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采用1979—2013年的NCEP/NCAR、GPCP和GODAS月平均再分析资料,通过回归分析等方法,研究了海洋性大陆(Maritime Continent,MC)地区偏印度洋一侧降水的区域性特征及其与热带、东亚地区环流变化的联系。结果表明:MC西部,爪洼岛以西洋面(A区)与苏门答腊海以西赤道洋面(B区)降水存在一定程度相关的同时,还存在较大差异。两个区域夏季降水正异常时,来自赤道印度洋、赤道太平洋、南海及孟加拉湾地区的水汽输送偏强。A区降水与IOD(Indian Ocean Diapole)现象密切相关,B区降水则与季风活动的变化联系密切。A区降水异常偏多时,混合层的暖海水向A区汇合,A区的海温异常偏高得以维持,对流层低层在A区及其西南部出现气旋性环流,产生气流辐合,有利于上升运动的发生,降水增多。当B区降水正异常时,对流层低层环流与A区降水正异常时较为相似,但气旋性环流范围偏小、偏西。B区暖海温的维持主要与海洋中的垂直运动有关。这些研究结果有利于深刻认识MC区域气候变动特征及亚洲夏季风环流异常的成因。  相似文献   
快速提取森林冰雪受灾范围,有利于准确掌握森林受灾情况,为此类灾害性气候事件防灾减灾、森林资源管理和生态保护提供科学依据。本文利用2001-2007年NDVI数据,提取灾前植被NDVI参考值和正常波动范围,结合2008年NDVI数据提取冰雪冻灾范围。该方法弥补了基于单一时相的传统方法(NDVI差值法)忽略植被指数正常波动的问题,分像元提取植被NDVI正常波动范围,使提取结果更加客观合理。与传统方法提取结果对比,省级尺度的验证结果相同(即森林受灾率均为34.72%,而实地调查森林受灾率35.3%),但2种方法在县市行政单元提取的森林受灾率相差较大。NDVI阈值法提取的森林冰雪受灾范围主要分布于湖南省南部地区,北部地区分布相对较少,而传统方法提取结果主要分布于湖南省北部地区,南部地区分布相对较少。根据实地考察资料显示,相比于传统方法,NDVI阈值法提取结果与实际森林冰雪冻灾空间分布信息更接近,精度更高,更适合于区域大尺度提取森林冰雪受灾范围。  相似文献   
The intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) events that occurred from November 2007 to February 2008 in the tropical Indian Ocean region were investigated by analyzing observational oceanic and atmospheric datasets.The results reveal that two ISO events were generated and developed from November 2007 to February 2008 in the tropical area of the Indian Ocean,which both originated from the southern African continent and propagated along a northeastward direction and finally penetrated into the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean.Compared with the general winter MJO event,which tended to travel along the equator from the western Indian Ocean into the western Pacific,the ISO of winter 2007 propagated not only along the equator into the eastern part of the Indian Ocean but was also transported northward into the subtropical region in the eastern Indian Ocean,which is more similar to the behavior of traditional summer ISO events.  相似文献   
The variations of regional mean daily precipitation extreme (RMDPE) events in central China and associated circulation anomalies during June, July, and August (JJA) of 1961-2010 are investigated by using daily in-situ precipitation observations and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The precipitation data were collected at 239 state-level stations distributed throughout the provinces of Henan, Hubei, and Hunan. During 1961-2010, the 99th percentile threshold for RMDPE is 23.585 mm day-1. The number of RMDPE events varies on both interannual and interdecadal timescales, and increases significantly after the mid 1980s. The RMDPE events happen most frequently between late June and mid July, and are generally associated with anomalous baroclinic tropospheric circulations. The supply of moisture to the southern part of central China comes in a stepping way from the outer-region of an abnormal anticyclone over the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. Fluxes of wave activity generated over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau converge over central China, which favors the genesis and maintenance of wave disturbances over the region. RMDPE events typically occur in tandem with a strong heating gradient formed by net heating in central China and the large-scale net cooling in the surrounding area. The occurrence of RMDPE events over central China is tied to anomalous local cyclonic circulations, topographic forcing over the northeast Tibetan Plateau, and anomalous gradients of diabatic heating between central China and the surrounding areas.  相似文献   
