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In Malawi, shallow wells constitute the most important water sources for domestic purposes. However, increasing human population coupled with poor sanitation and infrastructure is undermining the quality of shallow well water. An assessment of microbial and geochemical quality of shallow well water in high-density areas of Zolozolo, Ching’ambo and Chiputula in Mzuzu City, Northern Malawi, has been carried out. The study aimed at characterising domestic water sources, identifying possible sources of water contamination and determining levels of microbial and chemical contamination. Arc-view GIS was used to map the water sources. A questionnaire survey was carried out to elicit information on characteristics of drinking water sources. Water samples were collected from quasi-randomly selected shallow wells and analysed for microbial and chemical parameters using standard methods. HCA, performed using R-programme, was used to group sampled sites according to their bio-physicochemical characteristics. Compliance of the water with MBS/WHO water quality guidelines was determined. The WQI was computed to turn multifaceted data obtained from laboratory analyses into simple information that is comprehensible and useable by the public to assess overall quality of water at a specific water points. The GW-chart was used to show hydrogeochemical water types from each sampled site. Microbial analysis revealed that water from 96.3% of shallow wells recorded faecal coliforms ranging from 129 to 920 cfu per 100 ml which were significantly higher than the Malawi Standards and WHO thresholds. In general, shallow well water is of low mineralisation (EC range 80–500 μS cm−1), with hydrogeochemical facies dominated by Ca–HCO3, which evolves to Ca–Cl water type. The shallow well water registered a WQI range of 50.16–66.04%, with a medium WQ rating. This suggested that the water obtained from the shallow wells is unsuitable for direct human consumption. It was observed that 100% of the shallow wells were at risk of pollution from onsite sanitation because of their proximity to sanitary facilities. It was strongly recommended that onsite treatment interventions have to be mobilised and initiated to protect the households from further possible consequences of using the water.  相似文献   
地下热水井中某些微量元素动态变化与地震活动的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对北京顺义李遂地下热水井观测研究表明,热水中的Al、Si、Fe、Mn、Zn和La的含量在断裂带及其邻近地区发生的中、小地震前,产生较大幅度的趋势性异常和临震异常变化。其变化形态主要受孕震时区域应力场、观测井所处的地质构造条件控制,异常出现的时间顺序和幅度则取决于元素自身的化学性质和配分。这些元素在热水中易形成胶体或被胶体所吸附,较其它离子或络合物分子对介质有更强的敏感性,可作为地震前兆的灵敏元素  相似文献   
本文列举了5个花岗岩和火山岩地区的水中放射性同位素比值的应用实例。通过其测定结果总结了不同地区、不同岩性和矿化地段水中同位素比值的差异。作者认为:在运用水中放射性同位素比值作为找矿的判别标志时,应充分考虑地区差异、水异常特征和水文地质条件,选用合适的判别标准。  相似文献   
The discrimination of significant earthquake precursors from background noise is treated as a multistep problem of pattern recognition. Statistical characteristics of helium-content recorded in short time intervals are used as informative parameters. The set of calculated characteristics includes estimations of the mean, the variance, and the results of spectral analysis of the investigated time series. The selection of significant parameters and the rigorous estimations of time shifts between geochemical and seismic series are carried out by analyzing their cross-covariance function. It is established that the most informative characteristics of a hydrothermal system are related to the dynamic fluctuations of the geochemical parameters. The final phase of prediction is based on the application of a method of statistical discovery of images. A method of earthquake-time prediction is suggested. By using this method, we may determine the 10-day interval during which an earthquake may occur two months in advance. The prediction may be improved by increasing the frequency of sampling and by improving the precision of analytical measurements, both of which can be achieved by automation of monitoring devices. Deployment of uniform monitoring networks is needed in regions designated for special prediction tasks.  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater in Moro area,Kwara state,Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed study of chemical analysis results of several groundwater samples (UNICEF-Assisted Water project, Kwara state, Nigeria) were carried out in an attempt to assess the quality and usability of groundwaters in the Moro area. Chemical analysis results indicate higher concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3 as compared to Na+, K+, Cl, and SO4 2–. With exception of few locations where Fe is relatively higher, the concentrations of these ions together with other water quality parameters are all within permissible limits of the domestic and agricultural standards.On the basis of the analytical results, groundwaters in the study area are largely characterized as Ca-(Mg)-HCO3 type reflecting (possibly) young facies with limited migratory history. The occurrence of Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3 water type in certain areas is attributed to cation exchange processes. In addition, the observed scattered relationship between the TDS and the thickness of weathered horizons in the boreholes indicates the contribution of precipitation (recharge) to the ionic inputs in the groundwaters in addition to the weathering and dissolution processes.  相似文献   
王志明  李森 《铀矿地质》1991,7(5):257-264
在水文地球化学找矿研究中,采用稳定同位素和放射性同泣素方法判别放射性水异常及其成圈是一个重要的课题。在宝昌盆地采用氢氧同位素及氚的研究确定了3种类型的地下水异常。它们是:(1)局部淋滤富集和蒸发浓缩作用形成;(2)铀矿化引起的异常水;(3)深部与浅部水的混合作用形成。异常水的补给高程估计为1796m。异常地下水中~(234)U的过剩显示了矿化存在的可能性。同位素水文学的研究为水文地球化学找铀提出了一个新的方向。  相似文献   
