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为了探究雷州半岛作物布局调整对雷暴发生的可能影响,以达到趋利避害,利用相关分析、11种模型拟合和全变量回归分析等数理统计方法进行了分析和研究。结果表明:雷州半岛年雷暴日数总的变化趋势是明显下降,一年四季均有雷暴天气,午后热雷雨占雷暴天气的大多数,其中5~9月雷暴日数最多,开雷、收雷年际变化差异大。随着稻田的减少,糖蔗、水果种植面积的增加,雷州半岛植被结构得到改善,雷暴天数呈明显减少趋势;蔬菜的种植改变了冬季闲田植被性质,不利于冬初、春末雷暴天气的生成;花生种植面积的调整对雷暴天数变化影响不大。雷州半岛水稻、糖蔗、水果、蔬菜等主要农作物布局调整对雷暴发生可能有明显的影响,主要农作物对雷暴天数可能影响从大到小依次为糖蔗、水稻、蔬菜和水果,农作物布局调整对年开雷、收雷的迟早没有影响。  相似文献   
Conventional data and the Yearbook on Tropical Cyclones (TC) data from 1971 to 2000 are used to study the climate and disaster features of TC affecting the Liaodong Peninsula. Results indicate that interannual change of TC activities is obvious. Different sources of TC have different impacts on the area of interest. Intensity and moving speed of TC vary substantially in the progress of northward movement. Besides, tracks and damage distributions of TC are quite different.  相似文献   
文中对 1 998年 1月 1日到 8月 31日共 2 4 3d的南海季风试验再分析资料的地面感热场和潜热场进行 EOF分析 ,由感热的第一特征向量场发现 ,中南半岛地区、青藏高原的东北部和印度半岛的大部分是感热通量大值区 ,而海洋上是小值区 ,海陆热力差异十分明显 ,这种海陆感热对比是促使季风爆发的大背景。由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出 ,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。由温度平流项的分布可发现 ,中南半岛的加热作用明显早于青藏高原地区 ,使得中南半岛对南海季风的早期爆发有重要作用 ,而青藏高原对于南海季风的维持具有重要意义。由于印度半岛与中南半岛的海陆分布的差异 ,使得两个地区的温度平流项也有所不同  相似文献   
Both of Typhoon Winnie (9711) and Matsa (0509) underwent an extratropical transition (ET) process when they moved northward after landfall and affected Liaodong Peninsula. However, Matsa produced half as much rainfall as Winnie, although it struck Liaodong Peninsula directly while Winnie passed through the Bohai Sea. The relations between the ET processes and the precipitation over Liaodong Peninsula are examined. The result shows that the precipitation difference between Winnie and Matsa was closely related to the interactions between the westerly systems and typhoons during their ET processes. Winnie was captured by the upper westerly trough and then coupled with it when moving to the mid-latitudes, and the positive anomaly of moist potential vorticity (MPV) was transported downward from the upper troposphere over the remnant circulation of the tropical cyclone (TC). It was favorable to the interaction between tropical warm and wet air and westerly cold air, causing convective cloud clusters to form and develop. The rain belt composed of several meso-β cloud clusters over the Liaodong Peninsula, resulting in heavy rainfall. On the other hand, Matsa did not couple with any upper trough during its ET process and the positive anomaly of MPV in the upper troposphere and its downward transfer were weak. Only one meso-β cloud cluster occurred in Matsa’s rain belt during its ET process that tended to lessen rainfall over Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   
中南半岛影响南海夏季风建立和维持的数值研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
徐海明  何金海  温敏  董敏 《大气科学》2002,26(3):330-342
利用美国大气研究中心研制的第三代公共气候模式(CCM3)模拟了中南半岛对南海夏季风的建立和维持的影响,数值试验结果表明,中南半岛对南海夏季风的建立和维持起了非常重要的作用.同时还就中南半岛影响南海夏季风建立和维持的机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   
对雷州半岛土壤渗透性进行了分析,并结合地形地貌、降雨入渗补给情况,识别地下水潜在补给区。雷州半岛土壤渗透性空间差异较大,饱和渗透系数变化范围为 0.04~8.83 m/d。总体而言,半岛南部、遂溪西北部渗透性较好,中部较差。土壤渗透系数受到土地利用类型、土壤粒径、土壤有机质等的影响。随着土壤中值粒径和有机质含量的增加,土壤渗透系数增加。不同土地利用类型,其土壤平均渗透性优劣表现为:荒地>桉树林>甘蔗>菜地>菠萝>其他林地>香蕉>苗圃>坡稻>水稻田。降雨入渗补给系数南北高、中间低,随着土壤渗透系数增加而提高。半岛南部石茆岭和石板岭一带,地势高,坡度较缓,同时土壤渗透性和降雨入渗补给系数相对较高,为雷州半岛地下水潜在补给区。  相似文献   
Inceptisols are developed on silt loam, loam, and sandy loam Indian mounds at the Keller Mound Group and Bluff Top Mound in northeastern Iowa. The mounds date to the Allamakee Phase of the Late Woodland Period (ca. 1650–1250 B.P.) and are built with fill obtained from the A, E, and upper B horizons of pre-existing soils (Alfisols). Differences in the morphologic and chemical characteristics of soils on different mounds are attributed to textural differences of the mounds' fill. Coarse-textured mound fill is pedogenically altered at a faster rate than fine-textured fill, but total carbon percentage of the A horizon attains a steady state faster in fine-textured mound fill. Total phosphorus content is used to determine from which horizons of pre-existing soils the specific layers of mound fill originated. Rates and pathways of pedogenesis in mound fill may not provide good analogues for the early stages of soil development in materials that have not undergone previous weathering and subsequent modification by humans. Nevertheless, mound soils are useful benchmarks for some pedologic studies since they provide time lines for evaluating minimum rates for development of argillic and albic horizons, as well as attainment of the Alfisol order.  相似文献   
New 10Be dates for glacial landforms in the Fuentes Carrionas area (Cantabrian Mountains, nothern Spain) are presented. Mapped and dated landforms in Fuentes Carrionas made possible a palaeoglacier reconstruction for four glacial stages. Results were compared to other nearby palaeoenvironmental proxies, so a final approximation on the mean annual temperature and annual precipitation that caused the four glacial advance stages is proposed. Glaciers reached their maximum extension at 36 ka, in a cold and dry environment. A second advance stage took place between 18.5 and 19.5 ka, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), when glaciers advanced in a wet environment, with positive rainfall anomalies. A third glacial advance was dated during the Oldest Dryas, in which climate shifted to extremely cold and dry conditions. Finally, a last stage has been identified and proposed to the Younger Dryas, in which precipitation anomalies are negligible. Our results confirm some of the previously made palaeoglacial and palaeoenvironmental inferences for the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide valuable and accurate anomalies, which are useful for climate modelling.  相似文献   
Cenomanian, Turonian and Coniacian ostracods from a borehole in the coastal zone of the Tarfayan Basin, south-western Morocco, display affinities with associations from Algeria, Tunisia and the Middle East as well as with the Iberian Peninsula. Relationships with central and southern West Africa are relatively slight, which could be a result of palaeoecological particularities.  相似文献   
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