氮素是植被整个生命周期的必要元素,红树林冠层氮素含量(CNC)遥感估算对红树林健康监测具有重要意义。以广东湛江高桥红树林保护区为研究区,本文旨在基于Sentinel-2影像超分辨率重建技术进行红树林CNC估算和空间制图。研究首先基于三次卷积重采样、Sen2Res和SupReMe算法实现Sentinel-2影像从20 m分辨率到10 m的重建;然后以重建后的影像和原始20 m影像为数据源构建40个相关植被指数,采用递归特征消除法(SVM-RFE)确定CNC估算的最优变量组合,进而构建CNC反演的核岭回归(KRR)模型;最后选取最优模型实现CNC制图。研究结果表明:基于Sen2Res和SupReMe超分辨率算法的重建影像不仅与原始影像具有很高的光谱一致性,且明显提高了影像的清晰度和空间细节。红树林CNC反演波段主要集中在红(B4)、红边(B5)、近红外波段(B8a)以及短波红外波段(B11和B12),与“红边波段”相关的植被指数(RSSI和TCARIre1/OSAVI)也是红树林CNC反演的有效变量。基于3种方法重建后10 m的影像构建的模型反演精度(R2val>0.579)均优于原始20 m的影像(R2val=0.504);基于Sen2Res算法重建影像构建的反演模型拟合精度(R2val=0.630,RMSE_val=5.133,RE_val=0.179)与基于三次卷积重采样重建影像的模型拟合精度(R2val=0.640,RMSE_val=5.064,RE_val=0.179)基本相当,前者模型验证精度(R2cv=0.497,RMSE_cv=5.985,RE_cv=0.214)较高且模型变量选择数量最为合理。综合重建影像光谱细节及模型精度,基于Sen2Res算法重建的Sentinel-2影像在红树林CNC估算中具有良好的应用潜力,能为区域尺度红树林冠层健康状况的精细监测提供有效的方法借鉴和数据支撑。  相似文献   
Many forest management methods alterstand density uniformly. The effectsof such a change on the wind andturbulence regimes in the forest arecritical to a number of processes governingthe stability of the stand and itsmicroclimate. We measured wind speed andturbulence statistics with a Dantec tri-axialhot-film probe in model forests of variousdensities (31–333 trees m-2), created byremoving whole trees in a regular pattern in awind tunnel, and compared them with similarmeasurements made with propeller anemometers insimilarly thinned plots (156–625 trees ha-1)within a Sitka spruce stand in Scotland. The results agree well, in general, with measurements made inother such studies with diverse canopy types.The systematic variations with density and verticalleaf-area distribution (which differed betweenwind-tunnel and field trees) in our work can explainmuch of the variability shown in scaled profiles ofbasic turbulence statistics reported in theliterature. The wind tunnel and field results are shown to be in good agreement overalldespite the difference in vertical leaf-areadistribution. Within-canopy and isolated-treedrag coefficients in the wind tunnel showthat tree-scale shelter effects increase astree density increases. The measurements indicatethat turbulence in the canopy is dominated bylarge-scale structures with dimensions of the sameorder as the height of the canopy as found inother studies but suggest that inter-tree spacing also modulates the size of these structures. These structures are associated with the sweeps that dominatemomentum exchange in the canopy and it is thisfact that allows the tri-axial probe to operate sowell despite the relatively narrow range of anglesin which the wind vector is correctly measured. Theratio of streamwise periodicity of these structuresto vorticity thickness varies systematically withtree density in the range 2.7–5.1, which spans theexpected range of 3.5–5 found in a laboratorymixing-layer, suggesting that tree spacing imposes another relevant length scale. This test andothers show that the results are in agreement withthe idea that canopy turbulence resembles that of a mixing layer even though they disagree with, and challenge the linear relationship between, streamwise periodicity andshear length scale presented recently in theliterature. The measurements are also in goodoverall agreement with simple drag models presented recently by other researchers.  相似文献   
采用1960—2010年NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,利用经验正交函数(EOF)展开方法等,分析了欧亚大陆夏季地表温度变化特征及其与大气环流的关系。结果表明:欧亚大陆夏季地表温度的均方差在高纬度地区大于在低纬度地区。欧亚大陆夏季地表温度最主要的特征是全区一致变化,除了青藏高原东侧为降温趋势外,其他地区为变暖趋势,其中40~65°N增温明显;其次,高纬度地区表现出"-+-"变化特征。西风环流指数的变化与地表温度的增温密切相关,而EU指数与中高纬度地区地表温度异常的分布类型密切相关。根据欧亚大陆夏季地表温度的气候特征和时空变化特征,确定了5个关键区。各关键区指数都有增温趋势,但是变化特征不同。不同关键区指数的异常所对应的环流形势异常均不相同,与不同关键区地表温度密切联系的环流因子也不相同。  相似文献   
