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Mineralogical and textural analyses of 45 undisturbed short cores and 80 grab sediment samples, collected from five frequently dredged navigational areas within harbors and water pathways of the Nile delta littoral system, were utilized for evaluation of these sediments as potential source of economic heavy minerals (EHMs). Results of mineralogical characterization indicate that the average total heavy mineral (HM) concentrations are as follows: Abu Qir Bay (1.7%), Rosetta estuary (3.1%), Burullus fishing port (4.5%), Damietta Harbor (2.9%), and El Gamil lagoon inlet (1.9%). Assessment of HM grades indicates predominance of magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, leucoxene, garnet, zircon, and rutile. Results of the feasibility analysis indicate that dredged sediments at these study areas are considered as a potential source of EHMs and economically promising to be mined for HMs. The present study suggests a practical operative plan of two successive phases for HMs recycling: (1) in-situ initial separation of HMs on the dredger deck using wet-gravity spirals, then (2) transportation of the recovered HM concentrates to an onshore processing plant to selectively separate individual HMs via wet and dry magnetic and electrostatic separators. Alternatively, dredged sediments can be directly pumped to a nearby onshore area as stockpile to be recycled afterward in inland processing plant.  相似文献   
论述了使用模拟退火元启发式搜索策略构造模糊分类系统的过程,目的是利用模拟退火原理研制一种精确的模糊分类器,改善与分类问题有关的搜索空间探索与发掘的性能,找到模糊if-then规则的优化集。算法可以从输入数据集中抽取精确的模糊分类规则,并在若干不同预定义类中将其应用于对新数据实例的分类。  相似文献   
Clustering of temporal event processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A temporal point process is a sequence of points, each representing the occurrence time of an event. Each temporal point process is related to the behavior of an entity. As a result, clustering of temporal point processes can help differentiate between entities, thereby revealing patterns of behaviors. This study proposes a hierarchical cluster method for clustering temporal point processes based on the discrete Fréchet (DF) distance. The DF cluster method is divided into four steps: (1) constructing a DF similarity matrix between temporal point processes; (2) constructing a complete linkage hierarchical tree based on the DF similarity matrix; (3) clustering the point processes with a threshold determined by locating the local maxima on the curve of the pseudo-F statistic (an index which measures the separability between clusters and the compactness in clusters); and (4) identifying inner patterns for each cluster formed by a series of dense intervals, each of which contains at least one event of all processes of the cluster. The contributions of the article are: (1) the proposed DF cluster method can cluster temporal point processes into different groups and (2) more importantly, it can identify the inner pattern of each cluster. Two synthetic data sets were created to illustrate the DF distance between temporal point process clusters (the first data set) and validate the proposed DF cluster method (the second data set), respectively. An experiment and a comparison with a method based on dynamic time warping show that DF cluster successfully identifies the preconfigured patterns in the second synthetic data set. The cluster method was then applied to a population migration history data set for the Northern Plains of the United States, revealing some interesting population migration patterns.  相似文献   
