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利用水电比拟方法模拟了南四湖流场结构。同时,基于HAMSOM模式,对其流场进行了数值模拟,所得结果与水电比拟结果一致,两者平均相关系数在0.94以上,表明水电比拟实验技术路线可行,流场基本结构准确。该方法适用于低流速大流场的模拟。流场结构分析表明,湖区流速在汛期为cm/s量级,非汛期仅为mm/s量级。其中,在南阳湖北部...  相似文献   
乌干达Albert湖凹陷是世界上最年轻的生烃凹陷,至今仍处于断陷伸展阶段,特殊的地质背景使其具有独特油气富集特征。为了预测Albert湖西部陡坡带的勘探潜力,利用地震、钻井等资料开展了凹陷构造特征研究,系统分析了陡坡带石油地质条件和成藏模式。研究表明,板式陡坡带油气侧向运移,成藏条件优越;台阶式陡坡带以垂向运移为主,侧向运移为辅,成藏条件一般。运移和保存是Albert湖陡坡带油气富集的主控因素,西部陡坡带一台阶是有利勘探区带,资源潜力较大。此研究对非洲陆内裂谷油气勘探具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
青藏高原中部湖泊沉积物中Zr/Rb值及其环境意义   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
由于青藏高原及其周边地区构造复杂,湖泊沉积物中的粒级差别很大,单一的测量方法往往难以奏效。Rb、Zr是表生地球化学过程中的稳定元素,但它们之间也存在显著差别,Rb一般富集在细颗粒中,Zr则在粗颗粒中含量较高。研究发现,湖泊沉积物中Zr/Rb比值与粘土(<2μm)含量存在显著相关,Zr/Rb值反映了湖泊沉积物的粒度大小。Zr/Rb比值所揭示的青藏高原中部280万年来经历的3次大的环境演化过程与岩性变化、孢粉指标反映的环境特征是一致的。  相似文献   
本文应用青海湖QH85-14C孔取得的具有~(14)C测年数据所支持的原始孢粉资料,进行数值分析(有序聚类、主成份分析、滑动平均和回归分析)。从而对青海湖区11000年以来的植被和气候变化进一步讨论。  相似文献   
洪泽湖风生流数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖流是湖泊中污染物质扩散,悬浮物沉降及输移等的主要水动力学要素,造成湖水运动的成因机制很复杂,其中风生流是重要形式,本文通过构造一个二维闭边界数值模拟,对不同风情下的洪泽湖湖流流态进行模拟研究,探讨其入流较小,沿岩各闸关闭的枯季情况下的风生流特征。  相似文献   
东海西湖凹陷平北地区表层沉积物特征及其成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许强  黄勃  陈宇 《海洋科学》1998,22(3):51-54
对研究区域的370个站位,1084个样品进行了粒度分析,对其中的部分样品进行了重矿物、古生物的分析和鉴定,发现东海西湖凹陷平片地区表层改造砂的特征与一般的规律有较大的差别,这种独特的表层沉积物特征的形成原因主要和所处的地貌部位有关。  相似文献   
We investigate late glacial and Holocene climate change recorded in Lake Baikal using the oxygen isotope composition of diatom silica (δ18ODIAT). Evaporation from the lake is minor, and the temperature fractionations of δ18O are unable to explain variations in the δ18ODIAT record alone. Isotopically, low meltwater input from glaciers may have some influence on δ18ODIAT, but the assumed periods of climatic warming and wastage do not coincide with large shifts in δ18ODIAT. There is a gradual oxygen isotope lowering from 27.0‰ to 20.6‰ over the late glacial, while, during the Holocene, δ18ODIAT values return to relatively high values. Previous studies of the modern oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of Lake Baikal's inputs reveal that fluvial input to the lake's North Basin are isotopically lower than fluvial input from South Basin rivers. This north–south gradient of river δ18O and δD is mainly due to the greater input from isotopically low winter precipitation in the north and isotopically higher summer precipitation in the south. As a result, the δ18ODIAT record from Lake Baikal can at least in part be explained by varying input from these sources related to seasonal changes in precipitation. Changes in atmospheric conditions may have a role in altering seasonality and the distribution of precipitation over Lake Baikal's catchment. A feedback mechanism is well known linking higher Eurasian spring snow cover extent (ESSC) to the development of anticyclonic conditions and low precipitation the following summer in the areas south of Lake Baikal. A simultaneous increase in the importance of depleted water (snowmelt) input from the north and decreased enriched summer precipitation in the south is needed to explain depletions in δ18O of lake water and subsequently δ18ODIAT during colder periods. The opposite of this situation is required to enrich lake water during warmer periods. The analysis of δ18O from diatom silica is a useful proxy for environmental change, especially in lakes, like Lake Baikal, where carbonates are absent or diluted. However, analysis must be based on near pure diatom samples as even trace amounts of silt can have a dominating effect on δ18ODIAT values.  相似文献   
We present a 50-year pollen record at near-annual resolution from Gahai Lake in the Qaidam Basin on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Chronology of a 22-cm short core was established by 210Pb and 137Cs analysis. The pollen results at 0.5 cm intervals show large changes in Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) ratios from < 0.2 to 0.95 in the last 50 years. High (low) A/C ratios represent increase (decrease) in steppe pollen production, which correspond to high (low) relative humidity observed at nearby Delingha weather station. On the basis of good correspondence with instrumental records and carbonate content from Gahai Lake, we conclude that A/C ratio is sensitive to moisture change and can be a very useful index in reconstructing paleoclimate of arid regions. Comparison with pollen and snow accumulation data from Dunde ice core suggests that effective moisture at low and high elevations shows the opposite relationship when mountain precipitation was extremely high, possibly due to topography-induced uplifting and subsiding air dynamics.  相似文献   
柴轶凡  张灿  孔令阳  赵成 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1732-1744
高海拔地区由于特殊的自然环境对气候变化和营养输入的响应十分敏感.在人类活动逐渐加强的背景下,高山湖泊高分辨率的沉积物记录了人与自然相互作用的演变过程.选取云南西北部典型高山湖泊——错恰湖,获取长度37 cm的连续湖泊沉积序列,基于铅铯测年法得到年代深度模型,并对湖芯样品进行总有机碳、总氮及正构烷烃的多指标测定和元素测量,结合气象监测数据探讨分析错恰湖的有机质来源和流域环境演化特征.根据气候代用指标的变化,两百年来错恰湖泊环境及区域气候演化可以分成4个主要阶段:1807-1900年:湖泊水位上升、湖面扩大,有机质丰度下降,有机质以外源贡献为主,内源比例上升;1900-1950年:湖泊水位开始下降、湖面收缩,有机质丰度下降,外源有机质来源增加;1950-1982年:湖泊水位下降、湖面进一步收缩,有机质丰度下降,外源输入比例继续增加;1982-2007年:湖泊水位下降、湖面收缩,有机质含量上升且以陆源输入为主,同时内源贡献比例开始增加.在元素测定结果中,人类活动对应了湖泊沉积重金属含量变化的3个阶段:1950年以前,重金属含量低且稳定,可视作自然背景阶段,人类影响忽略不计;1950年以后,湖泊流域工农业逐渐发展,人为干扰凸显;直到1982年以后,冶炼工业的进步加强了重金属的污染态势,并通过大气传输沉降被湖泊沉积物记录.错恰湖沉积记录的分析讨论在总结该区域气候环境演化历史的同时,加深了对气候人类活动湖泊生态系统相互作用过程的理解,为高山湖泊响应人类活动影响提供了证据.  相似文献   
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