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本文以笔者调查资料为基础,扼要阐明了三山岛产卵场的鱼类种类、水域生物学与地理学条件及形成该产卵场的机理,并根据当前渔业资源状况,提出了建立《资源保护区》的建议,以为黄渤海渔业资源的可持续利用奠定基础。  相似文献   
Grain size and water content in box-core sediments from the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone (C-C zone) in the northeast equatorial Pacific were analyzed in detail to understand the downcore variations across a hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Grain-size distributions in the topmost core sediments show two modes: a coarse mode (peaked at 50 μm) and a fine mode (at 2-25 μm). The coarse mode disappears gradually with depth accompanied by the dissolution of siliceous fossil tests, whereas the fine mode coarsens due to the formation of authigenic minerals. Water content increases abruptly across a color boundary between an upper pale brown layer and a lower dark brown layer that is the hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Abundant smectites and microvoid molds, which are created by the prolonged fossil dissolution in the underlying sediment, are attributed for the abrupt downcore variation of water content. Overall variations in grain size and water content in the topmost core sediments in the western C-C zone are possibly constrained by the dissolution of biogenic siliceous fossils. Variations in geotechnical properties related to these changes must be considered in the design of nodule collectors.  相似文献   
An integrated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure that incorporates nonlinear site effects, PSHA-NL, is developed and used to characterize the influence of thick deposits of the upper Mississippi Embayment (ME) on seismic site coefficients. PSHA-NL follows the methodology of the 2002 USGS hazard maps and generates a compatible set of ground motion records. The motions are propagated using nonlinear and equivalent linear site response analyses and ME properties developed in a companion paper and used to derive surface uniform hazard response spectra. A set of generic site coefficients are derived and summarized in a format similar to NEHRP site coefficients, with an added dimension of ME deposits thickness to the Paleozoic rock, a physically meaningful impedance boundary. These coefficients compare well with NEHRP site coefficients for 30 m profiles. For thicker soil profiles, developed site coefficients are lower at short periods and higher at long periods than NEHRP site coefficients.  相似文献   
综合《场地环境评价导则》与美国超级基金法案的风险评价导则中环境风险评价的方法和要求,以武汉某化工厂污染场地为例,探讨土壤中锑的环境风险评价方法;并从人体健康评价与生态风险评价出发,就经口摄入、皮肤接触、呼吸吸入锑污染物对成人和儿童进行健康风险定量计算,并评价锑污染物的生态风险。结果表明:该废弃场地内污染土壤虽然不属于危险废物,土壤中有机物和大部分重金属含量均处于相应标准限制以下,但部分区域锑含量偏高,最高质量分数达到1 262.7×10-6,66%的土壤样品锑质量分数大于推荐修复值26×10-6;污染土壤的非致癌风险非常大;污染土壤对生物具有一定的生态毒理学影响,场地土壤须进行修复后才能使用。  相似文献   
本研究以阜南台家寺遗址出土的商代龟甲及部分动物骨骼为材料,开展了C、N稳定同位素分析,在揭示动物食物结构的基础上初步探讨了先民对龟的使用及龟的来源问题。研究结果显示:龟甲的同位素数据相互之间差异较大,通过聚类分析大致可分为三类:第一类是高δ13C和高δ15N值(δ13C=-20.3 ‰ ±0.4 ‰,n=3;δ15N=7.8 ‰ ±0.2 ‰,n=3);第二类是δ13C值居中,δ15N值偏低(δ13C=-21.6 ‰ ±0.4 ‰,n=4;δ15N=7.0 ‰ ±0.3 ‰,n=4);第三类是δ13C值偏低、δ15N值居中(δ13C=-23.7 ‰ ±0.6 ‰,n=4;δ15N=7.6 ‰ ±0.3 ‰,n=4),这意味着该遗址出土的龟甲可能存在多种来源。究其原因,可能缘于先民制作卜甲时使用的龟来源于不同的栖息环境,抑或来源于不同种属的龟。这种用龟行为,或许与殷墟甲骨上记载的"贡龟"密切相关。尽管本研究通过稳定同位素分析揭示商代先民的用龟行为尚属初步,但毋庸置疑,本研究为全面探索商代先民的用龟行为、拓展甲骨学的研究领域提供了新的研究证据和视角。  相似文献   
干热岩(HDR)是指不含或仅含少量流体,温度高于180 ℃,其热能在当前技术经济条件下可以利用的岩体。作为一种重要的非常规地热资源,干热岩的开发利用可以借鉴页岩油气的成功经验,采用相似的技术发展路径,找到“地热甜点”,开发出低成本且高效的钻完井技术,逐步形成和完善技术体系,建立与对象相适应的生产运行模式,以期实现对这种巨大资源的有效开发利用。增强型地热系统(EGS)被认为是干热岩资源开采的一种重要方式。EGS最初被称为工程型地热系统,后来才统称为增强型地热系统,是指通过实施特殊的工程工艺,改善地层储集性能或(和)向地层中注入流体,以实现对地热资源的有效开发。其基本方法原理为在干热岩体内钻两口或多口井,将低温流体通过注入井注入干热岩体的天然裂缝系统,或注入通过压裂技术在钻井之间建立的具有水力联系的人工裂缝中加热,通过吸收干热岩内所蕴含的热能,将流体温度提高到一定程度后从生产井采出至地表或近地表进行利用,形成人工热交换系统,用于发电或取暖等。采用EGS技术开发干热岩地热资源,选区选址恰当与否是能否取得成功的最关键环节之一。中深层地热资源可分为水热型和干热岩型两大类、五亚类。其中,干热岩根据其热储孔渗条件差异又可分为无水优储、无水差储和无水无储三亚类,适合作为EGS开发对象的干热岩资源为其中的无水优储和无水差储两种类型。五类地热资源规模呈金字塔形,开发技术难度逐渐增加。基于由热储埋深、热储温度、热储岩性、热储物性、盖层厚度、盖层断裂发育条件等组成的地质资源条件,由钻探成井技术、储层改造技术、管理运营技术组成的工程技术条件,以及由地热需求和资源经济性组成的经济市场条件三个因素,本文建立了三因素分析与多层次指标分解法相结合的干热岩EGS选区评价方法和关键指标,在国内干热岩资源条件较好的17个候选区中,优选出西藏羊八井高温地热区和渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷潜山分布带作为EGS试验有利区。  相似文献   
