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北极海冰的厚度和面积变化对大气环流影响的数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
文中利用中国科学院大气物理研究所设计的两层大气环流模式 ,模拟研究了北极海冰厚度和面积变化对大气环流的影响 ,尤其是对东亚区域气候变化的影响。模式中海冰厚度处理趋于合理分布 ,导致东亚冬、夏季风偏强 ,使冬季西伯利亚高压和冰岛低压的模拟结果更趋合理 ;另一方面 ,海冰厚度变化可以激发出跨越欧亚大陆的行星波传播 ,在低纬度地区 ,该行星波由西太平洋向东太平洋地区传播 ;海冰厚度变化对低纬度地区的对流活动也有影响。冬季北极巴伦支海海冰变化对后期大气环流也有显著的影响。数值模拟结果表明 :冬季巴伦支海海冰偏多 (少 )时 ,春季 (4~ 6月 )北太平洋中部海平面气压升高 (降低 ) ,阿留申低压减弱 (加深 ) ,有利于春季白令海海冰偏少 (多 ) ;而夏季 ,亚洲大陆热低压加深 (减弱 ) ,5 0 0 h Pa西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北 (南 )、强度偏强 (弱 ) ,东亚夏季风易偏强 (弱 )。  相似文献   
A parallelized large-eddy simulation model has been used to investigate the effects of two-dimensional, discontinuous, small-scale surface heterogeneities on the turbulence structure of the convective boundary layer.Heterogeneities had a typical size of about the boundary-layer heightzi. They were produced by a surface sensible heat flux pattern ofchessboard-type and of strong amplitude as typical, e.g., for the marginalice zone. The major objectives of this study were to determinethe effects of such strong amplitude heat flux variations and to specify theinfluence of different speeds and directions of the background wind.Special emphasis has been given to investigate the secondary circulations induced by the heterogeneities by means of three-dimensional phase averages.Compared with earlier studies of continuous inhomogeneities, the same sizeddiscontinuous inhomogeneities in this study show similar but stronger effects.Significant changes compared with uniform surface heating are only observedwhen the scale of the inhomogeneities is increased to zi. Especially the vertical energy transport is much more vigorous and even the mean emperature profile shows a positive lapse rate within the whole mixed layer. However, the effects are not directly caused by the different shape of the inhomogeneities but can mainly be attributed to the large amplitude of the imposed heat flux,as it is typical for the partially ice covered sea during cold air outbreaks.The structure of the secondary flow is found to be very sensitive to the wavelength and shape of the inhomogeneities as well as to the heatflux amplitude, wind speed and wind direction. The main controlling parameter is the near-surface temperature distribution and the related horizontal pressure gradient perpendicular to the main flow direction. The secondary flow varies from a direct circulation with updraughts mainly above the centre of the heated regions to a more indirect circulation with updraughts beneath the centre and downdraughts above it. For background winds larger than 2.5 m s–1 a roll-like circulation pattern is observed.From previous findings it has often been stated that moderate backgroundwinds of 5 m s–1 eliminate all impacts of surface inhomogeneitiesthat could potentially be produced in realistic landscapes. However, this studyshows that the effects caused by increasing the wind speed stronglydepend on the wind direction relative to the orientation of theinhomogeneities. Secondary circulations remain strong, even for abackground wind of 7.5 m s–1, when the wind direction is orientatedalong one of the two diagonals of the chessboard pattern. On the otherhand, the effects of inhomogeneities are considerably reduced, even undera modest background wind of 2.5 m s–1, if the wind direction isturned by 45°. Mechanisms for the different flow regimesare discussed.  相似文献   
