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陈惠雄  徐菲菲  王晓鹏 《冰川冻土》2017,39(5):1089-1097
运用超模博弈理论,以流域水资源管理制度形成的角度来解释流域各区段水资源管理政策执行面临的外部环境约束与激励,并通过模型描述了水资源管理域与外部关联域之间的博弈关系。分析发现:超模结构在当前钱塘江与黑河流域的水资源博弈中发挥着重要影响。钱塘江流域水资源管理制度收益函数对水功能区治理变量和经济域治理变量有递增差异。黑河流域水资源管理制度收益函数对分水治理变量和社会域治理变量有递增差异。由于这种关联作用对各区段主体策略集的限制,流域间水资源管理制度逐渐异质化,各流域管理结构呈现出一定的区域特色。钱塘江流域水资源管理偏重于扁平化、职能化管理,黑河流域为科层结构下水资源的层级分配。并依据以上研究结论提出了制度建议。  相似文献   
基于MIKE21的HD模型,通过模拟得到胶州湾的潮流场,胶州湾在涨急时最大流速1.04m/s,落急时最大流速约为0.96m/s。胶州湾余流总体较小,平均为0.03m/s左右。并在湾内不同位置释放自由粒子,以MIKE21的Particle tracking模型计算出其在潮流作用下的运移轨迹,结果表明粒子大多数运移到湾内近岸区域,少部分在湾口区域附近;在潮流场基础上计算了欧拉余流场,并和粒子运移结果进行对比,表明欧拉余流场在区域流向比较一致时可以表示粒子运动的趋势,为物质迁移、控制污染等方面提供了一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   
针对多传感器观测环境下带乘性噪声系统的逆向最优滤波与反褶积融合估计问题 ,本文提出了 1种基于极大似然准则的最优融合算法。该算法中各单传感器间并行计算 ,并且融合中心与单传感器处理中心间无反向通讯 ,因而执行效率较高。仿真表明 ,该融合算法产生的逆向滤波与反褶积比单传感器处理结果有较明显提高  相似文献   
基于2014—2018年NOAA/AVHRR遥感数据,在山东半岛海域选取6条剖面,结合海表温度和表层悬浮体的时空变化特征,详细研究了山东半岛沿岸流的年周期变化规律与移动路径。研究结果表明,山东半岛沿岸流年周期变化可分为4个阶段:成长期(10—12月)时开始形成于黄河口附近,沿莱州湾南部向东运移;强盛期(次年1—3月)时山东半岛沿岸流完全成型,扩散带最宽,鼎盛时期北部可以至38°N附近,东部可以至123°E附近,在35°~36°N附近分成NE—SW向的2个分支,主干部分最远可到达胶州湾东部海域,余流沿岸向西南方向转折;衰退期(4—6月)时沿岸流强度减弱,只在山东半岛北部和东部小范围内有微弱的显示;消亡期(7—9月)时基本消失。山东半岛沿岸流在冬季时对悬浮体扩散具有强烈的驱动作用,使其在黄河口南侧与山东半岛北岸-成山头东部海域分别形成呈“弧形”和“条带状”分布的2个高浓度区域。  相似文献   
介玉新  王乃东  李广信 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):129-132
等效附加应力法的基本思路是把加筋土中筋的作用等效成外力加在土骨架上,取加筋土中的土体进行计算。这种方法能够适用于纤维加筋、分层加筋和土钉墙等不同情况,且能够克服一般复合材料方法中复合材料本构模型难以建立,和把筋土分开考虑的方法中接触面单元过多的弊病。但以前的等效附加应力法需要迭代计算,这给有限元编程带来困难,而且不利于已有程序的改编。对等效附加应力法进行改进,只要在原有土的弹性矩阵或弹塑性矩阵中加上一个附加矩阵就可以直接求解。这就使得不需要迭代就可以直接应用等效附加应力法进行加筋土计算,大大简化了编程难度,改进方法的提出有助于等效附加应力法的推广应用。  相似文献   
Western tropical Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and the equatorial Pacific are known as regions of intense bio-chemical-physical interactions: the Arabian Sea has the largest phytoplankton bloom with seasonal signal, while the equatorial Pacific bloom is perennial with quasi-permanent upwelling. Here, we studied three dimensional ocean thermodynamics comparing recent ocean observation with ocean general circulation model (OPYC) experiment combined with remotely sensed chlorophyll pigment concentrations from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Using solar radiation parameterization representing observations that a higher abundance of chlorophyll increases absorption of solar irradiance and heating rate in the upper ocean, we showed that the mixed layer thickness decreases more than they would be under clear water conditions. These changes in the model mixed layer were consistent with Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) observations during the 1994-1995 Arabian Sea experiment and epi-fluorescence microscopy (EFM) on samples collected during Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Study (EPOCS) in November, 1988. In the Arabian Sea, as the chlorophyll concentrations peak in October (3 mg/m3) after the summer plankton bloom induced by coastal upwelling, the chlorophyll induced biological heating enhanced the sea surface temperature (SST) by as much as 0.6‡C and sub-layer temperature decreases and sub-layer thickness increases. In the equatorial Pacific, modest concentrations of chlorophyll less than 0.3 mg/m3 is enough to introduce a meridional differential heating, which results in reducing the equatorial mixed layer thickness to more than 20 m. The anomalous meridional tilting of the mixed layer bottom enhances off equatorial westward geostrophic currents. Consequently, the equatorial undercurrent transports more water from west to east. We proposed that these numerical model experiments with use of satellite andin situ ocean observations are consistent under three dimensional ocean circulation theory combined with solar radiation transfer process.  相似文献   
三角洲平原上网结河的发育与聚煤作用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
陈代钊  张鹏飞 《沉积学报》1996,14(3):103-112
龙潭组上段(24#煤顶板到12#煤)是盘县地区含煤最好的层段,对该区西北部本段地层的研究表明其中发育有网结河体系。河道沉积由多层叠置的鞋带状砂体组成,湿地沉积主要由菱铁质泥质岩夹薄层板状细砂岩(决口扇沉积)和煤组成。河流的发育和聚煤作用都显示幕式性,可能主要受海平面变化的控制。网结状河道被认为是海侵期对低位下切河谷充填过程中经侧向冲裂水道并相互连通形成的;稳定、连续的厚煤层发育于河道大范围废弃后的海侵晚期,其次是高水位早期。  相似文献   
探讨一种基于完全非线性Boussinesq方程的波浪破碎模型在沿岸流计算中的应用问题。针对控制方程中的完全非线性项对沿岸流成长过程的影响进行了深入讨论。数学模型计算结果表明,完全非线性项有使平均流局部化的作用;通过数模实验还发现,垂向高阶涡度项可以有效抑制破波区外回流;运用Visser的实验室沿岸流实测资料从沿岸流速度、波高和平均水位几方面对所提模型进行了验证,并给出了紊动参数的计算结果。  相似文献   
杭州湾乍浦断面潮流分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2000年9月在杭州湾乍浦断面设置的8个潮流同步观测站的资料,对该断面潮流分布特征进行了分析和探讨,结果表明:该断面大潮涨急时呈现两个大流速核;断面南部的流速要比北部的大,涨潮流速大于落潮流速。这对了解杭州湾水文特征有着一定意义,同时为杭州湾跨海大桥的设计建设提供参考。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel approach to analyze and design the formation keeping control protocols for multiple underwater vehicles in the presence of communication faults and possible uncertainties. First, we formulate the considered vehicle model as the Port-controlled Hamiltonian form, and introduce the spring-damping system based formation control. Next, the dynamics of multiple underwater vehicles under uncertain relative information is reformulated as a network of Lur’e systems. Moreover, the agents under unknown disturbances generated by an external system are considered, where the internal model is applied to tackle the uncertainties, which still can be regulated as the Lur’e systems. In each case, the formation control is derived from solving LMI problems. Finally, a numerical example is introduced to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical approach.  相似文献   
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