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发表了塔里木盆地奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪、二叠纪古地磁新数据,大部分数据通过了剩磁分离或一致性检验、倒转检验、极性对比检验、褶皱检验和烘烤检验.根据新的数据绘制了塔里木板块古生代视磁极游移曲线(APWP),探讨了塔里木板块构造演化规律,强调了奥陶纪末的加里东构造运动及早海西构造运动的重要意义.  相似文献   
U–Pb baddeleyite ages of 1592 ± 3 and 1590 ± 4 Ma are reported for paleomagnetic sites in sheets and dykes of Western Channel Diabase (WCD) that intrude Proterozoic rocks of the flat-lying Hornby Bay Group in the Hornby Bay basin and the deformed volcanic-plutonic Great Bear Magmatic Zone of Wopmay orogen of northwestern Laurentia. A published WCD paleomagnetic pole at 9°N, 115°W (A95 = 6°) has been demonstrated primary. The new ages indicate that the WCD pole falls midway in time between poles for the 1.74 Ga Cleaver dykes and 1.48–1.42 Ga Elsonian-aged plutons, filling an important gap in the Proterozoic apparent polar wander path (APWP) for Laurentia. The WCD pole can be compared with poles reported from similar-aged magmatic units on other cratons in order to test paleocontinental reconstructions. A comparison of the Laurentian WCD pole with primary ca. 1.63 Ga and ca. 1.575 Ga poles for Baltica, along with an earlier comparison of precisely dated 1.27–1.255 Ga poles for Laurentia and Baltica, suggests that the two cratonic blocks drifted as a single entity with Baltica adjacent to eastern Greenland during the ca. 1.59–1.27 Ga interval. On the basis of less well constrained ca. 1.84–1.83 Ga poles from Laurentia and Baltica, it is possible that this reconstruction existed as early as ca. 1.83 Ga. The WCD is the same age as Wernecke breccias of the Wernecke and Ogilvie Mountains of northwestern Laurentia and bimodal Gawler Range Volcanics (GRV) and related Olympic Dam breccias of the Gawler craton. It has been proposed by others that the Gawler craton lay adjacent to northwestern Laurentia at 1.59 Ga, with the Olympic Dam and Wernecke breccias forming a large hydrothermal province. The primary WCD pole provides an opportunity to test Laurentia–Gawler craton reconstructions at 1.59 Ga. A paleopole has been reported for the GRV, although its primary or secondary nature is open to interpretation. If primary, or if acquired as an overprint during the later stages of 1.60–1.58 Ga Hiltaba-GRV magmatism, then a position for the Gawler craton adjacent to northwestern Laurentia is permitted. If the GRV pole is a later secondary overprint then a reliable comparison with Laurentian poles cannot be made.  相似文献   
运用主成分分离及线性区段等方法,使早白垩世样品明显分离出二组磁组分.叠加剩磁为喜山期重磁化,特征剩磁明显偏离现代地磁场方向,经倾斜校正后,有很好的一致性并通过了倒转检验,给出塔里木地块库车坳陷早白垩世巴西盖组古地磁新数据.综合已有的古地磁结果,获得了塔里木地块早白垩世平均剩磁方向及平均古地磁极,阐明了塔里木地块早白垩世磁倾角明显偏低这一现象.分析导致磁倾角偏低的诸多因素,认为压实作用可能是导致磁倾角偏低的重要因素之一.  相似文献   
本文对四川北部旺苍-南江地区晚侏罗世蓬莱镇组进行了较为详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究.逐步热退磁揭示出蓬莱镇组岩石所携带的剩磁由两个分量组成,其中低温组分(次生剩磁)的解阻温度低于420℃;高温组分(特征分量)可通过褶皱及倒转检验,由此求得磁偏角和磁倾角分别为18.4°和29.3°(构造校正后),95%置信回(α95)为8.5°,对应的古地磁极经纬度分别为236.4°E和66.6°N.基于古地磁结果,并结合已有的地质证据,提出根据古地磁学确定的扬子地块晚侏罗世古纬度偏低的原因可能是由真极移造成的.  相似文献   
A total of 400 samples (33 sites) were collected from the earliest Cretaceous to early Late Cretaceous sandstones of the Khorat Group in the Indochina block for paleomagnetic study to unravel the tectonic evolution of the region. The sites were adopted from 3 traverses located in the northern edge of the Khorat Plateau, northeastern Thailand. Results indicate that almost all the sandstones exhibit similar magnetic values with an average declination (D) = 31.7°, inclination (I) = 30.3°, λ = 59.7°,  = 190.9°, K = 54.4, and A95 = 3.7 at reference point 17°30′N and 103°30′E. The calculated paleolatitude points are inferred to deviate from the present latitude point by 1.2 ± 2.3°. Only the lowermost part of the Cretaceous sandstones can pass a positive fold test at 95% confidence level. The relationship between the virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) of Cretaceous rocks of the Indochina plate in Thailand and those of the South China plate advocate that there is a major displacement of Indochina along the northwest-trending Red River and associated faults by about 950 ± 150 km with a 16.0–17.0° clockwise rotation relative to the South China plate during earliest Cretaceous times. Paleomagnetic results of the early Late Cretaceous Indochina plate point to a 20–25° clockwise rotation relative to the present occurring since very Late Cretaceous (65 Myrs)–Early Neogene times which may be due to the collision between India and Asia.  相似文献   
