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海面电磁回波频谱宽度与海浪波高密切相关,可应用频谱宽度进行海浪有效波高反演。本文应用线性滤波法仿真出了海表散射面元在雷达视向上的投影速度,建立了回波谱宽模型,分析了雷达空间分辨率、回波时间序列长度及海洋环境参数等因素对频谱宽度的影响,同时还针对如何在实际观测过程中选择回波时间序列长度、观测方位角等参数进行了讨论。最后还将理论结果与CSIR-X波段雷达实测数据谱宽估计结果进行了比较。结果表明,剔除雷达噪声以及频率泄露的影响后,基于高斯分布标准偏差的谱宽估计方法所得结果与理论结果吻合很好,这从而证明了理论结果的可靠性。本文所得结果对海浪有效波高反演具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
本论文通过对南海北部三次台风过境期间基于浮标观测的海浪谱进行分析,发现虽然大部分成熟的台风海浪谱为单峰结构,但实际上在台风海浪的成长和衰减阶段,双峰谱占据了很大的比例。双峰谱的形成主要是由于风浪和涌浪的叠加以及不同波分量之间的非线性相互作用,我们可以通过能量密度的成长率对谱型变化进行高效的预报。此外,台风海浪的主要波向依赖于台风中心相对观测点的位置,而波向的分散情况在相距台风中心较远的区域无明显规律。本文提出了一个新的六参数波浪谱型拟合双峰谱,其拟合效果相较于前人的谱型更好。通过验证,形状参数和谱宽度之间的理论关系依然适用于单个谱峰。通过分析谱参量的变化特征,证明了谱参量不仅与台风强度和台风路径相关,还存在很强的交互相关。最后通过拟合海浪谱数据,本文得到了台风影响下海浪有效波高和有效周期之间的成长关系,这对海洋工程实际应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在全球气候变化和人类活动影响加剧的背景下,作为河口海岸重要子系统的三角洲正在发生快速变化。长江三角洲地处长江入东海交汇处,是中国最重要的经济核心区之一,对邻近区域乃至整个长江经济带经济社会发展都起着重要作用。由于全球变暖、海面上升和强烈人类活动引发了三角洲系统状态转换,因此以往基于恒定系统状态而获得的有关长江三角洲的认识已不能满足未来需求,迫切需要对未来海面变化、极端事件、流域与河口工程影响下的三角洲物质循环条件、物理过程、地貌冲淤演化、源-汇格局调整等科学问题进行深入研究。在三角洲系统行为、未来演化趋势的预测能力建设中,应重视从海面到海底的综合立体观测系统的发展,以获取关键数据;基于三角洲系统的时、空演化特征,建立三角洲本征态和衍生态的谱系理论。未来需针对系统状态转换而调整原先的经济社会发展模式,以便保护自然资源、重建生态系统,更好地支撑长江经济带发展,重绘长江三角洲发展蓝图。  相似文献   
本文采用中国沿海地区13个探空站2010~2014年实测地表温度Ts与平均温度Tm数据,利用傅里叶级数分析法精化中国沿海地区Tm模型,并将2015年探空站实测Tm数据与精化模型进行对比检验。结果表明,精化模型在Tm探测方面具有更高的计算精度,其计算大气可降水量的误差概率分布趋近于正态分布,具有较强的稳定性。  相似文献   
针对GAMIT/GLOBK软件解算得到的4 a GPS/PWV时间序列的特征提取问题,提出基于滤波辅助的部分集成经验模态分解(PEEMD)与Hilbert谱分析相结合的特征提取方法。首先,在PEEMD方法的基础上,结合滤波辅助的PEEMD方法与Hilbert谱分析,建立GPS/PWV时间序列特征提取模型;然后,将所提出的方法应用于TNML测站4 a的GPS/PWV长时间序列和7 d的GPS/PWV短时间序列分析中,并将滤波辅助的PEEMD结果与传统的小波分解结果进行对比。结果表明,该特征提取方法能准确有效地提取出 GPS/PWV时间序列中的周年周期和日周期特征分量,滤波辅助的PEEMD分解结果与小波分解结果一致,且提取的特征分量与原始信号更加吻合。  相似文献   
海洋微藻多糖微波提取法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取自养小球藻(Chlorella autotrophica)为实验材料,采用微波法提取多糖,以温度、时间、pH以及微波功率4个因子建立正交实验,考察单因素影响情况。实验结果表明,在温度70℃、时间30min、pH为7、功率为600W条件下粗多糖的产率最高,为291.13mg/g(粗多糖/干重),远高于传统热水浸提法所得粗多糖产率(78.52mg/g,粗多糖/干重),且所得粗多糖与热水浸提法获得的粗多糖具有相似的红外光谱。说明,在一定的实验条件下,与热水浸提法相比,微波提取法不仅不会破坏多糖的结构,还有耗时短、有较高的多糖产率的优势。  相似文献   
Multi-parameter hydrological gauge is an instrument developed by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences to make simultaneous observation of current, wave, tide, water temperature and conductivity.By using the well-known "PUV method", the directional wave spectrum can be calculated and the dominant wave direction is then obtained.The comparison of the dominant wave directions derived from the measurements using both the multi-parameter hydrological gauge and the MARK Ⅱ "Wave-Rider" directional buoy shows that the dominant wave directions derived from the two kinds of measurements are in good agreement.  相似文献   
In this paper, the radar cross section of flat plates on ocean surfaces is statistically investigated. A combining method of physical optics and geometric optics is applied to establish an effective backscattering analysis procedure. This method is a high-frequency analysis method originally derived from a simplified Stratton-Chu integral equation, assuming that the radar is far away from the target so that Kirchhoff approximation is valid. A Monte-Carlo simulation method is adopted to statistically analyze the effects of undulated ocean surfaces. The ocean surfaces are randomly generated by Pierson-Moskowitz ocean wave spectrum and a directional distribution function. Numerical investigations are carried out for flat plates, with the same height and width but with different inclined angles, on ocean surfaces of various significant wave heights.  相似文献   
