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银川平原地处中国西北干旱气候区,平原的西部是贺兰山,由一系列正滑断层连接。平原的东部与黄河相连,紧邻鄂尔多斯平台。平原的南部与牛首山东北断裂带接壤。平原的底部是石炭纪,二叠纪或者奥陶系。根据地下水水化学特征分析,本文旨在确定银川平原地下水流系统,地下水化学类型从西到东变化,西部主要是HCO3-SO4型,中部为HCO3–Cl型,到东部逐渐过渡为Cl-SO4型,一直延伸到鄂尔多斯平台边缘。从南向北,南部主要是HCO3-SO4型,中部为HCO3-Cl和SO4-HCO3型,北部化学类型复杂,主要是SO4-HCO3和Cl-SO4型。  相似文献   
This study presents new data on major, trace and REE element concentration of groundwaters in Lastochka spa located in the northern part of Primorye, Far East of Russia. The studied area is characterized by two types of groundwaters issued from a spring and wells: fresh waters with low mineralization (Total Dissolved Solids is up to 400 mg/l) and high pCO2 waters with high mineralization (TDS is up to 4700 mg/l). New data and previous δ13C(TIC), oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotope data indicate that these waters result from meteoric water infiltration in the Sikhote–Alin mountain, circulating at shallow depths in sedimentary rocks. CO2 in groundwater is of mantle origin.  相似文献   
The hydrothermal system of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, France is located in a south western low-elevation point of the Aiguilles Rouges crystalline Massif. The crystalline rocks are not directly outcropping in the studied area but certainly exist beyond 300 m depth. Uprising waters are pumped from two different aquifers below the Quaternary deposits of the Bon Nant Valley. In the Lower Trias-Permian aquifer crossed by De Mey boreholes (27–36 °C), the ascending Na-SO4 and high-Cl thermal water from the basement (4.8 g/L) is mostly mixed by a Ca-SO4 and low-Cl cold water circulating in the autochthonous cover of the Aiguilles Rouges Basement. The origin of the saline thermal water probably results from infiltration and circulation in the basement until it reaches deep thrust faults with leaching of residual brines or fluid inclusions at depth (Cl/Br molar ratio lower than 655). The dissolution of Triassic halite (Cl/Br > 1000) is not possible at Saint-Gervais-les-Bains because the Triassic cold waters have a low-Cl concentration (< 20 mg/L). Water–rock interactions occur during the upflow via north–south strike-slip faults in the basement and later on in the autochthonous cover. For the De Mey Est borehole, gypsum dissolution is occurring with cationic exchanges involving Na, as well as low-temperature Mg dissolution from dolomite in the Triassic formations. The aquifer of imbricated structures (Upper-Middle Trias) crossed by the Lépinay well (39 °C) contains thermal waters, which are strongly mixed with a low-Cl water, where gypsum dissolution also occurs. The infiltration area for the thermal end-member is in the range 1700–2100 m, close to the Lavey-les-Bains hydrothermal system corresponding to the Aiguilles Rouges Massif. For the Ca-SO4 and low-Cl end-member, the infiltration area is lower (1100–1300 m) showing circulation from the Mont Joly Massif. The geothermometry method indicates a reservoir temperature of probably up to 65 °C but not exceeding 100 °C.  相似文献   
The Ejina Basin underlying complex aquifers is located in the lower reaches of the Heihe River with an arid climate and 40 mm mean annual precipitation. As the balance of the natural ecosystem in the Ejina Basin is fragile and easily upset, it is very important to estimate and rationally use the limited groundwater resources to maintain the balance. Water samples were collected from the Heihe River and wells for chemical and isotopic measurements across the basin. The Piper diagram gives two main types of hydrochemical features. Against the background of the regional geology, combining isotope 18O, tritium, and chemical analysis with groundwater flows indicated by a shallow groundwater level contour map, different kinds of groundwater sources and ways to replenish groundwater were discovered. North of the study area are artesian wells that are replenished by the mountainous area at the boundary between China and Mongolia. Replenishment for most of the groundwater resources of the Gurinai oasis comes from the Heihe River seepage flow of the highly conductive paleochannel, not from the Badain Jaran Desert as indicated by TDS and tritium analysis. The different groundwater ages which are younger than 35 years were approximately estimated by radioactive isotope tritium (T). By such efforts, groundwater resources can be effectively evaluated with the engineering impact of the Heihe River Project.  相似文献   
