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Isotope and hydrochemical investigations have been carried out in the Ilkal area of Karnataka, India, in order to determine the source and mechanism of fluoride release into groundwaters and to understand groundwater hydrochemistry. Agriculture, granite quarrying and rock-polishing industries are the main occupations in this area. Closepet granite, Peninsular gneiss and Dharwar schists are the major geological formations. Results show that the fluoride concentration in groundwater is 0.3–6.5 mg/L and it is found to increase from recharge area to discharge area. Fluoride variability is found to be influenced by the geology of the area and depth wise correlation was not observed. Water samples are unsaturated with respect to fluorite, indicating the possibility of further increase in fluoride in groundwater. Positive correlations between fluoride with sodium and bicarbonate in groundwater show that high fluoride content and alkaline sodic characteristics are the result of dissolution of fluoride bearing minerals, possibly derived from weathered granite and gneiss. A positive correlation between fluoride and δ18O, and the presence of high tritium in fluoride-contaminated groundwater, point to contribution from surface waters, contaminated by anthropogenic activities. Dumping of rock wastes that are rich in fluoride into the streams by the rock-polishing industries plays a significant role in contaminating groundwater.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the prime source of fresh water in most part of world. The groundwater floats in the form of thin lens which is vulnerable to various stresses such as tide, cyclone, draught, abstraction, etc. The problem of getting this meager resource of fresh groundwater sustained for longer time, becomes more difficult task on tiny atoll with large population depending on it. In order to develop sustainable management scheme and identify vulnerable part of aquifer, systematic assessment of groundwater quality on such island have become imperative. Detailed hydrochemical study has been carried out to identify potential fresh groundwater resources on Andrott Island, UT of Lakshadweep, India. The analysis has given an early signal of deterioration in groundwater quality in some parts of the island during non-monsoon period, whereas the quality becomes slightly better during monsoon period. The study suggests immediate measures for arresting the deterioration in groundwater quality as well as augmentation for restoration of aquifer in some parts of the island.  相似文献   
The Alvand River basin, situated in the northwest of the Zagros mountain range, Iran, drains carbonate aquifers through some important karst springs. The physical, chemical and isotopic characteristics of spring water were studied for two years in order to assess the origin of groundwater and determine the factors driving the geochemical composition. Principal components analysis was used to identify the main factors controlling the water chemistry. Two groups of springs were identified: (1) low mineralisation, ion concentration, especially sulphate, low temperature, light isotope composition and high elevation of the recharge area, and (2) moderate to high mineralisation, especially sulphate, higher temperature, heavy isotope composition and low altitude of the recharge area. The main factors controlling the groundwater composition and its seasonal variations are the geology, because of the presence of evaporite formations, the elevation and the rate of karst development. In both groups, the carbonate chemistry is diagnostic of the effect of karst development. The supersaturation with respect to calcite indicates CO2 degassing, occurring either inside the aquifer in open conduits, or at the outlet in reservoirs. The undersaturation with respect to calcite shows the existence of fast flow and short residence-time conditions inside the aquifer. A PCA analysis showed that, contrary to most developed karst systems, where dilution occurs during the wet season, leaching of the gypsum-bearing Gachsaran Formation by rainwater produced higher mineralisation.