简要介绍了1999年11月29日辽宁岫岩Ms5.4地震成功预报的震前主要预测依据及基本思路。通过对震前辽宁地区地震中短期危险性的分析,确定辽南地区是未来主震的危险地区。根据地震活动的区域特性及岫岩偏岭震群活动的规律,判定岫岩震群的前震性质。利用地震活动性参数计算结果和震前在震中及邻近地区出现前兆短临异常的统计分析,进一步论述了震前预测地震三要素的基本依据。  相似文献   
中国西北大陆碰撞带的深部特征及其动力学意义   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
以中国大陆西北地区地震层析成像的结果为基础,通过分析大陆块体内部岩石层和软流层的深部形态,提出西部造山带与相邻块体之间几种可能的碰撞类型:天山与塔里木之间存在地块的嵌入拼合、俯冲、岩石层拆离下沉以及层间插入等多种构造样式;青藏高原与北部地质单元之间存在十分清晰的深部边界,反映出上地幔物质向北扩展的痕迹;推测青藏高原的岩石层在向北运动的过程中由于受到塔里木刚性块体的阻滞发生弯曲甚至折断,但是祁连山以北较浅的软流层相当于一个开放边界,使高原的上地幔物质得以进一步向北迁移.大陆碰撞不仅造成中国西部造山带岩石层结构的变动,而且导致软流层中一部分熔融的岩浆体沿着碰撞边界上涌到岩石层底部,它们对青藏高原以及西部造山带的形成演化起到重要的作用.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONThe macroscopic vedation of the stage-discharge relationship of unsteady nows in alluvial rivers is animPortant and comPlex problem. The Jinjiang reach of the Middle Yangtze Xiver swells often and theflood defence of the reach is the most serious. The stage-discharge relationship is the basic featore of theflow characteristics. The three hydrological stahons, Chenglingii station (at the exit of the DongtingLak), Jianll station and Luoshan station, are key stations on the…  相似文献   
试论西部大开发与国防建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据我国国土形状呈三叶螺旋浆形的特征,指出了我国经济建设,国防建设和行政管理均应实行中心辐射型结构模式,述了我国经济建设与国防建设相结合的措施,将经济区以国防功能区分为核心经济区,纽带经济区,支撑经济区,有序建成这三类经济区,以适应形势发展的需要,扩大我国的战略防御向纵深发展。  相似文献   
南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展模式研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
邱国锋  张正栋 《热带地理》2001,21(2):173-177,182
从区域农业可持续发展的观点和农业生态系统的原理出发,认为促进南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展具有巨大的经济、生态和政治意义,提出了“以生态为基础,以科技为主导”的“生态 现代生产 现代经营管理 现代科技 现代市场体系”的可持续发展模式。  相似文献   
关于南国冰臼群成因的商榷之二   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩同林  劳雄  郭克毅 《热带地理》2001,21(2):189-194,F003
南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是“冰臼”不是“壶穴”的正确结论,由冰川漂砾经融冻作用形成的“石海”,与化学风化作用产生的花岗岩“石蛋”地貌特征,有天渊之别,不应混为一谈;边滩是由河流冲积物组成,不能与基岩冰床相提并论;圆滚水钻与急流旋涡及风蚀作用,形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制冰臼的发育部位,不致于是非不辨,南国地区古冰川遗迹的大量发现,证明距今约二三百万年的第四纪早期确实曾发生过大规模的古冰川运动,为争论了半个多世纪的中国东部中低山区有无第四纪冰川问题,从此画上一个圆满的句号。  相似文献   
质疑粤西北的冰川遗迹   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘尚仁  彭华 《热带地理》2001,21(2):183-188
从地貌、沉积物、第四纪地层关系、古气候、古环境等方面论证了广东封开-怀集-带所谓的冰川谷、冰蚀三角面、悬谷、角峰、刃脊、冰半、鼻山尾、冰碛砾石、蛇形丘以及近百万年来发生过3次冰期,是既不符合地学基础理论也不符合野外实际,所以是不确实的,那里没有第四纪冰川遗迹。  相似文献   
李志强  陈锦辉 《热带地理》2001,21(4):360-363
湖南省郴州市在经济发展中具备资源丰富,邻近发达的珠江三角洲地区,区位优势等众多有利条件,但同时也存在区内交通不便,经济基础薄弱等一些不利因素。为抓住所面临的大好机遇,作者提出了加快该区基础设施建设、软环境建设、重视科技、加强环境保护和发展旅游等5项对策,并提出了该区经济发展可持续模式;即产业结构优化模式和点轴开发空间布局,最后提出了进一步完善布局的建议。  相似文献   
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