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This work has evaluated the probability of earthquake-triggered landslide occurrence in the whole of El Salvador, with a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a logistic regression model. Slope gradient, elevation, aspect, mean annual precipitation, lithology, land use, and terrain roughness are the predictor variables used to determine the dependent variable of occurrence or non-occurrence of landslides within an individual grid cell. The results illustrate the importance of terrain roughness and soil type as key factors within the model — using only these two variables the analysis returned a significance level of 89.4%. The results obtained from the model within the GIS were then used to produce a map of relative landslide susceptibility.  相似文献   
以SQL Server为后台数据库管理机井数据,并把机井数据库作为主要研究对象,以Powerbuilder为前台开发工具,利用其提供的优良性能与丰富界面。开发了机井管理信息系统,可对机井信息进行科学管理与分布式应用。  相似文献   
依靠自主研发的Resee矿山遥感自动监测系统中的变化向导模块可对矿区进行方法评价及变化图斑提取,辅助相关部门监视工作区存在的部分违规采矿行为,很好地实现对矿区采矿行为及影像的动态监测,对矿山环境的变化进行有效的监督管理,大大提高了矿山监测的效率和准确性.  相似文献   
基于GIS的矿山空间数据库的建立   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
矿山在生产过程中积累的大量数据是进行矿床分带性及矿体空间分布研究最基本和最重要的资料,如何对这些资料进行科学有效的管理,是充分利用这些资料对矿床外围及深部进行成矿预测的关键。本文在阐述了地理信息系统(GIS)的基本技术和功能的基础上,着重介绍了基于地理信息系统的矿山空间数据库的建立方法,并给出了江西银山多金属矿数据库系统实例。  相似文献   
喀斯特石漠化信息遥感提取的不确定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国西南喀斯特地区以石漠化为特征的生态环境退化严重,遥感是快速、大面积石漠化定性评价、关健指标定量提取必不可少的手段.在简述喀斯特生态地质背景复杂性的基础上,系统分析了目前喀斯特石澳化信息遥感提取在遥感数据源、提取方法、、精度验证、不确定性源等方面的问题,并提出未来石漠化遥感监测的重点研究内容.  相似文献   
广州城市规划信息网中的WebGIS方案设计与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍广州市城市规划局规划信息网的GIS信息发布系统建设方案,本方案采用ESRI公司IMS 2 .0作为GIS发布服务器端软件,建立基于CGI的Web GIS系统,使用户实现WWW交互。本文从系统的硬件要求与软件需求以及服务器端服务应用程序、Web页面的开发等方面阐述了系统的建立与应用。  相似文献   
Many decision-making processes in the Earth sciences require the combination of multiple data originating from diverse sources. These data are often indirect and uncertain, and their combination would call for a probabilistic approach. These data are also partially redundant with each other or with all others taken jointly. This overlap in information arises due to a variety of reasons—because the data arises from the same geology, because they originate from the same location or the same measurement device, etc. The proposed tau model combines partially redundant data, each taking the form of a prior probability for the event being assessed to occur given that single datum. The parameters of that tau model measure the additional contribution brought by any single datum over that of all previously considered data; they are data sequence-dependent and also data value-dependent. Data redundancy depends on the sequence in which the data is considered and also on the data values themselves. However, for a given sequence, averaging the tau model parameters over all possible data values leads to exact analytical expressions and corresponding approximations and inference avenues. Information on multiple-point connectivity of permeability arrives from core data, well-test data and seismic data which are defined over varying supports with complex redundancy between these information sources. In order to compute these tau weights for determining connectivity, one needs a model of data redundancy, here expressed as a vectorial training image (Ti) constructed using a prior conceptual knowledge of geology and the physics of data measurement. From such a vectorial Ti, the tau weights can be computed exactly. Neglecting data redundancy leads to an over-compounding of individual data information and the possible risk of making extreme decisions.  相似文献   
从太湖流域旱涝史料看历史气候信息处理   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
历史气候信息处理建立在信息提取的基础上,目的在于建立一套方法,将定性的历史气候信息转化为气候变化参数,并消除各种不均—性,从而建立历史气候序列。本文着重介绍建立太湖流域历史旱涝等级序列的方法与步骤: 1)确立信息源,建立信息网络;2)站点等级的确定与订正;3)弱信息处理;4)信息的综合。  相似文献   
本文按“统一坐标原点、统一坐标体系、统一比例尺精度、统一数据格式”以及业务环环相扣的图形建库原则,以实践的方式探讨了国土资源管理中多图合一的可行性,并通过建立业务规则、图形规则,实现了多图合一中所有图层的互动与更新。  相似文献   
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