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经度的确定是板块重建的难点. 塔里木盆地下二叠统大规模溢流玄武岩已被确定为大火成岩省, 提供了一次根据大火成岩省来定量确定塔里木陆块早二叠世经度的机遇. 核幔边界约2800 km深处地震波低速带与全球300 Ma以来喷发的大火成岩省之间的关系已得到建立: 恢复喷发位置后, 大火成岩省全部分布在核幔边界低速带的边缘之上, 其中大部分在非洲LLSVP和太平洋LLSVP边缘, 个别在规模较小的LSVPs边缘. 在使用塔里木陆块早二叠世古地磁数据来限定其纬度的基础上, 本文利用上述理论方法, 并联系前人的地质结论, 发现塔里木大火成岩省约290 Ma喷发时的位置最可能为20°N, 60°E. 本文提出, 塔里木大火成岩省与西伯利亚大火成岩省相似, 其喷发时并不在两大LLSVPs的边缘带上, 而最可能与非洲LLSVP东侧附近一个单独的、范围较小的LSVP(20°N, 60°E)相关联, 暗示重建之前的假设"塔里木大火成岩省源自核幔边界"是合理的. 如果塔里木、峨眉山和西伯利亚大火成岩省都源自核幔边界, 上述(20°N, 60°E)位置的获得说明三者都不是同一幔源.  相似文献   
The Hawaiian–Emperor Seamount chain records the motion of the Pacific Plate relative to the Hawaiian mantle hotspot for 80 m.y. A notable feature of the chain is the pronounced bend at its middle. This bend had been widely credited to a change in plate motion, but recent research suggests a change in hotspot motion as an alternative. Existing paleomagnetic data from the Emperor Chain suggest that the hotspot moved south during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, but reached its current latitude by the age of the bend. Thus, data from area of the bend are important for understanding changes in plume latitude. In this study, we analyze the magnetic anomalies of five seamounts (Annei, Daikakuji-W, Daikakuji- E, Abbott, and Colahan) in the region of the bend. These particular seamounts were chosen because they have been recently surveyed to collect multibeam bathymetry and magnetic data positioned with GPS navigation. Inversions of the magnetic and bathymetric data were performed to determine the mean magnetization of each seamount and from these results, paleomagnetic poles and paleolatitudes were calculated. Three of the five seamounts have reversed magnetic polarities (two are normal) and four contain a small volume of magnetic polarity opposite to the main body, consistent with formation during the Early Cenozoic, a time of geomagnetic field reversals. Although magnetization inhomogene ties can degrade the accuracy of paleomagnetic poles calculated from such models, the seamounts give results consistent with one another and with other Pacific paleomagnetic data of approximately the same age. Seamount paleolatitudes range from 13.7 to 23.7, with an average of 19.4 ± 7.4 (2σ). These values are indistinguishable from the present-day paleolatitude of the Hawaiian hotspot. Together with other paleomagnetic and geologic evidence, these data imply that the Hawaiian hotspot has moved little in latitude during the past 45 m.y.  相似文献   
本文对鄂尔多斯盆地东南缘一个背斜剖面的早三叠世红层样品进行了古地磁研究.对逐步热退磁矢量序列进行主成分分析以及各磁组分的解阻温度谱分析,估计了携磁矿物.分离出4种磁成分:镜铁矿携带的沉积或沉积后剩磁;赤铁矿携带的化学剩磁;等温剩磁和粘滞剩磁.特征剩磁(最高解阻温度Tu≥670℃)通过倒转检验、(递增)褶皱检验,平均方向为偏角D=-25°,倾角I=41°,相应的极位置为65°N、356°E.  相似文献   
利用磁滞回线、磁畴状态分析、剩磁磁化率和感磁磁化率测量等,对辽宁复县金伯利岩岩体群的磁性矿物成分和成因机制进行了分析.结果表明,该金伯利岩中的磁性矿物成分主要是单畴、似单畴颗粒磁铁矿,它们主要是在金伯利岩岩浆后期,即汽水热液期,在相对快速冷却的环境下形成的原生磁性矿物.在古地磁研究中,利用主成分分析,结合同位素测年结果,给出了该区金伯利岩的古地磁结果,为中国东部早古生代的古地磁研究提供了补充和验证.  相似文献   
岩石的多剩磁成分的分离是古地磁研究的重要环节之一.Kirschvink(1980)提出的主成分分析法(PCA)能有效地进行多剩磁成分的方向分离.作者认为,最大角偏差(MAD)值的选择应视各磁成分的剩磁谱组合特征而定,剩磁相似度的提出,可以帮助确定MAD值选取的最佳值.在主成分法分离的剩磁方向的基础上,作者提出了一种多剩磁成分的强度分离方法,籍此可以进一步研究各分离磁组分的剩磁谱特征及其成因,并将以上方法应用于新疆柯坪地区晚古生代地层的剩磁分离.  相似文献   
The island of Madagascar experienced widespread magmatism at ca. 90 Ma due to its interaction with the Marion hotspot. Previous paleomagnetic data from igneous rocks in the southwestern and northwestern regions of the island indicated that the Marion hotspot has remained fixed for the past 90 Ma. We report paleomagnetic data from northeastern Madagascar (d'Analava Complex). Samples were collected from basalts, rhyolites, gabbros and a dolerite dyke. Sixty samples from 5 sites yield a paleomagnetic pole at 66.7°S, 43.5°E (A95 = 10.7°) and a grand mean pole (GMP) calculated from 10 different studies covering the entire island of Madagascar falls at 68.9°S, 49.0°E (A95 = 4.4°). This pole translates to a paleolatitude for the Volcan de l'Androy (focal point of the hotspot) at 45.2° + 6°/− 5°S compared to the current location of the Marion hotspot at  46°S. Our results confirm, and expand upon, previous studies that argue for the fixity of the Marion hotspot for the past 90 Ma.  相似文献   
