染影响程度.评价结果显示:Cr6+重度污染区面积0.75 km2,厂区包气带Cr6+平均含量67.67×10-6,平均超标指数1691.75,地下水中Cr6+浓度超过Ⅴ类水标准.在分析厂区周边水文地质条件的基础上,提出清除场地废渣废料并置换被污染的包气带、采用抽水法治理被污染的地下水的综合方案.  相似文献   
利用最新采集的高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,结合SHD-1钻孔岩心资料,对东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来的地层结构进行了分析,建立了MIS 6以来的沉积地层格架,并对地层的地质年代进行了厘定。根据Octavian Catuneanu(2005)的层序地层学理论,研究区地层划分出海侵和高位体系域、下降期体系域、海退和低位体系域。研究表明,过孔的浅地层剖面与钻孔岩心的沉积地层有很好的对应关系。东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来可划分出7个不整合界面(D7—D1)和7个地震单元(SU7—SU1)。东海外陆架的海进层序与海退层序有规律地交替发育,它们与海平面变化曲线也有很好的对应关系。其中,地震单元SU1、SU5分别为MIS 1、MIS 5形成的海侵沉积,主要发育浅海沉积层,100 m以浅的位置发育潮流沙脊;地震单元SU2、SU4、SU6分别对应 MIS 2、MIS 4和MIS 6低海平面时期形成的河流/河口—三角洲沉积;地震单元SU3、SU4为下降期体系域,这两个亚单元分别对应MIS 3和MIS 4晚期。MIS 4—MIS 3发育厚层且分布广泛的水下三角洲,但MIS 4发育的水下三角洲的规模不及MIS 3大。总之,对MIS 6以来沉积地层格架的建立和古环境研究可为东海外陆架晚第四纪地层的海平面变化、古环境演化等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
The monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO) is the dominant variability over the Indian Ocean during the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) season and is characterized by pronounced northward propagation. Previous studies have shown that general circulation models (GCMs) still have difficulty in simulating the northward-propagating MISO, and that the role of air-sea interaction in MISO is unclear. In this study, 14 atmosphere-ocean coupled GCMs (CGCMs) and the corresponding atmosphere-only GCMs (AGCMs) are selected from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to assess their performance in reproducing MISO and the associated vortex tilting mechanism. The results show that both CGCMs and AGCMs are able to well simulate the significant relationship between MISO and vortex tilting. However, 80% of CGCMs show better simulation skills for MISO than AGCMs in CMIP6. In AGCMs, the poor model fidelity in MISO is due to the failure simulation of vortex tilting. Moreover, it is found that failure to simulate the downward motion to the north of convection is responsible for the poor simulation of vortex tilting in AGCMs. In addition, it is observed that there is a significant relationship between the simulated sea surface temperature gradient and simulated vertical velocity shear in the meridional direction. These findings indicate that air-sea interaction may play a vital role in simulating vertical motions in tilting and MISO processes. This work offers us a specific target to improve the MISO simulation and further studies are needed to elucidate the physical processes of this air-sea interaction coupling with vortex tilting.  相似文献   
根据水库诱发地震的发震相关因素和特点,确定出水库诱发地震数据库元参数和库结构,并通过资料收集初步建立起水库诱发地震数据库,它包含了全世界水库诱发地震震例1 31个、中国大Ⅰ型水库110座、中国大Ⅱ型水库200座和坝高达100m的水库70座,并具有快速查询、统计、图示等简单功能。在汶川M_S8.0地震发生后的第2天,应地震主管部门的要求及时给出了四川省及附近区域已建大型水库的基本信息及分布。可见,水库诱发地震数据库是有助于政府部门进行地震快速对策的一种有效工具  相似文献   
对中国地震局地震研究所最新引进的4台CG-6型相对重力仪的零漂特性进行测试研究,结果表明,4台重力仪的静态零漂率、混合零漂率和动态零漂率均小于8 μGal/h,满足厂家给出的技术指标。在较长观测时间内,各台仪器的零漂均存在不同程度的非线性特征,因此在进行较长时间的野外观测以及后续数据处理中,不宜将零漂率作为常数进行解算和零漂改正。  相似文献   
本项研究是PMIP(PalaeoclimateModelingIntercomparisonProject)国际合作项目中有关模型模拟与观测资料对比的一部分。模型试验对象是6000yr.BP的全球湿润状况。模拟试验以检测太阳辐射变化对全球大尺度气候系统的影响为主要目的。观测资料是利用地质证据恢复的古湖泊水位变化,实际上是某一地区的有效降水(降水减蒸发)的变化。通过两者的比较发现,所有模拟试验均能重现6000yr.BP在亚洲南部与非洲北部的湿润环境,从而证实了因太阳辐射变化导致的亚洲与非洲季风的增强。但模拟的季风增强无论是强度还是范围均小于地质记录。原因很可能是模拟试验中下垫面特征用“现代”的来处理。模拟试验对北半球夏季辐射增加造成的西风带北移及由此引起的中纬度地区的气候变化不够成功。绝大多数模拟对受洋流与海温影响较大的地区是失败的。主要原因可能是所有PMIP中的模拟试验都未考虑海洋的作用。  相似文献   
Selected samples of dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated by ultrafiltration (UDOM) have been analyzed by thermochemolysis in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). This technique cleaves ester and ether bonds of bio‐ and geological macromolecules and releases monomer subunits and methylates them in situ as their methyl ethers and methyl esters. Compared with conventional pyrolysis, TMAH thermochemolysis avoids decarboxylation of preexisting carboxylic moieties and produces aromatic acids as their methyl esters. Various phenolic derivatives, which might originate from incorporated lignin‐derived structures, from the highly aliphatic and resistant biopolymer cutan and also from proteinaceous materials, were identified among the products produced from UDOM upon thermochemolysis. The presence of lignin derivatives in UDOM indicates input of organic matter derived from terrestrial sources. Various aromatic acids, perhaps representing the final steps in the oxidation of the side‐chain during microbial oxidation of lignin, were released upon TMAH thermochemolysis, suggesting they are structural constituents of the UDOM. Different ratios of lignin‐derived materials, commonly determined using the CuO oxidation method, such as the Δ value, indicative of the amount of lignin present, the acid/aldehyde ratio (Ad/Al)G, indicative of the extent of oxidative degradation of the lignin component, and the syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) and p‐hydroxyphenyl/guaiacyl (P/G) ratios, indicative of the contribution for the different types of lignin, were determined.  相似文献   
6-硝基-2-苯并噻唑重氮氨基偶氮苯与铜的显色反应及其应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在pH10~12的Na2B4O7-NaOH缓冲溶液中,TritonX-100表面活性剂存在下,6-硝基-2-苯并噻唑重氮氨基偶氮苯与铜发生显色反应,生成2∶1的深红色配合物。配合物的最大吸收峰位于535nm处,表观摩尔吸光系数1.42×105L·mol-1·cm-1。Cu2+的浓度在0~400μg/L符合比尔定律。用拟定方法测定铝合金及铜矿石样品中的微量铜,结果与原子吸收法结果相符,6次测定的RSD<3%。  相似文献   
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