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悬浮泥沙的光学特性是影响内陆湖泊水色遥感的重要因素。利用光谱吸收衰减仪(AC-S)测得水池中悬浮泥沙浓度为2.13~1 442.40 mg/L的水体光谱吸收。在蓝、绿和红光波段,悬浮泥沙水体的平均比吸收系数分别为0.0161±0.0039 m2.g-1、0.0071±0.0020 m2.g-1和0.0025±0.0007 m2.g-1;指数拟合获得的Sm*值为0.0098±0.0011 nm-1,利用其模拟的比吸收光谱与实测光谱吻合效果较好,说明该Sm*取值对悬浮泥沙水体比吸收光谱的曲线斜率变化具有一定的参考价值。此外,建立了悬浮泥沙水体吸收系数a(440)m与其浓度的关系模型,R2达0.947,拟合精度较高;然而比吸收系数a*(440)m与泥沙浓度几乎无相关性。研究结果可为内陆水色遥感分析模型的建立提供重要的参数保障。  相似文献   
采用三维快速拉格朗日程序FLAC^3D,对上海世博会500kV地下变电站围护结构的动力反应问题进行了深入细致的分析和研究。所建立的模型采用摩尔一库伦本构关系,同时考虑了静力、动力以及地下承压水的影响,并且通过FLAC^3D软件的二次开发功能引入统一强度理论,来判别围护结构中钢筋混凝土的应力状态,力求更真实地反映围护结构在动力作用下的响应状态。分析结果表明,圆型围护结构的环向刚度比较大,受力时将大部分侧向荷载转移给其环向拱结构,从而使得基坑和周围土体无论在静力状态还是动力状态下,整体变形均较小;基坑整体在所研究的各种工况下,围护结构都处于安全状态。  相似文献   
研究九瑞矿集区成矿地层和岩体的三维分布特征可为区域成矿背景和成矿规律研究提供新的信息,实现研究区深部及外围找矿突破.本文首先综合分析研究区区域地质及地层和岩石密度和磁化率特征,然后将区域地质和12条地质剖面信息利用自行开发的GIF2UBCmodel程序构建剩余密度和磁化率参考模型和上下边界约束模型,实现了带约束重磁数据三维反演.反演结果揭示九瑞矿集区剩余密度和磁化率三维分布特征,解译了矿集区主要地层和岩体分布特征.该区存在邓家山—东雷湾以及武山—丁家山两个大型岩体;盖层褶皱与结晶基底隆起方向一致,是深部基地隆起的继承.通过与矿集区已知矿床对比发现,高磁性岩体边缘和基底隆起(高密度体)两翼为成矿有利区.  相似文献   
Geochemical data from basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic (143–44 Ma) from Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George, and Ardley Islands of the South Shetland archipelago, Antarctica, are presented. The rocks have variable SiO2 of approximately 46–61 wt%, Al2O3 of 15–26 wt%, and total alkali (K2O+Na2O) of 2–6 wt%. Most samples have low Mg#, Cr, and Ni, which indicates that they have undergone significant fractional crystallization from mantle-derived melts. The presence of olivine cumulatic in the samples from Livingston and Robert Islands explains some high MgO, Ni, and Cr values, whereas low Rb, Zr, and Nb values could be related to undifferentiated magmas. N-MORB-normalized trace element patterns show that South Shetland Islands volcanic rocks have a geochemical pattern similar to that found for other island arcs, with enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and in LREE relative to HREE. The geochemistry pattern and presence of calcic plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Mg-olivine, and titanomagnetite phenocrysts suggest a source related to the subduction process. The geochemical data also suggest magma evolution from the tholeiitic to the calc-alkaline series; some samples show a transitional pattern. Samples from the South Shetland archipelago show moderate LREE/HREE ratios relative to N-MORB and OIB, depletion in Nb relative to Yb, and high Th/Yb ratios. These patterns probably reflect magma derived from a lithospheric mantle source previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone.