The Appalachian fold–thrust belt is characterized by a sinuous trace in map-view, creating a series of salients and recesses. The kinematic evolution of these arcuate features remains a controversial topic in orogenesis. Primary magnetizations from clastic red beds in the Pennsylvania salient show Pennsylvanian rotations that account for about half of the curvature, while Kiaman-aged (Permian) remagnetizations display no relative rotation between the limbs. The more southern Tennessee salient shows a maximum change in regional strike from ~ 65° in Virginia to ~ 10° in northern Georgia. Paleomagnetic results from thirty-two sites in the Middle to Upper Ordovician Chickamauga Group limestones and twenty sites from the Middle Cambrian Rome Formation red beds were analyzed to constrain the relative age of magnetization as well as the nature of curvature in the Tennessee salient. Results from three sites of the Silurian Red Mountain Formation were added to an existing dataset in order to determine whether the southern limb had rotated.After thermal demagnetization, all three sample suites display a down and southeasterly direction, albeit carried by different magnetic minerals. The syn-tilting direction of the Chickamauga limestones lies on the Pennsylvanian segment of the North American apparent polar wander path (APWP), indicating that deformation was about half completed by the Late Pennsylvanian. The Rome and Red Mountain Formations were also remagnetized during the Pennsylvanian. Both the Chickamauga limestones and Rome red beds fail to show a correlation between strike and declination along the salient, suggesting either that the salient was a primary, non-rotational feature or that secondary curvature occurred prior to remagnetization, as it did in Pennsylvania. Moreover, remagnetized directions from the Red Mountain sites show no statistical difference between the southern limb of the salient and the more northeasterly trending portion of the fold–thrust belt in Alabama. Thus, all of the studied units in the Tennessee salient are remagnetized and show no evidence for rotation. This confirms that remagnetization was widespread in the southern Appalachians and that any potential orogenic rotation must have occurred prior to the Late Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the tectonic evolution of the Qaidam Basin. The authors carried out a paleomagnetic study on 39 samples of 7 sites from Hongsanhan section, northwest Qaidam Basin. Stepwise thermo-demagnefizafion isolated a high-temperature component (HTC), which passes the fold and reversal tests at 95 % confidence level. It suggests that the HTC should be primary. Unblocking temperature (about 685℃ ) and the experiment of isothermal remanence indicate that hematite is the mainly carrier of the remanence. A tilt-corrected mean direction is: Ds= 7.1°, Is= 38.5°, α95 = 7.4°. Corresponding to a palaeopole at, φ= 250. 1°E, λ= 72.0°N, A95 = 6.8°, Compared with the reference APWP of Eurasia, the sampling area occurred a non-significant rotation (3.4° ± 5.5°) relative to Eurasia since Eocene due to the affect of left-lateral Altyn fault, Based on the paleomagnetic results of early Cretaceous and Teritary within the Qaidam block, we can obtained the mean clockwise rotations from the samples deposited from 160 Ma to 45 Ma is 24.5° ± 9.0°, and from 38 Ma to present is - 0.5° ± 7.5° relative to present geomagnetism respectively. During the Mid Eocene (45 -38 Ma) rotation phase, there should existing an important early tectonic event in northern part of the present-day Tibetan Plateau, which probably represents one of large-scale strike-slip events of the Altyn strike-slip fault.  相似文献   
The time when Gondwana finally formed is still debatable (Powell and Pisarevsky, 2002; Meert, 2003). Paleomagnetic data have demonstrated that the appar-ent polar wander paths (APWPs) for the main conti-nental blocks of Gondwana are in good agreement from Early Cambrian to at least 260 Ma under the widely accepted Gondwana fit (see Li & Powell, 2001, Fig. 6). This is especially the case for Australia and Africa, of which APWPs are best defined and near identical. This indicates that the main amalgamation of East Gondwana and African blocks has likely com-pleted since the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   
Eight mountainside profiles in lava flows south of the fjord Eyjafjördur, Northern Iceland, were sampled for paleomagnetic studies. The sampling was concurrent with pilot stratigraphic mapping of the lava sequences in these and several supplementary profiles. The eight profiles are correlated with minor overlaps so that they form a composite section of 2.9 km thickness, estimated to cover the age range between about 9 and 5 million years ago (Hardarson et al. 1999). Paleomagnetic measurements made on 319 lavas generally yield primary remanence directions of high stability and within-unit consistency. Evidence for at least 17 reversals of the geomagnetic field is seen, as well as numerous field excursions. Frequent clustering of directions in successive lavas indicates that the volcanism was episodic.  相似文献   
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