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中国地幔结构及物性研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2004——2007年中国地球物理学家在地幔内部结构和物质性质方面的研究工作进行了总结. 对地幔结构的地震波速度成像,地幔介质的各向异性,地幔间断面,地幔对流,以及地幔介质物性进行了综述,指出了各方面的主要内容,使用的主要方法和主要结果. 从这4年的研究可以发现,一些原有的研究领域工作更加深入,方法更加先进,而且进行了广泛的国际合作,合作的范围也逐渐扩大,方式多样,并出现了一些新的研究方向.   相似文献   
Starting from an analytical reservoir model that incorporates full interaction with an elastic overburden, a new hybrid mathematical approach is developed by combining two numerical discretization methods. A tabular reservoir (petroleum reservoir or an aquifer) in an infinite or semi-infinite domain is viewed as a macroscopic displacement discontinuity, allowing use of the efficient displacement discontinuity mathematical method to calculate stresses and displacements that arise because of pressure changes. A 3-D finite element method using a poroelastic formulation is used to discretize the reservoir itself. By coupling the displacement discontinuity and finite element methods, a 3-D large-scale poroelastic reservoir can be simulated within an infinite or semi-infinite domain. The numerical model has been verified through comparison to known solutions, and some time-dependent pressure drawdown problems are analyzed. Results indicate that including the complete overburden (reservoir surroundings) response has a significant effect on pressure drawdown in a poroelastic reservoir during pumping, and should be incorporated in appropriate applications such as well test equations and subsidence analyses.  相似文献   
深反射地震揭示喜马拉雅地区地壳上地幔的复杂结构   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
报告了中、美两国在喜马拉雅山区进行的第一次深反射地震试验的结果.试验剖面南起喜马拉雅山山脊南亚东县的帕里镇,向北穿过喜马拉雅山脊的荡拉,到达康马南的萨马达.剖面长约100km.共中心点(CMP)叠加剖面上显示出:1.在地壳中部有一强反射带,向北缓倾斜下去,延长达100km以上.它可能代表了一个活动的逆冲断裂或是一条巨大的拆离带,印度地壳整体或下地壳沿此拆离层俯冲到藏南之下.2.上部地壳的反射很丰富,显示了上地壳存在着大规模的叠瓦状结构.3.下地壳的反射同相轴呈现短而有规律的分布,显示了塑性流变特征.4.在测线南部莫霍反射明显,深度达72-75km.发现南部有双莫霍层的存在.5.试验中还取得莫霍层下面32,38,48s等双程走时的多条反射,向北倾斜,反射同相轴延续较长,信息丰富,反映了上地幔的成层结构和变形特征.这些结果对印度大陆地壳整体或其下地壳俯冲到藏南特提斯喜马拉雅地壳之下,并导致西藏南端地壳增厚的观点,给予了实质性的支持.  相似文献   
3-D simulations of mantle convection allowing for continental crust are explored to study the effects of crustal thickening on lithosphere stability and of continents on large-scale mantle flow. Simulations begin with a crustal layer within the upper thermal boundary layer of a mantle convection roll in a 1 × 1 × 1 Cartesian domain. Convective stresses cause crust to thicken above a sheet-like mantle downwelling. For mild convective vigor an initial crustal thickness variation is required to induce 3-D lithospheric instability below the zone of crustal convergence. The amplitude of the required variation decreases with increasing convective vigor. Morphologically, instability is manifest in formation of drip-like thermals that exist within the large-scale roll associated with initial crustal thickening. A strong surface signature of the drips is their ability to cause deviations from local Airy compensation of topography. After the initial thickening phase, the crustal accumulation that forms serves as a model analog to a continent. Its presence leads to mantle flow patterns distinctly different from the steady-state roll that results in its absence. Large lateral thermal gradients are generated at its edge allowing this region to be the initiation site for continued small-scale thermal instabilities. Eventually these instabilities induce a restructuring of large-scale mantle flow, with the roll pattern being replaced by a square cell. Although preliminary and idealized, the simulations do show the fluid dynamical plausibility behind the idea that significant mantle variations can be generated along the strike of a largely 2-D mountain chain by the formation of the chain itself. The ability of a model continent to cause a change in fundamental convective planform also suggests that the effects of continental crust on mantle convection may be low-order despite the seemingly trivial volume of crust relative to mantle.  相似文献   
