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中国土地利用/覆盖变化的生态环境安全响应与调控   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
中国从20世纪70年代末实施了前所未有的改革开放政策,巨大的境外投资、有偿转让使用与土地联产承包政策在广大城乡的推行,引致了快速的城市化与经济增长过程,城市化水平增长15%,GDP平均每年增长超过9%,城市化土地面积增长2%。与此相应,严重的生态环境灾害相继发生,1994年淮河特大污染事件;1997年黄河断流227天;1998年发生长江、嫩江流域特大水灾;2000年发生严重影响中国首都北京及韩国、日本的12次沙尘暴;2004年,淮河流域再次发生严重污染事件。综合分析表明,土地利用/覆盖格局的巨大变化、城市化过程的加速、乡镇企业的迅猛发展成为其主因。一些案例研究表明,重建生态环境安全条件下的中国土地利用/覆盖格局,制定与生态环境安全水平友好的国家土地利用政策,不仅有利于改善中国生态环境安全水平,还将促进其可持续发展,并有益于亚洲及世界生态环境的改良。  相似文献   
冯军 《甘肃地质》2010,19(2):80-84,90
甘肃省西和县大坪测区、礼县马家沟测区、肃南县黑沟西测区应用高精度磁法测量划分弱磁性地层界线的效果良好,岩性磁化率差值在10~20×10-5SI以上,磁异常差值在10~20nT以上的弱磁性地层界线可以明显区分。在实际生产中对地质填图起到了指导作用。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,自然演变与强烈的人类活动叠加,致使黄河流域资源环境格局发生了显著变化,进而影响其开发利用布局,面临诸多资源短缺、环境退化和生态破坏问题,急需从地球系统科学的视角深入研究流域资源环境的格局变化特点,识别重大资源环境问题,提出解决方案,为黄河流域可持续发展提供决策依据.本研究以"山水林田湖草"生命共同...  相似文献   
水系沉积物测量在阿巴通德拉扎卡地区找矿应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水系沉积物测量技术在马达加斯加应用较少,笔者通过在马达加斯加阿巴通德拉扎卡地区水系沉积物测量找矿勘查,探讨该方法在此类地球化学景观地区的应用效果.应用该方法,在马达加斯加阿巴通德拉扎卡地区圈定147处综合异常,通过野外1:1万地质填图和地表工程揭露,发现钛铁、镍、金等矿产,这说明水系沉积物测量方法适用于马达加斯加中部高原地区的地球化学景观条件,圈定的异常准确、有效,并可取得较好的找矿效果.水系沉积物测量方法可在马达加斯加的同类地区推广使用.  相似文献   
Environmental changes significantly alter the structure, diversity and activity of soil microbial communities during spring freezing-thawing period, leading to changes in the soil microbial nitrogen cycle. Changes in N2O fluxes after land use conversion from primary forest to secondary forest, Korean pine plantation and cropland in northeast China have not been quantified. Field experiments were conducted to measure soil N2O fluxes in a primary forest, two secondary forests, a Korean pine plantation, and one maize field in a temperate region in northeast China from 2017-03-06 to 2017-05-28. During the experimental period, the soil was exclusively a nitrogen source for all land uses. We found that N2O emissions ranged from 15.63 to 68.74 μg m−2 h−1, and cumulative N2O emissions ranged from 0.33 to 2.10 kg ha−1 during the period. Cumulative N2O emissions from the maize field were significantly higher than that from primary forest, Korean pine plantation, hardwood forest, and Betula platyphylla forest by 262.1% to 536.4%. Compared with other ecosystems in similar studies, the N2O emission rates of all ecosystem types in this study were low during the spring thaw period. Stepwise multiple linear regression indicated that there were significant correlations between N2O emissions and environmental factors (air temperature and soil temperature, soil water content, soil pH, NH4+-N, NO3-N, and soil organic carbon). The results showed that conversion of land use from primary forest to hardwood forest, Korean pine plantation or maize field greatly increased soil N2O emissions during spring freezing-thawing period, and N2O emissions from primary forest were almost the same as those from Betula platyphylla forest.  相似文献   
