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Tight oil siltstones are rocks with complex structure at pore scale and are characterized by low porosity and low permeability at macroscale. The production of tight oil siltstone reservoirs can be increased by hydraulic fracturing. For optimal fracking results, it is desirable to map the ability to fracture based on seismic data prior to fracturing. Brittleness is currently thought to be a key parameter for evaluating the ability to fracture. To link seismic information to the brittleness distribution, a rock physics model is required. Currently, there exists no commonly accepted rock physics model for tight oil siltstones. Based on the observed correlation between porosity and mineral composition and known microstructure of tight oil siltstone in Daqing oilfield of Songliao basin, we develop a rock physics model by combining the Voigt–Reuss–Hill average, self-consistent approximation and differential effective medium theory. This rock physics model allows us to explore the dependence of the brittleness on porosity, mineral composition, microcrack volume fraction and microcrack aspect ratio. The results show that, as quartz content increases and feldspar content decreases, Young's modulus tends to increase and Poisson ratio decreases. This is taken as a signature of higher brittleness. Using well log data and seismic inversion results, we demonstrate the versatility of the rock physics template for brittleness prediction. 相似文献
ABSTRACTReliable simulations of hydrological models require that model parameters are precisely identified. In constraining model parameters to small ranges, high parameter identifiability is achieved. In this study, it is investigated how precisely model parameters can be constrained in relation to a set of contrasting performance criteria. For this, model simulations with identical parameter samplings are carried out with a hydrological model (SWAT) applied to three contrasting catchments in Germany (lowland, mid-range mountains, alpine regions). Ten performance criteria including statistical metrics and signature measures are calculated for each model simulation. Based on the parameter identifiability that is computed separately for each performance criterion, model parameters are constrained to smaller ranges individually for each catchment. An iterative repetition of model simulations with successively constrained parameter ranges leads to more precise parameter identifiability and improves model performance. Based on these results, a more consistent handling of model parameters is achieved for model calibration. 相似文献
The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a commonly used real-time data assimilation algorithm in various disciplines. Here, the EnKF is applied, in a hydrogeological context, to condition log-conductivity realizations on log-conductivity and transient piezometric head data. In this case, the state vector is made up of log-conductivities and piezometric heads over a discretized aquifer domain, the forecast model is a groundwater flow numerical model, and the transient piezometric head data are sequentially assimilated to update the state vector. It is well known that all Kalman filters perform optimally for linear forecast models and a multiGaussian-distributed state vector. Of the different Kalman filters, the EnKF provides a robust solution to address non-linearities; however, it does not handle well non-Gaussian state-vector distributions. In the standard EnKF, as time passes and more state observations are assimilated, the distributions become closer to Gaussian, even if the initial ones are clearly non-Gaussian. A new method is proposed that transforms the original state vector into a new vector that is univariate Gaussian at all times. Back transforming the vector after the filtering ensures that the initial non-Gaussian univariate distributions of the state-vector components are preserved throughout. The proposed method is based in normal-score transforming each variable for all locations and all time steps. This new method, termed the normal-score ensemble Kalman filter (NS-EnKF), is demonstrated in a synthetic bimodal aquifer resembling a fluvial deposit, and it is compared to the standard EnKF. The proposed method performs better than the standard EnKF in all aspects analyzed (log-conductivity characterization and flow and transport predictions). 相似文献
高大建筑物(如电视塔等)在外力作用和自身老化过程中出现的形变和振动频率特性变化的监测,是灾害预测和工程检验的重要内容。具有测站移动坐标系的超长摆观测系统,可以胜任这一超宽频(0~100HZ)振动和挠曲综合观测要求。文中导出超长摆观测方程xi=-(R~2_iQ~2_s+P~2_i-2R_iQ_sP_icosγ_s)~(1/2)Xmsin(ωt+θ_i)并论证了在相应参数选择下,此系统具有足够的振幅放大系数(S_i≥0.8)和振动周期观测覆盖范围;对超低频一永久形变也具有真实的监测能力(S_i=P_i);具有监测频带宽、动态测量范围大、无漂移、抗干扰等优点。 相似文献
Under barometric pressure,groundwater flow in well-aquifer systems is a kind of hydro-mechanical coupling problem.Applying the flux boundary conditions on borehole wall and water pressure equilibrium conditions inside and outside the borehole wall under barometric pressure(BP),an analytic solution to well-water level changes has been proposed in this paper.The formulation shows that the BP coefficients increase with time and tend to BP constant.The Change of BP coefficients over time depends only on the ratio of transmissivity(T) to the well radius squared(r2w),and has nothing to do with the change in BP.The BP constant only relates to aquifer loading efficiency(B),and has nothing to do with the aquifer transmissivity and well radius.The BP coefficients change over time in the analytic formulation is consistent with the analysis of measured data from the Nanxi wells.Based on the BP coefficient changes over time,a parameter estimation method is suggested and discussed in its application to the estimation of the aquifer BP constant(or B) and transmissivity by using the Nanxi well data. 相似文献