东北地区矿业城市产业生态系统适应性评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
仇方道  佟连军  姜萌 《地理研究》2011,30(2):243-255
在对矿业城市产业生态系统适应性内涵进行界定的基础上,基于易损性、敏感性、稳定性和弹性等适应性要素构建了矿业城市产业生态系统适应性评价指标体系和评价模型,并据此对东北地区矿业城市产业生态系统适应性分异特征、类型及影响因素进行了深入探讨,发现:东北矿业城市产业生态系统适应能力呈正态分布;从资源类型看,东北矿业城市产业生态系统系统适应性呈现冶金类>综合类>煤炭类>石油类的特征;从空间格局看,呈现辽宁省>吉林省>黑龙江省的变化趋势;从发展阶段看,呈现老年期>中年期>幼年期的递变规律;从城市规模看,呈现特大城市>大城市>中等城市的递变规律。据此,采用聚类分析方法,将东北矿业城市产业生态系统分为4种类型,即高适应能力、协调发展类型;高适应能力、环境优先类型;低适应能力、协调发展类型;低适应能力、环境优先类型。  相似文献   
The classical influence function method is widely used in mining subsidence prediction, but its use is typically limited to predicting the subsidence associated with horizontal stratiform underground mining when the ground surface is flat. By investigating the topography influence on subsidence under simplified mining conditions, this study attempts to improve the original influence function method to take topographic variations into account. New asymmetrical influence functions are used to simulate element subsidence. Integrating this asymmetrical approach into the influence function method increases the realism of subsidence computation when compared to the numerical simulation results. The maximum subsidence value and influence angle got from field data are introduced into the improved method, then two field subsidence cases are studied and acceptable comparison results are achieved. This improved method should serve as the foundation for future work.  相似文献   
交通违法行为是引发交通事故的重要原因,然而现有研究主要关注交通违法行为的整体特征,缺少面向交通违法治理需求的分析框架。本文基于时空热点分析方法,提出从热点区域时间分布特征和典型时段热点区域空间分布特征两个角度识别交通违法行为特征的分析框架,分别用于支撑局部交通违法热点以及全局违法模式的原因分析和精准治理。基于该方法对福州市的机动车和非机动车(含行人)违法行为特征进行了识别分析,结果表明:机动车和非机动车违法行为在时间维度均呈现出9:00和16:00一日双峰特征,在空间维度呈现出“一片区、多热点”的聚集分布特征。二者也存在明显差异,具体表现为:① 在时间维度,非机动车违法行为呈现出更大的变化幅度,高峰时段与中午低谷时段、工作日与周末的违法行为数量差异均明显高于机动车;② 在空间维度,机动车违法行为在商业中心、医院等重要场所和交通枢纽呈现出聚集特征,分布范围更广,而非机动车违法行为则主要在人流量大且人车混行严重的城市中心路口区域呈现聚集特征;③ 不同违法热点地区产生的原因存在差异,需要有针对性制定治理措施。上述发现表明了本文方法能够全面快速识别交通违法行为特征,可以帮助指导城市交通违法行为动态监测分析系统建设,为持续优化城市交通现场执法警力动态分配以及交通违法行为精准治理提供决策支持。  相似文献   
介绍了平顶山矿区地质特征、钻孔护壁概况和5种不同体系泥浆的组成特点、配方及性能参数;对泥浆的密度与固相含量、粘度与流变特性、滤水特性及防涌防漏的主要技术性能和作用机理进行了探讨;综合分析了各类泥浆的钻进技术效果和经济效益。  相似文献   
随着共建“一带一路”倡议的推进,中国对沿线国家矿业投资稳步增长。由于部分国家特殊的政治、经济、文化背景,使得投资活动常面临众多风险,因此,有必要对矿业投资风险进行科学评价,以提高风险抵御能力。以国际投资风险一体化分析框架为基础,提出从社会一般环境与行业一般环境2个维度展开的矿业投资风险评价“四层次”指标体系,然后运用灰色系统理论的重要工具灰色关联分析对指标体系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,政局稳定程度是影响矿业投资风险的首要因素,其次为外交关系情况、基础设施建设、矿产资源禀赋、对外单项投资和国民教育水平;以国别进行风险评价的研究结果表明,越南、印度尼西亚等为低风险国家,哈萨克斯坦、波兰等为中风险国家,巴基斯坦、伊朗等为高风险国家。  相似文献   
目的:运用中医传承计算平台(V3.0)分析中医药治疗肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液的用药规律。方法:计算机检索2000年1月1日至2022年2月28日中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据(WANFANG DATA)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)中关于中药复方治疗肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液的文献,分析中药的性味归经、功效、频次、药物组合、关联规则及聚类等。结果:共纳入文献98篇,处方103首,中药197味。频次≥20次的中药有18味,排前10位的依次为葶苈子、茯苓、白术、黄芪、大枣、甘草、泽泻、桂枝、半夏、薏苡仁。四气以寒、温、平为主;五味以甘、苦、辛为主;归经以肺、脾、胃经为主。排前3位的功效依次为补虚、利水渗湿、化痰止咳平喘。用药频次≥20次的中药组合有37组,排前4位的依次为茯苓-葶苈子、白术-茯苓、茯苓-黄芪、大枣-葶苈子。支持度≥25%的核心药物为黄芪、白术、茯苓、甘草、葶苈子、大枣、桂枝、泽泻。中药聚类分析提取到4个核心组合。结论:肺癌伴恶性胸腔积液多属晚期,以气血阴阳俱虚为本,饮停胸胁为标,病机多虚实夹杂。中医药治疗此病多以甘温益气补虚治本,苦寒泻肺利水治标,同时兼以温阳化气。  相似文献   
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