Dados geoquímicos de basaltos, andesitos basálticos e andesitos mesozóicos–cenozóicos (143–44 Ma) das ilhas Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George e Ardley do Arquipélago Shetland do Sul, Antártica são discutidas neste artigo. As rochas tem conteúdos de SiO2 variando de 46 a 61%, Al2O3 de 15 a 26% e álcalis (K2O+Na2O) de 2 a 6%. A maior parte das amostras tem conteúdos baixos de Mg#, Cr e Ni, indicando que sofreram significante cristalização fracionada de fusões derivadas do manto. A presença de fases cumuláticas nas amostras das ilhas Livingston e Robert explicaria os elevados valores de MgO, Ni, Cr, enquanto que baixos valores de Rb, Zr e Nb observados nas amostras destas ilhas poderiam estar relacionados a magmas não diferenciados. Os padrões de elementos-traço normalizados pelo N-MORB mostram que as rochas vulcânicas das Ilhas Shetland do Sul têm padrão geoquímico similar àqueles encontrados em outros arcos de ilhas com enriquecimento em LILE em relação aos HFSE e em ETRL em relação aos ETRP. O padrão geoquímico e a ocorrência de fenocristais de plagioclásio cálcico, ortopiroxênio, olivina magnesiana e titanomagnetita sugerem origem relacionada a processos de subducção. Dados geoquímicos obtidos para as amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul sugerem um magma evoluindo de toleítico para cálcico-alcalino, observando-se em algumas amostras um padrão transicional. As amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul mostram em relação ao N-MORB e OIB, moderadas razões ETRL/ETRP, empobrecimento em Nb relativo a Yb e elevada razão Th/Yb Estes padrões refletem, provavelmente, magma derivado de uma fonte mantélica litosférica, que foi modificada por fluídos e sedimentos da zona de subducção.  相似文献   
Extensional and compressional structures are globally abundant on Mars. Distribution of these structures and their ages constrain the crustal stress state and tectonic evolution of the planet. Here in this paper, we report on our investigation over the distribution of the tectonic structures and timings of the associated stress fields from the Noachis-Sabaea region. Thereafter, we hypothesize possible origins in relation to the internal/external processes through detailed morphostructural mapping. In doing so, we have extracted the absolute model ages of these linear tectonic structures using crater size-frequency distribution measurements, buffered crater counting in particular. The estimated ages indicate that the tectonic structures are younger than the mega impacts events(especially Hellas) and instead they reveal two dominant phases of interior dynamics prevailing on the southern highlands, firstly the extensional phase terminating around3.8 Ga forming grabens and then compressional phase around 3.5-3.6 Ga producing wrinkle ridges and lobate scarps. These derived absolute model ages of the grabens exhibit the age ca. 100 Ma younger than the previously documented end of the global extensional phase. The following compressional activity corresponds to the peak of global contraction period in Early Hesperian. Therefore, we conclude that the planet wide heat loss mechanism, involving crustal stretching coupled with gravitationally driven relaxation(i.e.,lithospheric mobility) resulted in the extensional structures around Late Noachian(around 3.8 Ga). Lately cooling related global contraction generated compressional stress ensuing shortening of the upper crust of the southern highlands at the Early Hesperian period(around 3.5-3.6 Ga).  相似文献   
文中根据硅铁矿层的褶皱形态、复合关系等确定迁安铁矿区在中元古代之前发生过6期褶皱变形,叙述了这6期褶皱的特征和分布,讨论了褶皱的成因。区内各期褶皱形态演化规律反映了变形过程中岩石塑性有规律递减的特点。这一演化规律对研究早前寒武纪地区褶皱变形和指导该区找矿工作有重要意义。  相似文献   
Tidal levels and currents in the Tongan region of the Pacific were simulated using a two-dimensional frequency-domain finite element model. The eight major diurnal and semidiurnal tidal constituents were modeled successfully, using open boundary conditions taken from a global tidal model based on the Topex/Poseidon satellite altimeter. Comparison of model results with observations from the single tide gauge site in the area were later used to adjust the boundary conditions. The validity of omitting horizontal eddy viscosity from the finite element model was checked by running an equivalent finite difference model. The results show that although the submarine Tongan ridge does not appear to trap tidal energy, there are residual tidal currents and possible recirculations which are capable of influencing biological productivity around Tonga. The model results are reduced to a simple method for predicting tidal heights in outlying areas, based only on the tidal calendar for the capital, Nuku'alofa.  相似文献   
台湾海峡西部沉积物中碳的来源及埋藏   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2005年夏季航次观测的沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、无机碳(CaCO3)、总氮(TN)、悬浮体颗粒有机碳(POC)、沉积物粒度数据得出,台湾海峡西部表层沉积物TOC质量分数的范围为0.01~1.79,平均值为0.37±0.24,略高于20多年前台湾海峡南部海区,而低于台湾海峡中、北部海区;TOC的质量分数湾内比湾外...  相似文献   
不同介质底床上的波浪衰减   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用近年来的研究成果比较了良在不同介质底床上传播时的波浪衰减规律,对不同介质底床上的波浪衰减机理进行了总结,推荐了计算波浪衰减的公式和方法,根据实验和计算结果解释淤泥质海岸可能存在的波浪传播现象。  相似文献   
潘常周  靳平  肖卫国 《地震学报》2007,29(6):625-634
针对中国的乌鲁木齐台(WMQ)和哈萨克斯坦的马坎奇台(MAK),采用贝叶斯克里金技术建立了新疆及附近地区地震事件的震相幅值比的校正曲面,并分析了校正曲面与地震波传播路径的关系,以及校正曲面对于改善震相幅值比判据识别效果的有效性.分析结果表明,建立的校正曲面基本合理,结合传播路径差异和地震波传播规律,能够较好地解释校正曲面的起伏特征. 而且,在传播路径差异较大,使得震相幅值比经震中距校正后离散度仍然较高的情况下,利用校正曲面修正震相幅值比,可以进一步降低其离散度,从而改善判据的识别效果.经校正曲面修正后,对天然地震的误识率由16.3%下降为5.2%.  相似文献   
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