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不同原子化方法对样品气化速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯书恩  常诚 《岩矿测试》1991,10(1):21-24
本文研究了石墨炉原子吸收分析中管壁、平台和探针原子化测量Cd、Pb、Mn、Co、Cu和Cr的吸收信号特征。结果表明,吸收信号形状由被测元素的性质、样品气化速率和原子蒸气扩散速率决定。对于同一元素,在选定仪器条件下,峰形主要由样品气化速率决定。而样品气化速率又与原子化表面的升温速率有关。三种原子化方法中,探针的升温速率最快,得到较窄的信号峰,平台的升温速率最慢,峰形较宽。在提高样品气化速率方面,探针原子化是最理想的方法。  相似文献   
设计了制作无氧水及溶解氧梯度水的装置,以研究溶解氧测定中溶解氧探头测定结果与经典滴定法测定结果的互校性、可靠性。结果表明,在从无氧水到18g/L(对一个大气压空气来说是过饱和)的氧含量范围内,这2种方法有很好的线性关系。但是,经典滴定法比溶解氧探头测定的值偏高,这是经典滴定法从采样固定到滴定整个非在线测定过程易于受各种干扰所体现的固有的缺点。特别是对于极度缺氧或无氧水样的测定,经典滴定法会得出偏高甚至错误的结论。因此作者推荐环境监测中溶解氧的测定采用溶解氧探头的测定数据.而滴定的方法可以采用无氧水对零点进行校正。  相似文献   
曹荣根  王音  林正喆  明辰  庄军  宁西京 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6438-6442
考虑到迄今为止实验上尚不能制备含有上百个原子的自由单原子链,本文提出利用探针从graphene中拉伸较长单原子碳链的设想,并通过分子动力学计算发现,室温下可以利用C60探针以1 m/s的速度从graphene的zigzag边缘拉出较长的一维单原子碳链,为实验提供了一种制备单原子碳链的可能方案.  相似文献   
Because climate change challenges the sustainability of important fish populations and the fisheries they support, we need to understand how large scale climatic forcing affects the functioning of marine ecosystems. In the Humboldt Current system (HCS), a main driver of climatic variability is coastally-trapped Kelvin waves (KWs), themselves originating as oceanic equatorial KWs. Here we (i) describe the spatial reorganizations of living organisms in the Humboldt coastal system as affected by oceanic KWs forcing, (ii) quantify the strength of the interactions between the physical and biological component dynamics of the system, (iii) formulate hypotheses on the processes which drive the redistributions of the organisms, and (iv) build scenarios of space occupation in the HCS under varying KW forcing. To address these questions we explore, through bivariate lagged correlations and multivariate statistics, the relationships between time series of oceanic KW amplitude (TAO mooring data and model-resolved baroclinic modes) and coastal Peruvian oceanographic data (SST, coastal upwelled waters extent), anchoveta spatial distribution (mean distance to the coast, spatial concentration of the biomass, mean depth of the schools), and fishing fleet statistics (trip duration, searching duration, number of fishing sets and catch per trip, features of the foraging trajectory as observed by satellite vessel monitoring system). Data sets span all or part of January 1983 to September 2006. The results show that the effects of oceanic KW forcing are significant in all the components of the coastal ecosystem, from oceanography to the behaviour of the top predators – fishers. This result provides evidence for a bottom-up transfer of the behaviours and spatial stucturing through the ecosystem. We propose that contrasting scenarios develop during the passage of upwelling versus downwelling KWs. From a predictive point of view, we show that KW amplitudes observed in the mid-Pacific can be used to forecast which system state will dominate the HCS over the next 2–6 months. Such predictions should be integrated in the Peruvian adaptive fishery management.  相似文献   
