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以库尔勒市哈拉苏园艺场、上户镇园艺场、沙依东园艺场、库尔楚园艺场为研究点,对2013—2016年各生育期的香梨进行抽样调查,统计分析品质与气象因子、人工管理、气象灾害程度等因素的关系,建立库尔勒香梨果实气候品质评价指标及模型。结果表明:(1)单果质量的主要影响因子是5月平均气温日较差和平均相对湿度;果形指数的主要影响因子是5月日平均气温和9月平均相对湿度;果实硬度的主要影响因子是6—7月平均气温和8月平均气温日较差;可溶性固形物的主要影响因子是7月的平均气温日较差和平均相对湿度,8月的日平均气温和相对湿度,9月的日平均最低气温。(2)库尔勒香梨气候品质评价模型由区域适宜性、单果质量、果形指数、果实硬度、可溶性固形物、气象灾害、人工管理共7个因子构成。(3)库尔勒香梨气候品质认证结果划分为特优、优、良好、一般4个等级。(4)2017年样点果园中沙依东园艺场香梨气候品质评价结果为良好,上户镇园艺场为特优,哈拉苏园艺场为优,库尔楚园艺场为良好。  相似文献   
黄河下游典型灌区河南段是豫北平原重要的农业种植区。该地区浅层水质整体较差,因常用于作物灌溉或家畜饮用,会对人体健康产生风险,因此对该地区地下水中砷与氟浓度变化特征和机制的研究将有助于提高对该地区地下水污染的认识水平。本文基于2010年和2020年在灌区范围内采集的327组浅层地下水样品,研究区内地下水砷和氟分布情况,并在此基础上对比研究十年间灌区浅层地下水中砷、氟的演化特征,探索分析砷与氟浓度及空间变化机制。研究结果表明:该地区浅层地下水中存在砷与氟超标问题,2020年浅层地下水中高砷(砷浓度大于10μg/L)和高氟(氟浓度大于1mg/L)的样品数量分别占总数的26.1%和26.06%。高砷水分布在太行山前洼地与黄河冲积平原等泥沙互层结构的沉积环境中,还原性较强,同时地下水径流不畅,较强的阳离子交换作用使得其所处环境中Ca2+浓度较高。近十年间砷浓度增加的水样占总数31.8%,砷浓度减少的水样占36.7%。砷浓度的增长(减少)是地下水还原性增强(减弱)使得锰氧化物溶解释放(吸附)导致。近十年间不同地区农业灌溉和水源置换等用水方式导致水位变化是引起砷浓度变化的潜在因素。高氟水主要分布在河南新乡与濮阳的黄河沿线,氟离子浓度受到沉积物中萤石等钙质矿物溶解影响,使得高氟地下水出现在低钙环境中。近十年间研究区中氟离子浓度减少的占总数60.2%,氟离子浓度增加的占32.1%,整体变化趋势向好,但是高氟区中氟离子浓度继续增加。氟浓度的变化同样受到Ca2+变化影响,在Ca2+浓度降低(升高)时氟浓度进一步升高(降低)。地下水中氟升高地区分布在黄河沿线,因此受到黄河水补给影响较大,地下水径流条件较好,阳离子交换作用减弱,使得Ca2+浓度降低,此时地下水中砷浓度受到环境影响而降低,因此研究区氟增加地区中砷与氟的分布和演化呈现反向关系。  相似文献   
A repeat hydrographic section has been maintained over two decades along the 180° meridian across the subarctic-subtropical transition region. The section is naturally divided into at least three distinct zones. In the Subarctic Zone north of 46°N, the permanent halocline dominates the density stratification, supporting a subsurface temperature minimum (STM). The Subarctic Frontal Zone (SFZ) between 42°–46°N is the region where the subarctic halocline outcrops. To the south is the Subtropical Zone, where the permanent thermocline dominates the density stratification, containing a pycnostad of North Pacific Central Mode Water (CMW). The STM water colder than 4°C in the Subarctic Zone is originated in the winter mixed layer of the Bering Sea. The temporal variation of its core temperature lags 12–16 months behind the variations of both the winter sea surface temperature (SST) and the summer STM temperature in the Bering Sea, suggesting that the thermal anomalies imposed on the STM water by wintertime air-sea interaction in the Bering Sea spread over the western subarctic gyre, reaching the 180° meridian within a year or so. The CMW in this section originates in the winter mixed layer near the northern edge of the Subtropical Zone between 160°E and 180°. The CMW properties changed abruptly from 1988 to 1989; its temperature and salinity increased and its potential density decreased. It is argued that these changes were caused by the climate regime shift in 1988/1989 characterized by weakening of the Aleutian Low and the westerlies and increase in the SST in the subarctic-subtropical transition region. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
针对执行水质监测任务过程中固定浮标监测站单点监测存在局限性、船载观测人员取样耗时耗力等问题,本文设计了一种搭载多点、分层自动采水取样装置的智能无人船水质监测系统,可实现目标水域的多点、分层连续水质数据测量及取样。该智能无人船具备基于快速随机树(Rapid Random Tree)算法的自主避障和快速路径规划功能,解决了现有无人船技术存在的多障碍自主路径规划难等问题。同时,本设计结合了ARM9控制芯片、M5310无线传输模块,通过可视化的显示界面和远程WEB访问的功能,大大提升了科研人员及时处理特殊情况便捷性。通过实验测试及比对分析,证明本设计具有智能高效、稳定可靠等优点,能够满足职能部门对于水质监测工作的需要。  相似文献   
