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雄安新区中深层白云岩热储地热资源丰富,为了提高对该区主要热储白云岩热储特征及地热水资源潜力的认识程度,指导新区中深层白云岩热储地热水资源的规模化开发,基于钻井、地震、地质等资料,研究了该区白云岩热储的地层空间分布、构造特征、储集空间特征和主建设区白云岩热储地热水资源潜力。研究表明:雄安新区主要热储雾迷山组、高于庄组除在断裂面部分地区外基本全区分布;雾迷山组埋深在容城凸起、牛驼镇凸起相对较浅,在高阳低凸起相对较深;高于庄组有类似的分布特征,总体埋深更深,温度更高;其它地层除第四系、新近系明化镇组外分布都比较局限;区内发育众多以NNE向为主的正断层,与少数其它方向断裂交会,将深部地热通过流体传输到浅部,并造就断裂两侧大量的裂缝和控制岩溶发育方向及规模,形成众多溶蚀孔洞;同时构造演化中雾迷山组古地貌中高地貌部分,在喜山期大多剥蚀与新生界形成不整合面,共同构成本区重要的输导通道和储集空间,岩溶孔洞和裂缝结合型复合空间是本区雾迷山组主要热储空间,单独的裂缝、孔洞是次要热储空间,大型溶洞一旦发育往往是主力产水层;新区主建设区顶面在5000 m(底部埋深可达6000 m)及以浅的白云岩岩溶裂缝热储地热水资源,按100年采用总热水储量的50%及500 m井距“三采两灌”原则单井产量110 m3/h计,最适宜生产井布井数目233口,主建设区现阶段可满足每年4787×104 m2的供暖面积,占实际需求的30.1%。结论认为:雾迷山组埋深较浅,在当前经济技术条件下目前是主力热储,高于庄组埋深较深是最重要的备用热储,今后20年内会被大规模开发利用,但即便现在同时开发它们也不能满足雄安新区主建设区的清洁能源需求,需要发展“多能互补”系统,域外的过剩地热资源能否向域内目标区集输受经济成本和环境成本风险制约。

信迪  刘京  李雷  冉丽  宋学信 《地质通报》2014,33(2-3):299-307
巴布亚新几内亚西部Fubilan山奥克泰迪矿床是一个世界级铜金矿床,在大地构造上位于新几内亚造山带的巴布亚褶皱带。该矿床的铜金矿化赋存于Fubilan二长斑岩及其周边的磁铁矿夕卡岩和硫化物夕卡岩中。矿石类型以原生硫化物矿石为主,金属矿物包括磁铁矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、白铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括夕卡岩化、钾化、泥化和青盘岩化。矿床氧化次生富集带发育,表生矿石矿物为蓝辉铜矿、辉铜矿、自然铜、铜蓝和银金矿。成矿作用主要受区域构造、侵入杂岩体、Darai组灰岩地层、断裂等因素的控制。根据矿床的主岩、矿石特征、蚀变特征和控矿因素,认为该矿床成因类型属于较为典型的夕卡岩—斑岩型矿床。  相似文献   
白洋淀生态需水:进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨薇  赵彦伟  刘强  孙涛 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):294-308
采用文献计量、统计分析等手段收集了国内外关于白洋淀生态需水核算的研究成果,系统梳理了15种白洋淀生态需水核算方法,获得了白洋淀不同时间尺度、不同等级生态需水核算结果,并结合雄安新区规划对白洋淀生态需水核算存在的问题及未来的需求提出了展望统计结果表明,白洋淀最小生态水位为7.45±0.66 m,适宜水位为8.61±0.52 m,最大水位为9.46±0.51 m;各等级生态需水月际变化趋势大致相同,8 9月最大,5月最小,但各月不同等级生态需水量的变幅较大;白洋淀最小生态补水量为1.35亿m3,适宜补水量2.40亿m3,最大生态补水量6.20亿m3从支撑雄安新区规划建设的角度来看,目前白洋淀生态需水核算中面临的不足主要集中在生态管理目标和方法选择导致核算结果差异较大、缺乏淀区生态需水机制的阐释、生态需水核算时间尺度较粗略、未考虑淀区空间异质性的需水差异以及忽略河湖水文连通关系与过程5个方面;最后,以恢复白洋淀良性生态系统为导向,从分级分区开展白洋淀生态需水精细核算、分时分段淀区生态需水量质耦合模拟和考虑河湖沼连通的淀区水动力...  相似文献   
Recent advances have been made to modernize estimates of probable precipitation scenarios; however, researchers and engineers often continue to assume that rainfall events can be described by a small set of event statistics, typically average intensity and event duration. Given the easy availability of precipitation data and advances in desk‐top computational tools, we suggest that it is time to rethink the ‘design storm’ concept. Design storms should include more holistic characteristics of flood‐inducing rain events, which, in addition to describing specific hydrologic responses, may also be watershed or regionally specific. We present a sensitivity analysis of nine precipitation event statistics from observed precipitation events within a 60‐year record for Tompkins County, NY, USA. We perform a two‐sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test to objectively identify precipitation event statistics of importance for two related hydrologic responses: (1) peak outflow from the Six Mile Creek watershed and (2) peak depth within the reservoir behind the Six Mile Creek Dam. We identify the total precipitation depth, peak hourly intensity, average intensity, event duration, interevent duration, and several statistics defining the temporal distribution of precipitation events to be important rainfall statistics to consider for predicting the watershed flood responses. We found that the two hydrologic responses had different sets of statistically significant parameters. We demonstrate through a stochastic precipitation generation analysis the effects of starting from a constrained parameter set (intensity and duration) when predicting hydrologic responses as opposed to utilizing an expanded suite of rainfall statistics. In particular, we note that the reduced precipitation parameter set may underestimate the probability of high stream flows and therefore underestimate flood hazard. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present a high‐resolution record of lacustrine sedimentation spanning ca. 30 000 to 9000 cal. a BP from Onepoto maar, northern North Island, New Zealand. The multi‐proxy record of environmental change is constrained by tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages and provides evidence for episodes of rapid environmental change during the Last Glacial Coldest Period (LGCP) and Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT) from northern New Zealand. The multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Onepoto indicates that the LGCP was cold, dry and windy in the Auckland region, with