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基于WRF模式数据和CASA模型的青海湖流域草地NPP估算研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
植被净初级生产力(NPP)是研究陆地碳循环过程的核心内容, 而高海拔区域由于气象观测数据的缺乏造成模型对其估算的不准确.在WRF模式气象数据和SPOT-VEGETATION遥感影像的基础上, 利用CASA模型对青海湖流域2000-2010年的草地NPP进行了估算, 经过实地样方数据和其他模型数据的验证后, 分析了青海湖流域近11 a来草地NPP的空间分布格局和时间变化特征.结果表明: 1)在气象观测资料缺乏的青海湖流域, WRF模式的气象数据能较好地应用到模型中, CASA模型对该区域草地NPP的模拟精度较高; 2)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地年均NPP为2.71×1012gC·a-1, 单位面积草地NPP为145.71 gC·m-2·a-1; 空间分布上呈现出由东南向西北随着海拔升高逐渐下降的格局, 在海拔3 200~3 500 m的区域草地单位面积的NPP达到最大; 3)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地NPP年际变化明显, 近11 a呈现出明显的增加趋势, 增加区域主要分布在环湖地区; 年内季节变化显著, 夏季NPP占到全年的57.36%; 4)对NPP和气象站点太阳辐射、 气温、 降水数据进行相关性分析, 发现影响青海湖流域草地NPP变化的主要驱动力是气温.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are as follows: (a) an assessment of the geochemical background signature of the Drava Valley before the industrial revolution; (b) an evaluation of anthropogenic geochemical influences on the alluvial plains and river terraces in the valley; and (c) a determination of the spatial distribution of trace elements in the alluvial soils of the Drava River downstream of the Austrian–Slovenian border to the confluence of Mura and Drava Rivers.  相似文献   
About forty productive oil/gas fields hosted in volcanic reservoirs have been found since 1957 in fourteen basins of China. They can be simply subdivided into two groups, the east and the west. Reservoir volcanic rocks of the east group are predominantly composed of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rhyolite and Tertiary basalt, preferred being considered as rift type volcanics developed in the circum-Pacific tectonic regime. Those of the west are Permo-Carboniferous intermediate/basic volcanic rocks, being island-arc type ones developed in paleo-Asian Ocean tectonic regime.  相似文献   
马晓莉  李顺  岳雅慧 《第四纪研究》2023,43(5):1157-1171
雅鲁藏布江河谷(尤其是"一江两河"区域)风沙化较为严重,制约了当地社会经济的可持续发展,追踪河谷风沙来源对当地风沙治理意义重大。本研究聚焦于拉萨贡嘎机场附近的山南宽谷风沙地貌,采集2个河沙、3个风成沙丘和1个坡积物样品,以及引用前人研究的2个河沙样品。基于碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及微量元素地球化学特征,进行沙源示踪研究,旨在为当地风沙治理提供科学依据。对360颗锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得322个谐和年龄。分析结果表明,河沙、风成沙丘及坡积物样品碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布特征高度相似,主要峰值与冈底斯岩浆弧新生代的两期岩浆活动一一对应;非矩阵多维标度统计技术(MDS)分析也证实了样品与冈底斯岩浆弧有良好的亲缘性;地球化学判别图解显示锆石具有亏损轻稀土元素、富集重稀土元素、明显正Ce异常和明显负Eu异常的特征,亦指示其岩浆成因,表明冈底斯岩浆弧为沙丘、河沙与坡积物中碎屑锆石的主要来源。依据不同类型样品碎屑锆石年龄对比以及锆石年龄相似程度对比,结果发现:1)雅鲁藏布江地区风沙地貌主要是由于枯水季河床水位下降,导致河岸和河漫滩出露地表,就地起沙吹扬到山坡上所形成;2)研究区河沙并非主要从上游搬运而来,更多是拉萨河搬运汇入的泥沙。依据沙源分析结果,欲解决河谷风沙化问题,首要应在河岸和河漫滩种植适宜当地气候的耐旱植物固定河床上的泥沙,这是最直接有效的手段。  相似文献   
多坝沟金矿是近年来塔里木盆地东南缘新发现的一处具有一定规模的金矿床,矿区内出露的英云闪长岩侵入闪长岩中,金矿体主要赋存在英云闪长岩体内部的构造蚀变带中。笔者对矿区闪长岩、英云闪长岩和金矿石进行了岩石学和地球化学研究,闪长岩具有埃达克型花岗岩特征,英云闪长岩具有喜马拉雅型花岗岩特征,全岩δ18OV-SMOW‰为11.0‰~13.4‰。通过金矿石的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得具有多期峰值的变质年龄,206Pb/238U年龄值在422~1 284 Ma,这组年龄显示出闪长岩形成年龄为(497±13)Ma,英云闪长岩的形成年龄为(435.9±6.6)Ma,伴随构造热液活动的年龄,成矿年龄稍晚于英云闪长岩的年龄,矿区的2期岩浆活动与塔里木东南缘-阿尔金北缘早古生代2期主要成矿阶段一致,多坝沟金矿成矿阶段主要集中在第二阶段,表明在塔里木盆地东南缘寻找与早古生代形成的埃达克型和喜马拉雅型花岗岩有关金铜矿床具有一定的潜力。  相似文献   
Two fundamentally different types of silicic volcanic rocks formed during the Cenozoic of the western Cordillera of the United States. Large volumes of dacite and rhyolite, mostly ignimbrites, erupted in the Oligocene in what is now the Great Basin and contrast with rhyolites erupted along the Snake River Plain during the Late Cenozoic. The Great Basin dacites and rhyolites are generally calc-alkaline, magnesian, oxidized, wet, cool (<850°C), Sr-and Al-rich, and Fe-poor. These silicic rocks are interpreted to have been derived from mafic parent magmas generated by dehydration of