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不同岩溶储水结构分析与地球物理勘察 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
岩溶区储水结构是寻找地下水最为有利的靶区。在可溶岩与非可溶边界呈串珠状发育的岩溶泉、漏斗等,常指示地下岩溶强烈发育,接触界面的可溶岩为找水的有利部位。在背斜轴部,由于来自侧翼的挤压作用,灰岩、白云岩等硬脆性岩石易形成张性裂隙密集带,成为地下水的有利赋存部位。断裂、构造裂隙密集带使地下水互为沟通,成为良好的储水载体。在这... 相似文献
Mohammad Heidarzadeh Moharram D. Pirooz Nasser H. Zaker Ahmet C. Yalciner 《Natural Hazards》2009,48(2):229-243
We present a preliminary estimation of tsunami hazard associated with the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) at the northwestern
Indian Ocean. Makran is one of the two main tsunamigenic zones in the Indian Ocean, which has produced some tsunamis in the
past. Northwestern Indian Ocean remains one of the least studied regions in the world in terms of tsunami hazard assessment.
Hence, a scenario-based method is employed to provide an estimation of tsunami hazard in this region for the first time. The
numerical modeling of tsunami is verified using historical observations of the 1945 Makran tsunami. Then, a number of tsunamis
each resulting from a 1945-type earthquake (M
w 8.1) and spaced evenly along the MSZ are simulated. The results indicate that by moving a 1945-type earthquake along the
MSZ, the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan will experience the largest waves with heights of between 5 and 7 m, depending
on the location of the source. The tsunami will reach a height of about 5 m and 2 m in northern coast of Oman and eastern
coast of the United Arab Emirates, respectively. 相似文献
长江三角洲是我国经济最发达、智力资源最密集的地区之一,高新区已经成为当地高新技术产业发展的主导力量。1990年以来,长江三角洲高新区凭借其良好的区位条件和政策的支持,软硬环境进一步优化,迅速集聚起各类要素资源,增长极作用明显,但也存在自主创新机制不完善,研究开发能力较弱,产品技术含量较低,国际竞争力不强等问题。本文从经济实力、经营绩效、科技创新能力、对外开放能力以及生态效率等5个方面选取29项指标,运用主成分分析法,对长江三角洲8个国家级高新区可持续发展能力进行评价。结果显示,上海张江高新区可持续发展能力最强,南京高新区和无锡高新区次之,杭州高新区和苏州高新区居中,宁波高新区和常州高新区较弱,泰州高新区最弱。并基于此提出了促进长江三角洲高新区可持续发展的对策措施。 相似文献
关于角平分线法建立线状缓冲区算法的改进 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
分析了用对角平分线法建立缓冲区的算法,提出了一种新的求角平分线和缓冲点的方法,实践证明其在算法实现方面是可行的,而且效果比较理想。 相似文献
Shallow seismicity and available source mechanisms in the Andaman–westSunda arc and Andaman sea region suggest distinct variation in stressdistribution pattern both along and across the arc in the overriding plate.Seismotectonic regionalisation indicates that the region could be dividedinto eight broad seismogenic sources of relatively homogeneousdeformation. Crustal deformation rates have been determined for each oneof these sources based on the summation of moment tensors. The analysisshowed that the entire fore arc region is dominated by compressive stresseswith compression in a mean direction of N23°, and the rates ofseismic deformation velocities in this belt decrease northward from 5.2± 0.65 mm/yr near Nias island off Sumatra and 1.12 ±0.13 mm/yr near Great Nicobar islands to as much as 0.4 ±0.04 mm/yr north of 8°N along Andaman–Nicobar islandsregion. The deformation velocities indicate, extension of 0.83 ±0.05 mm/yr along N343° and compression of 0.19 ±0.01 mm/yr along N73° in the Andaman back arc spreadingregion, extension of 0.18 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N125° andcompression of 0.16 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N35° in NicobarDeep and west Andaman fault zone, compression of 0.84 ±0.12 mm/yr N341° and extension of 0.77 ± 0.11 mm/yralong N72° within the transverse tectonic zone in the Andamantrench, N-S compression of 3.19 ± 0.29 mm/yr and an E-Wextension of 1.24 ± 0.11 mm/yr in the Semangko fault zone ofnorth Sumatra. The vertical deformation suggests crustal thinning in theAndaman sea and crustal thickening in the fore arc and Semangko faultzones. The apparent stresses calculated for all major events range between0.1–10 bars and the values increase with increasing seismic moment.However, the apparent stress estimates neither indicate any significantvariation with faulting type nor display any variation across the arc, incontrast to the general observation that the fore arc thrust events showhigher stress levels in the shallow subduction zones. It is inferred that theoblique plate convergence, partial subduction of 90°E Ridge innorth below the Andaman trench and the active back arc spreading are themain contributing factors for the observed stress field within the overridingplate in this region. 相似文献