vegetation dominated by herb and grass in a beech forest mosaic between ca. 28 500 and 18 000 cal. a BP. The LGCP was accompanied by more frequent fires and influx of clastic sediment indicating increased erosion during the LGCP, with a mid‐LGCP interstadial identified between ca. 25 000 and 23 000 cal. a BP. Rapid climate amelioration at ca. 18 000 cal. a BP was accompanied by increased terrestrial biomass exemplified by the expansion of lowland podocarp forest, especially Dacrydium cupressinum. Increasing biomass production is reversed briefly by LGIT perturbations which are apparent in many of the proxies that span ca. 14 000–10 500 cal. a BP, suggesting generally increased wetness and higher in situ aquatic plant productivity with reduced terrestrial organic matter and terrigenous detrital influx. Furthermore, conditions at that time were probably warmer and frosts rare based on the increasing importance of Ascarina. The subsequent early Holocene is characterised by podocarp conifer forest and moist mild conditions. Postglacial sea‐level rise breached the crater rim and deposited 36 m of estuarine mud after ca. 9000 cal. a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
正20142366Bi Yuanqing(Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Survey Technology of Anhui Province,Hefei 230022,China);Fang Junhua Analysis of Ore-Prospecting Potential in the Taojiaxiang Mining Site,Zongyang County(Geology of Anhui,ISSN1005-6157,CN34-1111/P,23(4),2013,p.256-260,5illus.,10refs.)  相似文献   
Fine sediment is a dynamic component of the fluvial system, contributing to the physical form, chemistry and ecological health of a river. It is important to understand rates and patterns of sediment delivery, transport and deposition. Sediment fingerprinting is a means of directly determining sediment sources via their geochemical properties, but it faces challenges in discriminating sources within larger catchments. In this research, sediment fingerprinting was applied to major river confluences in the Manawatu catchment as a broad‐scale application to characterizing sub‐catchment sediment contributions for a sedimentary catchment dominated by agriculture. Stepwise discriminant function analysis and principal component analysis of bulk geochemical concentrations and geochemical indicators were used to investigate sub‐catchment geochemical signatures. Each confluence displayed a unique array of geochemical variables suited for discrimination. Geochemical variation in upstream sediment samples was likely a result of the varying geological source compositions. The Tiraumea sub‐catchment provided the dominant signature at the major confluence with the Upper Manawatu and Mangatainoka sub‐catchments. Subsequent downstream confluences are dominated by the upstream geochemical signatures from the main stem of Manawatu River. Variability in the downstream geochemical signature is likely due to incomplete mixing caused in part by channel configuration. Results from this exploratory investigation indicate that numerous geochemical elements have the ability to differentiate fine sediment sources using a broad‐scale confluence‐based approach and suggest there is enough geochemical variation throughout a large sedimentary catchment for a full sediment fingerprint model. Combining powerful statistical procedures with other geochemical analyses is critical to understanding the processes or spatial patterns responsible for sediment signature variation within this type of catchment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Hill End Trough of central‐western New South Wales was an elongate deep marine basin that existed in the Lachlan Fold Belt from the early Late Silurian to late Early Devonian. It is represented by a regionally extensive, unfossiliferous sequence of interbedded turbidites and hemipelagites of substantially silicic volcanic derivation, which passes laterally into contemporaneous shallow‐water sedimentary rocks. The Turondale and Merrions Formations of the Lower Devonian Crudine Group are two prominent volcanogenic formations in the predominantly sedimentary trough sequence. They contain a range of primary and resedimented volcanic facies suitable for U–Pb dating. These include widespread subaqueous silicic lavas and/or lava cryptodomes, and thick sequences of crystal‐rich volcaniclastic sandstone emplaced by a succession of mass‐flows that were generated by interaction