Resumen La cuenca del río Alvand, situada en el noreste de la cadena montañosa Zagros drena acuíferos compuestos por carbonatos a través de manantiales kársticos. Durante dos años se estudiaron las características físicas, químicas e isotópicas del agua de manantial con el objetivo de determinar el origen del agua subterránea y de los factores que controlan su composición geoquímica. Se utililizó el análisis de componentes principales para identificar los factores principales que controlan la química del agua. Se identificaron dos grupos de mantaniales: (1) de baja mineralización, concentración de iones especialmente sulfatos, y baja temperatura, composición de isotopos livianos y elevación alta del área de recarga, y (2) mineralización moderada y alta, especialmente, sulfatos, y temperatura más alta, composición de isotopos pesados y altitud más baja del agua de recarga. Los factores principales que controlan la composición del agua subterránea y sus variaciones estacionales son la geología debido a la presencia de formaciones evaporitas, la elevación y la tasa a la que se desarrolla el karst. En ambos grupos la química de los carbonatos es un diagnóstico del efecto del desarollo de la estructura kárstica. La supersaturación con respecto a la calcita indica presencia de CO2 que está en proceso de degasificación que ocurre dentro de acuífero en conductos abiertos o a la salida en reservorios. La subsaturación en lo referente a la calcita muestra la existencia de flujo rápido y de tiempos cortos de residencia al interior del acuífero. El análisis de componentes principales muestra que a diferencia de la mayor parte de sistemas kársticos en donde la dilución ocurre durante la temporada de lluvias, la lixiviación de la formación Gachsaran que contiene yeso a causa de lluvia produce mineralizaciones más altas.

Résumé Le bassin de la rivière Alvand, situé dans le nord-ouest de la chaîne de montagne Zagros, draine des aquifères carbonatés par le biais dun important réseau de sources karstiques. Les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et isotopiques de leau provenant des sources ont été étudiées pendant deux ans afin de déterminer lorigine de leau souterraine et les facteurs responsables de sa composition chimique actuelle. Lanalyse des éléments chimiques majeurs a été utilisée pour identifier les processus qui contrôlent la composition chimique de leau. Deux groupes différents de sources ont été identifiés: (1) faible minéralisation et concentration en ions, spécialement en sulfates, faible température, composition isotopique légère et haute élévation de la zone de recharge, et (2) minéralisation moyenne à élevée, particulièrement en sulfates, température élevée, composition isotopique lourde et plus basse altitude de la zone de recharge. Les facteurs principaux qui contrôlent la composition et la variation saisonnière de leau souterraine sont la géologie, en raison de la présence dévaporites, lélévation et le taux de développement des karsts. Dans les deux groupes, la teneur en carbonates est un diagnostic de leffet du développement de la structure des karsts. La sursaturation par rapport à la calcite indique un dégazage en CO2 qui a lieu soit à lintérieur de laquifère, dans les conduits ouverts, ou à sa sortie, dans les réservoirs. La sous-saturation par rapport à la calcite indique lexistence dun écoulement rapide et un faible temps de résidence dans laquifère. Une analyse des éléments chimiques majeurs a démontré que contrairement aux systèmes de karst les mieux développés où la dilution a lieu lors de la saison humide, le lessivage du gypse de la formation de Gachsaran par leau de pluie produit une minéralisation plus élevée.
The Valle de Toluca aquifer, located in the Highlands of Mexico, is subject to intensive exploitation to meet the water demand in the valley, as well as for part of Mexico City. This intensive exploitation has produced a decline in groundwater level, land subsidence problems and a decrease in river and spring flows. This study is aimed at determining the extent to which the intensive groundwater abstraction is able to affect and modify the chemical characteristics of the water, using statistical techniques and historical data on the main physico-chemical parameters. Some changes in the chemical characteristics have been verified; initial water abstractions were mainly derived from a local flow zone (rainwater recharge and lateral flows from other aquifers), but currently the chemical characteristics are those of a regional flow zone, revealed by waters of sodium bicarbonate type. An increase in nitrate content has also occurred, although only occasionally is the limit for potable water (50 mg NO3- L-1) exceeded.