为了分析和研究辽西兴城地区深部地下结构,深部探测与实验研究专项SinoProbe在辽西进行了深反射地震实验研究.本文报告了在辽西东部进行的一次二维近垂直深反射地震实验结果,测线西起葫芦岛市西老爷庙村,东至兴城市区外首山附近的郭家店,方向约为北偏西33°,剖面全长21.93 km.在共中心点叠加剖面发现了5个主要反射波组,分别出现在双程走时6 s,6.5 s,7.5 s,8 s,10.4 s左右.论文对主要反射波组地球物理特征进行了描述、分析,并结合邻区深部地震资料研究成果,得出三点认识:一是研究区域地壳可分为上、下两层结构,上地壳内无明显反射层位,下地壳呈现“凹陷”特征;二是观测到来自莫霍面反射信号(10.4 s TWT),对应莫霍面深度约为30 km左右(速度按地壳平均速度6 km/s折算),莫霍面西深东浅,东部较西部约抬升600 m;三是本区域莫霍面可能由一组横向速度、厚度不一致的多个薄层构成.  相似文献   
中国海陆莫霍面及深部地壳结构特征研究是东亚地区宏观构造格架研究中的重点内容之一.本文以地震测深等数据为约束信息,以重力数据为基础,通过分区计算,反演了中国海陆莫霍面深度.依据地壳性质与莫霍面深度分布特征,划分了莫霍面深度梯级带与分区,并对各分区的莫霍面分布特点进行了归纳、总结.并选取阿尔泰—巴士海峡典型剖面进行了重、震反演,建立了密度结构.剖面上莫霍面深度和深部结构能够清晰地反映中国大陆"三横、两竖、两三角"构造格架中的两横和两竖,在昆仑—秦岭—大别以北的准噶尔地块和中朝地台莫霍面深度45~50 km,而其以南至贺兰山—龙门山之间的祁连、柴达木至松潘—甘孜的莫霍面呈"W"型起伏,莫霍面深度由祁连地块北部的50 km,加深至68 km,在柴达木盆地抬升至58 km,在阿尼玛卿山莫霍面降至68 km,向南逐渐抬升至四川盆地的44 km,经大兴安岭—太行山—武陵山这一竖的台阶式抬升至华南褶皱带的35 km,在江绍—南岭以南缓慢抬升至南海北部陆架区的20~25 km.在巴士海峡处南海沿马尼拉海沟向东俯冲,莫霍面形态较复杂.同时剖面上祁连—柴达木地块的中下地壳存在一个低速、低密度体,推测其可能是由于部分熔融引起的,是青藏高原东北缘壳内物质流动的通道.  相似文献   
地震台阵是为了监测核爆而发展起来的一种地震观测系统。近年来, 地震台阵被推广到地球内部速度间断面的研究中并极大地推动了地震学的发展。本文主要介绍处理台阵资料的技术方法, 如聚束、倾斜叠加、N次根叠加、频率波数法以及相位加权叠加等, 并讨论各种方法的优缺点。在提取微弱但相关信号方面, 重点讨论相位加权叠加方法及现有的研究成果。结果表明, 这些方法都在不同程度上提高了记录的信噪比, 高质量的台阵数据使得地球内部速度结构的成像研究更加精细。  相似文献   
针对地壳构造形成的动力学机制,在广泛收集区域地质、地质构造和地球物理等资料的基础上,着重对重力数据进行了数字化、坐标、重力公式、投影方式和比例尺的统一化处理,进而进行了网格化处理.为将区域异常和局部异常分离开来,以便以对深部构造的系统研究,笔者选取趋势分析法分别对研究区内预处理后的布格重力异常数据(Δg)进行了三维多项式迭代拟合计算,得到了区域布格重力异常二阶、五阶、十阶趋势分析结果.继而,利用二级近似公式迭代法对布格重力异常五阶趋势分析区域异常数据进行了三维运算处理,得到了黄海及周边地区的莫霍面埋深值.分析了黄海及邻区莫霍面起伏特征,并进行了深部构造区划,探讨了深部断裂构造与莫霍面起伏间的成因联系,为深部构造和活动断裂演化的地球动力学研究提供了依据.  相似文献   
基于2006-2016年近10年的长期监测数据,对乌江下游两座高坝的修建对底栖动物群落结构的影响效应进行研究.结果表明:大坝蓄水前后底栖动物群落结构发生显著变化,不同时期的群落结构差异明显.蜉蝣目稚虫对生境的剧烈变动不适应,软体动物田螺科和觹螺科的一些种类对生境的剧烈扰动较为适应,生活史较短的机会主义物种在水库淹没区和坝下河段逐渐定殖下来.建坝以及大坝的运行调度对乌江下游底栖动物的群落结构产生了重大影响,底栖动物群落结构随着时间发生一定程度的演替.在底栖动物所有类群中,软体动物对栖息地的丧失以及流量的剧烈波动具有较高的耐受性,水生昆虫相对较不耐受环境的剧烈变化,而甲壳动物的适应性极强.百分比模式相似性指数(Percent Model Affinity,PMA)的变动趋势可有效地反映大坝对底栖动物群落的影响效应,其均值随离坝距离的增加而呈现逐步增加的趋势,表明大坝调度对水生态造成的负面影响会随着离坝距离的增加而逐步弱化,这与河流不连续体理论(Serial Discontinuity Concept,SDC)的预测趋势基本一致.根据长期监测成果,蜉蝣目扁蜉科、四节蜉科、细裳蜉科以及毛翅目纹石蛾科的种群恢复状况以及PMA指数可作为评估大坝不利影响减缓措施效果的依据.  相似文献   
Seismic studies of the subducting lithosphere and the upper mantle discontinuities in the northwest Pacific subduction zone beneath Japan and northeast China have suggested contrary subduction scenarios. There was little consensus on the issue whether the subducting slab penetrates the upper mantle discontinuities into the lower mantle or it is deflected atop of the 660-km discontinuity over several hundred kilometers. We calculate receiver functions from a recent seismic broadband station network located in northeast China and find topographic variations of the upper mantle discontinuities. A deeper-than-normal 660-km discontinuity is observed over an area of 400 km and it coincides with the stagnant slab imaged by seismic tomography. The 660-km discontinuity is locally depressed by more than 35 km and the transition zone is thickened by more than 20 km in the east of the region where it encounters the slab. These observations provide evidence of the slab accumulating in the mantle transition zone and locally penetrating into the lower mantle.  相似文献   
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