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IntroductionI.thasbeenpayingattentiontotheanomalousphenomenonbyseismologiststhattheearthquakeactivityoftenstrengthensinacertainspaceandduringacertaintimearoundthesourceareabeforeastrongearthquake.Mogi(1969)pointedoutthataringdistributiveareaofthestrengthenedearthquakeactivityoftenappearsaroundthesourcearea10to20yearsbeforegreatshock,whichcalledaringphenomenon(or"doughnut").Afterthat,otherscholarsreportedinsuccessionthatringdistributionofearthquakeactivityoccurredbeforeastrongertquakeorevenbefo… 相似文献
为了更好地研究神狐海域试采区天然气水合物的展布形态和赋存状况,基于高精度层析速度反演后的叠前深度偏移地震资料进行AVO反演技术研究。为在天然气水合物富集区有效地进行AVO研究,AVO处理前运用叠前深度偏移技术,通过高精度层析反演不断迭代速度模型;然后通过偏移来改善资料的质量,结合实测钻井资料进行AVO正演分析、反演可行性分析、属性交会分析;最后将具有高横向分辨能力的地震资料和高垂向分辨能力的测井资料与地质相结合进行叠前同时反演。该方法可反演出纵、横波阻抗等属性,直接进行岩性和流体识别,结果表明,在AVO反演中引入叠前深度偏移技术,为反演提供了较高质量的叠前共反射点道集和精细的层速度模型,改善了AVO技术在试采区的应用效果,提高了反演的可靠性。反演出的各种属性为AVO分析提供了丰富的信息,能够比较准确地反映地下水合物矿体的展布情况,可用于后续水合物储层的分析及综合研究,对未来的水合物勘探开采具有重要的现实意义。 相似文献
Non-linear response of the soil is investigated by comparing the spectral ratios (uphole/downhole) using weak and strong motions. Data from seven vertical arrays in Japan are analysed in this study. The frequency-dependent transfer function of soil is calculated as a ratio of the spectrum at uphole to the spectrum at downhole, considering the horizontal component of shear wave. In spectral ratio analysis auto- and cross-spectra are employed. The reduction in the predominant frequency of the transfer function with increases in excitation level reflects the non-linear response of the soil. Results of analysis demonstrate a significant non-linear ground response at six sites with surface PGA exceeding 90 gal. However, the results of one site show the linear response up to 130 gal surface PGA. Furthermore, the in situ strain-dependent soil behaviour is examined through the shear modulus – shear strain relationship. When compared, the actual and laboratory results of the shear strain – shear modulus relationship are in agreement. Additionally, a good consistency between the tendency of reduction in shear modulus ratio with shear strain increases, and reduction of predominant frequency with ground motion increases, confirms the significance of non-linearity in site effects study. 相似文献
湖相介形类壳体微量元素(本文主要指Mg和Sr)是重建古环境的重要指标之一,可以定性或定量地反映湖水信息。自20世纪80年开始应用以来,经过30余年的发展取得了很大进展。在古环境重建过程中主要存在两类影响因素:(1)其宿生水体中M/Ca比值(M主要指Mg和Sr)的影响因素:季节变化、微环境差异和湖泊演化过程,这类因素通过对宿生水体中M/Ca比值来影响介形虫壳体中的M/Ca比值,进而造成古环境重建结果的误差增大或可靠性降低;(2)介形类壳体微量元素分配系数的影响因素:宿生水体中M/Ca比值、温度、碱度等,这类因素能够直接影响介形类壳体分泌、钙化的生命-化学过程的因素,是定量重建的重要影响因素。加强现代介形类生活习性和微量元素组成变化过程的研究可以消除或减小以上影响因素对古环境重建的影响,提高介形类壳体化石中微量元素组成在古环境重建研究中的精度和可靠性。 相似文献
辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
辽中地区矿业城市是中国重要的能源生产和重工业基地,研究其生态系统脆弱性有助于改善该区域环境恶化、生态系统失调的状况,为其可持续发展提供决策依据。基于矿业城市复合生态系统内涵,建立了辽中地区矿业脆弱性评价指标体系,提出生态系统协调度,并设定了其脆弱性和协调性分级标准。结果表明:2005年,辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性处于亚稳定状态,主要限制因子为资源匹配指数、环境质量指数和经济发展指数;辽中地区矿业城市生态系统间处于亚协调状态,其中本溪略低于亚协调,处于低度失调状态。鞍山的资源匹配指数处于较失调状态,抚顺、本溪的资源匹配指数处于失调状态,抚顺、本溪的经济发展指数处于较失调状态,是限制整个生态系统协调发展的主要原因。该评价模型较真实的反映了辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性、协调性状况,并且提出了制约其发展主要限制因子。 相似文献
Co-seismic ground deformation and source parameters of Mani M7.9 earthquake inferred from spaceborne D-InSAR observation data 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
SHAN Xinjian MA Jin WANG Changlin LIU Jiahang SONG Xiaoyu & ZHANG Guifang .Institute of Geology Laboratory of Tectonophysics China Seismological Bureau Beijing China .Institute of Remote Sensing Application Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,47(6):481-488