Resumen El acuífero del Valle de Toluca, localizado en el Altiplano Mexicano, se encuentra sometido a una intensa explotación para cubrir las necesidades de agua en el propio valle, así como parte de las de Ciudad de México. Los altos niveles de explotación han provocado el descenso del nivel piezométrico, problemas de subsidencia, disminución de caudales en ríos y desecación de manantiales. Este estudio pretender determinar en qué grado esta intensiva extracción del agua subterránea es capaz de afectar y modificar el quimismo del agua. Para ello se han empleado técnicas estadísticas y datos históricos de los principales parámetros físico-químicos. Se ha podido comprobar que existen algunos cambios en el quimismo, ya que, inicialmente, el agua extraída del acuífero estaba ligada en gran medida a un flujo local (recarga por agua de lluvia y por alimentación lateral desde otros acuíferos) mientras que ahora el quimismo es característico de un flujo regional, puesto de manifiesto por aguas de tipo bicarbonatado sódico. Adicionalmente, también se ha producido un aumento del contenido de nitratos, aunque sólo de forma ocasional se sobrepasa el límite para agua potable (50 mg NO3 L–1).

Résumé Laquifère Valle de Toluca, localisé dans les Hautes Terres du Mexique, est sujet à lexploitation intensive pour combler la demande importante en eau dans la vallée et dans une partie de Mexico. Cette exploitation intensive a causé une baisse importante des niveaux piézométriques, des problèmes daffaissement et de baisse de débits des sources et des rivières. Cette étude a pour objectif de déterminé la limite jusquà laquelle lexploitation intensive pourra affecté et modifié les caractéristiques chimiques de leau, en utilisant des techniques statistiques et des données historiques des principaux paramètres physico-chimiques. Certains changements des caractéristiques chimiques ont été vérifiés ; les premières eaux captées ont été compensées par dautres zones dalimentation (recharge par les eaux de pluie et écoulements latéraux venant dautres aquifères), mais couramment les caractéristiques chimiques sont bien ceux de la zone découlement régional, à faciès sodi bicarbonaté. Une augmentation des concentrations en nitrate est également mis en valeur, néanmoins la limite de potabilité (50 mg/l) est rarement dépassée.
Arsenic contaminates groundwater across much of southern, central and eastern Bangladesh. Groundwater from the Holocene alluvium of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers locally exceeds 200 times the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline value for drinking water of 10 µg/l of arsenic. Approximately 25% of wells in Bangladesh exceed the national standard of 50 µg/l, affecting at least 25 million people. Arsenic has entered the groundwater by reductive dissolution of ferric oxyhydroxides, to which arsenic was adsorbed during fluvial transport. Depth profiles of arsenic in pumped groundwater, porewater, and aquifer sediments show consistent trends. Elevated concentrations are associated with fine-sands and organic-rich sediments. Concentrations are low near the water table, rise to a maximum typically 20–40 m below ground, and fall to very low levels between about 100 and 200 m. Arsenic occurs mainly in groundwater of the valley-fill sequence deposited during the Holocene marine transgression. Groundwater from Pleistocene and older aquifers is largely free of arsenic. Arsenic concentrations in many shallow hand-tube wells are likely to increase over a period of years, and regular monitoring will be essential. Aquifers at more than 200 m below the floodplains offer good prospects for long-term arsenic-free water supplies, but may be limited by the threats of saline intrusion and downward leakage of arsenic.
Resumen El arsénico ha contaminado gran parte de las aguas subterráneas en el Sur, centro y Este de Bangla Desh. Su concentración en las aguas subterráneas del aluvial Holoceno de los ríos Ganges, Brahmaputra y Meghna supera localmente en un factor 200 el valor guía del arsénico en el agua potable, establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en 10 µg/L. Aproximadamente, el 25% de los pozos de Bangla Desh superan el estándar nacional de 50 µg/L, afectando al menos a 25 millones de personas. El arsénico ha llegado a las aguas subterráneas por la disolución reductora de hidróxidos férricos a los que se adsorbe durante el transporte fluvial. Los perfiles del arsénico en las aguas subterráneas bombeadas, agua de poro y sedimentos del acuífero muestran tendencias coherentes. Las concentraciones elevadas están asociadas a arenas finas y sedimentos ricos en materia orgánica. Las concentraciones de arsénico son bajas cerca del nivel freático, se incrementan hasta un máximo que se localiza generalmente a entre 20 y 40 m bajo la cota del terreno, y disminuyen a valores muy pequeños entre alrededor de 100 y 200 m. El arsénico se encuentra sobretodo en las aguas subterráneas existentes en la secuencia de sedimentación que tuvo lugar en el valle durante la transgresión marina del Holoceno. Las aguas subterráneas del Pleistoceno y acuíferos más antiguos están mayoritariamente libres de arsénico. Es probable que las concentraciones de arsénico aumenten en los próximos años en muchos pozos de tipo tubo perforados manualmente, por lo que será esencial efectuar un muestreo regular. Los acuíferos ubicados a más de 200 m bajo las llanuras de inundación ofrecen buenas perspectivas de abastecimiento a largo plazo sin problemas de arsénico, pero pueden estar limitados por las amenazas de la intrusión salina y de la precolación de arsénico desde niveles superiores.

