Riparian wetlands as typical aquatic-terrestrial interfaces control, in a very specific way, nonpoint water and related chemical fluxes exchanging between catchment areas to their respective water systems (streams, lakes). The existing groundwater and soilwater flow models reveal gaps in dealing with the complex behaviour of processes and the considerable spatial and temporal heterogeneity of riparian wetlands. Based on long-term experience gained through field observations and the interpretation of model produced data, a multi-box aggregation of processes which determines lateral as well as vertical flows and, as a whole, water balance, is used to discretise a generic riparian wetland transect situated between an upland aquifer and a receiving water body.
The resulting mathematical model, FEUWAnet, endowed also with an original methodology to adapt parameters, has been applied to a riparian alder wetland adjacent to Lake Belau (northern Germany). Results of simulations illustrate a good fit between calculated water levels and observed values and an accordance of calculated water balance to previous independent evaluations. This confirms that the sound simplifications of real situations performed by the FEUWAnet mathematical model are a promising way to deal with hydrological complexity of riparian zones. Moreover, FEUWAnet permits, to a certain extent, one to unravel the spatial heterogeneity and temporal variation of lateral (from catchment area to water systems) and vertical (from canopy to groundwater zone) water fluxes typical of riparian ecosystems: this is the necessary step to undertake when developing integrated models capable of assessing the effectiveness of riparian systems in controlling the fluxes of nonpoint pollution discharging in the open water bodies. 相似文献
The relationship between internal wave (IW) signatures in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and wind velocity is investigated. The effect of the wind velocity relative to the IW propagation direction on the IW signature is studied by means of a defined signature mode parameter ( S m ). S m is the parameter that quantifies the signature of the IW intensity profile in relation to the mean backscatter of the image background.
A wind contrast model based on a simple first-order Bragg scattering theory is combined with hydrodynamic modulation theory to explain the modulation of IW signatures. It takes into account the modulation of short-scale surface waves by the effect of the relative variations of wind velocity and the surface currents generated by the IWs.
It is shown that the signature mode parameter increases with the angle between the wind velocity and the IW propagation direction so that IWs propagating against the wind direction are imaged mostly as positive sign signatures, while those propagating in the wind direction are mostly negative sign signatures. 相似文献
Geostatistical seismic inversion is an important method for establishing high-resolution reservoir parameter models. There is no accurate representation method for reservoir structural features, and prior information about structural features cannot be incorporated into geostatistical inversion. Based on the assumption of the sparsity of stratigraphic sedimentary features, the same type of structural feature is used to represent the sedimentary pattern of reservoirs within the same facies. Different sparse representation patterns are used to represent the differences in sedimentary patterns between facies. Although changes in depositional environment might result in the multi-scale characteristics of geological structures for varying sedimentary rhythms, this paper proposes a facies-constrained geostatistical inversion method based on multi-scale sparse representation to better accommodate such situation. Using the method of sparse representation combined with wavelet transform, the multi-scale sedimentary structural features of reservoirs are learned from well-logging data. Seismic facies and multi-scale features are used as prior information for geostatistical inversion. Further, the likelihood function is constructed using seismic data to obtain the posterior probability distribution of reservoir parameters. Finally, the accurate inversion result is obtained by using multi-scale sparse representation as a constraint in the posterior probability distribution of reservoir parameters. Compared with conventional geostatistical methods, this algorithm can better match the structural features of reservoir parameters with varying geological conditions. Field data tests have shown the effectiveness of this method in improving the accuracy and resolution of reservoir parameter structural features. 相似文献
Severe limitations of the standard Euler deconvolution to outline source shapes have been pointed out. However, Euler deconvolution has been widely employed on field data to outline interfaces, as faults and thrust zones. We investigate the limitations of the 3D Euler deconvolution–derived estimates of source dip and volume with the use of reduced-to-the-pole synthetic and field anomalies. The synthetic anomalies are generated by two types of source bodies: (1) uniformly magnetized prisms, presenting either smooth or rough interfaces, and (2) bodies presenting smooth delimiting interfaces but strong internal variation of magnetization intensity. The dip of the first type of body might be estimated from the Euler deconvolution solution cluster if the ratio between the depth to the top and vertical extent is relatively high (>1/4). For the second type of body, besides dip, the source volume can be approximately delimited from the solution cluster envelope, regardless of the referred ratio. We apply Euler deconvolution to two field anomalies which are caused by a curved-shape thrust zone and by a banded iron formation. These anomalies are chosen because they share characteristics with the two types of synthetic bodies. For the thrust zone, the obtained Euler deconvolution solutions show spatial distribution allowing to estimate a source dip that is consistent with the surface geology data, even if the above-mentioned ratio is much less than 1/4. Thus, there are other factors, such as a heterogeneous magnetization, which might be controlling the vertical spreading of the Euler deconvolution solutions in the thrust zone. On the other hand, for the iron-ore formation, the solution cluster spreads out occupying a volume, in accordance with the results obtained with the synthetic sources having internal variation of magnetization intensity. As conclusion, although Euler deconvolution–derived solutions cannot offer accurate estimates of source shapes, they might provide a sufficient degree of reliability in the initial estimates of the source dip and volume, which may be useful in a later phase of more accurate modelling. 相似文献