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The relationship between the intensity of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) and the Nino3.4 index and anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns associated with a strong and weak SCSSM are investigated using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) data and Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) data. The SCSSM is significantly positively correlated with the Nino3.4 index in the succeeding northern autumn and winter. In the strong minus weak SCSSM composite, a positive East Asia-Pacific teleconnection (EAP) pattern and a negative Europe-Asian-Pacific teleconnection (EUP) pattern appear in the 500 hPa height difference field; low-level cross-equatorial flows are strengthened over the Maritime Continent (MC) region; positive (negative) precipitation anomalies occur in the South China Sea and western north Pacific (MC). A possible mechanism through which SCSSM affects ENSO is proposed. A strong (weak) SCSSM strengthens (weakens) cross-equatorial flows over the MC. The anomalous cross-equatorial flows cool (warm) the SST around the MC through enhanced (reduced) surface latent heat fluxes. The cooling (warming) further leads to suppressed (enhanced) convection over the MC, and causes the anomalous westerly (easterly) in the equatorial western Pacific, which favors the onset of El Ni?o (La Ni?a) through modulating the positive air-sea feedback process.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the overall benefits supplied by Mediterranean marine biodiversity to human health and highlights the anthropogenic and environmental causes that are threatening these benefits. First, the Mediterranean Sea is a valuable source of seafood, which is an important component of the so-called “Mediterranean diet”. This type of diet has several health benefits, including cardio and cancer protective effects, which are attributed to the high intake of seafood-derived n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids. Second, the Mediterranean marine organisms, particularly the benthic ones, have furnished a large variety of bioactive metabolites, some of which are being developed into new drugs to threat major human diseases such as cancer. Third, the Mediterranean coastal areas provide environments for practising maritime leisure activities that provide physical and psychological benefits to users. Despite all this, fishing, tourism, contamination and sea warming are deteriorating this rich marine ecosystem, which needs to be protected to assure human welfare.  相似文献   
福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源空间结构与开发潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用定量统计和GIS分析方法研究福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源的类型结构、空间结构特征及资源群开发潜力,为“海丝”文化旅游资源的保护和旅游目的地开发提供决策依据。结果表明:(1)福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源分为海上交通、商业贸易、文化融合和宗教文化4大类及12个亚类;(2)从整体空间结构看,资源呈集聚型分布,形成“一带四区”格局,即宁德-福州-莆田-泉州-厦门-漳州的沿海带状区域和以泉州为中心的极核区、以漳州和福州为中心的两个高密度区、以莆田为中心的次级密度区;(3)从各类型资源空间分布特征看,海上交通类资源在沿海港口处高度聚集,商业贸易类资源在福州和泉州的城区及内陆山区河流两岸聚集,文化融合类资源高度聚集在泉州、漳州和福州,宗教文化类资源以泉州为中心在沿海广泛分布;(4)从资源群开发潜力看,泉州为开发潜力最大城市;宗教文化类资源群为最具开发潜力的资源类型。基于以上研究结果,提出构建以“点-轴-网”为格局的福建“海丝”文化旅游资源空间开发格局设想。  相似文献   
李巧玲 《热带地理》2015,35(5):701-707
在分析雷州具有临海、港湾众多等自然地理特征,是中国海上丝路必经之地的历史基础上,阐述海上丝路文化在雷州广泛而深入的传播,在农业土地利用、器艺制作、建筑、以佛教和妈祖崇拜为主的观念文化等方面留下深刻影响,并在很大程度上决定雷州文化具有多元、海洋、开放、包容、冒险等文化特质和风格。在当代背景下,应充分认识雷州海上丝路文化资源的历史价值、科研价值和经济价值,并通过开展海上丝路文化古迹普查,建立区域合作关系,构建海丝会展平台,进行宗教文化交流,参与海上丝绸之路申遗等途径,对雷州海上丝路文化资源加以深度发掘及开发利用,为建设“一带一路”之海上丝路服务。  相似文献   