Recent legislation for the restitution of ownership rights to, and subsequent management of, formerly privately owned forests in postsocialist Bulgaria has focused largely albeit not exclusively on the restored forests from the perspective of timber production, that is, `forest' equals `harvestable timber resource'. Using ethnographic data collected in rural Rhodope Mountain communities, this paper presents a local-level perspective on forests and forest use, including the meaning that forests hold for local residents as a source of non-timber forest products such as mushrooms and medicinal plants, of animal pasture, and of firewood for household heating and cooking. This local social perspective is then contrasted with the timber-resource focus of the forestry legislation and subsequent planning for forest use. The scale of forest ownership – in part a function of the restitution legislation – is also addressed in relation to the practicalities of resource management. Generally, the paper demonstrates a mismatch between the postsocialist forestry legislation and local practice and conditions with regard to forests and the natural resources therein. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The digital elevation model based on SRTM is very convenient for a wide range of studies but requires correction due to the influence of forest vegetation. The present study was conducted to analyse the effect of boreal forests on altitudes, aspects and slopes calculated from the SRTM. A DEM based on topographic maps at 1:100 000 scale was used as a reference. The linear regression analysis showed low data correlation in forested areas. The presence of different types of forests and felling in the woods leads to a complex distribution of deviations from the SRTM. A simple correction method was proposed, using a forest mask, built according to Landsat, and forest heights indicated on the topographic maps. After correction, the correlation coefficient between the altitudes increased by 0.05–0.14, the share of matching aspects by 1–4% and the share of matching slopes by 2–8%.  相似文献   
The Songliao basin (SB) is a superposed basin with two different kinds of basin fills. The lower one is characterized by a fault-bounded volcanogenic succession comprising of intercalated volcanic, pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. The volcanic rocks, dating from 110 Ma to 130 Ma, are of geochemically active continental margin type. Fast northward migration of the SB block occurred during the major episodes of the volcanism inferred from their paleomagnetic information. The upper one of the basin fill is dominated by non-marine sag-style sedimentary sequence of siliciclastics and minor carbonates. The basin center shifted westwards from the early to late Cretaceous revealed by the GGT seismic velocity structure suggesting dynamic change in the basin evolution. Thus, a superposed basin model is proposed. Evolution of the SB involves three periods including (1) Alptian and pre-Aptian: a retroarc basin and range system of Andes type related to Mongolia-Okhotsk collisional belt (MOCB); (2) Albian to Companian: a sag-like strike-slip basin under transtension related to oblique subduction of the Pacific plate along the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate; (3) since Maastrichtian: a tectonic inverse basin under compression related to normal subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate, characterized by overthrust, westward migration of the depocenter and eastward uplifting of the basin margin.  相似文献   
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