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Bracken fern is one of the major invasive plants distributed all over the world currently threatening socio-economic and ecological systems due to its ability to swiftly colonize landscapes. The study aimed at reviewing the progress and challenges in detecting and mapping of bracken fern weeds using different remote sensing techniques. Evidence from literature have revealed that traditional methods such as field surveys and modelling have been insufficient in detecting and mapping the spatial distribution of bracken fern at a regional scale. The applications of medium spatial resolution sensors have been constrained by their limited spatial, spectral and radiometric capabilities in detecting and mapping bracken fern. On the other hand, the availability of most of these data-sets free of charge, large swath width and their high temporal resolution have significantly improved remote sensing of bracken fern. The use of commercial satellite data with high resolution have also proven useful in providing fine spectral and spatial resolution capabilities that are primarily essential to offer precise and reliable data on the spatial distribution of invasive species. However, the application of these data-sets is largely restricted to smaller areas, due to high costs and huge data volumes. Studies on bracken fern classification have extensively adopted traditional classification methods such as supervised maximum likelihood classifier. In studies where traditional methods performed poorly, the combination of soft classifiers such as super resolution analysis and traditional methods of classification have shown an improvement in bracken fern classification. Finally, since high spatial resolution sensors are expensive to acquire and have small swath width, the current study recommends that future research can also consider investigating the utility of the freely available recently launched sensors with a global footprint that has the potential to provide invaluable information for repeated measurement of invasive species over time and space.  相似文献   
Macroalgae plays an important role in coastal ecosystems. The accurate delineation of macroalgae areas is important for environmental management. This study compared the pixel- and object-based methods using Gaofen satellite no. 2 image to explore an efficient classification approach. Expert system rules and nearest neighbour classifier were adopted for object-based classification, whereas maximum likelihood classifier was implemented in the pixel-based approach. Normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, mean value of the blue band and geometric characteristics were selected as features to distinguish macroalgae farms by considering the spectral and spatial characteristics. Results show that the object-based method achieved a higher overall accuracy and kappa coefficient than the pixel-based method. Moreover, the object-based approach displayed superiority in identifying Porphyra class. These findings suggest that the object-based method can delineate macroalgae farming areas efficiently and be applied in the future to monitor the macroalgae farms with high spatial resolution imagery.  相似文献   
遥感技术在黑竹沟风景旅游资源调查分类与评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,遥感成为了旅游资源调查评价的新手段。阐述了运用遥感新技术对四川省乐山市黑竹沟风景旅游区旅游资源进行调查的过程,并结合现场调研和相关资料对其旅游资源进行了分类和评价。首先对黑竹沟风景旅游区2003年的ETM影像数据遥感图像进行了处理,然后建立了解译标志进行旅游资源信息的提取和分析,最后对黑竹沟风景旅游区的旅游资源进行了客观全面的分类和评价。黑竹沟的旅游资源可分为2大类、7亚类、21个基本类型,是一处景源内容丰富、景象多变的旅游区,发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   
地下管线普查产品的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市地下管线在城市管理、规划及建设发展过程中重要性的逐渐体现,越来越多的城市开展了地下管线普查,但其质量检验与质量评定方法却相对滞后,本文结合实例阐述了地下管线普查产品的检验及质量评定方法,供大家参考。  相似文献   
改进的P-SVM支持向量机与遥感数据分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张睿  马建文 《遥感学报》2009,13(3):445-457
本文介绍了将P-SVM算法引入多光谱/高分辨率遥感数据的分类, 并且展示了卫星ASTER和航空ADS40数字影像分类的技术过程和结果验证。结果表明:P-SVM方法的分类精度不低于SVM, 并减少了时耗。  相似文献   