岩心定向在矿产资源开发中具有重要意义.由于油田和矿业钻孔上的岩心大多为无定向岩心,无法准确识别裂缝等信息,因此需对岩心进行定向.岩心定向方法主要包括摄影工具、倾角仪法、钻孔成像技术、全岩心扫描技术、古地磁法等5种方法,相比于前4种方法,古地磁法具有经济、效率、精度较高等优点.本文首先综述了5种岩心定向方法的优缺点,阐述了古地磁法岩心定向的前提条件和定向原理.同时介绍了古地磁法岩心定向的流程,随后论述了岩石磁学对岩心定向的作用.继而重点阐述了岩心定向结果可靠性检验方法,主要包括露头检验、磁倾角检验、古地磁极位置检验等3种直接检验方法和间接检验.最后对古地磁法岩心定向的前景提出了展望.  相似文献   
本文对采自华北地块南缘陕西铜川和韩城两条剖面上的晚石炭世至晚三叠世地层的650余块标本(35个采点)进行了系统的古地磁研究.经逐步热退磁处理和剩磁稳定性检验,在482块标本中获得稳定的特征剩磁分量,对其形成时代作了地质学分析后,以特征剩磁分量为基础,计算了华北地块在晚古生代到三叠纪的地磁极位置和纬度值,简单讨论该期内的运动形式.  相似文献   
南海构造格局及其演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
依据重磁资料在南海及其邻区识别出17条深大断裂和10个重磁异常区.据此并结合其他地质资料,在南海及其邻区划分出7个地质结构不同的构造单元.早白垩世南海地区曾形成过统一的基底,新生代时统一的南海基底发生肢解,这一个肢解过程经历了两个在时空上接踵发生、交叠作用的构造事件.第一个构造事件为巽他地块与华夏古陆之间古南海的萎缩、闭合和地块碰撞;第二个构造事件为南沙地块裂离华夏古陆并向巽他地块增生,且伴随新南海的持续扩张,直至中中新世.区域构造演化控制了南海沉积盆地呈"北三南三、东西两竖"格局分布,进而控制了油气富集区的分布.  相似文献   
The Peperino Albano (approximately 19–36 ka old) is a phreatomagmatic pyroclastic flow deposit, cropping out along the slopes of the associated Albano maar (Colli Albani volcano, Italy). The deposit exhibits lateral and vertical transitions from valley pond to veneer facies, as well as intracrater facies. We present the results of a paleomagnetic study of thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) of the lithic clasts of the Peperino Albano ignimbrite that provide quantitative estimates of the range of emplacement temperatures across the different facies of the ignimbrite. Emplacement temperatures estimated for the Peperino Albano ignimbrite range between 240° and 350°C, with the temperatures defined in the intracrater facies being generally lower than in the valley pond and veneer facies. This is possibly due to the large size of the sampled clasts in the intracrater facies which, when coupled with low temperature at the vent, were not completely heated throughout their volume during emplacement. The emplacement temperatures derived from the paleomagnetic results are in good agreement with the presence of un-burnt plants at the base of the ignimbrite, indicating that the temperature of the pyroclastic flow was lower than the temperature of ignition of wood. Paleomagnetic results from the Peperino Albano confirm the reliability of the paleomagnetic approach in defining the thermal history of pyroclastic flow deposits.  相似文献   
A new paleomagnetic study has been carried out on sediments of middle Cambrian age in the North Sichuan Basin (Yangtze Block). Detailed stepwise thermal demagnetizations allowed us to isolate three components. Site-mean direction derived from higher temperature components is D/I=146.9°/–17.1° (95=8.3°) yielding a pole position at 51.3°S, 166.0°E. The fold and reversal tests suggest that remanence was acquired during early stage of sedimentation. Combined with the high-qualities early Sinian (748 Ma) and middle Silurian poles obtained recently from the Yangtze block, the deriving polar track demonstrates a similar loop to that of Australia. After rotating these poles from South China to fit that of Australia, the South China Block is placed against northwestern Australia. This reconstruction favors the correlations of the Jiangnan Grenville-age orogenic belt with the Rudall belt of western Australia, and subsequently the late Proterozoic Jiangnan and Officer/Adelaide rift systems. The paleobiogeographic evidence also indicates that this configuration might maintain by the middle Devonian.  相似文献   
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