The lower Varuna River basin in Varanasi district situated in the central Ganga plain is a highly productive agricultural area, and is also one of the fast growing urban areas in India. The agricultural and urbanization activities have a lot of impact on the groundwater quality of the study area. The river basin is underlain by Quaternary alluvial sediments consisting of clay, silt, sand and gravel of various grades. The hydrogeochemical study was undertaken by randomly collecting 75 groundwater samples from dug wells and hand pumps covering the entire basin in order to understand the sources of dissolved ions, and to assess the chemical quality of the groundwater through analysis of major ions. Based on the total dissolved solids, two groundwater samples are considered unsuitable for drinking purpose, but all samples are useful for irrigation. Graphical treatment of major ion chemistry by Piper diagram helps in identifying hydro-geochemical facies of groundwaters and the dominant hydrochemical facies is Ca-Mg-HCO3 with appreciable percentage of the water having mixed facies. As per Wilcox’s diagram and US Salinity laboratory classification, most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation except two samples (No’s 30 and 68) which are unsuitable due to the presence of high salinity and medium sodium hazard. Irrigation waters classified based on residual sodium carbonate, have revealed that all groundwaters are in general safe for irrigation except one sample (No. 27), which needs treatment before use. Permeability index indicates that the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation purpose. Although the general quality of groundwater of the lower Varuna River basin is suitable for irrigation purpose, fifty seven percent of the samples are found having nitrate content more than permissible limit (>45 mg/l) which is not good for human consumption. Application of N-Fertilizers on agricultural land as crop nutrients along the Varuna River course may be responsible for nitrate pollution in the groundwater due to leaching by applied irrigation water. The other potential sources of high nitrate concentration in extreme northern, southern and southwestern parts of study area are poor sewerage and drainage facilities, leakage of human excreta from very old septic tanks, and sanitary landfills. The high fluoride contamination (>1.5 mg/l) in some of the samples may be due to the dissolution of micaceous content in the alluvium. Nitrate and fluoride contamination of groundwater is a serious problem for its domestic use. Hence an immediate protective measure must be put into action in the study area.  相似文献   
2012年6月30日新源-和静Ms6.6地震前后,新疆北天山地区的泥火山及温泉出现了明显的水化学异常。在地震前后4天内,采集了两批泥火山和温泉水样品,测定了泥火山和温泉水样的水化学参数。资料表明,泥火山喷溢水属于低温、弱碱性咸水或盐水,水化类型为CI-Na,来源于储存在封闭构造中并与干旱海相、河湖相沉围岩发生了漫长而复杂水岩作用的大气降水。温泉水为中温、弱碱性SO4·CI-Na型淡水,形成于地表水沿断裂深循环过程中的水岩作用。安集海泥火山出现同震喷溢,震后泥水温度(T)、总矿化度(TDS)、K+、Na+及Ca2+大幅上升;独山子、白杨沟及AM02泥火山为震前喷溢,独山子、白杨沟泥火山表现为T.TDS、EC、Na+、CI的升高和K+、Ca2+、Mg2+的降低;AM02泥火山K+、Mg+明显降低,Ca2+上升达223%。震后沙湾25号泉T降低7℃, TDS、电导率(EC)、K+、Na+、 Ca2+、 .Mg2+、CI-及$SO_{4}^{2-}$升高。研究结果可用于北天山地区的地震趋势分析和改进利用各泥火山、温泉进行北天山地区地震活动性监测的水化学方法。  相似文献   
Bertrand's law that the plant can't live in lack of some indispensable element, appropriate amount of the element will make the plant thrive but excessive amount of it will make the plant poisoning and even die was obtained through the study on the biologic adaptability in laboratory for the indispensable element manganese by G. Bertrand. E. D. Weinberg developed Bertrand's law as that certain amount of manganese was appropriate for the growth of some bacteria but not for the form of bacteriophage.The double threshold contents of elements indispensable for the organisms and their physiological effects can be extended to different hydrogeochemical zones of hydrogeological unit. Some elements are lack in the hydrogeochemical zone, in which the elements leaching and transfer are very strong the biological physiological effect is negative to the elements content. However, in the elements enrichment area caused by leaching and concentrating by evaporation or environmental pollution, the biological physiological effects are positive to the element content. The elements content in other areas which are in between two above types is appropriate for the organisms.From the hydrogeochemical study in Liliu , Shanxi province we obtained that the rate of KBD, IDD and dental caries are resulted from deficiency of elements Se, I and F in water (soil), respectively, the rate of diseases above is inversely related with the element content, while in the zone with excessive fluorine caused by enrichment and leaching, the rate of endemic fluorosis is positive to the fluorine content.  相似文献   
Despite its limited aerial extent, the National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India, has diversified geological and topographical setup. A geochemical assessment of prevailing conditions of aquifer underlying the NCT was attempted and further classified into different hydrogeochemical zones on the basis of statistical and analyses and its correlation with land use, geological and climatic setting. Mineral phase study and isotopic analyses were used for the verification of performed clustering. Saturation indices (SI) calculated using the geochemical modelling code PHREEQC were used to distinguish the characteristics of four zones, as saturation states of the water does not change abruptly. Four different hydrogeochemical zones were statistically identified in the area: (1) intermediate (land-use-change-impacted) recharge zone, (2) discharge (agriculture-impacted) zone, (3) recharge (ridge) zone, and (4) recharge floodplain (untreated-discharge-impacted) zone. The distinctiveness of hydro-geochemical zones was further verified using stable isotopic (2H and 18O) signature of these waters. GIS-based flow regime in association with long-term geochemical evidences implied that these zones are being affected by different problems; thus, it necessitates separate environmental measures for their management and conservation. The study suggested that in a diversified urban setup where the complex interactions between anthropogenic activities and normal geochemical processes are functioning, hydrogeochmical zoning based on the integration of various techniques could be the first step towards sketching out the groundwater management plan.  相似文献   
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