南北地震带南段位于青藏高原东南缘,是青藏高原与扬子克拉通的过渡地带.本文收集了该区域内90个固定台站和356个流动台站的远震波形数据,采用波形互相关方法拾取了88691个P波走时残差数据,应用FMTT(Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)层析成像方法获取了南北地震带南段深部的三维P波速度结构.结果显示了研究区深部的结构具有显著的不均匀性:腾冲火山地区深部400 km以浅的深度内分布着明显的低速异常;四川盆地西南部下方300 km内具有较强的高速异常;在上地幔顶部,沿川滇菱形块体周边的大型断裂带及川滇菱形块体南端分布着显著的低速异常,这些低速异常为青藏高原物质向东南方向挤出提供了必要的通道;保山地块下方存在一东倾的高速异常带,该高速异常带为印度板块岩石圈向东俯冲的体现. 相似文献
Jos Cembrano Alain Lavenu Peter Reynolds Gloria Arancibia Gloria Lpez Alejandro Sanhueza 《Tectonophysics》2002,354(3-4)
The southern Andes plate boundary zone records a protracted history of bulk transpressional deformation during the Cenozoic, which has been causally related to either oblique subduction or ridge collision. However, few structural and chronological studies of regional deformation are available to support one hypothesis or the other. We address along- and across-strike variations in the nature and timing of plate boundary deformation to better understand the Cenozoic tectonics of the southern Andes.Two east–west structural transects were mapped at Puyuhuapi and Aysén, immediately north of the Nazca–South America–Antarctica triple junction. At Puyuhuapi (44°S), north–south striking, high-angle contractional and strike-slip ductile shear zones developed from plutons coexist with moderately dipping dextral-oblique shear zones in the wallrocks. In Aysén (45–46°), top to the southwest, oblique thrusting predominates to the west of the Cenozoic magmatic arc, whereas dextral strike-slip shear zones develop within it.New 40Ar–39Ar data from mylonites and undeformed rocks from the two transects suggest that dextral strike-slip, oblique-slip and contractional deformation occurred at nearly the same time but within different structural domains along and across the orogen. Similar ages were obtained on both high strain pelitic schists with dextral strike-slip kinematics (4.4±0.3 Ma, laser on muscovite–biotite aggregates, Aysén transect, 45°S) and on mylonitic plutonic rocks with contractional deformation (3.8±0.2 to 4.2±0.2 Ma, fine-grained, recrystallized biotite, Puyuhuapi transect). Oblique-slip, dextral reverse kinematics of uncertain age is documented at the Canal Costa shear zone (45°S) and at the Queulat shear zone at 44°S. Published dates for the undeformed protholiths suggest both shear zones are likely Late Miocene or Pliocene, coeval with contractional and strike-slip shear zones farther north. Coeval strike-slip, oblique-slip and contractional deformation on ductile shear zones of the southern Andes suggest different degrees of along- and across-strike deformation partitioning of bulk transpressional deformation.The long-term dextral transpressional regime appears to be driven by oblique subduction. The short-term deformation is in turn controlled by ridge collision from 6 Ma to present day. This is indicated by most deformation ages and by a southward increase in the contractional component of deformation. Oblique-slip to contractional shear zones at both western and eastern margins of the Miocene belt of the Patagonian batholith define a large-scale pop-up structure by which deeper levels of the crust have been differentially exhumed since the Pliocene at a rate in excess of 1.7 mm/year. 相似文献
青海南部杂多地区超镁铁质-镁铁质岩石的特征及Ar—Ar定年 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过野外地质研究和室内岩相学、岩石地球化学研究,在位于青藏高原中部的青海杂多地区的双湖-澜沧江结合带中发现了一套超镁铁质岩、镁铁质岩。该超镁铁质岩、镁铁质岩沿北西—南东向区域构造线多呈岩脉状侵入在早石炭世杂多群中,局部呈构造透镜体分布在断裂带中或呈包体分布在白垩纪花岗岩中,出露规模不大,局部侵入体具有层状侵入杂岩体的特征。主要岩石类型为辉石橄榄岩、辉长岩、辉长辉绿岩,岩石地球化学具高Ti、Fe、Al、Ga和LREE中等富集的特征。橄榄岩中角闪石的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar同位素测年得到275.3Ma±1.9Ma的坪年龄,表明这套超镁铁—镁铁质岩石可能为早、中二叠世弧后盆地拉张的产物。 相似文献
东天山板块构造分区、演化与成矿地质背景研究 总被引:111,自引:9,他引:111
围绕东天山找矿的基础地质构造问题,编制了新的1:50万东天山地区大地构造图和1:100万东天山地区成矿规律图。划分出新的大地构造单元,确认了中天山结晶轴的存在。将东天山地区显生宇以来的大地构造演化划分为洋壳扩张、俯冲岛弧、弧后盆地和碰撞造山期及造山期后伸展5个阶段,各阶段分别形成了对应的矿床和矿床组合,明确了主要矿床如土屋铜矿(泥盆纪-早石炭世增生弧背景)、黄山-香山铜镍矿(早二叠世同碰撞背景)的成矿时代和成矿环境。 相似文献