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On April 1, 1936, an M6(3/4) earthquake occurred on the Fangcheng-lingshan Fault. This event is the biggest historical earthquake on the coastal seismic zone, South China ever. But so far, no any findings about the surface rupture of this event have been reported. This paper is the first to find several intact surface rupture zones associated with the 1936 Lingshan seismic event, in the areas of Gaotang, Jiaogengping etc. on the northeast segment of the Fangcheng-Lingshan Fault. According to the field work, the surface rupture stretches to 10km and distributes along NE direction in front of Luoyang Mountain, represented by earthquake scarp, extensional fracture, dextrally faulted gully and river system etc. The characteristics of surface ruptures and faulted landforms indicate that the surface rupture is of normal-dextral strike slip faulting. The trenching on this fault exposed that at least three seismic events have been recorded, including two historical earthquake events and the latest one is the 1936 Lingshan M6(3/4) earthquake. These surface rupture zones are the key to the detection of seismogenic structure and the re-estimate of magnitude of this event. The new finding of these surface rupture zones would be particularly significant for the detection of the seismogenic structure of Lingshan M6(3/4) earthquake.  相似文献   
2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县MS6.6地震灾害特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年7月22日在甘肃省定西市岷县-漳县交界地区(34.5°N,104.2°E)发生MS6.6地震,造成95人死亡,中国地震局启动地震应急Ⅱ级响应.根据现场调查,这次地震最高烈度为Ⅷ度.震区建筑90%以上为土木结构和木结构,且多为老旧房屋,抗震性能差.加之震前灾区持续降雨,造成房屋地基和生土墙体支撑强度降低.与其他地震区相比,相同烈度下土木结构和木结构破坏比例偏大,砖结构和砖混结构破坏明显偏轻.降雨加上巨厚的黄土沉积,导致地震滑坡比较严重.由于这些原因,Ⅷ度区范围偏大,Ⅵ区也相对较大.甘肃定西是中国经济欠发达地区之一,土木结构和抗震性能较差的木结构房屋比例过大.震后重建中,建议以砖木结构和砖混结构为主重建灾区.  相似文献   
The fluorescence decay of aquatic natural organic matter (NOM) samples was investigated using the time-correlated single photon counting technique (TCSPC). Two different approaches for the data analysis are presented: the discrete component approach (DCA) and the exponential series method (ESM). The parameter set obtained in the DCA is discussed in terms of characterization for NOM of different origins. However, the obtained parameter set can only be interpreted as operationally defined. Using the ESM for a fluorescence decay time distribution analysis no a priori assumption about the number of fluorescing components was introduced into the data analysis. The interpretation of fluorescence decay time data for samples before and after ozonation is in good agreement with results of other analytical methods.  相似文献   
A range of independently characterised reference materials (RMs) for LA‐ICP‐MS, used for the determination of the platinum‐group elements (PGE) and Au in a sulfide matrix, were analysed and compared: 8b, PGE‐A, NiS‐3, Po727‐T1, Po724‐T and the Lombard meteorite. The newly developed RM NiS‐3 was used as the RM for the calibration of all LA‐ICP‐MS analyses and the measured concentrations of the other RMs compared against their published concentrations. This data were also used to assess the consistency of concentrations calibrated against the different RMs. It was found that Po727‐T1 and 8b produced results that were comparable, within uncertainty, for all elements. Po727‐T1 also produced consistent results with NiS‐3 for all elements. All other RMs showed differences for some elements, especially Ru in Po724‐T, and Os, Ir and Au in PGE‐A. The homogeneity of the PGE and Au in each RM was assessed, by comparing the precision of multiple LA‐ICP‐MS spot analyses with the average uncertainty of the signal. Po724‐T, Po727‐T1 and the Lombard meteorite were found to be homogeneous for all elements, but 8b, PGE‐A and NiS‐3 were heterogeneous for some elements. This is the first direct comparison between a range of independently characterised PGE and Au LA‐ICP‐MS RMs.  相似文献   
