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在高山峡谷地区修建地下工程,山体坡度不同时会对初始地应力有十分重要的影响。通过数值分析研究了当山坡坡角分别为30°、45°和60° 时,在重力场条件下山体中在垂直向和水平向典型剖面中初始地应力分布的特点。经比较后认为,若在山体中取其直接埋深算出的垂直向地应力数值与实际值相差很大。山坡越陡,差值越大。随后,又在45°的山体中设定开挖2个不同位置的洞室,并采用了节理岩体的损伤-断裂模型做数值分析,比较二者的稳定性状况。结果发现,其围岩的损伤度十分不对称,而且离坡面(或坡脚)越近,则破损区越严重。并提出了相应的结论和建议  相似文献   
蒙阴县以科学发展观为指导,结合当地实际,积极探索破损山体治理模式,对京沪高速公路沿线破损山体进行了综合治理,取得了较好的治理效果。该文详细介绍了植生穴绿化技术、植生盆绿化技术和雕刻美化治理技术在蒙阴县京沪高速公路沿线破损山体治理中的应用,以及生态修复技术在日后养护中的注意事项,并探讨了治理工程产生的环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
Spatial data were used to develop complex characteristics of a high-mountain karst. The numeric elaboration was conducted using the analytical capabilities of GIS software. Analysis was based on spatial data gained by elaborating aerial photography. The results were presented in map sets, as well as Geographic Information System format. The set of matched numerical methods used and the proposed algorithm for data analysis may be applied at other karst sites.  相似文献   
The Mombi bauxite deposit is located in 165 km northwest of Dehdasht city, southwestern Iran. The deposit is situated in the Zagros Simply Fold Belt and developed as discontinuous stratified layers in Upper Cretaceous carbonates (Sarvak Formation). Outcrops of the bauxitic horizons occur in NW-SE trending Bangestan anticline and are situated between the marine neritic limestones of the Ilam and Sarvak Formations. From the bottom to top, the deposit is generally consisting of brown, gray, pink, pisolitic, red, and yellow bauxite horizons. Boehmite, diaspore, kaolinite, and hematite are the major mineral components, while gibbsite, goethite, anatase, rutile, pyrite, chlorite, quartz, as well as feldspar occur to a lesser extent. The Eh–pH conditions during bauxitization in the Mombi bauxite deposit show oxidizing to reducing conditions during the Upper Cretaceous. This feature seems to be general and had a significant effect on the mineral composition of Cretaceous bauxite deposits in the Zagros fold belt. Geochemical data show that Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 and TiO2 are the main components in the bauxite ores at Mombi and immobile elements like Al, Ti, Nb, Zr, Hf, Cr, Ta, Y, and Th were enriched while Rb, Ba, K, Sr, and P were depleted during the bauxitization process. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern in the bauxite ores indicate REE enrichment (ΣREE = 162.8–755.28 ppm, ave. ∼399.36 ppm) relative to argillic limestone (ΣREE = 76.26–84.03 ppm, ave. ∼80.145 ppm) and Sarvak Formation (ΣREE = 40.15 ppm). The REE patterns also reflect enrichment in LREE relative to HREE. Both positive and negative Ce anomalies (0.48–2.0) are observed in the Mombi bauxite horizons. These anomalies are related to the change of oxidation state of Ce (from Ce3+ to Ce4+), ionic potential, and complexation of Ce4+ with carbonate compounds in the studied horizons. It seems that the variations in the chemistry of ore-forming solutions (e.g., Eh and pH), function of carbonate host rock as a geochemical barrier, and leaching degree of lanthanide-bearing minerals are the most important controlling factors in the distribution and concentration of REEs. Several lines of evidences such as Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios as well as similarity in REE patterns indicate that the underlying marly limestone (Sarvak Formation) could be considered as the source of bauxite horizons. Based on mineralogical and geochemical data, it could be inferred that the Mombi deposit has been formed in a karstic environment during karstification and weathering of the Sarvak limy Formation.  相似文献   
为了快速准确获取小区域高精度、大比例尺岩溶石漠化的演变趋势,为小区域岩溶石漠化的定量评价和精准治理提供科学依据和基础数据,本文选择岩溶石漠化典型地区——蒙自东山生态治理研究区为例,基于2006年11月SPOT5和2015年1月Pleiades两期高分辨率遥感影像,通过研究区归一化植被指数(NDVI)与植被覆盖度(FVC)进行岩溶石漠化遥感信息提取,得到生态治理区2006年与2015年岩溶石漠化空间分布特征,并对两期FVC数据进行叠加,分析生态治理区石漠化的演变趋势。遥感调查表明,研究区内石漠化十分严重,重度石漠化面积占比73.55%,中度石漠化5.36%,轻度石漠化0.53%,无石漠化14.86%,阴影及水域面积5.71%。不同等级石漠化面积的变化情况显示,2006-2015年,重度石漠化和无石漠化面积比例增加,重度石漠化由72.37%增加到73.55%,无石漠化从6.06%增加到14.86%,而中度、轻度石漠化面积比例减少,中度石漠化面积从11.58%减小到5.36%,轻度石漠化面积从4.35%减小到0.53%。轻度、中度和无石漠化区变幅明显。研究区石漠化发生率从88.27%降低到79.43%,总体呈降低趋势。   相似文献   
对安妥岭斑岩钼矿床矿石中辉钼矿和黄铁矿进行了Pb同位素分析。安妥岭黄铁矿样品投点位于下地壳铅演化趋势线附近,辉钼矿样品投点位于上地幔铅演化趋势线附近;在Pb同位素Δβ-Δγ图解中,安妥岭样品数据点位于地幔源区和造山作用源区。这些Pb同位素特征表明安妥岭斑岩钼矿的成矿物质来源于上地幔-下地壳。同时,安妥岭斑岩钼Pb同位素示踪揭示了成矿期的构造运动波及到上地幔-下地壳,与安妥岭岩石圈拆沉作用这一深部动力学过程相吻合,安妥岭斑岩钼矿受控于太行山板内造山过程,其形成与太平洋板块的俯冲作用无关。  相似文献   
主要通过清水沟-白柳沟矿田与白银厂矿田的火山岩成分、微量元素特征成矿蚀变特征、地质特征等综合分析和对比研究,从块状硫化物矿床成矿系列角度,分析和讨论了清水沟-白柳沟矿田与典型的白银厂矿田的某些相似性或可比性,以期指出清水沟-自柳沟-带进一步找矿的潜力和远景地段。结果表明,2矿田无论是在成矿时代、赋矿岩石组合方面,还是在火山机构和成矿特征等方面皆有一定的可比性。由此提出在清水沟-白柳沟地区还有发现白银厂式块状硫化物矿床的潜力,并提出尕大坂是最具找矿潜力的远景区,值得进一步投人勘查工作。  相似文献   
准南有三条走向东西右列的新生代冲断褶皱带,是天山北麓右行走滑兼走逆冲断层的尾端冲断扇构造。各冲断褶皱带的西端与天山北麓断层相接触处形成最早,在中新世中期开始形成,主体在中新世晚期约10Ma开始形成,其末端在第四纪才开始形成,表现出挤压的构造动力和变形自南向北扩展。准南逆冲构造带的初始时间比天山南麓的库车逆冲构造带晚约8Ma,说明天山造山带因为塑性较高,构造动力传播是耗时的,这与塔里木盆地刚性高、瞬时传递的特征形成对照。瞬时传递构造应力和耗时传递构造动力在空间上的交替出现是印藏陆陆碰撞导致陆内变形传播形式的基本原因。  相似文献   
梵净山地区镁铁质-超镁铁质侵入岩特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梵净山地区中元古代地层发育,侵位于其中的镁铁质—超镁铁质岩的岩类齐全、旋回性好,厚度大,是中国南方研究该幔源岩的良好地区,特别对探讨Rodinia超大陆的演化具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
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