between contemporaneous subaerial pyroclastic flows and the sea. Ion microprobe dating of the two volcanogenic formations by means of the commonly used SL 13 zircon standard yields ages ranging between 411.3 ± 5.1 and 404.8 ± 4.8 Ma. Normalising the data against a different zircon standard (QGNG) yields preferred slightly older mean ages that range between 413.4 ± 6.6 and 407.1 ± 6.9 Ma. These ages broadly approximate the Early Devonian age that has been historically associated with the Crudine Group. However, the biostratigraphically inferred late Lochkovian ‐ early Emsian (mid‐Early Devonian) age for the Merrions Formation is inconsistent with the current Australian Phanerozoic Timescale, which assigns an age of 410 Ma to the Silurian‐Devonian boundary, and ages of 404.5 Ma and 395.5 Ma to the base and top of the Pragian, respectively. There is, however, good agreement if the new ages are compared with the most recently published revision of the Devonian time‐scale. This suggests that the Early Devonian stage boundaries of the Australian Phanerozoic Timescale need to be revised downward. The new ages for the Merrions Formation could also provide a time point on this time‐scale for the Pragian to early Emsian, for which no data are presently available.  相似文献   
We present a structural analysis of serpentine-bearing faults and shear zones in the Koniambo Massif, one of the klippes of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia. Three structural levels are recognized. The upper level is characterized by a dense network of fractures. Antigorite and polygonal serpentine form slickenfibers along fault planes with distinct kinematics. As a result, the upper level keeps the record of at least two deformation events, the first associated with the growth of antigorite (WNW-ESE extension), the second with the growth of polygonal serpentine (NW–SE compression). The lower level coincides with the ‘serpentine sole’ of the nappe, which consists of massive tectonic breccias overlying a layer of mylonitic serpentinites. The sole records pervasive tangential shear with top-to-SW kinematics and represents a décollement at the base of the nappe. The intermediate level is characterized by the presence of several meters-thick conjugate shear zones accommodating NE–SW shortening. Like the sole, these shear zones involve polygonal serpentine and magnesite as the main syn-kinematic mineral phases. The shear zones likely root into the basal décollement, either along its roof or, occasionally, around its base. Compared to top-to-SW shearing along the sole, the two deformation events recorded in the upper level are older.The three structural levels correlate well with previously recognized spatial variations in the degree of serpentinization. It is therefore tempting to consider that the intensity of serpentinization played a major role in the way deformation has been distributed across the Peridotite Nappe. However, even the least altered peridotites, in the upper level, contain so much serpentine that, according to theoretical and experimental work, they should be nearly as weak as pure serpentinite. Hence, no strong vertical gradient in strength due to variations in the degree of serpentinization is expected within the exposed part of the nappe. Our proposal is that strain localization along the serpentine sole results from the juxtaposition of the nappe, made of weak serpentinized peridotites, against the strong mafic rocks of its substratum. This interpretation is at odds with the intuitive view that would consider the nappe, made of peridotites, as stronger than its basement.  相似文献   
Two new species, Cretohypna puncta sp. nov. and Cretohypna robusta sp. nov., of Glaphyridae are described and illustrated. These fossils were collected from the Jehol Biota, Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liutiaogou Village in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia, China. Up to date, 18 fossil species in 6 genera of Glaphyridae have been reported, among which ten species are from China. Respective keys to the Mesozoic genera of Glaphyridae and to species of Cretohypna Yan, Nikolajev & Ren, 2012 are provided. This is the first report of spiracles in fossil Glaphyridae leading to a hypothesis that the character of the 7th abdominal spiracles present in pleural membrane is a plesiomorphy for Glaphyridae.  相似文献   
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