In this study, the calibration of subsurface batch and reactive-transport models involving complex biogeochemical processes was systematically evaluated. Two hypothetical nitrate biodegradation scenarios were developed and simulated in numerical experiments to evaluate the performance of three calibration search procedures: a multi-start non-linear regression algorithm (i.e. multi-start Levenberg–Marquardt), a global search heuristic (i.e. particle swarm optimization), and a hybrid algorithm that combines the particle swarm procedure with a regression-based “polishing” step. Graphical analysis of the selected calibration problems revealed heterogeneous regions of extreme parameter sensitivity and insensitivity along with abundant numbers of local minima. These characteristics hindered the performance of the multi-start non-linear regression technique, which was generally the least effective of the considered algorithms. In most cases, the global search and hybrid methods were capable of producing improved model fits at comparable computational expense. In other cases, the multi-start and hybrid calibration algorithms yielded comparable fitness values but markedly differing parameter estimates and associated uncertainty measures. 相似文献
Three‐dimensional seismic survey design should provide an acquisition geometry that enables imaging and amplitude‐versus‐offset applications of target reflectors with sufficient data quality under given economical and operational constraints. However, in land or shallow‐water environments, surface waves are often dominant in the seismic data. The effectiveness of surface‐wave separation or attenuation significantly affects the quality of the final result. Therefore, the need for surface‐wave attenuation imposes additional constraints on the acquisition geometry. Recently, we have proposed a method for surface‐wave attenuation that can better deal with aliased seismic data than classic methods such as slowness/velocity‐based filtering. Here, we investigate how surface‐wave attenuation affects the selection of survey parameters and the resulting data quality. To quantify the latter, we introduce a measure that represents the estimated signal‐to‐noise ratio between the desired subsurface signal and the surface waves that are deemed to be noise. In a case study, we applied surface‐wave attenuation and signal‐to‐noise ratio estimation to several data sets with different survey parameters. The spatial sampling intervals of the basic subset are the survey parameters that affect the performance of surface‐wave attenuation methods the most. Finer spatial sampling will reduce aliasing and make surface‐wave attenuation easier, resulting in better data quality until no further improvement is obtained. We observed this behaviour as a main trend that levels off at increasingly denser sampling. With our method, this trend curve lies at a considerably higher signal‐to‐noise ratio than with a classic filtering method. This means that we can obtain a much better data quality for given survey effort or the same data quality as with a conventional method at a lower cost. 相似文献
Xiaolong Geng Michel C. Boufadel Yves R. Personna Ken Lee David Tsao Erik D. Demicco 《Marine pollution bulletin》2014
Modeling oil biodegradation is an important step in predicting the long term fate of oil on beaches. Unfortunately, existing models do not account mechanistically for environmental factors, such as pore water nutrient concentration, affecting oil biodegradation, rather in an empirical way. We present herein a numerical model, BIOB, to simulate the biodegradation of insoluble attached hydrocarbon. The model was used to simulate an experimental oil spill on a sand beach. The biodegradation kinetic parameters were estimated by fitting the model to the experimental data of alkanes and aromatics. It was found that parameter values are comparable to their counterparts for the biodegradation of dissolved organic matter. The biodegradation of aromatics was highly affected by the decay of aromatic biomass, probably due to its low growth rate. Numerical simulations revealed that the biodegradation rate increases by 3–4 folds when the nutrient concentration is increased from 0.2 to 2.0 mg N/L. 相似文献
We use residual moveouts measured along continuous full azimuth reflection angle gathers, in order to obtain effective horizontal transversely isotropic model parameters. The angle gathers are generated through a special angle domain imaging system, for a wide range of reflection angles and full range of phase velocity azimuths. The estimation of the effective model parameters is performed in two stages. First, the background horizontal transversely isotropic (HTI)/vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) layered model is used, along with the values of reflection angles, for converting the measured residual moveouts (or traveltime errors) into azimuthally dependent normal moveout (NMO) velocities. Then we apply a digital Fourier transform to convert the NMO velocities into azimuthal wavenumber domain, in order to obtain the effective HTI model parameters: vertical time, vertical compression velocity, Thomsen parameter delta and the azimuth of the medium axis of symmetry. The method also provides a reliability criterion of the HTI assumption. The criterion shows whether the medium possesses the HTI type of symmetry, or whether the azimuthal dependence of the residual traveltime indicates to a more complex azimuthal anisotropy. The effective model used in this approach is defined for a 1D structure with a set of HTI, VTI and isotropic layers (with at least one HTI layer). We describe and analyse the reduction of a multi‐layer structure into an equivalent effective HTI model. The equivalent model yields the same NMO velocity and the same offset azimuth on the Earth's surface as the original layered structure, for any azimuth of the phase velocity. The effective model approximates the kinematics of an HTI/VTI layered structure using only a few parameters. Under the hyperbolic approximation, the proposed effective model is exact. 相似文献
从新疆实际出发提出一种简捷的预报程式,用以判定地震三要素。结果表明,(1)新疆3级地震累积频次低于均值6个月,1年内新疆发生6级地震的概率为90%;(2)以新疆地震活跃期响应地震分布区做为预备震源区,该区未来3年发生中强震的概率为86%;(3)预备震源区出现一年以上低6值,其250 km区域1年内发生6级地震的概率为75%;(4)当系统处于相对稳定状态时系统内部个体的涨落很难使系统出现非线性响应,而当系统处于亚失稳状态时,系统内部个体的涨落有可能触发系统中处于高应力状态下的地震活动。 相似文献