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The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) has the largest and highest alpine grassland ecosystem in the world, which is considered to be the most sensitive and vulnerable ecosystem to climate change. Its dynamic changes and driving mechanism have always been widely researched. The Qomolangma National Nature Preserve (QNNP), with the largest altitude difference in the world, was selected as the study area to analyse the spatial-temporal dynamics of grassland coverage and the different characteristics of elevation gradients at the southern slope (SS) and northern slope (NS) with MODIS MOD13Q1 NDVI and MOD11A2 land surface temperature data from 2000 to 2019 using the Mann–Kendall trend test and Theil–Sen slope methods. Further, the response mechanism of grassland coverage to climate warming is discussed. The results revealed that from 2000 to 2019, the grassland coverage change in the study area is mainly stable. The increased area proportion of grassland coverage on the southern slope is significantly higher than that on the northern slope, and the decreased area proportion of grassland coverage on the northern slope is significantly greater than that on the southern slope. The change characteristics of grassland coverage in the QNNP exhibit an obvious elevation gradient; the higher the elevation, the greater the increased area proportion of grassland coverage, particularly on the SS. The land surface temperature can be used as a proxy for analysing the temporal and spatial variation trends of air temperature in the QNNP. With the increase of the altitude, the land surface temperature rise rate on both the southern slope and northern slope exhibited an increasing trend, and the sensitivity of grassland coverage to temperature rise was higher on the northern slope. The water condition was the decisive factor for the horizontal and vertical spatial heterogeneity of the dynamic change of grassland coverage, and the melting of glaciers and thawing of permafrost were important sources of water for grassland growth in the QNNP. Climate warming promotes the growth of grassland in areas with a sufficient water supply, but adversely affects the growth of grassland in areas with insufficient water supplies, which will be further intensified by human activities.  相似文献   

地球表面的人工甚低频台站信号可以穿透电离层泄漏进地球磁层导致内辐射带电子沉降到两极大气.因此研究人工甚低频台站信号的空间全球分布特性对于分析辐射带电子的损失具有重要科学意义.本文使用范阿伦双星从2013年到2018年共计6年的高质量的波动观测数据,统计了NWC(19.8 kHz)、NAA(24.0 kHz)两个人工VLF台站信号的全球分布,分析了台站信号的电场功率谱密度对地理经纬度、磁壳值L、磁地方时MLT、地磁活动水平的依赖性.结果表明,在内磁层中,人工台站VLF信号主要沿着台站位置对应的磁力线传播,夜侧强度高于日侧,冬季高于夏季.这种日夜和夏冬差异的形成是因为夜侧和冬季的日照强度较弱,电离层电子密度较低,VLF信号较容易穿透电离层进入磁层.此外人工VLF台站信号的全球分布受地磁活动的影响很弱.这些统计观测结果给出了NWC和NAA两个重要人工VLF台站信号强度的全球分布特征,为进一步分析人工VLF台站信号与地球辐射带电子的波粒相互作用提供了关键信息.

