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Pedogenic carbonates were collected from Early Cretaceous strata in Sichuan and Liaoning, China. These paleosol carbonates and calcareous paleosols were evaluated in order to reconstruct atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Early Cretaceous using a paleosol barometer. Using the isotopic ratios of pedogenic carbonates from Early Cretaceous (early-middle Berriasian, early Valanginian) strata in Sichuan Basin, averaged atmospheric pCO2 is estimated to have been 360 ppmv in the early-middle Berriasian and a mean value of 241 ppmv in the early Valanginian. In the late Barremian in western Liaoning, however the average was 530 ppmv, with a range of 365 ppmv and 644 ppmv, lower than previous estimates of pCO2 for these time periods, consistent with the suggestion of overall climate cooling and paleotemperature fluctuation during the Early Cretaceous. This indicates that not all of the Cretaceous was a high or continuous CO2 greenhouse, especially during Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Abundant Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian–Hauterivian) paleosols have been recognized in the Sichuan Basin, along with the preserved pedogenetic features, e.g., soil horizons, soil structure, root traces and pedogenic nodules. Chemical, geochemical and mineralogical analyses were used to examine the paleosols. These paleosols were classified as Entisols, Inceptisols, Aridisols and Alfisols in terms of the modern soil taxonomic system. Early Cretaceous paleoprecipitation and paleotemperature in the Sichuan Basin were estimated from the degree of chemical weathering for non-calcareous paleosols, and from the depth to the calcic horizon and stable oxygen isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonates in calcareous paleosols, respectively. A temperate semi-arid climate generally prevailed in the Sichuan Basin as a part of the South China Block (SCB) and was controlled by subtropical high-pressure and a rain-shadow effect because the humid air masses from the Paleo-Pacific were impeded by the highlands of the South China Block. Further, several intervals of sub-humid paleoclimate occurred due to strengthened monsoonal circulation in the Early Cretaceous. Using the paleosol barometer, the paleoatmospheric CO2 levels of the Early Cretaceous are estimated to range from ∼120 to ∼520 ppmv, with a mean of 305 ppmv. Regional temperature is generally coupled with atmospheric CO2 concentration and is roughly consistent with the sea level fluctuation.  相似文献   
西宁地区湟水阶地的形成与发育研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
曾永年  马海洲 《地理科学》1995,15(3):253-258
Slope deposits in semiarid regions are known to be very sensitive environments, especially those that occurred during the minor fluctuations of the late Holocene. In this paper we analyse Holocene colluvium genesis, composition, and paleoenvironmental meaning through the study of slope deposits in NE Spain. Two cumulative slope stages are described during this period. In the study area, both slope accumulations are superimposed and this has enabled an excellent preservation of the aggregative sequence and the paleosols corresponding to stabilisation stages. 14C and TL dating, as well as archaeological remains, provide considerable chronological precision for this sequence. The origin of the accumulation of the lower unit is placed around 4295–4083 cal yr BP/2346–2134 cal yr BC (late Chalcolithic) and it developed until the Iron Age in a cooler and wetter climate (Cold Iron Age). Under favourable conditions, a soil A-horizon was formed on top of this unit. A new slope accumulation was formed during the Little Ice Age. Within the slope two morphogenetic periods ending with A-horizons are distinguished and related with two main cold–wet climatic events. The study of these slopes provides a great amount of data for the paleoenvironmental and geoarchaeological reconstruction of the late Holocene in NE Spain.  相似文献   
A Paleoproterozoic lateritic paleosol overlain by ultra-mature/mature quartzite is reported for the first time from three localities in the Svecofennian province in southern Finland. These are important indicators for warm paleoclimate and continental paleoenvironment. Ultra-mature quartzites above the lateritic paleosols are overlain by matrix-supported conglomerates followed by mature quartzites. These latter rocks are related to incipient rifting followed by main rift stage starting with increasingly more immature meta-arkose.  相似文献   
青藏高原东北部的古土壤及其对环境变迁的反映   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
徐叔鹰 《地理科学》1994,14(3):225-232
西安和宝鸡第5层古土壤铁质粘土结核的发现与研究   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
赵景波 《地理科学》2002,22(4):420-425
根据西安和宝鸡黄土中第5层红褐色古土壤的调查,在该层古土壤下部发现了红色铁质粘土结核,显微镜下和电子显微镜下的鉴定表明,铁质粘土结核是光性粘土胶膜聚集而成的,具有超微晶粒结构。铁质粘土结核主要由伊利石-蒙脱石混层粘土矿物组成,边表明西安与宝鸡地区第5层古土壤发育时的粘化作用为化学粘化或生物化学粘化,该地区第5层古土壤的铁质粘土结核迁出土壤粘化层底部的距离达1.0m,与江苏六合地区黄棕壤铁质粘土结核分布深度相同,指示该层古土壤发育时该区年均降水量可达1000mm左右。  相似文献   
