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The Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana contains significant coal and coal bed natural gas (CBNG) resources. CBNG extraction requires the production of large volumes of water, much of which is discharged into existing drainages. Compared to surface waters, the CBNG produced water is high in sodium relative to calcium and magnesium, elevating the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). To mitigate the possible impact this produced water may have on the quality of surface water used for irrigation, the State of Montana passed water anti‐degradation legislation, which could affect CBNG production in Wyoming. In this study, we sought to determine the proportion of CBNG produced water discharged to tributaries that reaches the Powder River by implementing a four end‐member mixing model within a Bayesian statistical framework. The model accounts for the 87Sr/86Sr, δ13CDIC, [Sr] and [DIC] of CBNG produced water and surface water interacting with the three primary lithologies exposed in the PRB. The model estimates the relative contribution of the end members to the river water, while incorporating uncertainty associated with measurement and process error. Model results confirm that both of the tributaries associated with high CBNG activity are mostly composed of CBNG produced water (70–100%). The model indicates that up to 50% of the Powder River is composed of CBNG produced water downstream from the CBNG tributaries, decreasing with distance by dilution from non‐CBNG impacted tributaries from the point sources to ~10–20% at the Montana border. This amount of CBNG produced water does not significantly affect the SAR or electrical conductivity of the Powder River in Montana. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
目前,地下工程围岩尤其是大型岩石地下工程围岩的粘弹塑性分析研究少见报道。针对这种情况,本文根据西原粘弹塑性流变模型相关理论开发了hhu-vp流变计算软件,以用于大型岩石地下工程围岩粘弹塑性流变数值模拟分析;并以一简单算例与软件FLAC-3D比较,结果偏差在容许范围内。将其应用于水布垭大型地下洞室围岩流变研究中,对该地下洞室的施工开挖及支护处理过程进行了模拟,提出了支护处理意见,并对其运营期的长期稳定性作出了评价。  相似文献   
王海宁  蔡明刚  姚陈 《地球物理学报》2012,55(08):2687-2694
三维三分量(3D3C)陆地反射PS转换波共中心点(CMP)叠加成像方法,虽然抽道集简单,但是对实际资料处理结果往往不理想.尤其当反射界面为三维倾斜界面时,其成像质量较差.本文提出有三个主要因素影响其成像质量:第一,转换点离散.运用实例计算得出,转换点离散度随着纵横波速度比、偏移距和界面倾角的增大而增大.相同界面倾角,不同测线方位的转换点离散度不同,视倾角的绝对值越大离散度也越大;第二,道集内静校正量差异增大.CMP道集中,由于转换点离散使得转换点横向跨度较大,经倾斜界面反射转换的S波出射到近地表地层时的角度差异也较大,导致静校突出;第三,加大动校叠加复杂性.三维倾斜界面PS波CMP道集近炮检距时距方程可表示为双曲形式,但是曲线的顶点位置和动校速度同时随测线方位变化,使得CMP道集同相轴很难校平,动校叠加过程很复杂.  相似文献   
The mixing characteristics of dredged sediments of variable size discharged into cross-flow are studied by an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model has been developed by using the modified k-ε parameterization for the turbulence in fluid phase/water and a Lagrangian method for the solid phase/sediments. In the model the wake turbulence induced by sediments has been included as additional source and sink terms in the k-ε model; and the trajectories of the sediments are tracked by the Lagrangian method in which the sediment drift velocities in cross-flow are computed by a multiphase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) method and the diffusion process is approximated by a random walk model. The hydrodynamic behavior of dumped sediment cloud is governed by the total buoyancy on the cloud, the drag force on each particle and velocity of cross-flow. The cross-flow destroys more or less the double vortices occurred in stagnant ambience and dominates the longitudinal movement of sediment cloud. The computed results suggest satisfactory agreement by comparison with the experimental results of laboratory.  相似文献   
基于线框模型的复杂断层三维建模方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了包含复杂断层面地质体的三维数学模型.为准确表达复杂地质体各要素的空间几何形态及其相互之间的关联关系,设计了线框单元体模型,并提出了整体描述断层面的技术思路,解决了地层交错情况下断层面和地层面的模拟难题;在上述基础上,结合平面地质图数据,实现了复杂地质条件下三维地质体模型的构建.  相似文献   
应用直流电法仪在井下进行了工作面巷道底板电测深和掘进头超前探测,查清了工作面底板水层的富水性和掘进头前头的地质构造及含水情况。目前,大部分探测结果已得到生产实践的证实。  相似文献   
机载SAR影像时空模型重构因子及3D特征提取   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
时空模型有助于人们获取类似于真实世界的时间及空间信息 ,对于城市工程设计、灾害预防决策及军事应用具有重要意义。本文探讨了机载SAR影像重构时空模型的潜力及方法 ,研究了时空模型重构因子、基于机载SAR影像的建筑物、植被的三维提取 ,以及相应的机载SAR影像时空建模一般方法  相似文献   
针对当前Web3DGIS的专题制图中动态专题制图和主动专题制图的缺点,本文设计并实现了一个基于富客户端/服务器的Web3DGIS平台,并以此为基础,采用一种改进的主动专题制图方法,通过三级缓存机制、基于几何的矢量数据渲染等技术手段,有效地提高了GIS中专题地图的渲染效率及制图能力。  相似文献   
Development of a 3D GIS and its application to karst areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing interest in modeling and analyzing karst phenomena in three dimensions. This paper integrates geology, groundwater hydrology, geographic information system (GIS), database management system (DBMS), visualization and data mining to study karst features in Huaibei, China. The 3D geo-objects retrieved from the karst area are analyzed and mapped into different abstract levels. The spatial relationships among the objects are constructed by a dual-linker. The shapes of the 3D objects and the topological models with attributes are stored and maintained in the DBMS. Spatial analysis was then used to integrate the data in the DBMS and the 3D model to form a virtual reality (VR) to provide analytical functions such as distribution analysis, correlation query, and probability assessment. The research successfully implements 3D modeling and analyses in the karst area, and meanwhile provides an efficient tool for government policy-makers to set out restrictions on water resource development in the area.  相似文献   
2009年9月对祁连山冷龙岭宁缠河3号冰川外围建立控制网, 于冰川表面布设了13根标志杆, 随后分别于2010年7月、2010年9月再次对设立在冰川表面的花杆点进行测量, 获取2009/2010年度、2009年9月-2010年7月与2010年7-9月3个时段宁缠河3号冰川表面流速.结果显示: 2009/2010年度宁缠河3号冰川最大流速出现在海拔4 430 m附近, 为3.76 m·a-1;2009年9月-2010年7月表面流速最大值出现在海拔4 430 m附近, 为0.32 m·月-1;2010年7-9月最大流速出现在海拔4 380 m附近, 为0.47 m·月-1.总体来看, 2009/2010年度宁缠河3号冰川纵剖面上流速变化较为缓和, 显示出流速随海拔变化而变化的规律. 但不同季节表面流速在纵剖面上的分布情况不同, 横剖面上主流线附近流速最大, 向冰川两边逐渐递减, 各观测点均平行于主流线方向向冰川末端运动, 表现出冰川运动一般规律. 在冰川表面运动速度观测区域内东南边缘流速略大于西北边缘, 同时与规模相近的冰川运动速度相比, 宁缠河3号冰川运动速度较大.  相似文献   
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