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The vertical structures and their dynamical character of PM2.5 and PM10 over Beijing urban areas are revealed using the 1 min mean continuous mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 at 8, 100, and 320 m heights of the meteorological observation tower of 325 m at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP CAS tower hereafter) on 10―26 August, 2003, as well as the daily mean mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 and the continuous data of CO and NO2 at 8, 100 (low layer), 200 (middle layer), and 320 m (high layer) heights, in combination with the same period meteorological field observation data of the meteorological tower. The vertical distributions of aerosols observed on IAP CAS tower in Beijing can be roughly divided into two patterns: gradually and rapidly decreasing patterns, I.e. The vertical distribution of aerosols in calm weather or on pollution day belongs to the gradually decreasing pattern, while one on clean day or weak cold air day belongs to the rapidly decreasing pattern. The vertical distributive characters of aerosols were closely related with the dynamical/thermal structure and turbulence character of the atmosphere boundary layer. On the clean day, the low layer PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were close to those at 8 m height, while the concentrations rapidly decreased at the high layer, and their values were only one half of those at 8 m, especially, the concentration of PM2.5 dropped even more. On the clean day, there existed stronger turbulence below 150 m, aerosols were well mixed, but blocked by the more stronger inversion layer aloft, and meanwhile, at various heights, especially in the high layer, the horizontal wind speed was larger, resulting in the rapid decrease of aerosol concentration, I.e. Resulting in the obvious vertical difference of aerosol concentrations between the low and high layers. On the pollution day, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at the low, middle, and high layers dropped successively by, on average, about 10% for each layer in comparison with those at 8 m height. On pollution days, in company with the low wind speed, there existed two shallow inversion layers in the boundary layer, but aerosols might be, to some extent, mixed below the inversion layer, therefore, on the pollution day the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 dropped with height slowly; and the observational results also show that the concentrations at 320 m height were obviously high under SW and SE winds, but at other heights, the concentrations were not correlated with wind directions. The computational results of footprint analysis suggest that this was due to the fact that the 320 m height was impacted by the pollutants transfer of southerly flow from the southern