The scattering of water waves by bottom-mounted vertical circular cylinders is solved by using the null-field integral equations in conjunction with degenerate kernels and Fourier series to avoid calculating the Cauchy and Hadamard principal values. In the implementation, the null-field point can be exactly located on the real boundary owing to the introduction of degenerate kernels for fundamental solutions. An adaptive observer system of polar coordinates is considered to fully employ the properties of degenerate kernels. For the hypersingular equation, vector decomposition for the radial and tangential gradients is carefully considered. This method can be seen as a semi-analytical approach since errors attribute from the truncation of Fourier series. Neither hypersingularity in the Burton and Miller approach nor the CHIEF concept was required to deal with the problem of irregular frequencies. Five advantages of free of calculating principal value, well-posed algebraic system, convergence rate of exponential order, meshfree and elimination of boundary-layer effect, are achieved by using the present approach. Numerical results are given for the forces and free-surface elevation around the circular boundaries. Also, the near-trapped behavior arisen from the physical resonance is detected. A general-purpose program for water wave impinging several circular cylinders with arbitrary number, radii, and positions was developed. Several examples of water wave structure interaction by vertical circular cylinders were demonstrated to see the validity of the present formulation.  相似文献   
Historically colder regions of the North Atlantic had fisheries dominated by only a few fish species; principally cod and capelin. Possible population dynamic mechanisms that lead to such dominance are investigated by considering how a charmingly simple published multispecies model of the North Sea would react if the system operated at a lower temperature. The existing model equations were modified to describe temperature effects on growth, fecundity and recruitment and the model was rerun based on typical temperatures for the North Sea and a colder system. The results suggest that total fish biomass in the colder system increases but the community is more vulnerable to a given rate of fishing mortality. In the colder system, within species density dependence is reduced but relative predation rates are higher. Consequently, intermediate-sized species are vulnerable to relatively high levels of predation throughout their life history and tend to be excluded, leading to a system dominated by small and large species. The model helps to explain how temperature may govern coexistence and competitive exclusion in fish communities and accounts for the observed dominance of small and large species in Boreal/Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
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