Despite their significance for estimating hazards and forecasting future activity, dating young volcanic deposits and landforms (<50,000 yrs old) remains a challenge due to the limitations inherent to the different isotopic chronometers used. The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is one of the most active and populated continental arcs worldwide, yet its temporal pattern of activity is poorly constrained. Such deficiency is particularly problematic for the Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field (SCVF) that is located at the doorstep of Mexico City and Cuernavaca and is hence a major source of risk for these cities. Existing ages for this area derive mostly from either radiocarbon on charcoal, which is rare and may be contaminated, or 40Ar/39Ar on rock matrix, which is poorly precise for this time period and rock type. Here, we focus on the Pelado monogenetic volcano, which is located in the central part of the SCVF and erupted both explosively and effusively, producing a large lava shield and a widespread tephra blanket. This unique eruptive event was previously dated at ∼12 calibrated (cal) kyrs BP, using radiocarbon dating on charcoal from deposits related to the eruption. To test alternative dating approaches and confirm the age of this significant eruption, we applied two less conventional techniques, radiocarbon dating of bulk paleosol samples collected below the complete tephra sequence at nine sites around the shield, and in-situ 36Cl exposure dating of two samples of an aphyric lava from the base of the shield. Radiocarbon paleosol ages span a continuous time interval from 13.2 to 20.2 cal kyrs BP (2σ), except for one anomalously young sample. This wide age spread, along with the low organic contents of the paleosols, may be due to erosive conditions, related to the sloping topography of the sampling sites and the cool and relatively dry climate of the Younger Dryas (11.7–12.9 ka), during which the Pelado eruption probably occurred. The two 36Cl-dated lava samples have consistent ages at 1σ analytical errors of 15.5 ± 1.4 ka and 13.2 ± 1.2 ka, respectively, yielding an average age of 14.3 ± 1.6 ka for this lava flow. The high full uncertainty in 36Cl ages (24%) is due to high rock Cl content. We conclude that paleosol radiocarbon dating is useful if numerous samples are analyzed and climatic and relief conditions at the time of the eruption and at the sites of tephra deposition are considered. The 36Cl dating technique is an alternative method to date volcanic eruptions, as it gave consistent results, but in the specific case of Pelado volcano, the high Cl content in the analyzed rocks increases the age uncertainties.  相似文献   
Quantitative mineralogical analysis of bulk samples and single particles was carried out on three loess sections of different local climate settings on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). Mineralogy, geochemistry, and single-particle petrography of loess and paleosols are relatively uniform over the CLP. However, in detail, there are mineralogical changes related to eolian process and chemical weathering. Particle-size sorting eastward from western sources led to an eastward increase of the total phyllosilicate contents enriched in fine illitic clay minerals. After deposition, detrital minerals susceptible to chemical weathering were sequentially altered in a progressive fashion with increasing precipitation in the order of calcite, dolomite, biotite, illite, chlorite, amphibole, and plagioclase. The weathering of biotite, chlorite, and illite resulted in a significant increase of expandable phyllosilicate contents. The sequential weathering of the minerals is reflected chemically in the decrease of Na and Mg and the increase of iron oxidation. Mineralogy of the Chinese loess at individual sites reflects the effects of size fractionation during eolian transportation and progressive sequential weathering along the climatic gradient, and it is essential to consider both effects when using mineralogical and dependent chemical data in the paleoclimatic reconstruction of the CLP.  相似文献   
The occurrence of red desert soil profiles developed on Nubian Sandstone in the Libyan Sahara is discussed. From an examination of profile morphology in the field and the position of the soils at 970 m on an old land surface, it would be possible to regard them as desert paleosols formed under a previous humid climatic phase during the Quaternary. However, an investigation of the mineralogy of the soils and the underlying parent rocks strongly suggests that the properties of the soils are largely dependent on the parent material. Both have identical patterns of kaolinite content, haematite as the main ferric oxide, and similar proportions of quartz silt and coarse quartz sand. Therefore, the use of kaolinite and ferric oxides in interpreting past soil-forming climates in arid regions needs to be carried out with caution, for in the present case such an interpretation would be unreliable.  相似文献   
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