peripheral heavier polluted areas, such as Baoding, and Shijiazhuang of Hebei Province, Tianjin, and Shandong Province, etc., while the low layer was only affected by Beijing's local pollution source. The computational results of power spectra and periods preliminarily reveal that under the condition of calm weather, the periods of PM10 concentration at various heights of the tower were on the order of minutes, while in cases of larger wind speed, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at 320 m height not only had the short periods of minute-order, but also the longer periods of hour order. Consistent with the conclusion previously drawn by Ding et al., that air pollutants at different heights and at different sites in Beijing had the character of "in-phase" variation, was also observed for the diurnal variation and mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 at various heights of the tower in this experiment, again confirming the "in-phase" temporal/spatial distributive character of air pollutants in the urban canopy of Beijing. The gentle double-peak character of the mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 was closely related with the evident/similar diurnal variation of turbulent momentum fluxes, sensible heat fluxes, and turbulent kinetic energy at various heights in the urban canopy. Besides, under the condition of calm weather, the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 declined with height slowly, it was 90% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, a little lesser than 90% at the middle layer, and 80% at the high layer, respectively. Under the condition of weak cold air weather, the concentration remarkably dropped with height, it was 70% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, and 20%―30% at the middle and high layers, especially the concentration of PM2.5 was even lower.  相似文献   
风沙流中沙粒浓度分布的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用粒子图像测速技术(PIV),在风洞内对与天然沙接近的石英沙风沙流沙颗粒浓度沿高度分布进行了研究。对 3种不同轴线风速研究结果表明,风沙流中沙粒浓度沿水平方向基本不变,而随高度呈指数衰减,而且其衰减速率与风速密切相关。风速越大,衰减速率越慢;风速越小,衰减速率越快。风沙运动一旦发生时,靠近沙床表面的沙粒浓度随风速变化很小,可以认为趋于稳定,达到最大值。  相似文献   
矿产资源的持续开采与加工利用使得矿区周边水资源受到的污染日趋严重,急需采用先进技术对水污染进行监测分析,遥感技术是水环境监测最为有效的技术之一。利用国产环境一号小卫星多光谱遥感影像数据,针对福建省龙岩市紫金山矿区不同时相的数据进行水质遥感监测。利用近红外单波段阈值分割法提取悬浮物浓度信息,基于矿区酸碱性水体光谱曲线特性采用342波段假彩色合成影像,采用SVM分类方法进行分类,判别矿区水体酸碱性以及分析水体受污染程度变化和污染源。结果表明,研究区汀江水体2008年呈现碱性,2010年呈现弱碱性,水质在研究时段内得到一定的改善,但在选矿厂与矿区附近的水体中仍含有大量重金属沉积物。  相似文献   
本文基于Aqua/MODIS、Terra/MODIS和Envisat/MERIS多源卫星叶绿素a浓度产品,研究了客观分析融合方法,制作了西北太平洋海域(0°~50°N,100°~150°E)叶绿素a浓度融合产品,并从有效数据空间覆盖率和产品精度两个方面对融合方法进行了评价。与单传感器以及欧洲太空局发布的GSM模型业务化融合产品相比,客观分析融合产品空间覆盖率明显提高;与收集的2002-2012年间叶绿素a浓度实测数据比较,GSM模型业务化融合产品的匹配数据点为578个,偏差为-0.20 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.37 mg/m3,客观分析法融合产品的匹配数据点为1432个,偏差为-0.21 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.36 mg/m3。结果表明:本文研究的客观分析融合方法在保证融合产品精度的同时可显著提高产品的空间覆盖率,在海洋水色融合应用前景广阔。  相似文献   