Deep-fluids: Neptune meets Pluto   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water samples collected from the six reservoirs of Damodar River basin in pre- and post-monsoon, have been analysed, to study the major ion chemistry and the weathering and geochemical processes controlling the water composition. Ca, Na and HCO3 dominate the chemical composition of the reservoir water. The seasonal data shows a minimum concentration of most of the ions in post-monsoon and a maximum concentration in pre-monsoon seasons, reflecting the concentrating effects due to elevated temperature and increased evaporation during the low water level period of the pre-monsoon season. Water chemistry of the reservoirs strongly reflects the dominance of continental weathering aided by atmospheric and anthropogenic activities in the catchment area. Higher concentration of SO4 and TDS in Panchet, Durgapur and Tenughat reservoirs indicate mining and anthropogenic impact on water quality. The high contribution of (Ca+Mg) to the total cations, high concentration of dissolved silica, relatively high (Na+K)/TZ+ ratio (0.3) and low equivalent ratio of (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) suggests combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering. Kaolinite is the possible mineral that is in equilibrium with the water, implying that the chemistry of reservoir water favours kaolinite formation. The calculated values of SAR, RSC and sodium percentage indicate the ‘excellent to good quality’ of water for irrigation uses.  相似文献   
Geothermal resources are very rich in Yunnan, China. However, source of dissolved solutes in geothermal water and chemical evolution processes remain unclear. Geochemical and isotopic studies on geothermal springs and river waters were conducted in different petrological-tectonic units of western Yunnan, China. Geothermal waters contain Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, and Na (Ca)–SO4 type, and demonstrate strong rock-related trace elemental distributions. Enhanced water–rock interaction increases the concentration of major and trace elements of geothermal waters. The chemical compositions of geothermal waters in the Rehai geothermal field are very complicated and different because of the magma chamber developed at the shallow depth in this area. In this geothermal field, neutral-alkaline geothermal waters with high Cl, B, Li, Rb Cs, As, Sb, and Tl contents and acid–sulfate waters with high Al, Mn, Fe, and Pb contents are both controlled by magma degassing and water–rock interaction. Geothermal waters from metamorphic, granite, and sedimentary regions (except in the Rehai area) exhibit varying B contents ranging from 3.31 mg/L to 4.49 mg/L, 0.23 mg/L to 1.24 mg/L, and <0.07 mg/L, respectively, and their corresponding δ11B values range from −4.95‰ to −9.45‰, −2.57‰ to −8.85‰, and −4.02‰ to +0.06‰. The B contents of these geothermal waters are mainly controlled by leaching host rocks in the reservoir, and their δ11B values usually decrease and achieve further equilibrium with its surrounding rocks, which can also be proven by the positive δ18O-shift. In addition to fluid–rock reactions, the geothermal waters from Rehai hot springs exhibit higher δ11B values (−3.43‰ to +1.54‰) than those yielded from other areas because mixing with the magmatic fluids from the shallow magma. The highest δ11B of steam–heated waters (pH 3.25) from the Zhenzhu spring in Rehai is caused by the fractionation induced by pH and the phase separation of coexisting steam and fluids. Given the strong water–rock interaction, some geothermal springs in western Yunnan show reservoir temperatures higher than 180 °C, which demonstrate potential for electricity generation and direct-use applications. The most potential geothermal field in western Yunnan is located in the Rehai area because of the heat transfer from the shallow magma chamber.  相似文献   
Groundwater recharge in a sedimentary basin in semi-arid Mexico   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Recharge mechanisms and the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in a semi-arid, 6,840-km2, intermountain basin in central Mexico were investigated using stable isotopes and major chemical constituents. Ionic ratio analysis helped to conceptualize and quantify in part the subsequent geochemical evolution in the aquifer system. Mass balance models (PHREEQC) were used to interpret and rectify the geochemical properties of the aquifer. The recharge conditions have not changed noticeably during the last several thousands of years. The recharge mechanisms are accompanied by leaching of meteoric salts on and near the ground surface during major rain events, which previously accumulated after minor rain events. Rapid and diffuse infiltration can be excluded. Indirect infiltration from wadis (arroyos) and depressions (playas) with little mixing in shallow groundwater contrasts with a high degree of mixing for water with deep circulation. The prevailing source of major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) is weathering of carbonates and albite, followed by exchange reactions on clays and hydroxides. Ca2+/Na+ exchange may interchange along the flow path with reverse (Na+/Ca2+) exchange, although the Ca2+/Na+ option is prevalent. Meteoric Ca and Mg inputs are relatively small; however, meteoric Na is insignificant. Irrigation return flow plays an important role in the western part of the study area, giving rise to elevated sulfate and chloride concentrations.