Geographic information system (GIS) based methodologies are widely used to various problems. However, its potential for application to strategic maritime search and rescue (SAR) planning remains largely unexplored. To investigate the applicability of GIS-based tools to this problem, this paper presents an approach to evaluate accessibility and response times in a sea area. Such information aids to objectify the response effectiveness of a SAR system, which is important for rational resource allocation. The presented methodology accounts for the main characteristics of maritime response, namely spatial accessibility, capabilities of search and rescue units (SRUs) and prevailing wave conditions, which affect the attainable SRU speeds. An application to the Finnish areas of the Gulf of Finland is shown. Despite the existence of some difficulties with currently available tools (e.g. accurate and user-friendly spatial wave models and challenges with using raster-based methods in topologically complex areas) and limitations in knowledge (e.g. the SRU capabilities in actual operations), the results indicate that the methodology provides good opportunities for enhancing maritime decision making.  相似文献   
黄海北部长山群岛海洋农牧化分区探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张耀光 《地理学报》1991,46(1):47-56
本文采用主成分-聚类分析等定量方法,并通过对长山群岛海域的资源、环境、生产条件等的相似性和差异性分析,将其划分为三个海洋农牧化区域,为海水养殖业的合理布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   
China and Japan’s June 2008 agreement in principle on maritime cooperation in the East China Sea raised hopes of a significant breakthrough in the parties' complex and long-standing disputes in the area. Subsequent progress towards the realisation of a legally binding, formal treaty on, for example, offshore petroleum joint development has been slow to materialise. In fact, the area under dispute appears to have become more rather than less extensive. This paper examines competing maritime and sovereignty claims in the East China Sea together with progress towards maritime cooperation in the context of overlapping jurisdictional claims. The paper identifies some of the key challenges that need to be overcome in realizing a functioning joint resource management regime in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
In the past decade, the European Commission has developed the Marine Strategy Directive and the Maritime Policy. Both policies aim at governing the marine environment; yet the two policies have a differing signature in policy formulation and implementation. From a fisher's perspective these policies present a change in institutional setting; major policy measures no longer descend from the EU Common Fisheries Policy alone, but increasingly are derived from general environmental policy developments. In this paper, the policy arrangement approach is used to analyse the differences between the two maritime policies, and the way in which they can affect fisheries management.  相似文献   
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is high on the international agenda for nature conservation. Marine and coastal ecosystems account for an important share of the biological diversity on Earth. As a consequence many international conventions, European legislation and national laws refer to marine biodiversity. The protection of marine biodiversity is a complex legal issue as it requires consideration of geographic (between land and sea), political (between conservation and exploitation), and economic (between fisheries, tourism, intellectual property and many other sectors) factors. Like Matryoshka dolls, marine biodiversity is a heterogeneous notion difficult to address as one discrete area in the development of policy agendas or juridical frameworks. In the past decade, the EU has been very active in Promoting Integrated Coastal Zone Management and in developing a framework for an Integrated Maritime Policy. This article reviews the status of marine biodiversity in the policy and legal initiatives of the European Union, a challenging issue to both the objectives of conservation and to the concept of integration.  相似文献   
我国作为海洋大国,拥有广阔的海域和丰富的海洋资源。在全球海洋布局的时代背景下,加快海洋强国建设成为重中之重。国家开展海洋强国建设需要全民海洋意识的全面提升,由此海洋意识教育显得尤为重要。文章根据多年工作经验,从各方面研究数据出发,分析了海洋意识教育的含义以及加强海洋意识教育的重要性。根据我国国民海洋意识调查的现状,从基础教育、高等教育和大众宣传等方面提出了加强海洋意识教育的举措建议。最终得出应加强我国海洋意识教育,建设过硬的海洋人才队伍,以社会主义核心价值观为导向,加快我国海洋强国建设的步伐。  相似文献   
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