In recent ten years, Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) has become a major technique of space-based geodesy together with GPS, VLBI and SLR. Interferometric Synthetic Aper-ture Radar (InSAR) has many advantages, such as all-weather, all-time, strong stability and dynamic survey property, and no requirements for ground sta-tions. In particular, the surveying results by InSAR can cover a large range of the ground deformation field in succession and has gr… 相似文献
本文分析了大气中CO2浓度增加的事实,原因及其发展趋势,结果认为,大气中CO2浓度上升对我国农业的发展产生了一定的不利影响。因此,为控制大气中CO2的上升,必须采取相应的有效对策。 相似文献
Darrell R.J. Mullowney Corey J. MorrisEarl G. Dawe Katherine R. Skanes 《Marine Policy》2012,36(3):567-575
The Hawke Box trawling exclusion zone off southern Labrador is a 8610 km2 closed area implemented in 2003 to protect soft-shelled pre-recruit Snow Crab and juvenile cod from mortality imposed by shrimp trawling and other bottom-impact fisheries. This study utilizes survey, logbook, and observer data from the Snow Crab and Northern Shrimp fisheries to assess the effectiveness of the Hawke Box in protecting and possibly enhancing the Snow Crab resource off southern Labrador. The results indicate that the exclusion zone has failed to protect pre-recruit crabs largely due to a redistribution and intensification of directed Snow Crab effort inside the Box in the years following closure. This unexpected outcome resulted in a high level of fishery-induced mortality to pre-recruit crabs and masked any potential positive outcomes from the cessation of trawling. The shortcomings that contributed to the failure of this exclusion area are discussed in relation to the current state of knowledge on the effectiveness of marine protected areas in general as management tools for conserving aquatic resources. 相似文献
由于历史原因,煤炭资源整合矿区老窑采空区分布及积水情况不清,成为煤矿安全生产的重大隐患。利用煤炭采空区电性特征,选择以瞬变电磁勘探为主的大面积勘探,可以发挥其高效率、高精度的特点,辅以其它勘探手段进行综合勘查,能快速有效地确定采空区的位置及赋水情况。本次研究是采用瞬变电磁勘探为主的勘探方法对山西一煤矿区水患情况进行调查。首先根据矿区的测井资料对地电条件进行分析,通过针对性的试验,选择合理的施工参数。利用多种方法将采集数据进行处理分析,得到反应不同地质特征的剖面及平面图件,特别是利用专用软件得到煤层富水性目标分析对比图,更明确直观地反应采空区的位置及富水性。此次水患调查,基本查明了矿区内采空区及积水区位置、范围等情况,部分分析成果得到钻孔验证,证明采用瞬变电磁法勘探为主的勘查手段,在本矿区进行水患调查成果显著,为矿井的水患防治工作提供了可靠的资料依据。 相似文献
This paper investigates the contrasts between strong and weak Madden-Julian
Oscillation (MJO) activity over the equatorial western Pacific during winter using the NCEP
reanalysis data. It is shown that the MJO over the equatorial western Pacific in winter shows
significant interannual and interdecadal variabilities. During the winters with strong MJO
activity, an anomalous cyclonic circulation lies east of the Philippines, strong anomalous
easterlies control the equatorial eastern Pacific, and anomalous westerlies extend from the
Indian Ocean to the western Pacific in the lower troposphere, which strengthens the
convergence and convection over the equatorial western Pacific. The moisture convergence in
the lower troposphere is also enhanced over the western Pacific, which is favorable to the
activity of MJO. Eastward propagation is a significant feature of the MJO, though there is
some westward propagation. The space-time spectral power and center period of the MJO are
higher during strong MJO activity winters. The anomalous activity of MJO is closely related to
the sea surface temperature (SST) and East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). During strong MJO
activity winters, there are positive/negative anomalies at high/low latitudes in both sea
level pressure and 500 hPa geopotential height, and the temperature is lower over the central
part of the Chinese mainland, which indicates a strong EAWM. China experiences more rainfall
between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, but less rainfall south of the Yangtze River. The SSTA
is negative near the Taiwan Island due to the impact of strong EAWM and shows a La Ni?a
pattern anomaly over the eastern Pacific. During the weak MJO activity winters, the situation
is reversed. 相似文献