Résumé Larsenic contamine les eaux souterraines dans la plus grande partie du sud, du centre et de lest du Bangladesh. Les eaux des nappes alluviales holocènes du Gange, du Brahmapoutre et de la Meghna dépassent localement 200 fois la valeur guide donnée par lOMS pour leau de boisson, fixée à 10 µg/l darsenic. Environ 25% des puits du Bangladesh dépassent la valeur standard nationale de 50 µg/l, affectant au moins 25 millions de personnes. Larsenic a été introduit dans les nappes par la dissolution par réduction doxy-hydroxydes ferriques sur lesquels larsenic était adsorbé au cours du transport fluvial. Des profils verticaux darsenic dans leau souterraine pompée, dans leau porale et dans les sédiments des aquifères montrent des tendances convergentes. Les concentrations élevées sont associées à des sédiments à sable fin et riches en matières organiques. Les concentrations sont faibles au voisinage de la surface de la nappe, atteignent un maximum typiquement entre 20 et 40 m sous le sol, puis tombent à des niveaux très bas entre 100 et 200 m. Larsenic est surtout présent dans les eaux souterraines de la séquence de remplissage de vallée déposée au cours de la transgression marine holocène. Les eaux souterraines des aquifères pléistocènes et plus anciens sont très largement dépourvus darsenic. Les concentrations en arsenic dans de nombreux puits creusés à la main doivent probablement augmenter au cours des prochaines années ; aussi un suivi régulier est essentiel. Les aquifères à plus de 200 m sous les plaines alluviales offrent de bonnes perspectives pour des alimentations en eau sans arsenic à long terme, mais ils peuvent être limités par les risques dintrusion saline et la drainance descendante de larsenic.
A large groundwater system in the Amadeus Basin, central Australia, discharges to a chain of playa lakes 500 km long. The playas contain highly concentrated brines; these are sodium-chloride rich waters with appreciable magnesium and sulphate and very low concentrations of calcium and bicarbonate. Gypsum, glauberite, and other evaporite minerals are precipitating in the playas. The groundwaters evolve to brine by concurrent processes of dissolution, evaporative concentration, mineral precipitation, and mineralogical change. Chemical evolution is considered with reference to a concentration factor based on chloride. Ion transfer calculations demonstrate losses of magnesium and bicarbonate throughout, as a result of precipitation. Sodium, potassium, calcium, and sulphate are gained initially as a result of dissolution but lost subsequently as a result of precipitation. Larger playas in the chain, exemplified by Lake Amadeus, have dual shallow and deep groundwater flow paths whereas the smaller playas, exemplified by Spring Lake, have only shallow flow paths. Brines in the larger playas are diluted by deep groundwaters and this is reflected in the degree of saturation attained with respect to particular minerals. Thus, saturation with respect to gypsum and glauberite is attained earlier in Spring Lake than in Lake Amadeus. Saturation with respect to halite is attained in Spring Lake but not in Lake Amadeus. Both playas are undersaturated with respect to hexahydrite and sylvite although these minerals occur in efflorescent crusts in Spring Lake.  相似文献   
We infer information about the nature of groundwater flow within a karst aquifer from the physical and chemical response of a spring to storm events. The spring discharges from the Maynardville Limestone in Bear Creek Valley, Tennessee. Initially, spring discharge peaks approximately 1–2 h from the midpoint of summer storms. The initial peak is likely due to surface loading, which pressurizes the aquifer and results in water moving out of storage. All of the storms monitored exhibited recessions that follow a master recession curve very closely, indicating that storm response is fairly consistent and repeatable, independent of the time