产业地理集中研究进展   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
相关企业的地理集中有利于降低市场风险和交易成本,有利于推动创新和市场竞争,也能够共享劳动力市场和基础设施,产业地理集中与产业和城市竞争力密切相关。90年代以来产业地理集中成为经济学和地理学的热点课题。文章综述了产业区位论、贸易理论以及集聚理论对产业地理集中的解释,并对国内外关于产业地理集中的实证研究进行了总结,集中讨论了资源投入、市场需求、企业规模、外部经济、产业联系以及区域经济一体化等对产业地理集中的影响,揭示了产业地理集中的微观机制。  相似文献   
魏宇 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):482-493
四川甘洛铅锌矿集区位于扬子地块西南缘的川滇黔铅锌成矿带北段,是四川主要的铅锌产地,具有重要经济价值。为研究该矿集区铅锌成矿时代、成矿大地构造背景和成矿机制,以支撑区域找矿勘查,在区内选择赤普和尔呷地吉两个典型铅锌矿床开展闪锌矿Rb-Sr同位素体系研究,获得Rb-Sr等时线年龄246 ± 17 Ma(MSWD= 2.3),表明区内铅锌矿化作用发生于早三叠世,与古特提斯洋闭合时限吻合;闪锌矿(87Sr/86Sr)i值变化于0.71061~0.71393,高于幔源87Sr/86Sr值0.70355及峨眉山玄武岩87Sr /86Sr值0.704979~0.706938,低于基底岩石87Sr /86Sr值0.7243~0.7288,暗示成矿物质主要来源于地壳。综合前人研究,认为在古特提斯洋闭合背景下,强烈造山运动诱发盆地卤水深循环并萃取基底地层中的成矿物质,在峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动的热动力条件下,含矿流体沿马拉哈断裂进一步迁移沉淀形成了赤普和尔呷地吉铅锌矿床。马拉哈深大断裂及造山作用派生的层间或断层破碎带、碳酸盐岩地层是甘洛地区主要的控矿要素。  相似文献   
分别在室内培养箱、海滨室外跑道池和不同自然海区,通过一次性和半连续添加营养、以及检测海区水质和藻体生长的方法,研究了不同氮浓度、温度和氮磷比条件下,长心卡帕藻氮吸收速率的变化和氮吸收速率随时间变化,以及栽培该藻的环境生态贡献。小型实验、中试放大和海区规模栽培结果表明:(1)在10—50μmol/L范围内,该藻吸收氮速率随氮浓度增加而增大;(2)当氮浓度一定时,氮磷比在1—50范围内对该藻吸收氮速率没有产生显著影响(P>0.05);(3)温度对该藻吸收氮速率有显著影响(P<0.05),其中温度在28℃时氮的吸收速率最高;(4)尽管一次性添加营养实验中长心卡帕藻吸收氮速率随时间变化表现出先快后慢的趋势,但是进一步的半连续添加营养实验证实,导致吸收速率下降系底物氮浓度限制,而不是藻本身吸收能力下降,结果还显示卡帕藻具有连续吸收同化无机氮能力;在自然光温度变化和不受底物浓度限制条件下,该藻藻体去除无机氮效率最大维持在0.3μmol/(gFW·h);(5)海南陵水黎安海湾水质数据显示,栽培该藻去除海水富营养化和净化水质作用显著,其去除海水富营养化的年贡献为33t氮素。  相似文献   
镉和汞两种重金属离子对四角蛤蜊的急性毒性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王晓宇  王清  杨红生 《海洋科学》2009,33(12):24-29
采用毒理学实验方法,比较研究了Cd~(2+)和Hg~(2+)对四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis Reeve)急性毒性效应的差异,以期为进一步评价重金属离子对四角蛤蜊的毒性效应和作用机理等提供理论依据.死亡概率单位和实验液浓度对数的线性回归分析表明,Cd~(2+)对四角蛤蜊在24、48和96 h的半致死浓度(LC_(50))分别为15.961、5.149和2.383 mg/L,Hg~(2+)的LC_(50)分别为3.714、0.607和0.207 mg/L;Cd~(2+) 和Hg~(2+) 对四角蛤蜊的安全质量浓度分别为0.023 8 mg/L和0.002 1 mg/L,分别是我国渔业水质标准(GB11607-89)限定量的4.76倍和4.02倍.  相似文献   
台风对海洋叶绿素a浓度影响的定量遥感初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响,是目前海洋遥感技术又一应用领域。由于台风期间天气恶劣,遥感资料较少,国际上主要针对个别典型台风,研究其对海表温度、海洋叶绿素a浓度及初级生产力的影响,很少通过遥感资料系统地对这一影响进行定量分析和建模。自2000到2007年,过境中国近海以及西北太平洋海域台风近百次,作者通过系统地分析这期间MODIS,SeaWiFS的3A级叶绿素a浓度数据,结果发现:(1)台风促进了相应海域叶绿素a浓度的大幅增长,总体上平均增长约1.426倍,个别区域在5倍以上,同时,该增长一般延后3~6d,在7~10d后恢复到原来的水平;(2)进一步对这些数据进行一元统计线性回归,发现叶绿素a浓度增长比(Rchl-a)与台风影响因子(Tsub>w)满足如下关系:Rchl-a=0.0012Tsub>w+1.017,其相关系数达0.8;(3)台风期间叶绿素a浓度与无台风时叶绿素a浓度之间有很强的线性关系,其关系满足:Cchl-a=1.2367C0chl-a+0.0636,且相关系数高达0.98。这一初步研究结果对进一步通过遥感手段深入研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
众多海洋观测数据表明,在真光层深度范围内,海水固有光学特性和光学有效组分的剖面分层分布是广泛存在的,而很多遥感反演模型的建立基于均一分布假设,尤其是在经验模型的建立中,往往只利用某一深度或各深度平均的光学有效组分浓度与水体光谱的统计关系。文章通过模拟平静水面水下光的辐射传输,分别研究了叶绿素、无机悬浮物浓度垂直分布结构对水下辐照度比的影响,并对比了两类分层水体权重函数等效浓度计算式及相应水下辐照度比,结果表明,对于分层水体,透射深度和层化强度是影响等效浓度值计算误差的主要因素,透射越深,表层层化越强,水体层化对水下辐照度比的影响就越大,但其计算误差也越大。Gondon等效浓度计算结果比较接近实际值,而Zaneveld计算式则高估了分层水体的等效浓度值。  相似文献   
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