新形势下的土地变更调查任务不断增加,要求不断提高,手段不断强化,时间紧、任务重是当前土地变更调查面临的重大问题。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种动态变更的技术流程,通过深入研究土地规划实施、土地综合整治、地籍管理、耕地保护、执法监察等业务及相关关系,围绕"及时发现、快速调查、持续更新、如实上报、共享应用"5个方面的问题,以3S技术、网络技术、数据库技术等为支撑,提出以二调成果为基础,从土地管理业务内部及时发现变化,以发现驱动土地利用信息日常性持续动态变更的新思路。以成都市为例,开展基于3S技术的土地利用信息动态变更调查的方法在实际工作中的应用研究,实现了土地利用信息的"一图多用",并对变更结果进行了分析。  相似文献   
Land cover change in the semi-arid environment of the eastern Hindu Kush region is driven by anthropogenic activities and environmental change impacts. Natural hazards, such as floods presumably influenced by climatic change, cause abrupt change of land cover. So far, little research has been conducted to investigate the spatiotemporal aspects of this abrupt change in the valleys. In order to explore the abrupt change in land cover and floods as its possible drivers in the eastern Hindu Kush, a semi-arid mountain region characterized by complex terrain, vegetation variation, and precipitation seasonality, we analyzed long-term Landsat image time series from 1988 to 2020 using Breaks For Additive Seasonal and Trend (BFAST). Overall, BFAST effectively detected abrupt change by using Landsat-derived Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI). The results of our study indicate that approximately 95% of the study area experienced at least one abrupt change during 1988-2020. The years 1991, 1995, 1998, 2007, and 2016 were detected as the peak years, with the peaks occurring in different seasons. The annual trend of abrupt change is decreasing for the study area. The seasonality of abrupt change at the catchment level shows an increasing trend in the spring season for the southern catchments of Panjkora and Swat. The spatial distribution patterns show that abrupt change is primarily concentrated in the floodplains indicating that flooding is the primary driver of the land cover change in the region. We also demonstrated the accurate detection of past flood events (2015) based on the two case examples of Ayun, Rumbur, and Kalash valleys. The detection of the flood events was verified by fieldwork and historical high-resolution Google Earth imagery. Finally, our study provides an example of applying Landsat time series in a dry mountain region to detect abrupt changes in land cover and analyze impact of natural hazards such as floods.  相似文献   
北山戈壁荒漠地区1:5万植物地球化学测量效果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
北山戈壁荒漠景观区土壤垂直剖面不存在通常的A、B、C分层结构,且掺杂有大量风成沙。在公婆泉地区开展1:5万常规地球化学测量方法研究的同时,进行了植物地球化学测量试验研究。研究表明,两种方法的主要指示元素异常有很好对应性,红沙是我国西部干旱荒漠广大地区开展植物地球化学测量的一种良好采样对象。  相似文献   
为研究北京西郊玉泉山地区岩溶水径流路径,需查明区内地层结构和断裂构造发育情况,故在玉泉山周边地区开展了综合地球物理勘查工作。完成1∶25000面积性重力测量3670点,在重力数据解释推断成果基础上,有针对性地布设可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)剖面测量5.1 km及微动测深点4个。综合研究了基岩起伏形态和构造展布特征,新解释推断了10条可能存在的断裂构造。结合区域水文地质资料,对主要断裂的水文地质意义进行了分析,形成了玉泉山地区岩溶水强径流路径新的认识,部分成果与最新的同位素水化学研究成果一致。本研究为玉泉山泉恢复确定合理的回灌方案提供了地球物理依据。  相似文献   
在测区中南部仁多乡新发现一套侏罗纪地层;在测区西部新发现大面积分布的第四纪火山岩;对原芒乡组进行了从新厘定;将原赛利普群解体为中新统布嘎寺组和第四系赛利普组;对隆格尔岩体进行解体;新建侏罗系仁多组。  相似文献   
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