唐山响堂三维场地影响观测台阵   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1994年7月中国地震局工程力学研究所在唐山余震区响堂镇建成了我国第一个三维场地影响观测台阵。该台阵目前有四个测点,分别布设在基岩地表、土层地表、地下17m和地下32m处。它安装了分辨率为16位的井下数字观测系统,主机和从机同步运行,系统时钟采用Omega导航信号自动校对(精度1ms),地震数据采用固态方式(CMOS)存储,每个测点均布设一组 量力平衡式加速度计。该台阵自投入运行至1997年12月  相似文献   
An inversion of site response and Lg attenuation using Lg waveform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on spectral ratio method, a joint inversion method was used to obtain parameters of Lg wave attenuation and site response. The inversion method allows simple and direct (two-parameter) determination of Lg wave attenua- tion and site response from sparse spectral data, which are not affected by radiation pattern factor and different response of same instrument after geometrical spreading. The method was used successfully for estimating site re- sponse of stations of Zhejiang Seismic Network and measuring Lg wave attenuation. The study is based on 20 earth- quakes occurred in northeast of Taiwan with magnitude MS5.0~6.7 and 960 seismic wave records from 16 stations in Zhejiang area from 2002 to 2005. The parameters of site response and Lg attenuation were calculated with a fre- quency interval of 0.2 Hz in the range of 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz. Lg wave attenuation coefficient corresponding to U-D, E-W and N-S components are γ ( f )=0.00175 f 0.43485, γ ( f )=0.00145f 0.48467 and γ ( f )=0.0021f 0.41241, respectively. It is found that the site response is component-independent. It is also found that the site response of QIY station is significant above the frequency of 1.5 Hz, and that the site response of NIB station is low for most frequency  相似文献   
It is commonly understood that earthquake ground excitations at multiple supports of large dimensional structures are not the same. These ground motion spatial variations may significantly influence the structural responses. Similarly, the interaction between the foundation and the surrounding soil during earthquake shaking also affects the dynamic response of the structure. Most previous studies on ground motion spatial variation effects on structural responses neglected soil–structure interaction (SSI) effect. This paper studies the combined effects of ground motion spatial variation, local site amplification and SSI on bridge responses, and estimates the required separation distances that modular expansion joints must provide to avoid seismic pounding. It is an extension of a previous study (Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2010; 39 (3):303–323), in which combined ground motion spatial variation and local site amplification effects on bridge responses were investigated. The present paper focuses on the simultaneous effect of SSI and ground motion spatial variation on structural responses. The soil surrounding the pile foundation is modelled by frequency‐dependent springs and dashpots in the horizontal and rotational directions. The peak structural responses are estimated by using the standard random vibration method. The minimum total gap between two adjacent bridge decks or between bridge deck and adjacent abutment to prevent seismic pounding is estimated. Numerical results show that SSI significantly affects the structural responses, and cannot be neglected. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
SHAW模式的改进及其在黄土高原半干旱区的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆面过程模拟研究中的一个关键问题是如何准确的计算陆气间能量交换,但现有的陆面过程模式模拟的湍流通量与观测值间仍然存在较大偏差,因此改进湍流通量的参数化方案对于提高陆面过程模式模拟能力有重要意义。本研究通过改进陆面过程模式SHAW中的热力粗糙度方案,以及引入干表层蒸发方案,以期改善湍流通量的模拟能力。在此基础上利用黄土高原半干旱区SACOL站观测资料,进行模式改进前后的单点模拟对比试验,研究其参数化方案改进对陆面过程模拟的影响。结果表明:改进后的SHAW模式能够合理地模拟黄土高原半干旱区陆面特征的变化趋势,模拟值与观测值偏差较小。与原来的SHAW模式模拟结果相比,改进后的SHAW_MOD模式显著提高了湍流通量的模拟能力,并改善了净辐射和深层土壤温度的模拟,但对土壤湿度的改进并不明显,这可能与土壤内部水热传输过程及相关参数化方案有关,还有待做进一步研究。  相似文献   
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