An extended self-organizing map for supervised classification is proposed in this paper. Unlike other traditional SOMs, the model has an input layer, a Kohonen layer, and an output layer. The number of neurons in the input layer depends on the dimensionality of input patterns. The number of neurons in the output layer equals the number of the desired classes. The number of neurons in the Kohonen layer may be a few to several thousands, which depends on the complexity of classification problems and the classification precision. Each training sample is expressed by a pair of vectors : an input vector and a class codebook vector. When a training sample is input into the model, Kohonen's competitive learning rule is applied to selecting the winning neuron from the Kohouen layer and the weight coefficients connecting all the neurons in the input layer with both the winning neuron and its neighbors in the Kohonen layer are modified to be closer to the input vector, and those connecting all the neurons around the winning neuron within a certain diameter in the Kohonen layer with all the neurons in the output layer are adjusted to be closer to the class codebook vector. If the number of training sam- ples is sufficiently large and the learning epochs iterate enough times, the model will be able to serve as a supervised classifier. The model has been tentatively applied to the supervised classification of multispectral remotely sensed data. The author compared the performances of the extended SOM and BPN in remotely sensed data classification. The investigation manifests that the extended SOM is feasible for supervised classification.  相似文献   
Classification of fine-grained soils is typically conducted using plasticity charts. The typically used plasticity chart proposed by Casagrande was questioned by Polidori proposing different classification criterion in separating clayey and silty soils. Using natural clayey and silty soils sampled from four different coastal sites in Korea, applicability of both Casagrande’s and Polidori’s plasticity charts was evaluated. Classification results of Korean natural soils based on the Casagrande’s and Polidori’s plasticity charts did not match well with those based on the soils’ behavior reported in the previous publication. The disagreement in classification of Korean natural fine-grained soils may result from disregard of considerable silt fraction effect on plastic and liquid limits for Polidori’s chart. Consequently, revised proposal of Polidori’s plasticity chart was tentatively made for further classification of fine-grained soils suitable for Korean natural soils by accounting the effect of silt fraction on soil classification.  相似文献   
福建沿海全新世地层 ,主要分布在沿海地区 级阶地上。裸露地表一般为晚全新世沉积、洪积、冲积、冲洪积层 ;中、早全新世地层多被晚全新世地层覆盖 ,很少裸露地表。根据东山 ZK51孔揭穿的全新世地层中鉴定的微体古生物、孢子花粉、14 C同位素年龄测试结果 ,结合宏观资料进行分析对比 ,将全新世地层划为晚、中、早全新世。晚、中全新世地层的分界经 14 C同位素年龄测试 ,距今 2 56 0± 90 a;中、早全新世地层分界经 14 C同位素年龄测试 ,距今 896 0± 2 4 0 a。这些测试结果 ,与目前国内外对全新世地层划分十分接近。进将中、早全新世地层均划分为 a、b两段。中全新世地层以小泡虫、泡抱球虫组合和喜暖的底有孔虫组合为特征 ,而且经 14 C同位素年龄测试 ,距今 4 310± 110 a,前者为 Q2 ah 、后者为 Q2 bh ;早全新世以冷水面颊虫组合和小泡虫组合为特征 ,将前者划为 Q1ah ,后者划为 Q1bh 。可与欧洲前北方期、北方期和大西洋期、亚北方期进行对比。  相似文献   
云南个旧南部地区元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在野外调研和大量样品采集分析的基础上, 运用数学地质中对应分析和因子分析两种方法对样品和变量进行分类划分和成因解释。首先,将样品和元素进行综合计算,按第一、二因子轴作出样品-元素因子平面图,在图上划分四个象限,按象限进行分类,探讨其样品-元素分类规律。其次,按象限计算因子载荷矩阵,分析各因子轴所代表的元素共生组成规律和成矿期次。根据上述研究认为第一因子轴(F1)所代表的Sn、Cu、Pb、Cu、Zn、Au、Ag等元素为主成矿元素组合和主成矿期次,而其它因子轴所代表的Mo、W、Bi、Be等元素为次成矿元素组合和次成矿期次。成矿作用是在区域构造应力驱动力的作用下,与花岗岩侵入有关。成矿溶液除来自深源以外,还与周围基性岩体(脉)和围岩密切相关,矿液实质是一种混合矿浆,在上升运移过程中,充填在有利的构造部位和有利 的地层层位中形成矿体。  相似文献   
灰岩成因-结构分类的进展及其相关问题讨论   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由Folk在1959,1962年及Dunham在1962年所提出的灰岩因-结构分类体系,具有划时代的意义,至今还得到极为广泛的应用,Embry和Klovan在1971年关于生物礁灰岩的成因-结构分类,即关于骨架灰岩,障积灰岩,粘结灰岩的成因-结构分类的第一次重要的补充,它解决了与生物作用有关的灰岩不符合Folk和Dunham的结构成熟度概念的矛盾,而对成岩作用及其产物的更深入研究,地质学家们发现了许多布成岩作用形成的泥晶化作用和颗粒化作用,由它们所形成的岩石也不符合Folk和Dunbam的结构成熟度概念,导致了Wright在1992年提出了一个更完整的灰岩成因-结构分类体系,把灰岩分为生物作用类,沉积作用类及成岩作用类三大类,即Folk和Dumban描述的分类均属于沉积作用类。要特别指出的是,在从松散沉积物到已石化的竖硬石头的成岩过程中,不但灰岩的结构会发生变化,而且组分也会发生变化,从而使灰岩的成因-结构分类变得更加复杂,关于这方面还存在许多有待进一步研究的问题。在审视Wright在1992年的分类体系时,有必要在沉积作用类中增加“非正常沉积作用亚类灰岩”,针对许多非礁相地层中发育的由生物礁岩石构成的生物层及生物丘,因而有必要对生物作用灰灰岩进行更进一步的分类。  相似文献   
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