基于QTM的海平面上升分析与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海平面上升影响范围分析与模拟这一国际前沿问题,通过研究基于球面四元三角网(QTM)的关键技术问题,包括复杂拓扑关系计算、LOD剖分、球面水淹分析、基于QTM的多分辨率的DEM数据组织方法和分析精度的相关性评定等,以.Net和Direct3D为开发工具,设计开发了基于QTM的海平面上升影响范围评估模型。该研究结果可为全球海平面上升影响的防灾减灾决策提供有效支撑,并推动了球面数据模型和球面格网拓扑分析的理论成果在全球变化预测相关领域的应用进展。  相似文献   
王超 《遥感学报》1999,3(4):300-304,324
星载散射测量技术是获取全球海面风场的有效手段。该文研究了欧洲遥感卫星(ERS) 散射计全球海面风场数据的处理分析技术。对1997 年3 月、6 月和12 月的全球海面风场数据进行平均处理,并同时与1996 年6 月和1995 年10 月的观测数据进行对比,利用遥感技术发现了赤道太平洋西部的风场异常,从遥感资料上分析了1997 年El Nino 现象的海面风场( 风速与风向) 异常变化特征。研究结果显示了星载微波散射计在全球变化监测中的重要作用。  相似文献   
“天绘一号”卫星测绘相机在轨几何定标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李晶  王蓉  朱雷鸣  黄海乐 《遥感学报》2012,16(S1):35-39
卫星在空间环境运转过程中,测绘相机的几何参数会发生不可预估的变化,从而对摄影测量定位精度和数据处理精度产生影响。因此,所有测绘卫星都对星载相机的几何参数进行在轨定标,监测相机几何参数在轨运行状态下的变化情况。本文着重介绍了\"天绘一号\"卫星在轨几何定标的内容和采用的方法。  相似文献   
用慢度分块均匀正方形模型将介质参数化,仅在正方形单元的边界上设置计算结点,这些结点构成界面网.根据Huvsens和Fermat原理,由不断扩张、收缩的波前点扫描代替波前面搜索,在波前点附近点的局部最小走时计算中对波前点之间的走时使用双曲线近似,通过比较确定最小走时和相应的次级源位置,记录在以界面网点位置为指针的3个一维数组中.借助这些数组通过向源搜索可计算任意点(包括界面网以外的点)上的全局最小走时和射线路径.这一方法不受介质慢度差异大小限制,占内存少,计算速度较快,适于走时反演和以Maslov射线理论为基础的波场计算.  相似文献   
地球空间信息技术在新一轮国土资源大调查中的应用探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
从分析全球变化和社会可持续发展研究的要求出发,提出地球空间信息技术的形成背景和应用基础。针对新一轮国土资源大调查的性质和任务,探讨了地球空间信息技术在新一轮国土资源大调查中的应用。  相似文献   
To identify Mediterranean and Black Seas areas where similar marine faunal provinces occur, geographical distribution maps of 536 species of actual or potential interest to fisheries have been digitized, using GIS software, and three different ecological areas have been delimited by depth, separated by the 200 and 1000 m isobaths. Information on the species ranges was taken mainly from the maps and the texts of the FAO Species Identification Sheets covering the region, and complemented by other sources when necessary. All the distribution maps have then been overlaid by a grid of points at regular intervals every half degree of latitude and longitude. This allowed creation of a matrix of presence or absence of the species at each point from which species richness maps have been generated. The species richness in the Mediterranean proper shows the same negative gradient eastwards that has been observed for nutrients, while the low number of species in the Black Sea could be linked to the fragility and recent fast degradation of this ecosystem. Through the calculation of 65 dissimilarity indices from 50 contiguous points along the coastline and the species richness maps, the region has been divided into nine faunal provinces. These faunal provinces have then been compared with the ten Mediterranean and Black Seas divisions used by the GFCM for statistical purposes, revealing few differences between the two classifications. The definition of faunal provinces in a region when deciding upon Natural Management Areas, and the appropriate GIS approach to be followed, are discussed.  相似文献   
Deep saline aquifers are one of the most suitable geologic formations for carbon sequestration. The linear and global stability analysis of the time-dependent density-driven convection in deep saline aquifers is presented for long-term storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). The convective mixing that can greatly accelerate the CO2 dissolution into saline aquifers arises because the density of brine increases upon the dissolution of CO2 and such a density difference may induce instability. The effects of anisotropic permeability on the stability criteria, such as the critical time for the appearance of convective phenomena and the critical wavelength of the most unstable perturbation, are investigated with linear and global stability analysis. The linear stability analysis provides a sufficient condition for instability while the global stability analysis yields a sufficient condition for stability. The results obtained from these two approaches are not exactly the same but show a consistent trend, both indicating that the anisotropic system becomes more unstable when either the vertical or horizontal permeability increases.  相似文献   
The authors identify and describe the following global forces of nature driving the Earth’s climate: (1) solar radiation as a dominant external energy supplier to the Earth, (2) outgassing as a major supplier of gases to the World Ocean and the atmosphere, and, possibly, (3) microbial activities generating and consuming atmospheric gases at the interface of lithosphere and atmosphere. The writers provide quantitative estimates of the scope and extent of their corresponding effects on the Earth’s climate. Quantitative comparison of the scope and extent of the forces of nature and anthropogenic influences on the Earth’s climate is especially important at the time of broad-scale public debates on current global warming. The writers show that the human-induced climatic changes are negligible.  相似文献   
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