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通过海原地区早白垩世13个采点的古地磁研究,揭示了一组高温特征剩磁分量.在5%置信度下通过倒转检验,采样剖面获得的下白垩统李洼峡组和和尚铺组的磁性地层结果,显示多个正、反极性带,与早白垩世早期的极性特征相似,说明这组高温分量很可能代表岩石形成时的原生剩磁,其特征剩磁方向为:偏角D=12.7°,倾角I=50.2°,α5=6.3°;相应的极位置为:经度φ=218.0°E,纬度λ=78.2°N,dp=5.7°,dm=8.4°,古纬度ρ=31.0°.通过对比华北地块鄂尔多斯盆地的早白垩世古地磁结果,表明采样地区自早白垩世以来相对于华北鄂尔多斯盆地未发生明显的构造旋转和纬度方向上的位移.这说明海原断裂东南段并未发生大规模的左旋走滑运动,印度—欧亚板块碰撞挤压作用对青藏高原东北部海原地区的影响已经很小.  相似文献   
古地磁学使用的虚地磁极(VGP)是在地心偶极磁场假设下计算的,由于地球非偶极磁场的存在,VGP一般不同于真地磁极(RGP).为了定量检验非偶极磁场对VGP的影响,本文利用国际参考地磁场模型IGRF 1900~2000,在全球5°×5°的“虚拟测点”网格上计算了VGP和RGP的位置,并求出两种磁极的经纬度偏差和二者的角距离.结果表明,南极地区VGP与GP的角距离最大,可达26°,南大西洋和欧亚大陆北部最大达到24°和18°,其余地区一般小于15°.VGP对RGP的偏差与地磁场分布有关:在非偶极磁场较弱的地区(如太平洋半球),纬度偏差一般不大(≤10°),但是在主要地磁异常区(如南大西洋和南极地区),VGP对RGP的纬度偏差可达25°.VGP对RGP的经度偏差要比纬度偏差大得多,例如在欧亚大陆北部地区,经度偏差分布在-180°到180°的大范围内.  相似文献   
在辽东半岛南部震旦-寒武系界限剖面中采集了32块古地磁岩石标本。古地磁测试结果表明:①辽东半岛南部震旦系兴民村期曾出现一次极性倒转,它发生在650Ma左右,可称之为兴民村反极性期,据此,可与国外上先寒武系对比;②本区震旦-寒武系沉积地层曾经历了中纬度→低纬度→中纬度的古地理纬度区的变化历史;③初步建立了辽东半岛南部震旦-寒武系界限附近地层的视古地磁极迁移轨迹。根据古地磁测试结果,结合本区地层特征,将震旦-寒武系界限定在兴民村组与葛屯组之间,兴民村组的顶为震旦系的上限,葛屯组的底为寒武系的下限。  相似文献   
本文对采自华北地块南缘陕西铜川和韩城两条剖面上的晚石炭世至晚三叠世地层的650余块标本(35个采点)进行了系统的古地磁研究.经逐步热退磁处理和剩磁稳定性检验,在482块标本中获得稳定的特征剩磁分量,对其形成时代作了地质学分析后,以特征剩磁分量为基础,计算了华北地块在晚古生代到三叠纪的地磁极位置和纬度值,简单讨论该期内的运动形式.  相似文献   
We report paleomagnetic, magnetic fabric and structural results from 21 sites collected in Cretaceous marine mudstones and Paleogene continental sandstones from the limbs, hinge and transverse zones of the Zipaquira Anticline (ZA). The ZA is an asymmetrical fold with one limb completely overturned by processes like gravity and salt tectonics, and marked by several axis curvatures. The ZA is controlled by at least two (2) transverse zones known as the Neusa and Zipaquira Transverse Zones (NTZ and ZTZ, respectively). Magnetic mineralogy methods were applied at different sites and the main carriers of the magnetic properties are paramagnetic components with some sites being controlled by hematite and magnetite. Magnetic fabric analysis shows rigid-body rotation for the back-limb in the ZA, while the forelimb is subjected to internal deformation. Structural and paleomagnetic data shows the influence of the NTZ and ZTZ in the evolution of the different structures like the ZA and the Zipaquira, Carupa, Rio Guandoque, Las Margaritas and Neusa faults, controlling several factors as vergence, extension, fold axis curvature and stratigraphic detatchment. Clockwise rotations unraveled a block segmentation following a discontinuos model caused by transverse zones and one site reported a counter clockwise rotation associated with a left-lateral strike slip component for transverse faults (e.g. the Neusa Fault). We propose that diverse transverse zones have been active since Paleogene times, playing an important role in the tectonic evolution of the Cundinamarca sub-basin and controlling the structural evolution of folds and faults with block segmentation and rotations.  相似文献   
The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith. The pluton records regional and emplacement related deformation manifested by: (1) a solid-state fabric developed on its eastern contact, which is produced by eastward lateral pluton expansion; (2) cleavage triple point zones in the host-rock NW and SE of the pluton; (3) subhorizontal ductile shear zones indicative of top-to-the-east transport; (4) magmatic and tectonic foliations parallel to regional structural trends and regional shear zones; (5) variable axial ratios of microgranitoid enclaves close to pluton–wall rock contacts; (6) evidence of brittle-emplacement mechanisms in the western border of the pluton, which contrast with features indicating mainly ductile mechanisms toward the east; and, (7) markedly discordant paleomagnetic directions that suggest emplacement in an active tectonic setting. The overall mean for 9 accepted paleomagnetic sites is Dec = 34.6°, I = 25.7° (k = 88.3, α95 = 5.5°), and is deviated  35° with respect to the reference cratonic direction. This magnetization is interpreted to indicate a combination of tilt due to initial drag during vertical diapiric ascent (or westward