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本文介绍了利用重磁场及其向上延拓计算资料,分析研究重磁场的空间变化特征。文中结合有关地质资料着重探讨了重磁场特征与断裂构造的关系,然后解释推断出上海及邻近地区的20条断裂带。  相似文献   
本文利用三维广义反演技术对重力资料进行反演,计算出了琉球沟弧盆系地区的莫氏面深度。由于考虑了分辨率和方差之间的最佳折衷问题,反演结果不论是在精度上还是在分辨能力方面都有了明显改进。分析结果也表明,重力反演得到的莫氏面深度同李昭兴等人用地震折射波法得到的莫氏面深度有较大的差别。文中地产生这种差别的可能原因提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   
Continuous along-axis Sea Beam coverage of the slow-intermediate spreading (34–38 mm yr−1 full rate) southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (25°–27°30′S and 31°–38° S) shows that the ridge axis is segmented by both rigid and non-rigid discontinuities. Following the model of Macdonald et al. (1988b), a hierarchy of four orders is proposed for ridge axis discontinuities based on a continuum of relative age and distance offset across the discontinuites. This paper discusses the characteristics associated with five second-order discontinuities found in the areas surveyed. First-order discontinuities represent rigid offsets, transform faults, whereas non-rigid discontinuities fall into the second, third and fourth orders. Like transform fault boundaries, second-order discontinuities have distinctive morphologic signatures both on and off-axis-discordant zones — and therefore are better defined than third- or fourth-order discontinuities. Second-order discontinuities are offsets that range in distance from less than 10 km to approximately 30 km and vary in age offset from 0.5 to approximately 2.0 m.y. The variable morphotectonic geometries associated with these discontinuities indicate that horizontal shear strains are accommodated by both extensional and strike-slip tectonism and that the geometries are unstable in time. Three characteristic geometries are recognized: (1)en echelon jog in the plate boundary where ridge axis tips overlap slightly, (2)en echelon jog in the plate boundary where ridge axes are separated by an extensional basin whose long axis is oriented parallel to the strike of the adjoining ridge axes, and (3) oblique offset characterized by a large extensional basin that is oriented approximately 45° to the strike of the ridge axes. In the case of the third type, evidence for short strands of strike-slip tectonism that link an obliquely oriented extensional basin flanking ridge tips is often apparent. Analysis of the detailed bathymetric and magnetic data collected over the second-order discontinuities and their off axis terrain out to 5–7 m.y. documents that second-order discontinuities can follow several evolutionary paths: they can evolve from transform fault boundaries through prolonged asymmetric spreading, they may migrate along strike leaving a V-shaped wake, and they may remain in approximately the same position but oscillate slightly back and forth. In addition, a small change in the pole of relative motion occurring 4–5 Ma is thought to have resulted in the initiation of at least one second-order discontinuity in the survey area. A geologic model is proposed which involves the interplay of lithospheric thickness, asymmetric spreading, temporal and spatial variability of along-axis magmatic input and changes in the poles of relative motion to explain the origin, morphology and evolution of second-order ridge axis discontinuities.  相似文献   
南海东北部深部构造与中新生代沉积盆地   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
利用OBS资料作约束条件对南海东北部的地球物理资料,主要是重力资料和多道反射地震资料进行反演,获取比较理想的莫霍面深度,地壳厚度,中生代沉积基底面,新生代沉积底界面等地壳结构信息,研究发现该区中生代沉积盆地形成模式与新生代沉积盆地的形成模式不同,中生代沉积基底与莫霍面呈正相关,而新生代沉积基底则与莫霍面呈明显的镜像关系。中生仝层不受边界断层控制,中生代沉积基底与莫霍面呈正相关,而新生代沉积基底则与莫霍面呈明显的镜像关系。中生代地层不受边界断层控制。中生代沉积坳陷边界实质上是残留的中生代地层的边界,中生代沉积盆地具有大型坳陷沉积特征,而新生代盆地为断陷盆地。  相似文献   
笔者在世界上首次发现的华南海岸全新世高海滩岩中,又发现了海滩岩断代序列模式及其中蕴藏的重大科学信息。本文重点讨论高海滩岩与闽粤琼大震、大震构造与地震周期序列的关系,以及大震构造的定量标志。此外,继发现250年左右阶段的海岸升降年垂直活动速率后,又发现了50年左右阶段的年活动速率。  相似文献   
上海及其邻近地区上地幔间断面接收函数的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用上海及其邻近地区地震台网两个剖面上自2002年以来256个远震记录,提取得到高质量的接收函数,通过对这些接收函数的共转换点叠加得到研究区的间断面的分布及形态.研究结果表明,剖面上的上地幔间断面410 km,660 km间断面没有明显的起伏变化,从而证实了西太平洋俯冲带对中国东部的影响在东北、华北和华东有显著差别.  相似文献   
金川矿区地下巷道围岩应力场特征及演化机制   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
金川矿区位于高地应力区,岩性坚硬但岩体较为破碎,其地下巷道围岩压力在时间上和空间上的分布具有矛盾统一的双重性特征,这种双重性特征在国内外许多同类型地下工程中均存在。从应场演化角度,对该类围岩的应力场特征及其演化机制进行了探讨,人为围岩应力的特殊时间和空间分布特征的根本原因是结构面在围岩动态演化过程中发生一系列复杂的时间相关性力学行为和力学响应。据此提出围岩结构性流变的观点,并给出其理论解,它较好地反映了该类围岩变形破坏过程中应力场的演化特征。  相似文献   
在湖相条件下,常发育沉积水体单一向上变浅的高频旋回,旋回底部为水下间断面,间断面之上的古水深迅速增大。在陆相层序地层学研究中,常将这类间断面直接归为古气候变化引起湖泛和物源后退形成的水下无沉积作用面。但这种认识目前还难以得到圆满的解释,而如果将其归为盆地短周期的间歇性构造沉降成因似乎显得更为合理。针对湖相高频旋回水下间断面的成因研究,不仅可以进一步探讨盆地短周期的构造活动方式及其对湖相高频旋回沉积过程的影响,也为在湖相条件下更好地应用米兰柯维奇旋回理论提供研究基础。  相似文献   
以力丘河某边坡裸露岩体结构面的快速统计为例,提出了利用三维激光测量方法进行岩体结构面的半自动快速统计方法。详细介绍了三维激光扫描仪和高精度GPS的联合测量方法,激光点云数据的坐标转换和边坡表面三角网重构方法。在此基础上,研究了采用三维激光点云数据和三角网数据进行岩体结构面平面方程的半自动拟合方法、岩体结构面法向量和产状的关系等。利用得到的岩体结构面产状快速绘制岩体结构面密度图、玫瑰图、极点图和赤平投影图,得到了该边坡裂隙结构面分布规律和几何信息等。和传统方法相比,该方法具有快速测量和远距离测量的优点,且减少了攀爬高陡岩坡的危险。  相似文献   
岩石结构面几何特征的分形与分维   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文引用B.B.Mandelbrot创立的分形几何学这一新理论及其思维方法,对岩石结构面的几何特征,包括规模、隙宽、密度和粗糙度进行分形分析。结果表明,在10~7级范围内,结构面几何特征呈现出很强的自相似性,其分数维分别为0.8272、0.8173和2.1385;粗糙度JRC则由分数维方便地定量地表征。这一客观规律的揭示,对各种尺度结构面几何特征、渗透路线的形态和流速趋势的确定具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
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