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将半参数估计理论引入测量数据处理理论中,利用Blight和Ott提出的思想,用多项式函数来表示半参数平差模型中的非参数分量,从而得到了半参数平差模型中参数分量和非参数分量的Bayes估计量,通过理论证明,半参数模型参数分量的Bayes估计为通常意义下高斯马尔可夫模型参数估计值与参数期望的加权平均,是一致、渐近无偏和渐近有效估计量,并且其方差小于参数模型中参数估计量的方差。在一定情况下推广了平差理论,具有一定的理论价值。  相似文献   
以国家重大产业技术开发专项“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”项目的由来、意义和总体研究目标为引,概括的介绍了项目依托工程中各个专项技术研究完成情况,并对非均匀介质成像技术、高精度三维地震静校正技术、高密度采集技术、特观技术、岩性反演技术、属性体解释技术等六项重大关键技术取得的突破性进展进行了重点说明。指出随着我国煤炭生产重点的逐步西移,应加强诸如叠前、叠后深度偏移技术的研究,以解决复杂山区三维地震面元内地震反射波散射问题,提高其三维地震勘探精度,为西部煤炭工业做出新贡献!  相似文献   
Patterns of crystallographic preferred orientation are referred to as texture. The specific subject of texture analysis is the experimental determination and interpretation of the statistical distribution of orientations of crystals within a specimen of polycrystalline material, which could be metals or rocks. The objective is to relate an observed pattern of preferred orientation to its generating processes and vice versa. In geosciences, texture of minerals in rocks is used to infer constraints on their tectono-metamorphic history. Since most physical properties of crystals, such as elastic moduli, the coefficients of thermal expansion, or chemical resistance to etching depends on crystal symmetry and orientation, the presence of texture imparts directional properties to the polycrystalline material. A major issue of mathematical texture analysis is the resolution of the inverse problem to determine a reasonable orientation density function on SO(3) from measured pole intensities on , which relates to the inverse of the totally geodesic Radon transform. This communication introduces a wavelet approach into mathematical texture analysis. Wavelets on the two-dimensional sphere and on the rotational group SO(3) are discussed, and an algorithms for a wavelet decomposition on both domains following the ideas of Ta-Hsin Li is given. The relationship of these wavelets on both domains with respect to the totally geodesic Radon transform is investigated. In particular, it is shown that the Radon transform of these wavelets on SO(3) are again wavelets on . A novel algorithm for the inversion of experimental pole intensities to an orientation density function based on this relationship is developed.  相似文献   
Surface renewal analysis for sensible and latent heat flux density   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
High frequency temperature measurements were recorded at five heights and surface renewal (SR) analysis was used to estimate sensible heat flux density (H) over 0.1 m tall grass. Traces of the temperature data showed ramp-like structures, and the mean amplitude and duration of these ramps were used to calculate H using structure functions. Data were compared with H values measured with a sonic anemometer. Latent heat flux density (E) was calculated using an energy balance and the results were compared with E computed from the sonic anemometer data. SR analysis provided good estimates of H for data recorded at all heights but the canopy top and at the highest measurement level, which was above the fully adjusted boundary layer.  相似文献   
烃气测量是油气化探最主要的方法。目前应用的烃气测量方法有两类:一类是测量土壤中游离烃气如K—V指纹法、吸附丝法、物上气法及直接取土壤气测量法等。此类方法由于需特殊设备及壤气测量方法本身固有的缺陷,目前还未得到普遍应用,另一类为土壤吸附烃气法即国内外目前普遍使用的酸解烃气法、此法在多数油气田上取得好效果,但也有相当多的地区如黄土、荒漠及水网发育等特殊景观区效果不好或不显著。本文介绍一种新的烃气测量法──土壤相态烃测量法。这是用一种特殊的技术,只选择性提取由油气藏渗漏过程中保存在运移通道围岩及近地表土壤各种次生矿物结构中以"穴居"态存在的轻烃组分。"穴居"态烃为累积性的指标,不受外界温度、修水等的影响,保存较牢固,测定结果稳定。相态烃法避免了酸解烃法存在的生物成因烃、矿物同生烃及碳酸盐的干扰影响,提高了测量指标的信噪比,突出了应有的异常。本方法已在黄土厚覆盖区两个已知油气田和一个风成沙覆盖的断裂发育油田上试验获得成功,结果表明相态烃法优于酸解烃法。  相似文献   
The zooplankton of two salt ponds at Aveiro was studied to evaluate its density and diversity. Samples were collected biweekly from the salt ponds Esmolas and Tanoeiras. Samples were first separated into Holoplankton (Copepoda, nauplii,Acartia, Ostracoda and Anostraca) and Meroplankton (Mollusca, Insecta, annelidan larvae and Ichthyoplankton). The Holoplankton was mainly composed of:Acartia tonsa, Acartia sp.,Eurytemora velox, Artemia sp., and harpacticoids and calanoids. In both salt ponds, species diversity was identical, but total zooplankton density was higher in the Tanoeiras salt pond, probably because its physical and chemical characteristics allowed the development of stable communities.  相似文献   
Daily zenith scattered light intensity observations were carried out in the morning twilight hours using home-made UV-visible spectrometer over the tropical station Pune (18‡31′, 73‡51′) for the years 2000–2003. These observations are obtained in the spectral range 462–498 nm for the solar zenith angles (SZAs) varying from 87‡ to 91.5‡. An algorithm has been developed to retrieve vertical profiles of ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from ground-based measurements using the Chahine iteration method. This retrieval method has been checked using measured and recalculated slant column densities (SCDs) and they are found to be well matching. O3 and NO2 vertical profiles have been retrieved using a set of their air mass factors (AMFs) and SCDs measured over a range of 87–91.5‡ SZA during the morning. The vertical profiles obtained by this method are compared with Umkehr profiles and ozonesondes and they are found to be in good agreement. The bulk of the column density is found near layer 20–25 km. Daily total column densities (TCDs) of O3 and NO2 along with their stratospheric and tropospheric counterparts are derived using their vertical profiles for the period 2000–2003. The total column, stratospheric column and tropospheric column amounts of both trace gases are found to be maximum in summer and minimum in the winter season. Increasing trend is found in column density of NO2 in stratospheric, tropospheric and surface layers, but no trend is observed in O3 columns for above layers during the period 2000–2003  相似文献   
