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I.IntroductionInextremelyaridareaswherearidityishigherthan16.0,themaintenanceanddevelopmentofregionaloasiseconomyhavebeenrestrictedbytheutilizationandallotmentofwaterresource.Thus,itissignificantlyimportanttoexplore,onthebasisofwaterresource,thedevelopmen…  相似文献   
Discovery process modeling has gained wide acceptance in the Chinese exploration community. In recent years, a variety of discovery process models have been applied to the prediction of undiscovered petroleum resources at the play level in sedimentary basins in China. However, challenging problems have been encountered, particularly when one method alone has been applied to small plays in nonmarine sedimentary basins or in plays with an unusual order of discovery wells. This paper presents results gotten by using the lognormal discovery process model of the Geological Survey of Canada and the geoanchored method for three petroleum plays in basins with different geologic settings. Although the predicted shapes of the parentsize distributions which use these two models, were not always similar, the expected values of the total resources and the number of fields (pools) to be discovered are comparable. The combined use of two discovery process models in the same play compensates for the weaknesses in one method compared with the other and vice versa. Thus, more reliable estimates are the result.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形演变   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
王建  刘泽纯 《地质论评》1996,42(2):166-173
从孢粉植物分异及演变,干旱碎屑及膏盐沉积分布等方面,对柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形的演变进行了探讨。结果表明,盆地西部新生代两个极端干燥气候期(膏盐发育期)分别出现在始新世至渐新世及上新世至第四纪。前者与老第三纪行星环流控制下的副热带干燥带有关,而后者与青藏高原的隆升有关。早第三纪盆地西部及周围地区的地势不象以前所认为的那么低平。在第三纪,昆仑山比祁连山低。晚新生代盆地向北推移了7-11个纬距。  相似文献   
露头剖面层序中的海平面变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于炳松 《矿物学报》1996,16(2):141-146
在以往的沉积研究中,常常用露头剖面中的相对水深变化来讨论海平面的变化规律,本文通过对塔里木盆地北部寒武纪反映相对海平面变化的上超点变化曲线与肖尔布拉克地区寒武系露头剖面中相对水深变化曲线的对比研究发现,上超点变化曲线与相对水深变化曲线具有明显的差异,前者在寒武纪呈持续上升趋势,而后者除早期有一快速上升外,总体呈持续下降趋势,这说明相对水深变化虽与海平面变化存在着本质的联系,但单凭露头剖面中相对水深  相似文献   
楚雄盆地铜、盐、有机质相互作用与砂岩铜矿生成   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
矿床的有机地球化学研究表明:楚雄盆地含煤、含铜和含膏盐建造中的有机质在来源、类型和成熟度上是不一致的。成岩期干酪根降解形成的短链羧酸是矿源层中铜活化的重要因素,石油烃是矿质搬运的重要载体。改造成矿期,天水淋滤膏盐展形成富SO_4~(2-)的下渗氧化性流体,为改造成矿提片供了硫源。另一方面,来自基底的含矿流体沿同生断裂上涌,混染煤系地层形成还原性流体,沿次级断裂进入到高渗透的砂岩储集层。当两种流体在砂岩中相遇时,发生氧化-还原作用而形成改造期矿体。  相似文献   
由于江水和人类活动,引发长江崩塌、淤寒、洪涝和污染等灾害。研其原因主要为水动力改变;自然环境变化;人为破坏。整方案应采取治沙,营造“森林水库”;治水,按水动力学运动规律,用蓄、疏堵等手段综合治理;治污,要彻底根治污源;养殖,大力发展养殖业,促使生态平衡。  相似文献   
The Zone of Samedan is part of a fossil, early Mesozoic rift system originally situated in the distal, Lower Austro-Alpine domain of the Adriatic passive continental margin. An early Mesozoic configuration of asymmetrical rift basins bounded by relative structural highs compartmentalized Late Cretaceous active margin tectonics; Jurassic half-grabens were folded into arcuate synclines, whereas relative structural highs engendered thin, imbricated thrust sheets. West-directed thrusting and folding initiated at the surface and continued to depths favoring mylonitization under lower greenschist-facies conditions. At this time Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites were accreted to Lower Austro-Alpine units directly underlying the Zone of Samedan. Late Cretaceous orogenic collapse of the Adriatic active margin involved the reactivation of west-directed thrusts as low-angle, top-to-the-east, normal faults. These faults accommodated extensional uplift of Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites and Lower Austro-Alpine units beneath and within the Zone of Samedan. During Paleogene collision, some Late Cretaceous faults in the Zone of Samedan were reactivated under lower anchizonal conditions as north-directed thrusts. The latter stages of this early Tertiary thickening were transitional to brittle, high-angle normal faulting associated with top-to-the-east extension and spreading above the warm, uplifting Lepontine dome.  相似文献   
新疆伊犁盆地侏罗纪煤岩特征及煤相   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
应用煤岩学方法,探讨了新疆伊犁盆地侏罗纪煤的煤岩特征及煤相划分,将煤相划分为9种类型即干燥森林沼泽相,潮湿森林沼泽相,草木混生型沼泽相或芦苇沼炭沼泽相。通过煤相分析,为伊犁盆地成煤环境的研究提供了佐证。  相似文献   
广州珠江西航道,流溪河有机污染特征与感潮作用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
珠江西航道和流溪河在广州市区上游,为广州市主要水源区。由于感潮作用,受市区严重污染的水体因涨潮上溯而上游传输。严重影响上游水质。因此,弄清感潮作用对广州水源区水质的影响程度和范围,对水源保护与利用有重要意义。本研究从下游到上游,对水源区底泥中有机物特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)从上游到上游,受感潮作用影响逐渐减小,污染程度逐渐减轻;(2)水源区有机物特征呈有规律变化。从靠近城市的下游到远离城市的  相似文献   
—Mining-induced seismicity associated with longwall face operations in the Ostrava- Karviná coal mines, Czech Republic, has been investigated in order to establish the conditions leading to a focal zone generation. The study, based on macroseismic and instrumental observations, proved that seismicity is influenced by natural as well as mining conditions. The first group includes the influence of faults, washouts and red beds, while the second one is represented by shaft and/or crosscut safety pillars and various types of remnant pillars. All the cases discussed show that many focal zones are generated in overstressed strata as a consequence of interaction of natural conditions and/or old workings with the active coal face. Received June 18, 1996, accepted March 10, 1997  相似文献   
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