oceanic lithosphere and melting in the mantle wedge above a subduction zone. Plagioclase fractionation was minimized by the high water fugacity and oxide precipitation was enhanced by high oxygen fugacity. This resulted in the formation of Si-, Al-, and Sr-rich differentiates with low Fe/Mg ratios, relatively low temperatures, and declining densities. Magma mixing, large proportions of crustal assimilation, and polybaric crystal fractionation were all important processes in generating this Oligocene suite. In contrast, most of the rhyolites of the Snake River Plain are alkaline to calc-alkaline, ferroan, reduced, dry, hot (830–1,050°C), Sr-and Al-poor, and Nb-and Fe-rich. They are part of a distinctly bimodal sequence with tholeiitic basalt. These characteristics were largely imposed by their derivation from parental basalt (with low fH2O and low fO2) which formed by partial melting in or above a mantle plume. The differences in intensive parameters caused early precipitation of plagioclase and retarded crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. Fractionation led to higher density magmas and mid-crustal entrapment. Renewed intrusion of mafic magma caused partial melting of the intrusive complex. Varying degrees of partial melting, fractionation, and minor assimilation of older crust led to the array of rhyolite compositions. Only very small volumes of distinctive rhyolite were derived by fractional crystallization of Fe-rich intermediate magmas like those of the Craters of the Moon-Cedar Butte trend. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The structural activities took place extensively in the Asia continent during the Cenozoic era owing to the strong continent-to-continent collision and continuous compression between the India Plate and the Eurasia Plate. Huang Jiqing called such structural activities Himalayan movement. China’s sedimentary basins developed and took shape mainly during the Himalayan movement period. It is also the main period for formation and development of the oil and gas reservoirs. Of 366 large and medium-sized oil and gas fields currently found in China, 212 reservoirs were formed in the Neogene-Quaternary period. The proportion is as high as 68.2%. The oil and gas migration and accumulation in the latest geological period, which were controlled by the times, properties, styles and strength of the Himalayan movement, took place mainly in eight regions, such as the low uplift area of Bohai Sea, the onshore faulted sag area of Bohai Bay, anticlinorium zone in Daqing, the foreland fold-and-thrust belt in West China, the tilted structural zone in West China, the cratonic palaeohigh in the Tarim Basin, the zone of fault and fold belt in the East Sichuan Basin, and the biological gas zone in the East Qaidam Basin. The oil and gas pool formations in those regions have their own characteristics. With the great potential and broad prospect, those regions are the main exploration areas in China in the future.  相似文献   
调查了衡水滏阳河岸景观带植被配置现状,在剖析景观带植被配置优势和问题的基础上,从适地适树,丰富季相景观,注重种植密度及乔灌藤花草合理搭配等方面提出了改进措施,以促进本区植被配置优化,充分发挥河岸植被的生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

利用国际卫星云气候计划(International Satellite Cloud Climate Program,简称ISCCP)提供的1998—2007年共10 a的深对流路径跟踪资料,统计分析了影响江淮地区对流系统(Convection system,简称CS)的时空分布及其参数特征。结果表明:影响江淮地区的CS主要集中在春夏两季,大多生成于江淮本地及我国中西部地区,呈现以江淮地区为中心的带状分布特征,越靠近江淮区域CS分布越为密集。依据源地不同,将影响江淮地区的CS分为5类,受气候条件与地形地貌的共同作用,各源地CS参数特征差异显著,总体来说CS的水平尺度越大,其生命史、对流云团(Convective clusters,简称CC)数目及水平云温度梯度也越大。其中江淮中心区域(MID)区域CS水平尺度、生命史和CC数目的平均值均为最小;东南(SE)区域CS生命周期以中长周期为主,水平尺度、最大对流比和云温度梯度的平均值最大。梅雨期内江淮地区对流活动频繁,CS的水平尺度大、生命史长、CC数目多。

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