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A new paleomagnetic study has been carried out on sediments of middle Cambrian age in the North Sichuan Basin (Yangtze Block). Detailed stepwise thermal demagnetizations allowed us to isolate three components. Site-mean direction derived from higher temperature components is D/I=146.9°/–17.1° (95=8.3°) yielding a pole position at 51.3°S, 166.0°E. The fold and reversal tests suggest that remanence was acquired during early stage of sedimentation. Combined with the high-qualities early Sinian (748 Ma) and middle Silurian poles obtained recently from the Yangtze block, the deriving polar track demonstrates a similar loop to that of Australia. After rotating these poles from South China to fit that of Australia, the South China Block is placed against northwestern Australia. This reconstruction favors the correlations of the Jiangnan Grenville-age orogenic belt with the Rudall belt of western Australia, and subsequently the late Proterozoic Jiangnan and Officer/Adelaide rift systems. The paleobiogeographic evidence also indicates that this configuration might maintain by the middle Devonian.  相似文献   
The northernmost Kamchatka Peninsula is located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea and consists of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing inland from the northwestern Bering Sea, the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat and Koryak superterranes (OLY, UKL and KOR) are crossed. These terranes were accreted to the backstop Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (OChVB) in northernmost Kamchatka. A sedimentary sequence of Albian to Maastrichtian age overlaps the terranes and units of the Koryak superterrane, and constrains their accretion time. A paleomagnetic study of blocks within the Kuyul (KUY) terrane of the Koryak superterrane was completed at two localities (Camp 2: λ=61.83°N, φ=165.83°E and Camp 3: λ=61.67°N, φ=164.75°E). At both localities, paleomagnetic samples were collected from Late Triassic (225–208 Ma) limestone blocks (2–10 m in outcrop height) within a melange zone. Although weak in remanent magnetization, two components of remanent magnetization were observed during stepwise thermal demagnetization at 32 sites. The A component of magnetization was observed between room temperature and approximately 250 °C. This magnetic component is always of downward directed inclination and shows the best grouping at relatively low degrees of unfolding. Using McFadden–Reid inclination-only statistics and averaging all site means, the resulting A component mean is Iopt=60.3°, I95=5.0° and n=36 (sites). The B magnetic component is observed up to 565 °C, at which temperature, most samples have no measurable remanent magnetization, or growth of magnetic minerals has disrupted the thermal demagnetization process. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, where bedding orientation differs within a block, most of these sites show the best grouping of B component directions at 100% unfolding, and two of the blocks display remanent magnetizations of both upward and downward directed magnetic inclination. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, the resulting overall B component paleolatitude and associated uncertainty are λobs=30.4°N or S, λ95=8.9° and n=19 (sites). When compared with the expected North America paleolatitude of λAPWP expected=57.9°N, our data support a model in which blocks within the Koryak superterrane are allochthonous and far travelled.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic data and rock magnetic results suggest that a widespread orogenic remagnetization caused a pervasive chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) that resides in magnetite in the Mississippian Madison Group in the Sawtooth Range, Montana, during the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary. The CRM is similar to a CRM reported by workers from equivalent units in the southern Canadian Cordillera. The CRM is interpreted to be related to alteration by fluids, and there are two likely fluids: hydrocarbons which migrated into the unit and externally derived radiogenic fluids.  相似文献   
用可西走廊和阿拉善地体东缘中寒武世15个采点107块定向岩芯样品,进行岩石磁学实验和古地磁学研究,结果表明,所采样品以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征分量B4组分在95%置信水平下通过了褶皱检验,其构造校正后的方向明显区别于华北地块及河西走廊和阿拉善地区志留纪以来的特征剩磁方向.这一组分对应的古地磁极位置(349.9°E,21.1°N,95%置信圆锥半顶角A95为14.9°)与华北地块同时期的极位置相近,表明河西走廊和阿拉善地体与华北地块主体之间,在中寒武世之后未发生明显的纬向相对运动;但在中寒武世-奥陶纪期间,河西走廊和阿拉善地体相对于华北地块主体仍可能发生15°左右的逆时针旋转.这一旋转作用可能代表了河西走廊和阿拉善地体与华北地块主体的增生过程,最终在晚寒武世形成统一的华北地块.  相似文献   

拉萨地块晚古生代至早新生代期间的演化历史对理解青藏高原的形成和演化至关重要.本文报道了青藏高原中部申扎地区上三叠统多布日组沉积岩的古地磁学、岩石磁学和岩相学分析结果.岩石磁学结果显示红层、灰岩和灰绿色砂岩分别以赤铁矿,赤铁矿与磁铁矿,以及磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物.岩相学结果表明红层、灰岩和灰绿色砂岩中的磁性矿物主要为自生成因.对60个采点(602块样品)进行系统热退磁实验,结果揭示出多布日组沉积岩的特征剩磁方向在地理坐标系下为Dg=13.9°,Ig=38.9°(α95g=0.9°),在地层坐标系下为Ds=16.7°,Is=8.4°(α95s=1.5°).进一步对其特征剩磁方向进行逐步褶皱展平检验,结果显示精度参数k的极大值在9.9%展平状态下最大,对应的特征剩磁方向为D=14.4°,I=35.9°(α95=0.9°),古地磁极为72.9°N,216.2°E(dp=0.6°,dm=1°).这一古地磁极与拉萨地块54~47 Ma的古地磁极接近,表明其重磁化时间可能发生在54~47 Ma期间.结合前人获得的拉萨地块新生代早期古地磁数据以及同期的欧亚大陆古纬度数据,我们推断拉萨地块在56~44 Ma时相对欧亚大陆发生了1676±577 km的南北向构造缩短.



岩心定向在矿产资源开发中具有重要意义.由于油田和矿业钻孔上的岩心大多为无定向岩心,无法准确识别裂缝等信息,因此需对岩心进行定向.岩心定向方法主要包括摄影工具、倾角仪法、钻孔成像技术、全岩心扫描技术、古地磁法等5种方法,相比于前4种方法,古地磁法具有经济、效率、精度较高等优点.本文首先综述了5种岩心定向方法的优缺点,阐述了古地磁法岩心定向的前提条件和定向原理.同时介绍了古地磁法岩心定向的流程,随后论述了岩石磁学对岩心定向的作用.继而重点阐述了岩心定向结果可靠性检验方法,主要包括露头检验、磁倾角检验、古地磁极位置检验等3种直接检验方法和间接检验.最后对古地磁法岩心定向的前景提出了展望.  相似文献   
选择伊朗中部、南部及西北部地区的近20条晚元古代-早古生代完整地层剖面,系统采集Soltanieh组、Barut组、Zaigun组、Lalun组及Mila组古地磁样品960件.经测试和对比获得结论:Soltanieh组记录的地磁极性带为反向,Barut组-Lalun组为正向,Mila组又为反向.此成果完全可与国际地质科学联合会(IUOS)1989年建立的全球地层极性柱中相应时代的极性带对比.计算得出5个地层组的古地磁南极位置.古地磁研究表明,晚元古代-早古生代伊朗全境均属稳定地块,处于赤道南侧约16°的低纬度区.此期间似无大幅度转动和纬度变化.  相似文献   
发表了塔里木盆地奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪、二叠纪古地磁新数据,大部分数据通过了剩磁分离或一致性检验、倒转检验、极性对比检验、褶皱检验和烘烤检验.根据新的数据绘制了塔里木板块古生代视磁极游移曲线(APWP),探讨了塔里木板块构造演化规律,强调了奥陶纪末的加里东构造运动及早海西构造运动的重要意义.  相似文献   
论述了利用古地磁、磁组构综合研究进行钻井岩芯定向和确定沉积组构(沉积层面在现代地理坐标系下的)方向的方法.通过对冀东油田100块钻井岩芯实测结果的系统分析,指出该方法在岩芯磁组构方向确定和沉积剩磁成分能够分离出来的情况下,可用于地层产状未知和井孔近似直立情况下的钻井岩芯定向,并能给出沉积组构方向.对岩芯样品中的磁性矿物成分、成因进行了研究,分析了岩芯磁性特征与烃类富集的关系,指出磁参数分布特征,能为油气勘探开发、指示油气富集部位提供参考.  相似文献   
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