Abstract Analogue flume experiments were conducted to investigate the transport and sedimentation behaviour of turbulent pyroclastic density currents. The experimental currents were scaled approximately to the natural environment in three ways: (1) they were fully turbulent; (2) they had a very wide range of particle sizes and associated Rouse numbers (the ratio of particle settling velocity to effective turbulent eddy velocity in the current); and (3) they contained particles of two different densities. Two sets of surge‐type experiments were conducted in a 5 m long, water‐filled lock‐exchange flume at five different volumetric particle concentrations from 0·6% to 23%. In one set (one‐component experiments), the currents contained just dense particles; in the other set (two‐component experiments), they contained both light and dense particles in equal volume proportions. In both sets of experiments, the population of each component had a log‐normal size distribution. In the two‐component experiments, the size range of the light particle population was selected in order to be in hydrodynamic equivalence with that of the dense particles. Dense particles were normally graded, both vertically and downstream, in the deposits from both sets of experiments. The mass loading (normalized to the initial mass of the suspension) and grain size of the dense component in the deposits decreased with distance from the reservoir and were insensitive to initial total particle concentration in the currents. On the other hand, in the two‐component experiments, the light particles were extremely sensitive to concentration. They were deposited in hydrodynamic equivalence with the dense particles from dilute currents, but were segregated efficiently at concentrations higher than a few per cent. With increasing particle concentration, the large, light particles were carried progressively further down the flume because of buoyancy effects. Deposits from the high‐concentration currents exhibited reverse vertical grading of the large, light particles. Efficient segregation of the light component was observed even if the bulk density of the current was less than that of the light particles. In both sets of experiments, marked inflexions in the rate of downstream decline in mass loading and maximum grain size of the dense component can be attributed to the presence of two different particle settling regimes in the flow: (1) particles with Rouse numbers >2·5, which did not respond to the turbulence and settled rapidly; and (2) particles with Rouse numbers <2·5, which followed the turbulent eddies and settled slowly. The results are applied to the transport and sedimentation dynamics of pyroclastic density currents that generate large, widespread ignimbrites. Field data fail to reveal significant departures from aerodynamic equivalence between pumice and lithic clasts in three such ignimbrites: the particulate loads of some large ignimbrites are transported principally in turbulent suspensions of low concentration. In some ignimbrites, the well‐developed inflexions in curves of maximum lithic (ML) size vs. distance can be attributed to the existence of distinct high and low Rouse number particle settling regimes that mark the transition from an overcharged state to one in which the residual particulate load is transported more effectively by turbulence.  相似文献   
We present a new procedure, the pdf method (pdf=probability density function), for reconstructing Quaternary climate utilizing botanical data. The procedure includes the advantages of the indicator species method by considering the fossil and modern presence and absence of taxa rather than their frequencies, thus avoiding the need for modern analog plant communities. Overcoming the problematic use of absolute limits to describe climate response ranges is the main progress of the pdf method in comparison to the indicator species method. This advantage results from estimating probability density functions (pdfs) for monthly mean January and July temperature conditional on the present day occurrence of single taxa. Gaussian distributions sufficiently approximate pdfs of many, although not all, studied taxa. On the assumption of statistical independence, the procedure calculates a joint pdf as the product of the pdfs of the individual taxa. This algorithm weights each taxon according to the extent of its climate response range expressed by its covariance structure. We interpret the maximum of the resulting pdf as the most likely climate and its confidence interval as the uncertainty range. To avoid an artificial reduction of uncertainty arising from the use of numerous similar pdfs, a preselection method is proposed based on the Mahalanobis distance between pdfs. The pdf method was applied to the Carpinus phase of a profile from Gröbern, Germany, that spans the last interglaciation (Eemian). The reconstructed most probable January and July temperatures of about 0.0°C and 18.4°C barely differ from the modern values of −0.5°C and 18.3°C.  相似文献   
Two end-member types of pyroclastic density current are commonly recognized: pyroclastic surges are dilute currents in which particles are carried in turbulent suspension and pyroclastic flows are highly concentrated flows. We provide scaling relations that unify these end-members and derive a segregation mechanism into basal concentrated flow and overriding dilute cloud based on the Stokes number (ST), the stability factor (ΣT) and the dense-dilute condition (DD). We recognize five types of particle behaviors within a fluid eddy as a function of ST and ΣT: (1) particles sediment from the eddy, (2) particles are preferentially settled out during the downward motion of the eddy, but can be carried during its upward motion, (3) particles concentrate on the periphery of the eddy, (4) particles settling can be delayed or ‘fast-tracked’ as a function of the eddy spatial distribution, and (5) particles remain homogeneously distributed within the eddy. We extend these concepts to a fully turbulent flow by using a prototype of kinetic energy distribution within a full eddy spectrum and demonstrate that the presence of different particle sizes leads to the density stratification of the current. This stratification may favor particle interactions in the basal part of the flow and DD determines whether the flow is dense or dilute. Using only intrinsic characteristics of the current, our model explains the discontinuous features between pyroclastic flows and surges while conserving the concept of a continuous spectrum of density currents.  相似文献   
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