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Automatic 3D extraction of building roofs from remotely sensed data is important for many applications including city modelling. This paper proposes a new method for automatic 3D roof extraction through an effective integration of LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data and multispectral orthoimagery. Using the ground height from a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), the raw LIDAR points are separated into two groups. The first group contains the ground points that are exploited to constitute a ‘ground mask’. The second group contains the non-ground points which are segmented using an innovative image line guided segmentation technique to extract the roof planes. The image lines are extracted from the grey-scale version of the orthoimage and then classified into several classes such as ‘ground’, ‘tree’, ‘roof edge’ and ‘roof ridge’ using the ground mask and colour and texture information from the orthoimagery. During segmentation of the non-ground LIDAR points, the lines from the latter two classes are used as baselines to locate the nearby LIDAR points of the neighbouring planes. For each plane a robust seed region is thereby defined using the nearby non-ground LIDAR points of a baseline and this region is iteratively grown to extract the complete roof plane. Finally, a newly proposed rule-based procedure is applied to remove planes constructed on trees. Experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully remove vegetation and so offers high extraction rates.  相似文献   
李林涛  徐笳 《四川测绘》2010,33(4):154-158
空间信息共享和互操作是GIS发展永恒的主题,本文主要研究了网络专题地图服务平台的设计与实践,从数据目录管理、多源数据节点的远程访问与调度、专题地图的按需动态生成与发布等关键技术着手,研究实现了面向用户的空间信息与行业统计信息的集成共享与可视化。利用ASP.NET创建了网络专题地图服务门户,验证了所提出的框架体系和关键技术的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
陈星宇  卢启明 《华南地震》2011,31(2):117-122
阐述了海南省防震减灾中心大楼的地震应急指挥技术系统移植重建构成和主要功能,实现了系统集成化管理功能,在实际应用和演练中收到较好效果.  相似文献   
结合”十五”期间福建台网建设的经验,介绍了区域前兆台网集成功能,包括台网结构、数据通信和软件部署设计等方面的集成,通过实践展示了数字地震前兆台网建设的应用效果。  相似文献   
地质勘探中的地质资料管理对于整个地质工程项目管理具有重要的实践意义.地质资料管理工作对整个项目流程以及地质资料后期使用起着承前启后作用.通过对地质资料管理在项目全流程中意义和具体方法的梳理,探讨地质资料管理的安全性及地质资料大数据集成化的重要性.通过制度建设有效促进地质项目管理具体化,增强地质资料在地质勘探实践使用中的...  相似文献   
“3S”技术集成及其在土地管理中的应用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
王振中 《测绘科学》2005,30(4):62-64
研究目的:通过介绍GPS、RS、GIS及“3S”技术集成和它们在土地管理中的应用现状,探讨“3S”技术集成在土地管理中的应用前景及发展趋势。研究方法:对比分析介绍方法。研究结果:“3S”技术集成在我国土地管理中的应用前景十分广阔。研究结论:“3S”技术集成已成为我国土地管理事业发展和进步的有力技术手段。  相似文献   
Globalization and cultural interaction, new lifestyles, the diffusion of “modern medicine”, the transformation of traditional religious practices and beliefs, have profoundly challenged and modified indigenous health systems. This paper questions whether due to these changes traditional healing systems are to some extent converging into “herbalism” and losing ties with their original cultural systems.By analyzing the healing practices of two communities (Maasai and Meru) in the rural ward of Ngarenyanyuki (Northern Tanzania), the paper explores how traditional and modern health knowledge circulates, changes, and evolves.Evidence from the case study shows that herbal remedies play an increasingly key role in traditional healing practices. Nevertheless, Maasai and Meru health knowledge emerges as a rich and challenging mix of evolving practices. The paper discusses these ongoing processes and inputs into the debate on health provision in African countries by underlining the need for a policy transition to more holistic healing systems which may provide highly desirable options in the current context of health reforms.  相似文献   
多源空间数据无缝集成研究   总被引:72,自引:2,他引:70  
随着地理信息系统的社会化发展 ,空间数据共享成为一种必然要求 ,然而要真正实现空间数据共享 ,多格式空间数据集成是一个亟待解决的问题。多源空间数据无缝集成( SIMS)技术实现了一种特殊的数据访问机制 ,不仅提供了直接存取多种数据格式的能力 ,而且使 GIS软件具有跨数据源复合分析功能 ,是实现空间数据共享的有效的技术基础。本文阐述了 SIMS技术体系结构 ,并探讨了 SIMS技术在 GIS软件开发中的应用。  相似文献   
数据生产者在积极采用现代测绘新技术对已建数据库进行更新的同时,还应该研究如何利用更新后的主数据库对其客户数据库进行更新服务的问题。首先简要论述了从数据共享到更新服务的发展趋势,其次介绍了两种基本的空间数据更新服务方式,然后介绍国内外的实施现状,其中主要讨论英国军械测量局实施情况以及相关国际组织的研究动态,最后提出了利用批量数据更新客户数据库的技术实施框架。  相似文献   
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