A new method for wave motion detection from satellite altimetric measurements of sea surface height is presented. The essence of the approach is to construct a two‐dimensional traveling‐wave Fourier series representation of the amplitude field within a prespecified oceanic region. The method employs an iterative, nonlinear least‐squares technique based on the Marquardt‐Levenberg algorithm to solve for model parameters describing characteristic features of the evolving wave system. The Marquardt‐Levenberg Fourier series (MLFS) algorithm was applied to Kelvin waves active during the 1986–1987 El Nino event in the equatorial Pacific ocean using GEOSAT Exact Repeat Mission altimetry data. Characteristics of the wave system were found to be in essential agreement with earlier field measurements and the observations of Cheney and Miller (1987) obtained using time series developed from GEOSAT data. The advantage of the present detection scheme lies in its speed and ability to determine a wave system's dispersion relation over a finite range of wavenumbers, and hence the group velocity of that system.  相似文献   
基于卫星高度计数据、模式数据和同化资料揭示了东印度沿岸流(East India Coastal Current, EICC)年周期上的时空分布特征, 并探讨了其可能的影响机制及热盐输运。在年周期上EICC呈现3种分布状态, 受季风影响, 在东北季风前期(10—12月)和后期(2—5月)为一致的南向(北向)流动; 而6—8月EICC呈3段式分布, 与另外两个时间段明显不同, 表现为9°N以南、16°N以北区域的南向流动和9°—16°N区域的北向流动。前人研究认为印度东海岸的局地风应力是EICC的主要机制, 本研究发现除局地风应力外, 来自孟加拉湾中部的艾克曼抽吸(Ekman Pumping)在全年也发挥着重要作用, 并在2—5月(10—12月)驱动EICC的北向(南向)流动, 而局地风应力则在10—12月有利于EICC的南向流动。EICC是孟加拉湾低盐水向赤道东印度洋和阿拉伯海输运的一个因素, 在海盆间的热盐交换上发挥着重要作用。EICC的热输运在6—12月(2—5月)有利于(不利于)湾内温度的升高; 盐输运则在全年都有利于孟加拉湾内盐度的增加。此外, EICC的一致南向(北向)流动以及3段式结构促进了湾内热盐的再分配, 对于维持北印度洋的热量和盐度收支平衡具有重要作用。  相似文献   
利用"LASG/IAP气候系统海洋模式"(LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model,简称LICOM海洋模式)和全球简单海洋资料同化分析系统产成的SODA(simple ocean model assimilation)资料研究了2010年拉尼娜事件发生的动力机制。结果表明,2010年拉尼娜事件发生于2010年6月,是继2009年厄尔尼诺事件之后发生的一次较为特殊的一次冷事件,该事件将持续到2011年;该事件主要是由2010年西边界反射的东传上升Kelvin波和西太平洋异常东风激发的,而赤道太平洋纬向流异常在该事件的形成过程中也起着非常重要的作用。通过对本次拉尼娜事件动力机制和发生发展过程的研究分析,进一步加深了对拉尼娜事件动力机制的了解,同时对拉尼娜事件的预报及防灾减灾有重要意义。  相似文献   
为快速精确监测九龙江口小型有毒赤潮藻的分布,本工作应用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测了2009年春(5月)、夏(8月)、秋(11月)3个季节九龙江口18个站位水样中米氏凯伦藻(Kareniamikimotoi)的密度.这3个季节分别对应九龙江口水域的丰水期、平水期、枯水期.结果表明,在九龙江口水中米氏凯伦藻的检出范围为未检出至2.3×104cells/dm3;其空间分布差异比较大,主要分布在厦门西港海域,其次是在高潮时的海门岛附近海域;海门岛以西水域几乎未监测到该藻的存在,仅5号站位有1个航次检出.米氏凯伦藻密度的季节分布差异也很明显,春、夏季的密度(最高检出值都达到了2.3×104cells/dm3)明显高于秋季的密度(最高检出值仅为5.4×103cells/dm3).本研究结果可为厦门西港以及九龙江口水域赤潮的研究与监测提供参考.同步进行的显微镜镜检技术没有观测到米氏凯伦藻的存在,可见在藻密度较低(低于103cells/dm3)的情况下,实时荧光定量PCR技术较传统镜检技术(检出限一般在103cells/dm3以上)可能更灵敏.该技术特异性好且操作简便,使对大样本的检测具有可行性,为实现沿岸海域赤潮的动态监测和深入研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   