lateral-oblique expansion) of the adjacent San Pedro Mártir pluton and later rotation ( 15°) by Rosarito Fault activity in the southwest; this rotation may have occurred as eastward contraction acted to fill the space emptied by the ascending San Pedro Mártir pluton. The Rosarito fault may have tilted several plutons in the area (Sierra San Pedro Mártir, El Potrero, San José, and Encinosa). Magnetic susceptibility fabrics for 13 sites reflect mostly emplacement-related stress and regional stress. Paleomagnetic data and structural observations lead us to interpret the El Potrero pluton as a syntectonic pluton, emplaced within a regional shear zone delimited by the Main Mártir Thrust and the younger Rosarito Fault.  相似文献   
The first magnetostratigraphic study of the Las Arcas Formation (Late Miocene) was carried out in Las Totoritas creek (26º12′S; 65º47′W, NW Argentina), a key place in between of two geological provinces: Northwestern Pampean Ranges and Eastern Cordillera, in northwestern Argentina. This was accompanied by isotopic dating (9.01 ± 0.12 Ma, 40Ar–39Ar in amphibole) of the unit, obtained from a 3.4 m thick tuff intercalated at ∼45 m above the base. The Las Arcas Formation is 810 m thick at the sampling locality and it is mainly composed of tabular reddish conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones in both coarsening- and thickening-upward arrangements. The exposed section was sampled at 48 sites, 26 of which are interpreted as carrying primary magnetization. The new magnetostratigraphic column was correlated with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS), and suggests that deposition of the Las Arcas Formation strata started at around 9.1 Ma and ended around 6.8 Ma. The paleomagnetic pole obtained for this unit (Dec = 8.7° Inc = −43.9° dp = 14.9 dm 9.3) indicates that this area underwent non-significant rotation (11.0° ± 13.6°) since the Late Miocene.  相似文献   
运用主成分分离及线性区段等方法,使早白垩世样品明显分离出二组磁组分.叠加剩磁为喜山期重磁化,特征剩磁明显偏离现代地磁场方向,经倾斜校正后,有很好的一致性并通过了倒转检验,给出塔里木地块库车坳陷早白垩世巴西盖组古地磁新数据.综合已有的古地磁结果,获得了塔里木地块早白垩世平均剩磁方向及平均古地磁极,阐明了塔里木地块早白垩世磁倾角明显偏低这一现象.分析导致磁倾角偏低的诸多因素,认为压实作用可能是导致磁倾角偏低的重要因素之一.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic data from lavas and dikes of the Unkar igneous suite (16 sites) and sedimentary rocks of the Nankoweap Formation (7 sites), Grand Canyon Supergroup (GCSG), Arizona, provide two primary paleomagnetic poles for Laurentia for the latest Middle Proterozoic (ca. 1090 Ma) at 32°N, 185°E (dp=6.8°, DM=9.3°) and early Late Proterozoic (ca. 850–900 Ma) at 10°S, 163°E (dp=3.5°, DM=7.0°). A new 40Ar/39Ar age determination from an Unkar dike gives an interpreted intrusion age of about 1090 Ma, similar to previously reported geochronologic data for the Cardenas Basalts and associated intrusions. The paleomagnetic data show no evidence of any younger, middle Late Proterozoic tectonothermal event such as has been revealed in previous geochronologic studies of the Unkar igneous suite. The pole position for the Unkar Group Cardenas Basalts and related intrusions is in good agreement with other ca. 1100 Ma paleomagnetic poles from the Keweenawan midcontinent rift deposits and other SW Laurentia diabase intrusions. The close agreement in age and position of the Unkar intrusion (UI) pole with poles derived from rift related rocks from elsewhere in Laurentia indicates that mafic magmatism was essentially synchronous and widespread throughout Laurentia at ca. 1100 Ma, suggesting a large-scale continental magmatic event. The pole position for the Nankoweap Formation, which plots south of the Unkar mafic rocks, is consistent with a younger age of deposition, at about 900 to 850 Ma, than had previously been proposed. Consequently, the inferred 200 Ma difference in age between the Cardenas Basalts and overlying Nankoweap Formation provides evidence for a third major unconformity within the Grand Canyon sequence.  相似文献   
由于非滞后剩磁各向异性和等温剩磁各向异性的参数直接与岩石中的携磁矿物颗粒有关,它比传统的磁化率各向异性更明确地指示岩石组构,在构造地质研究中有较大应用前景.本文介绍了非滞后剩磁及其各向异性的测定方法,并以一个实例阐述了它在构造地质中的应用.  相似文献   
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