As a new method, the ultraviolet spectrum technique is applied to studying the connectivity of biode-gradable heavy oil reservoirs. The similarity of crude oils can be judged according to the extinction coefficient (E) because aromatic hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons have conjugated bonds and obvious absorption in the ultraviolet range, and different materials have different characteristics and additives. The relationship diagram is made in terms of the extinction coefficients (E) of the samples by taking E as the Y-axis and wavelength as the X-axis. The connectivity of oil reservoirs is estimated according to the curve positions and characteristic fingerprints of the sampies. The connectivity of part of the reservoirs in the western part of the QHD32-6 oilfield was studied with this method. The results showed that the connectivity of samples from wells F7 and F8 in the Nm-2 oil reservoir zone is good, that of samples from wells F17 and F20 in the Nm-1 oil reservoir zone also is good, and that of samples from wells F17, F19, and F20 is poor.  相似文献   
在碱性介质中,痕量Ag(Ⅰ)对新试剂6-(2-羟基-4-二乙基氨苯偶氮)-2,3-二氢-1,4-酞嗪二酮(简称HDEA)的电化学发光具有显著的催化作用。基于此,提出了HDEA-KCI-KOH体系测定矿样中痕量Ag的新方法。方法的检测限为2.0×10~(-8)mol/L Ag,线性范围为5.0×10~(-8)—3.0×10~(-6)mol/L Ag。采用巯基棉富集分离,应用本法测定一些矿样中的Ag,结果良好。  相似文献   
The characterisation of relative copper isotope amount ratios (δ65Cu) helps constrain a variety of geochemical processes occurring in the geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. The accurate and precise determination of δ65Cu in matrix reference materials is crucial in the effort to validate measurement methods. With the goal of expanding the number and variety of available geological and biological materials, we have characterised the δ65Cu values of ten reference materials by MC‐ICP‐MS using C‐SSBIN model for mass bias correction. SGR‐1b (Green River shale), DOLT‐5 (dogfish liver), DORM‐4 (fish protein), TORT‐3 (lobster hepatopancreas), MESS‐4 (marine sediment) and PACS‐3 (marine sediment) have for the first time been characterised for δ65Cu. Additionally, four reference materials (with published δ65Cu values) have been characterised: BHVO‐1 (Hawaiian basalt), BIR‐1 (Icelandic basalt), W‐2a (diabase) and Seronorm? Trace Elements Serum L‐1 (human serum). The reference materials measured in this study possess complex and varied matrices with copper mass fractions ranging from 1.2 µg g?1 to 497 µg g?1 and δ65Cu values ranging from ?0.20‰ to 0.52‰ with a mean expanded uncertainty of ± 0.07‰ (U, k = 2), covering much of the natural copper isotope variability observed in the environment.  相似文献   
基于小波分析的光照电站边坡位移变形监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光照电站是北盘江上大型水利枢纽,为确保安全施工和运营,采用智能型全站仪TCA2003对大坝两岸边坡进行位移变形监测。由于监测结果中包含测量仪器、测量条件和测量过程误差,利用db3小波和db6小波进行去噪处理,获取更具真实性和稳定性的数据。通过对比分析,db6小波去噪效果比db3小波好,调用函数提取db6小波分解前后的高频系数,可以判断出噪声主要集中在高频中前两层。  相似文献   
2005年11月26日九江--瑞昌5.7级地震浅析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2005年11月26日,在江西省九江县与瑞昌市交界处发生5.7级地震,震源深度10km。宏观震中在九江县港口乡。震中烈度Ⅶ度,极震区为北东向的椭圆,烈度分布受瑞昌盆地内地形地貌条件的控制;5.7级地震的最大余震为ML5.3级,序列类型为主震—余震型,余震较丰富,余震区长轴为北西向。此次地震经历了较长期的应力应变积累过程,发生在江西分宜—黄海北部北东向ML≥4.0级地震活动带和湖北西部—江西南昌ML≥3.0级地震活动带的交汇部位,与大区域地震活动性中长期异常相关。  相似文献   
地震地表破裂带调查表明,昆仑山口西 8. 1级地震的破裂长度为 426km,最大水平位移6m左右,地震破裂位移的分布明显地受断层活动段控制。该次地震的破裂长度远大于统计值,文中应用地壳极限线应变的概念,通过比较中国大陆内部几次走滑型强震的地震破裂最大位移与破裂长度的关系,论述了昆仑山口西 8. 1级地震中各次级段破裂的相对独立特征,认为该次强震不是一次整体性破裂事件,而是由连续触发的几次地震组成  相似文献   
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