有界赤道大洋波包解及其年际年代际变率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linearized shallow water perturbation equations with approximation in an equatorial β plane are used to obtain the analytical solution of wave packet anomalies in the upper bounded equatorial ocean. The main results are as follows. The wave packet is a superposition of eastward travelling Kelvin waves and westward travelling Rossby waves with the slowest speed, and satisfies the boundary conditions of eastern and western coasts, respectively.The decay coefficient of this solution to the north and south sides of the equator is inversely proportional only to the phase velocity of Kelvin waves in the upper water. The oscillation frequency of the wave packet, which is also the natural frequency of the ocean, is proportional to its mode number and the phase velocity of Kelvin waves and is inversely proportional to the length of the equatorial ocean in the east-west direction. The flow anomalies of the wave packet of Mode 1 most of the time appear as zonal flows with the same direction. They reach the maximum at the center of the equatorial ocean and decay rapidly away from the equator, manifested as equatorially trapped waves. The flow anomalies of the wave packet of Mode 2 appear as the zonal flows with the same direction most of the time in half of the ocean, and are always 0 at the center of the entire ocean which indicates stagnation, while decaying away from the equator with the same speed as that of Mode 1. The spatial structure and oscillation period of the wave packet solution of Mode 1 and Mode 2 are consistent with the changing periods of the surface spatial field and time coefficient of the first and second modes of complex empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis of flow anomalies in the actual equatorial ocean. This indicates that the solution does exist in the real ocean, and that El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Indian Ocean dipole(IOD) are both related to Mode 2.After considering the Indonesian throughflow, we can obtain the length of bounded equatorial ocean by taking the sum of that of the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Pacific Ocean, thus this wave packet can also explain the decadal variability(about 20 a) of the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans.  相似文献   
哀牢山造山带金矿成矿时序及其动力学背景探讨   总被引:9,自引:41,他引:9  
杨立强  邓军  赵凯  刘江涛 《岩石学报》2011,27(9):2519-2532
哀牢山金矿带是我国最重要的喜马拉雅期造山型金矿带,形成于三江特提斯复合造山过程中。论文基于对哀牢山造山带金矿成矿作用的同位素定年结果,探讨了成矿年代学与构造-热事件的关系,厘定了其相关的地球动力学背景。已获得的最老成矿年龄集中于海西期,但过剩氩的存在导致视年龄值偏离真实成矿年龄,而最小视年龄(345.2±16Ma)与区域蛇绿岩的形成同时;含镍金黄铁矿硅质岩的含金量可能与热水沉积有关,其地球动力学环境对应于海底扩张和初始洋盆的形成。印支期是区域主碰撞造山高峰期,也是大规模岩浆活动与Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd硫化物矿床、VMS型Cu-Pb-Zn矿床及斑岩型Cu-Au矿床成矿集中期,其中老王寨金矿含金黄铁矿的Re-Os等时线年龄为229±38Ma。燕山期成矿年龄数据分散于180Ma、135Ma、110Ma和90Ma左右等多个时段,其中最晚时段年龄谱的最小视年龄值(91±1Ma)可能代表了一次较为重要的构造动力体制转换,该期(约90~70Ma)的区域成岩成矿(斑岩及斑岩型Cu-Mo-W-Au矿床)规模较大,表明增生造山→碰撞造山构造体制转换在研究区存在重要的成岩成矿响应。喜马拉雅期可能经历了早(63.09~61.55Ma)、主(36.10~33.76Ma)和晚(30.80~26.40Ma)三期金矿成矿-热事件,分别受控于印度-亚洲大陆碰撞早期的强烈汇聚挤压、早-晚期转换构造动力学体制,并可能受青藏高原物质东向逃逸和软流圈脉动隆起的联合制约,金矿大规模成矿作用与构造动力体制转换过程中的壳幔物质强烈交换与构造变形密切相关。  相似文献   
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