Resumen Se han investigado los mecanismos de recarga y la evolución hidroquímica de las aguas subterráneas en una cuenca semiárida e intermontanosa de México central, de 6.840 km2. Para ello, se han utilizado isótopos estables y los constituyentes químicos mayores. El análisis de las relaciones iónicas ha servido para conceptuar y cuantificar en parte su evolución geoquímica posterior dentro del sistema acuífero. Se ha recurrido a modelos de balance de masas (PHREEQC) para interpretar y rectificar las propiedades geoquímicas del acuífero. Las condiciones de recarga no han cambiado de forma apreciable durante los últimos miles de años. Los mecanismos de recarga se ven acompañados por el lixiviado de las sales meteóricas sobre y cerca de la superficie del terreno durante los episodios principales de lluvia, las cuales son acumuladas en episodios menores de lluvia. Se puede excluir la infiltración rápida y difusa. La infiltración indirecta desde arroyos ( wadis) y depresiones ( playas), que apenas se mezcla con las aguas subterráneas someras, contrasta con un elevado nivel de mezcla con el agua de circulación profunda. La fuente dominante de cationes mayores (calcio, magnesio, sodio, potasio) es la meteorización de los carbonatos y albita, mientras que las reacciones de intercambio en las arcillas e hidróxidos son menos importantes. El intercambio ión calcio-ión sodio puede ser reemplazado a lo largo de una línea de flujo por el intercambio opuesto (ión sodio-ión calcio), aunque la primera es prioritaria. Las aportaciones meteóricas de calcio y magnesio son relativamente pequeñas, mientras que la de sodio es insignificante. Los retornos de riego desempeñan un papel importante en la parte occidental del área de estudio, dando lugar a concentraciones elevadas de sulfato y cloruro.

Résumé Les mécanismes de recharge et lévolution hydrochimique de leau souterraine dans un bassin de montagne de 6 840 km2 en zone semi-aride, dans le centre du Mexique, ont été étudiés au moyen des isotopes stables et des composés chimiques majeurs. Lanalyse des rapports ioniques a aidé à conceptualiser et à quantifier en partie lévolution géochimique qui en résulte, dans le système aquifère. Des modèles de bilan de masse (PHREEQC) ont été utilisés pour interpréter et corriger les propriétés de laquifère. Les conditions de recharge nont pas changé notablement au cours des derniers millénaires. Les mécanismes de recharge sont accompagnés, durant les épisodes majeurs de précipitation, dun lessivage, à la surface du sol et à son voisinage, de sels météoriques accumulés auparavant pendant les petits épisodes de pluie. Linfiltration rapide et diffuse peut être exclue. Linfiltration indirecte à partir des oueds (arroyos) et des dépressions (playas) avec un faible mélange dans la nappe superficielle contraste avec le degré élevé de mélange de leau avec les circulations profondes. La source prépondérante des cations majeurs (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) est laltération des carbonates et des feldspaths ; léchange de cations avec les argiles et les hydroxydes est moins important. Léchange de Ca2+ avec Na+ peut sinverser le long des axes découlements pour donner un échange de Na+ avec Ca2+, bien que le cas Ca2+/Na+ soit prépondérant. Les apports météoriques de Ca et de Mg sont relativement faibles, cependant que celui de Na météorique est insignifiant. Lécoulement par retour dirrigation joue un rôle important dans la partie occidentale de la région étudiée, produisant un accroissement des concentrations élevées en sulfate et en chlorure.
Hydrochemical framework of groundwater in the Ankobra Basin,Ghana   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hydrochemical and stable isotope (18O and 2H) analyses of groundwater samples were used to establish the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Ankobra Basin. The groundwater was generally mildly acidic, low in conductivity and undersaturated with respect to carbonate phases. Major ions except bicarbonate were low and dissolved silica was moderately high. Silicate minerals weathering is probably the main process through which major ions enter the groundwater. Groundwater samples clustered tightly along the Global Meteoric Water Line suggesting integrative, smooth and rapid recharge from meteoric origin. The majority of the boreholes and a few hand dug wells cluster towards the Ca–Mg–HCO3 dominant section of the phase diagram, in conformity with the active recharge and short residence time shown by the isotope data. Aluminium, arsenic, manganese, iron and mercury were the only trace metals analysed with concentrations significantly above their respective detection limits. Approximately 20%, 5%, 40% and 25% respectively of boreholes had aluminium, arsenic, iron and manganese concentrations exceeding the respective WHO maximum acceptable limits for drinking water. The relatively large percentage of boreholes with high concentration of aluminium reflects the acidic nature of the groundwater.  相似文献   
Groundwater heads and chemical composition were measured at approximately two week intervals during the summer of 1993 along a 1 km transect across the Insh Marshes floodplain mire in Inverness-shire, Scotland. Groundwater heads were generally higher near the valley side slope, with lower pH values and greater dissolved organic carbon, A1 and C1 concentrations. In the centre of the transect, upward groundwater heads were identified and pH, conductivity and concentrations of base cations were much greater. Near the River Spey, pH and base cation concentrations decreased and A1 and C1 concentrations increased. Deep groundwater followed a similar spatial trend but was generally more base-rich than shallow groundwater. These variations reflect the influence of three major water sources with different chemical signatures. Runoff from the valley side slope increased dissolved organic carbon and A1 in the shallow groundwater, the upward flow of groundwater increased the pH and Ca concentration and inundation near the river decreased the base status and increased C1 and A1.  相似文献   
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