between storms and the configuration of the rain event itself. Electrical conductivity initially increases for 0.5–2.9 days (longer for smaller storms), the result of moving older water out of storage. This is followed by a 2.1–2.5 day decrease in conductivity, resulting from an increasing portion of low conductivity recharge water entering the spring. Stable carbon isotope data and the calcite saturation index of the spring water also support this conceptual model. Spring flow is likely controlled by displaced water from the aquifer rather than by direct recharge through the soil zone.  相似文献   
Natural chemical and isotopic tracers contained in unsaturated-zone moisture profiles are being developed as potential new archives for reconstructing recharge history, as well as palaeoclimatic or palaeobotanical conditions over time scales ranging from 20–120,000 years. Results worldwide to date are reviewed, and examples from northern Africa and the western USA are discussed in detail. Encouraging results are obtained from relatively homogeneous deposits such as Quaternary dune sands, where Cl profiles are compared both with the instrumental record, such as rainfall and river-gauging records, and 3H profiles. Model studies have helped to define the persistence time of unsaturated-zone signals, where evidence of a 20-year event such as the Sahel drought may persist for 1,000 years. Significant questions remain regarding the assumptions used in interpreting profiles, particularly the extent to which preferential flow may occur, transient flow phenomena, and stability of tracer-input function. Unsaturated zones that exhibit strong preferential flow are probably unsuitable as archives. Questions remain also on the assumption that flow remains downward, especially in deep unsaturated zones where non-isothermal vapour transport may occur. Estimation of depositional flux for Cl and other parameters is probably the greatest source of uncertainty, both at the spatial scale and also in the long term. Advances are being made in all areas, however, and the use of multiple tracers (chemical, especially Cl and NO3) and isotopic signals (δ18O, δ2H, 36Cl), together with soil hydraulic properties, is promising for palaeohydrological reconstruction. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
文章概述了汕头东山湖高热水化学观测井的地质、水文地质等环境条件,并据实测资料分析认为,该井是震兆反映较灵敏的进中孔,其水化学灵敏震兆组分为Cl^-、HCO3^-、He、H2等多项组分。  相似文献   
There are six classes of water and five geologic environments in the subarctic Nahanni karst. During the summers of 1972 and 1973, 214 water samples were collected from 15 of the 30 hydrogeologic categories. Linear discriminant function analysis, using five measured and two derived chemical variables, indicates that there are statistically significant (0.005 level) differences in water chemistry between similar waters in different geologic environments, between waters in the same geologic environment, and between waters in different hydrogeological categories. Geological environment labels a natural water because it determines the availability of soil CO2 and of soluble minerals. Measurements indicate that mean soil log PCO2 is greatest in areas of shale mantled by till (?2.39), and least in areas of sandy fluvioglacial drift (?3.27). Low values on the sandy drift are due to the sparse shrub vegetation, and to the high degree of soil aeration; soils in areas of shale are clay-rich and support a dense boreal forest. Hydrology influences water chemistry because it determines how much CO2 natural waters pick up from the environment and how much they subsequently lose to the atmosphere, and as a result, whether they dissolve or deposit soluble materials. The similarity between mean calculated log PCO2 in natural waters (?2.92) and mean measured soil log PCO2 (?2.80) suggests that natural waters in Nahanni are dose to equilibrium with mean soil CO2 levels.  相似文献   
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