Marine ferromanganese nodules and crusts containing Mn, Cu, Ni and Co in the most promising resource-grade concentrations and quantities, together with Fe and Zn (all elements of biogeochemical importance) are found far from land on the deep seafloor of the Pacific Ocean. The biogeochemical, chemical and physical mechanisms contributing to their formation, distribution, abundance and – for these six elements – variability in their concentrations in these deposits, are the main focus of the present review. The mechanisms addressed include biological productivity, sedimentation types and rates, bottom water characteristics, the Calcium Carbonate Compensation Depth, the depth and intensity of the oxygen minimum zone, and biogeochemical characteristics of the six focal elements. Particular attention is given to comparisons between the deposits found in the north and the south Pacific, in order to present an overarching view of our current understanding of the mechanisms that apply to both nodules and crusts in both oceanic hemispheres, including examination of the possible existence of a marine ferromanganese oxide continuum. The renewed interest in the commercial exploitation of these deposits has stimulated a welcome increase in scientific research that is essential to informing the public discourse on seabed mining. We briefly reflect on the work addressed in this review in that context.  相似文献   
雷达与雨量计联合估测降水的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在对比分析质量控制前后雷达估测降水量与自动雨量计降水量之间相关性的基础上,采用雷达-雨量计联合校准方法,对14种不同密度雨量计校准雷达估测降水的效果进行分析。结果表明:在使用雷达资料和雨量计资料前有必要对资料的质量进行分析与控制。联合雨量计校准雷达能明显提高雷达对降水的估测能力;采用不同密度雨量计校准雷达,随着校准雨量计密度的加大,雷达估测降水的精度不断提高并趋于稳定。校准雷达的效果及所需雨量计密度与降水类型有关,当校准效果相同时,积云强降水过程需要的雨量计密度最大,积混对流性降水过程次之,层云稳定性降水过程需要的雨量计密度最小。不同方法的校准效果不同,卡尔曼滤波方法适合于对稳定性降水的校准,或在雨量计密度低的地区对雷达进行校准;变分校准法和最优插值法的校准效果相当,适合对积混对流性降水的校准,或在雨量计密度高的地区对雷达进行校准。  相似文献   
对冶炼砒霜产生砷渣堆放后没有扰动砷渣(场)、扰动并已修复的砷渣场及扰动正在修复砷渣场周边水环境进行分析,发现长期堆放后没有被扰动的砷渣(场)周边地表水体达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)Ⅲ类标准;扰动正在修复和已修复的砷渣(场)周边地表水环境恢复较快,地下水恢复较慢,恢复周期较长。  相似文献   
The establishment of local self-government was a key part of the post-1989 transformation in East and Central Europe. Local government in both Western and East and Central Europe has increasingly been expected to play a role in local economic development (LED). Local government is one important agent in the complex processes of building 'institutional thickness' to ensure the development of local economies and the quality of life of inhabitants. This paper presents the results of a national postal questionnaire survey of the LED role of the lowest level of local self-government in Poland, the gmina or commune. The paper establishes a baseline of knowledge regarding: the local economic problems faced by communes; their attitudinal, strategic and organisational responses; and the main factors which are hindering the communes' LED role. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
从简化的海洋地震勘探的基本模型出发,根据一次波和多次波的传播所经介质品质因子的不同,通过理论分析和数值实验证明了随着传播时间的增加,一次波的主频可明显低于同一时间段的海水鸣震主频;提出了将多次波的传播时间和相应主频结合起来判别多次波的"时间-频率识别模式"。实际资料的处理实验表明:与传统的"时间识别模式"相比,基于"时间-频率识别模式"的多次波衰减,可在压制多次波的同时较好地保持有效信号的基本特征。  相似文献   
本文依据测绘成果质量检查与验收的相关规定,结合南京的测绘产品质量管理的实际情况,实现了检验方案的制定、质量检查、质量评价等工作流程,达到了质量评定的规范化管理的目的,实现质量评定成果统一化、规则化和标准化,具有较广泛的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
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